1、Lesson 1Phn B - Part BChú thích - Notes on PatternsB 1 - Note on terms of Address and ReferenceExcept for the term tôi "I", Vietnamese has few pronouns. Even the term " tôi " at one time meant 'your servant', a polite way of referring to oneself.
2、 First, second, and third person distinctions are minimal in the language. In the context of most of the sentences in this text, term such as: anh (my older brotherch(my older sisterem(my young siblingcôMiss (literally, 'my aunt' female teacherôngSir (literally,
3、39;my grandther'bàMadam (literally, 'my grandmother'thymale teacherare used to address the person being spoken to and can all be translated into English as 'you' or 'your'. Later on you will learn that these same terms can mean 'he' or 'she' and
4、 , in particular contexts, even 'I', but in general they refer to the person being spoken to: 'you'. As might be expected, the last three and sometimes the fourth of these terms are more formal than the first four or three. More details in kinship terms and their use
5、;are in Lesson 8. It is more polite to use terms of address with 'Excuse me' than to use this expression by itself; that isXin li cô, tên cô là gì? is more polite than Xin li, tên cô là gì?Chào by itself is not used at all. Also, w
6、hen you use somebody's name, whether given or family name, it is usually better to procede the name with an appropriate term of address. However, do not do so when you give your own given name; that is, sayTên tôi là Mai not Tên tôi là cô Mai. Given names
7、 rather than family names are customarily used, even with Mr. and Mrs. More kinship terms see lesson 8. (In the labels for the sentences diagrams in these lessons, FULL CAPS designate a category in the sentence, small letters indicate the English meaning. Items in parentheses are optiona
8、l in the context given.Greet/beg pardonPersonChàoông.Xin libà."cô Tâm."anh Huy."ch."thy.B 2- Word Order in SentencesIn the phrases 'your name' and 'my name', notice that the word order in Vietnamese is different from that in English:tê
9、;n tôimy name: name of me, name of minetên bà your name: name of you (Mrs.tên anh your name: name of you (Mr., older brother Notice also that the word order in questions that have question "wh" (gì 'what' and ai 'who' is the same order a
10、s in the answer to that question. That is, the question word comes in the same place as the word or phrase that answers the question, as you can see in B2.1. Compare B2.2 and B2.3, both of which have ai.B 2.1Hear the Whole DrillNamePersonisWhat / NameTênônglàgì?Tê
11、;nbàlàgì?Tênanhlàgì?Tênchlàgì?Têncôlàgì?DtêntôilàNamDtêntôilàHàDtêntôilàPierreDtêntôilàHoaDtêntôilàLanB 2.2Hear the Whole DrillHere / ThereisWho / Person
12、226;ylàai?Kialàai?âylàông HarrisKialàbà Maiâylàthy LinhKialàch Cúcây là cô Barbara Who is this?This is Mr. HarrisWho is that?That is Mrs. Mai Hear the Whole DrillWhoisNationality/nameAilàngi Vit?Ail
13、4;ngi M?AilàLinh?Ai là ông Giang? (Yes PersonisNationality/nameDch Hnglàngi VitDtôilàngi MDkialàLinhD ây là ông Giang Who is Vietnamese?Hong is Vietnamese.Who (which one is Lan?That (one over there is Lan.B 3
14、Hear the Whole DrillPersonisPersonCountryTôilàngiÚcTôilàngiVitTôilàngiCa-na-daTôi là ngi Thái PersonisNameTôilàKimTôilàHngTôilàBrianTôi là Amara T vngVocabularyCa-na-aCa
