



1、完形填空解題方法完形填空是高考英語中的一個重要綜合性題型。其設置的問題大致可分為三類:詞語搭配、結構搭配和邏輯搭配。它是一種綜合考查學生語言能力,尤其是語篇層次上交際能力的較難題型。 一、基本解題法 1.首先要保持良好的心理素質,不驕不躁,按照正確的解題順序和方法做題。切忌一邊看短文一邊選答案,這樣解題易脫離上下文而孤立地看句子,從而產(chǎn)生錯誤選擇。 2.從句子分析和語篇分析兩方面著手。對句子分析可解決大部分問題,主要是從固定搭配、詞語辨析、語法要求等角度分析,這要求學生應有扎實的語法和詞匯基礎及良好的語感。語篇分析是對于和整個語篇或上下文相關的問題而言。從局部或句子的角度看多個答案都可選,但從

2、全文角度看卻只能選擇一個。這種題就要求在整體把握的基礎上對句子內部成分進行分析。一般地說,解答完形填空題應遵循以下四個步驟: (1) 快速通讀全文,抓主旨脈絡,特別注意首尾句。文章都有中心議題和中心內容。快速通讀全文,才能全局在胸,理清思路;抓住主線,才能使思維朝著正確的方向發(fā)展。在閱讀中要特別注意提示句,盡量記憶關鍵詞、句,力求把文章內容串連起來并在腦海中形成一個完整的圖像。 (2) 弄清主旨脈絡后,要逐句精讀、逐句分析,用平時積累的英語語法和語言知識,根據(jù)文中語義、慣用搭配、文中前后邏輯以及常識進行客觀推測,務必克服平時的思維定式。在選擇答案的過程中,要先易后難;對少數(shù)難題,可暫定答案,在

3、復讀全文后再加以分析推敲。 (3)瞻前顧后,尋覓啟示信息。啟示信息有以下幾個方面:首句提供的信息;通讀全文獲得的信息;已補充完整句子提供的信息;后文提供的信息;平時積累的常識和背景知識提供的信息。對上述信息,要全面考慮,尋找啟示,作出選擇。 (4)復讀全文,力求從旁觀者的角度清醒地重新審視文章,從整體角度核校答案,進一步加深對文章的理解。要根據(jù)文章的中心思想與各段落之間、前后句之間的內在邏輯關系,檢查文章的整體性;也可以從語法、詞義、慣用法、固定搭配、背景知識等方面進一步驗證和修改答案。 二、不同文體的完形填空解題法 1.記敘文完形填空 (1)讀好短文首句,琢磨文章內容。這是做完形填空最重要的

4、一步。完形填空一般無標題,而且首句一般不設空,是完整的一句,信息就從這里開始,它暗示或告訴讀者下文將會說什么。正確地利用首句信息對于把握答案的方向是極其重要和有效的。 (2)讀懂作者的態(tài)度。分析全文,弄清作者是否一直用某種態(tài)度敘述某件事情,正確把握反映作者情感的關鍵詞。 (3)通讀全文,掌握大意,理清各個角色。記敘文一般有兩個或多個角色,作者對不同角色的態(tài)度是不一樣的,即便是他們做同樣的事。 (4)理順事件的發(fā)生、經(jīng)過和結局。記敘文多數(shù)是按事情的發(fā)展順序進行敘述的,理清文章的發(fā)展順序才能把握文章的主脈。因此,先要理清人物間的關系及各自所做的事情,這樣做題時可以再一次從時間上把握故事的進程。 2

5、.議論文完形填空 議論文形式的完形填空不像記敘文形式那么有情景。因此,我們對整個文章的把握相對來說也難得多。解答這類題要遵循下列原則: (1)對于夾敘夾議形式的完形填空,要把敘和議有機地結合起來。有的學生不注意這一點,把敘述和議論分割開,只顧選各部分的答案,沒有注意事件和論點的聯(lián)系,對全文的整體合一沒有把握好,答案的正確率也必將大打折扣。 (2)對于純議論形式的完形填空,要在掌握全文主旨的情況下,抓好每段的首句。抓住了每段的主旨句也就把握了文章的脈絡,理解文意就容易了。 (3)理清文章的論點、論據(jù)和結論。一般地,論點、論據(jù)有著相輔相成的關系,整個文章前后是一致的,故能說明論據(jù)的答案可以在論點里

6、得到印證,論點里的某些答案也可以與論據(jù)有機地結合起來。若所選答案前后矛盾,論據(jù)與論點相矛盾,最后結論與論點也就相矛盾,這就說明對文章的把握缺乏條理性和系統(tǒng)性,需要重新理順文章各個部分,直到條理清楚為止,再根據(jù)對全文的把握及各部分的邏輯關系選出正確答案。 3.說明文完形填空 做說明文完形填空時,先要弄清說明對象,是具體的實物還是理論性的概念。近幾年的高考題,作者在文章的首句就直接提出要說明的對象。只有明確了說明的對象,才能更好地掌握說明的具體內容。在掌握文章要說明的內容后,關鍵的是要把握文章的說明順序,這是文章的主線。解這類題就如同畫畫,先是畫輪廓,再畫具體內容,最后潤色。說明文的順序主要有:時

