考慮流固耦合的典型管段結(jié)構(gòu)振動特性分析 - 圖文-_第1頁
考慮流固耦合的典型管段結(jié)構(gòu)振動特性分析 - 圖文-_第2頁
考慮流固耦合的典型管段結(jié)構(gòu)振動特性分析 - 圖文-_第3頁
考慮流固耦合的典型管段結(jié)構(gòu)振動特性分析 - 圖文-_第4頁
考慮流固耦合的典型管段結(jié)構(gòu)振動特性分析 - 圖文-_第5頁




1、 234 JOURNAL OF VIBRAT I ON AND S HOCK Vo. l 29 No . 6 2010 F luctua ting force of across2w ind a ct in g on rectangu lar super2ta ll bu ild ings . par tÑ : basic character istics 1 1 , 2 1 GU M ing , TA NG Yi , QUA N Yong ( 1. Sate Key Laboratory for D isaster R eduction in C ivil Eng ineer in

2、g , TongjiUn iversity , Shangha i 200092 , Ch ina ; 2. Ch ina Acade m y of Building R esea rch , Be ijing 100013, China Abstr act : The paper is the first part of the serial research works about across2 w in d forces actin g on rectangular super2ta ll bu ild ings. Seven rectangular super2tall bu ild

3、ing mode ls w ith d ifferent sid e ratios were tested w ith synchronous pressure measuring technique in a w in d tunne.l Basic characterist ic s of the across2 w in d flu ctuating force , in clud ing RMS force coefficients , power spectra l densities , vertical corre lation coeffic ients and coheren

4、ce f unctions of th e tall bu ild ings were investigated . The effects ofw ind exposure cond ition and side ratio of th e buildin gsp across2sect ion on the across2 w ind flu ctuat ing forces were also studied . The results indicate that the side ratio has the most effect on the across2 w ind fluctu

5、a2 t ing forces ; and the mechan isms of the across2 w ind fluctuating forces are possib ly d ifferent for the build in gsw ith d ifferen t sid e ratios. K ey w ords : super2tall bu ilding ; w ind tu nne l tes; t across2 w ind flu ctuat ing force ; RMS force coe fficien; t po wer spec2 tru m; orrela

6、t ion coeffic ient ( pp : 42- 45 , 104 F luctua ting force of across2w ind a ct in g on rectangu lar sup er2ta ll bu ild ings . par t Ò : m a th em a tica lm odel 1 , 2 1 1 TA NG Yi , GU M ing , QUA N Yong ( 1. Sate Key Laboratory for D isaster R eduction in C ivil Eng ineer ing , TongjiUn iver

7、sity , Shangha i 200092 , Ch ina ; 2. Ch ina Acade m y of Building R esea rch , Be ijing 100013, China Abstr act : The basic characterist ics of fluctuating w ind forces of across2 w in d act ing on rectangular super2ta ll build2 ings have been describ ed in P artÑ of the series of papers . In

8、present paper , m athematical model of flu ctuat ing w ind forces of across2 wind were investigated based on the results sho wn in PartÑ . U sing the nonlinear least2squaresm ethod , for m u la s for the RMS force coefficients , vert ica l correlat ions and po wer spectrum densities ( PSD s in

9、short were fitted as the func2 t ions of side ratio of bu ild ing cross2section and terrain category cond it ion. By co mpar ison w ith the orig in al test results , the prec ision of the present for m u las were fina lly verified . These formu las for the fluctuating w ind forces of across2 w ind c

10、ou ld be applied to w in d resistance design of rectangular super2tall bu ild ings. K ey w ord s : rectangular super2tall bu ild ing ; w ind tunnel tes; t across2 w in d flu ctuat ing force ; mathe m atica l model ( pp : 46- 49 R esea rch on flu id2structure interaction in flu id2filled p ipes LI Ya

11、n2hua , LIU Gong 2 m in , MA Jun 1 1 2 ( 1. College of Power and Energy Engineer ing , H arbin Engineering University , H arb in 150001, China ; 2. M ilitary R epresen tative O ffice a t F actory 431, Hu ludao 125004, China Abstr act : The mode ls of t w o k in ds of the most co mmon p ip e section