15、nada (CanadianRemember: Do not say: Tôi là anh Kim. But: Tôi là Kim.B 4Hear the Whole DrillPersonisPersonCountryNot soBà (ylàngiÚc,phi không?AnhlàngiNht,phi không?ThylàngiCa-na-da,phi không?Cô (y là ngi Pháp
16、 phi không? YesPersonisPersonCountryVâng,tôilàngiÚc.Phi,bà ylàngiÚc.Phi, tôi là ngi Nht. NoPersonNot soisPersonCountryKhông,tôikhông philàngiCa-na-a.Không, cô y kh
17、44;ng phi là ngi Pháp. T vngVocabularyNhtJapan (JapanesePhápFrance (FrenchBà là ngi Úc, phi không?You (Mrs. are Australian, aren't you?Bà y là ngi Úc, phi không?She (that woman is Australian, isn't she?B 5NamePers
18、onisNameNot soTênanhlàRobertphi không?TênchlàSuephi không?Tênanh ylàNamphi không?Tênch y làLanphi không?Tên bà y là Nm phi không? Answer: yes/noVâng, tên tôi là name.Kh
19、244;ng, tên anh y là name.Questions:Answers:Anh là ngi nc nào?Tôi là ngi Vit (NamCô y là ngi min nào?Cô y là ngi Bc.B 7Note that cng is always before the verb.Example:Cô y cng là ngi Vit.Tôi cng là ngi Bc.B 8The word còn
20、 at the beginning of a sentence implies a contrast with what has been said before. In the conversations in this lesson it means 'and as for you.'or' and on the other hand.'Example:Tôi tên là Hà.Còn ông, ông tên gì?Tôi là n
21、gi Anh.Còn bà, bà là ngi nc nào?Anh y là ngi Vit.Còn anh, anh là ngi Nht, phi không?ây là ch Anh.Còn kia là ch Ánh.Bài Mt - Lesson 1i thoi - DialogIntroduction: In this lesson you will learn how to introduce yourself and ask
22、others their name. You also will learn how to ask where others come from, the name of their country and the different regions in their country.You will learn how to address people properly according to the gender and the age of the person. Gender and age are very important in face-to-fac
23、e conversation in Vietnamese. So learn Lesson One very well and practice it until you memorize the gender words and use them correctly.Câu mâu - Patternsi thoi A1 - Dialog A1Hear the Whole DialogÔng Ba: Bà Hà:
24、0; Ông Ba: Chào bà. Xin li bà, tên bà là gì?D tên tôi là Hà. Còn ông, tên ông là gì?Tên tôi là Ba.T vng (
25、Vocabularyông Mr., you, your (See B1 notebàMrs., you, yourchàoto greetxin libeg pardon (of you, excuse metêngiven name (See B one notelàto be, is, am, aregìwhatDPolite response particletôi my, Icònand as for, and how aboutChào bàI greet you (Mrs.T
26、34;n bà là gì?What is your name?Tên tôi là Hà.My name is Hai thoi A2 - Dialog A2Hear the Whole DialogAnh Huy:Anh Joe:Anh Huy:ây là cô Tâm và ây là ch M.Chào cô, chào ch. Còn kia là ai, anh Huy?&
27、#192;, kia là anh Pierre .T vng (VocabularyanhBrother (., older brother. Polite term used to address a male friend.chSister (., older sister. Polite term used to address a female friend.côMiss (., Miss, aunt.âyherevàandkia(over thereaiwhoÀ.Oh.Còn kia là
28、 ai?And who is that over therei thai A3 - Dialog A3Hear the Whole DialogCô Hoa:Anh Nam:Cô Hoa:Anh là ngi Vit, phi không?D vâng, tôi là ngi Vit, tôi là ngi (min Nam. Còn cô cng là ngi Vit, phi không?D vâng, tôi cng là
29、; ngi Vit, tôi là ngi (min Bc.T vng (VocabularyNgiperson, peopleVit (NamVietnamese, Vietnamphito be true, correctphi không?Is it not so? (Lit. be correct, no?vângyes, that's righttôi Imin regionmin Namthe South (the Mekong River Deltamin Bcthe North (the Red River Deltac