7、間、空間、邏輯、認識順序等。理清這些順序以后,我們就很容易選出答案。最后一步,我們要回過頭來,依照文章的內容,將選擇的答案代入各空,檢查答案是否符合。要注意,有時所選答案針對某句某空是對的,但很可能在上下文中不合邏輯。這就需要進行調整,直到文章上下通達,順序、條理清晰為止。 三、完形填空復習法 1.熟練運用,而非機械記憶英語語法和英語短語、慣用法的搭配。語法知識越豐富,單詞短語越熟,閱讀速度就越快,對文章的理解就越全面、深刻和準確。完形填空不直接考查語法,而是通過檢查理解程度間接地考查語法。 2.豐富詞匯知識和提高詞匯辨析能力。單詞的語法知識是基礎中的基礎。在閱讀中要注意形近和近義詞在含義和語

8、法搭配上的差異。 3.熟練掌握閱讀技巧,提高語篇理解能力,要在快速閱讀時留意關鍵的信息詞句。完形填空的主旨在于考查閱讀理解能力,而不是字斟句酌的能力,所以要學會掃讀、略讀和尋讀,以加快閱讀速度,并善于抓語篇的關鍵詞句、主題句和結論句。 4.形成正確的邏輯推斷能力,銳化思維。較強的邏輯思維能力有助于對文章深層次意義的理解,它能使“完形”恢復文章的原貌,變得更加容易。 5.加強泛讀,以拓寬知識面。見多識廣,方能應萬變,方能“居高臨下”地審視和解決問題。 實戰(zhàn)演練: 一Its hard being an astronauts son. I 1 , everybody expects you to b

9、e special or 2 , and Im just an average student, and Im average, too, when it 3 basketball, football, soccer, and baseball.I often wonder 4 my father ever had a son like me. I mean hes so 5 and so good at everything. So I used to dream about doing 6 spectacular(不平常的) to impress(打動) my father and mak

10、e him 7 me.In one class, my teacher 8 a Fathers Day writing contest(比賽) for us and the winners essays(文章) would be read in front of all the parents and students. After school I walked home, 9 my father, who I would write about in my essay.He sat with me in the 10 when I was a little kid and had a ni

11、ghtmare. He 11 me with a new puppy at my eighth birthday party. He sat and tried to 12 death to me when Grandpa Bob died. To me, he wasnt a world-famous astronaut, just my dad.I wrote about all these 13 in my essay.One of our neighbors said, “I 14 youll win the contest, David. Youre the only one in

12、town who could write about being the son of an astronaut.” I shrugged(聳肩).I hadnt shown anyone the essay, but now 15 I hoped I wouldnt win. I didnt want to win just 16 my father was an astronaut.I won the second prize. When I finished reading my article, the 17 applauded. I saw my father blowing his

13、 nose. I went back to my seat.Dad nodded to me, 18 his throat(喉嚨), and put his hand on my shoulder. “Son, this is the 19 moment of my life,” he said.It was the proudest moment of my life, too. Maybe Ill never be a great hero or win a Nobel Prize, but just then, it was 20 just to be my fathers son.1.

14、 A. mean B. say C. know D. believe2. A. strange B. honest C. perfect D. formal3. A. refers to B. relates with C. talks about D. comes to4. A. where B. how C. whether D. when5. A. normal B. funny C. special D. successful6. A. everything B. nothingC. anything D. something7. A. proud of B. interested i

15、n C. satisfied with D. ashamed of8. A. reported B. announced C. mentioned D. warned9. A. caring about B. worrying about C. thinking about D. talking about10. A. silence B. corner C. horror D. dark 11. A. pleased B. astonished C. supported D. encouraged12. A. describe B. explain C. teach D. remark13.

16、 A. experiments B. incidents C. details D. memories14. A. wish B. guess C. am sure D. promise15. A. almost B. still C. ever D. never16. A. because B. if C. while D. as17. A. parents B. audience C. students D. teachers18. A. cleaned B. blew C. cleared D. opened19. A. best B. proudest C. finest D. gre

17、atest20. A. natural B. great C. important D. Enough二The sound of the rain hitting the windows wakes me up and it sounds just exactly as it did l5 years ago,which reminded me of my girlhood It was my second day of 1 and it was raining heavilyI could not 2 the habit I had at home,so I fell asleep righ

18、t at my 3 I woke up to find myself not in the classroom but carried on Dads back. We were 4 homeIt was the last time I felt 5 to him After that,he never carried me or hugged me as other fathers did to their childrenI was not bothered much by this 6 I was proud of itfor I felt 7 and“grown up”However,

19、there were times when I felt depressed by not having searched for 8 from him One dayI was writing Chinese characters as homeworkI hated doing this more than anythingDad came and stood behind me for a moment, 9 me scratching(勾抹)the paperThen he said,“This kind of writing needs 10 Your writing is not

20、strong enoughPress harder” I followed his 11 for the next two weeksbut 12 I could see little improvementI followed my own method-the 13 wayHis advice did not improve my writing but our 14 As I grew older,I found out that he had finished his 15 in Grade 6,which was the highest grade in town then,so h

21、e was considered to be a 16 People used to ask him to write something to put on the wallsbut he never felt very useful He often said to me,“As you can see,this family is going to count on(指望)youWe are 17 to improve you anything for your futureYou have to get 18 to change the life for yourself” As a result of his 19 ,I have 20 it through high school and through college1 Agraduation Bemployment Ccollege Dschool2 Adevelop Bresist Cfollow Dbreak3 Adormitory Bdoor Cdesk Dbed4 Aat Balready


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