12、structures and the ir analyt ical solu t ions were stud ied . For straight p ip es , a ti m e2do ma in equation model consid ering flu id 2structure in teraction describ ed by part ial differenc ial equation was set up . A nd the equation was transferred into frequency do m ain by Laplace transfor m

13、 at ion, fro m which an analyt ica l solu tion was obtained . For curved p ip es, th e model was directly solved to get an overa ll solu t ion and also an analyt ic al solution was obtained . Then the single2bend p ip e model set up by Davidson was taken as an exa mp le to si m ply illustrate and ve

14、rify the solving method for the co mb in ed structure co mposed of th ese t w o pipe sect ions. F ina lly , the factors a ffecting the characteristics of flu id 2structure in teraction were analyzed by changing the bend radiu s and angle of curved pipe. The results sho w that the smaller the bend ra

15、dius and angle of curved pipe, the lo wer the density of the spec2 tru m d ia gram , sho w ing th e less severity of coup led vib ration . Vo. l 29 No . 6 2010 JOURNAL OF VIBRATI ON AND S HOCK 235 K ey w ord s : flu id2filled pipes ; fluid2structure in teraction ; frequency do m ain; transfer matr i

16、x ( pp : 50- 53 , 124 Num er ica l si m u la tion of com ponen t2dropp ing2collision Y A NG Yong 2qiang , LI Shuang , XIE Li2li 1 2 1 , 2 ( 1. Institu te of Enginee ringM echanics , China E arthquake Adm inistration, H arb in 150080, Ch ina ; 2. School of C ivil Engineer ing and A rch itec ture , H

17、arb in Institute of Technology , H arb in 150090, Ch ina Ab stract: In order to study the e ffect of co mponen t2dropp in g2collision on structura l response , the constra in t condi2 t ion on d isplacemen t i mposed by collision was derived and the dynam ic equat ion of collision system was establi

18、shed . The presented method , wh ich co mbines H ertz2da mp ing model w ith fin ite element m ethod , can account for the in flu ence of mass d istr ibution of co mponents as well as the non lin ear stiffness and the energy loss during collision process. E ffects of mass , mass distribution and drop

19、p ing height of co mponent were ana lyzed based on co mponent2dropp ing2collision mode.l The resu lts indicate that neglect ing mass d istr ibution of collision body w ill lead to overesti m ation of collision effects wh ile collision body is asy mmetric along th e collision surface nor m a.l The pe

20、ak of collision load and the durat ion of single colli2 sion are exponential functions ofmass and dropping height of co mponen, t and the larger the mass and th e higher th e drop2 pin g heigh, t the larger w ill be the peak of collis ion load , but the durat ion of sin gle collision beco m es longe

21、r w ith the in crease of mass and the decrease of dropp ing heigh. t These coclusions can provid e reference for reduction of collision damage . K ey words : loss co mponent2dropp ing2collision; H ertz2da mp ing mode;l mass d istribution; nonlin ear st iffness ; energy ( pp : 54- 58 App lying EM D d

22、ecom position of the V olterra m odel to extract m echan ica l fau lt featur e QIU Y an, WU Y a2 feng, LI Ye ( Northwestern Polytechn ica lUn ive rs ity , Xi pan 710072, Ch ina Ab stract: The V olterra model for chaotic ti m e series prediction was in troduced intom ach in ery fault d ia gnosis . Th

23、e EMD and Volterra forecast parameters co mb in ed with sin gular value deco mposit ion m eth od were pu t in use to extract the character is tics of mechan ica l fa ilure . The method is superior to th e traditiona l feature extraction methods, o w in g to its obvious advantage of calcu lating si m

24、 plicity in characteristics detection . The si m ulations and actua l tests sho w the effective2 ness of the method proposed in mechan ica l fault featu re extraction. The method can effectively extract the character istics of mechanical failu re. K ey w ord s : Volterra mode;l fault feature ; EMD ( pp : 59- 61 , 128 N onlinear stocha stic response of tran s m ission tow er2line system under strong w ind WA NG D a 2ha i, LI J ie ( School of C ivil Engineer ing , TongjiUniversity , Shanghai 200092, C


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