30、ng Verbalso VerbBài Hai - Lesson 2i thoi - DialogIntroduction: In this lesson you will learn numbers, to tell time, to give your address, and to ask the address of the others. You will also learn location name, different names of ministries, names of subjects of study and different occupa
31、tions. It also helps you to incorporate your knowledge of Lesson One with the new vocabulary in this lesson. There are few rules in using the numbers after number ten, so learn them well now.Câu mâu - Patternsi thoi A1a - Dialog A1aHear the Whole DialogDung:Phong:
32、160; My gi ri, anh?Ba gi ri.T vng (Vocabularygihourmyhow many my giwhat time?rialreadyMy gi ri, anh?what time is it?mtonehai twobathree bnfournmfivesáusixbyseven tám eightchínninemitenmi mtelevenmi haitwelveBa gi ri.(It's 3:00. i thoi A1b - Dialog A1bHear the Whole Dia
33、logDung:Phong:Dung:Phong:Bây gi my gi ri?Ba gi ri.My gi anh i Sàigòn?Bn gi tôi i.T vng (Vocabularybây ginowito goMy gi anh i Sàigòn?What time are you going to Saigon?Bn gi tôi i.I'm going at 4:00.i thoi A1c - Dialog A1cHear the Whole DialogÔng Hi:B
34、24; Cúc:Ông Hi:Bà Cúc:Xin li bà, bây gi my gi?D, by gi.Cám n bà.D, không có gì.T vng (Vocabularycám n thank (youkhông có gìIt's nothing (not have anythingBây gi (là my gi ri?What time is it now?Lesson 2Phn B - P
35、art BChú thích - Notes on Patterns and GrammarB 1- my and riNotice that here again the question word comes in the same place as the answer, in this case the number of hour. The word meaning 'already' is used frequently in Vietnamese. It has a sense of somethin
36、g happening already, or having happened already, or a state having been reached already.Example:Question: My gi ri?or Bây gi (là my gi (ri.Answer: Mt gi ri.or Bây gi (là mt gi (ri. B 2Hear the Whole DrillTime question plus motion (i, n, v.Question:My gi ch i Sàig
37、242;n?My gi ch v Sàigòn?My gi ch n Sàigòn?Answer:Bn gi tôi n Sàigòn.v= to return (to, return homeHai gi tôi v Sàigòn.n= to come to, arrive atBa gi tôi n Sàigòn.B 3Hear the Whole DrillExample:Question:Anh âu?Ch y âu?Cô Sa
38、rah âu?Thy Linh âu?Answer:Tôi Paris.Ch y Indonesia.Cô y Chicago.Thy y Cn Th.B 4Hear the Whole DrillQuestions:PersonTo be atPlaceWhich / nameChphnào?Anhvùng nào?Côa chnào?Bà Cúcthành phnào?Ông Batiu bangnào?Cô Hintnh n
39、24;o?Answers:Tôiph High.TôivùngWestminsterTôis mi chín ph Manchester.Bà y(thành ph Honolulu.Ông y(tiu bangVictoria.Cô y (tnh Thanh Hóa. T vngVocabularythành ph city, towntiu bang state (of a federationtnhprovin
40、ceB 5The word may be a verb or a preposition. It is a location word: As a verb it means 'stay at, be at/in/on' ;as a preposition it means 'at, in, on'. It is not generally used with the motion verb i, n, or v.Hear the WholeDrillQuestions:PersonStayPlaceWhich / nameatLarge
41、r place1 - Chph nào Bng Cc?2 - Anh y vùngnào Sydney?3 - Thytiu bangnào M?4 - Bà tnhnào Vit Nam?Answers:1 - Tôi ph Sathorn Bng Cc.2 - Anh y vùngNewton Sydney.3 - Tôi (tiu bangCa-li M.4 - Tôi (tnhHòa Bình Vit Nam.B. 6.1Hear the Whole Dri
42、llThe preposition is used after other verbs. Asking where.Questions:PersonAction atWhere / placeÔngsng âu?Em sinh âu?Cô Thundy âu?Anh Brianlàm âu?Answers:Tôi sng tiu bang Texas. Tôisinh Vit Nam.Cô ydy Trng Yale.Anh ylàm B Xã hi.
43、Anh ylàmB Tài chínhAnh ylàm B Giáo dcAnh ylàm B di trúAnh ylàm B Ni vAnh y làm B Y t T vngVocabularyBng CcBangkokCa-li California sng to livesinh/sanhto be born dyto teachB Xã hi Ministry of Social WelfareB Tài ch
44、237;nhMinistry of FinanceB Giáo dc Ministry of EducationB Di trúMinistry of ImmigrationB Nôi vMinistry of InteriorB Y t Ministry of HealthB 6.2Hear the Whole DrillPreposition after other verbs. Asking about which place.Use ( in a question:PersonActionatPlaceWhich / place
45、12;ngsng tiu bang nào?Bà Chisinh minnào?Thy Phúdy trng nào?Anh Minhlàm thành ph nào?Anhhc tiu bang nào?Cô Kimhc ncnào?Use ( in an answer:Tôisng tiu bangTexas.Bà y sinh min Trung.Thy ydy trngPh
46、an Chu Trinh.Bài Ba - Lesson 3i thoi - DialogIntroduction: This lesson will introduce to you action verbs, names of different occupations , and names of different places.It also shows you how to use of the informal question word à. This word à following a statement im
47、plies that the speaker expects confirmation, affirmative or negative, of the statement.Câu mâu - Patternsi thoi A1 - Dialog A1Hear the Whole DialogHenry is working in Vietnam. He meets Lan and Van on the street.Ch Lan:Anh Henry:Ch Vân:Anh Henry: Lan & Vân:
48、60; Anh i âu ó?Tôi i B Tài chínhAnh làm ó à?D vâng. Còn các ch i âu y?Chúng tôi i hcT vng (Vocabularyóthereà?Question WorldcácPlural (2nd and 3rd Person onlycác chyou girls/womenytherechúngPlura
49、l for personschúng tôiwe Excluding person(s spoken toAnh i âu ó?Where are you going there (right now?Anh làm ó à?You work there, do you?i thoi A2 - Dialog A2Hear the Whole DialogCh Jenny:Anh Sáu:Ch Jenny:Bây gi anh làm gì, anh Sáu
50、?D, bây gi tôi làm k s. Còn ch, bây gi ch làm gì?Tôi làm giáo viên trng Trn Hng o.Nhng tôi cng là sinh viên.T vng (Vocabularyk sengineergiáo viênteacher (generalgiáo sprofessor and high school teacher(southern
51、nhngbutsinh viêntertiary studentBây gi anh làm gì?What are you doing now?i thai A3 - Dialog A3Hear the Whole DialogCh Kim:Ch Gail:Ch Kim:Ch Gail:Ch Kim:Ch Gail:Ch làm y tá, phi không? D vâng, tôi làm bnh vin Vit-Pháp,nhng tôi cng là si
52、nh viên.Ch cng là sinh viên à? Th ch hc gì?Tôi hc ting Vit.Th ch hc lp my?D, tôi hc (lp ting Vit nm th nht. T vng (Vocabularyy tánurse, public health assistantbnh vin hospitaltinglanguage, soundnm yearthfor ordinal Numbersnht (no., nht (so.firstlpclass, c
53、lassroomting Vit nm th nht first-year Vietnamese languageLesson 3Phn B - Part BChú thích - Notes on Patterns and GrammarB 1 - Immediate Activity Questions Questions like the ones in Dialog A 1 are often used as greetings. They refer to what a person is doing at the moment, as s
54、hown here. (the words y and o are interchangeable.Anh i âu y?Where are you going now?Anh làm gì y?What are you doing there?Anh hc gì ó?What are you studying there?NotWhat are you studying this year?What are you studying there (at that school?PersonActionQuestion wordsT
55、hereAnh iâuó?Các chlàmgìy?Các anh hc gì y? PersonActionPlace / ObjectTôiith vin.Chúng tôinbu in."vàohiu n."vàos làm."vàocâu lc b.Cô ylàmbài Bn.Chúng tôi hc
56、 bài Hai. T vngVocabulary(i vàoto enterth vinlibrarybu inpost officehiu (northern dialectshop, storetim (southern dialecthiu n (no.restauranttim n (so.restaurants (làmoffice where one workscâu lc bsocial clubbài written work, lesson, text There are so
57、me place words with which i 'to go' is not used by itself. These place words are more comfortable with n 'to arrive at' or with i n.Personto GoPlaceTôii ntrng.Tôi i nó.Tôi i n nhà ch Mai T vngVocabularynhàhouseTôi i n tr
58、ng.I'm going to the school.Tôi (i n (nhà ch Mai. I'm going to Mai's (place/ house. Example:Question:Bây gi bà i bu in, phi không?Answer:Vâng, tôi i n ó.Question:Cue:Các anh i âu y?Phan Chu Trinh SchoolAnswer:Chúng tô
59、i (i n trng Phan Chu Trinh.Question:Cue:Ch i âu ó?Nga's place/houseAnswer:Tôi (i n nhà ch/ cô Nga.B 2Go Do SomethingNotice in the sentenceChúng tôi i hc.We're going to school.that i is not followed by a place, such asi Hà Ni, i th vingo to Hanoi, go to libraryIt is followed by an activit
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