1、蘇州軌道交通二號線蘇州軌道交通 2 號線工程Suzhou Rail Transit Line 2© Siemens.,© Siemens.,20122012.2For SuZL2 use only.Confided as a trade secretDCSInstallation Manual DCS OnboardSAP No: A6Z00033492900/PM1/-IC MOL RAreleasedPage 1 of 62SuZL2-8301-01/Transmittal, reproduction, dissemination and/or editing of t
2、his document as well as utilization of its contents and communication thereof to others without express authorization are prohibited. Offenders will be held liable for payment of damages.s created by patent grant or registration of a utility m or design patent are.NameDeptDateSignatureReleasedChen X
3、iao GuangIC MOL RA PM2012-08-29Sgd. CHEN_XIACheckedMa Li HongIC MOL RA QM-Sgd. -CheckedPhilipp Kudla Ma Zhao YongIC MOL RA MT PEC A 3IC MOE-Sgd.-Sgd.-PreparedXie FanIC MOL RA DM2012-07-03Sgd. XIE_FANDCSInstallation Manual DCS OnboardLevel ofityTo be used for project purposesIssuing Department: IC MO
4、L RAProject name: Suzhou Rail Transit Line 2 Signalling System ProjectCustomer Name: Suzhou Rail Transit Line 2 CompanyMain contractor: NRIETData Communication Subsystem蘇州軌道交通二號線蘇州軌道交通 2 號線工程Suzhou Rail Transit Line 2修改Overview of Changes檢查總覽Overview of Review© Siemens.,© Siemens.,20122012
5、.2For SuZL2 use only.Confided as a trade secretDCSInstallation Manual DCS OnboardSAP No: A6Z00033492900/PM1/-IC MOL RAreleasedPage 2 of 62SuZL2-8301-01Review Target: SPM / expertCorrectness Completeness ConsistencyReview Target: QMiPFormal aspects and quality criteriaVersionIssueAuthorChanged Chapte
6、rReason for Change012012-07-03Xie FanAllFirst Draft蘇州軌道交通二號線蘇州軌道交通 2 號線工程Suzhou Rail Transit Line 2目 錄Table of Contents....5Introduction5Scope and Purpose5Abbreviations & Definitions5Abbreviations5Referenced Standards and Guidelines6Referenced Documen
7、ts6Content Overview6Introduction6General Safety6Preconditions7Installation of the Radio Communication System7Required Tools.7General Safety8Qualified Staff8Safety Notes9Instructions1133.13.2Preconditions12Transport and Unpacking12EMCHandling of ElectrostaticallyEndangered Electronic Device
8、s and Modules (EMC)1....2Installation of the Radio Communication System15Component Overview15Radio Train Unit15Radio Antenna17Ethernet Switch20Power Supply Cable for Ethernet Switch22Antenna Cable23Adaptation Cable24Network Cable25Position
9、27Position of the Radio Rack27Position of the Radio Antennas28Installation30Overview30Installation of Ethernet Cable31© Siemens© Siemens.,.,20122012.2For SuZL2 use only.Confided as a trade secretDCSInstallation Manual DCS OnboardSAP No: A6Z00033492900/PM1/-IC MOL RAreleasedPage 3 of 62SuZL
10、2-8301-01蘇州軌道交通二號線蘇州軌道交通 2 號線工程Suzhou Rail Transit Line ..Test of Ethernet Cable32Installation of the Radio Rack32Installation of the On-Board Radio Antenna33Installation of the Ethernet Switch33Connecting DCS Devices34Connecting Radio Train Unit and Onboard RadioDCS
11、Antenna3M2Connecting Radio Train Units to EthernetSwitch in M2-car35OBCU-ITF Connecting Radio Train Units to OBCU-ITF38Connecting Radio Train Unit Power Supply35Required Tools416Onboard Equipment Installation Verification Test Report . 567List of Figures598List of Tables62
12、9; Siemens© Siemens.,.,20122012.2For SuZL2 use only.Confided as a trade secretDCSInstallation Manual DCS OnboardSAP No: A6Z00033492900/PM1/-IC MOL RAreleasedPage 4 of 62SuZL2-8301-01蘇州軌道交通二號線蘇州軌道交通 2 號線工程Suzhou Rail Transit Line 21簡介 Introduction1.1Scope and Purpose2Trainguard ® MTThis ins
13、tallation manual is valid for the Trainguard ® MT System Radio Communication System DCS for the project “Suzhou Rail Transit Line 2”.Trainguard MT CTCThis manual is valid for the equipment revision level Trainguard ® MT CTC.This document is part of the product and must be kept for the enti
14、re lifetime of the product. Make this document available to the staff responsible for the activities described.Where applicable, insert any amendments subsequently received from Siemens into the document.2Trainguard ® MTThe purpose of this installation manual is to support specially trained and
15、 authorized nel during installation of the Trainguard ® MT System - Radio CommunicationSystem DCS for the project “Suzhou Rail Transit Line 2”.1.2Abbreviations & Definitions1.2.1Abbreviations© Siemens© Siemens.,.,20122012.2For SuZL2 use only.Confided as a trade secretAbbreviationD
16、escriptionACAlternating currentAJBAutocoupler Junction BoxCRATrain-borne (carborne) radio antennaCRETrain-borne (carborne) radio equipmentDCDirect currentEMCElectromagnetic compatibilityENEuropean standardLJBLow tension Junction BoxOBCUOnboard Control UnitOBCU_ATOOBCUATOOBCU non-vital ATO unitDCSIns
17、tallation Manual DCS OnboardSAP No: A6Z00033492900/PM1/-IC MOL RAreleasedPage 5 of 62SuZL2-8301-01蘇州軌道交通二號線蘇州軌道交通 2 號線工程Suzhou Rail Transit Line 21.2.2Referenced Standards and Guidelines1.2.3Referenced Documents1.3Content Overview1.3.1IntroductionThis chapter contains general safety information whic
18、h is of fundamental importance. Specific safety information is given in the relevant sections.1.3.2General SafetyThis chapter contains installation rmationonthe safety notes used throughout this© Siemens© Siemens.,.,20122012.2For SuZL2 use only.Confided as a trade secretDCSInsta
19、llation Manual DCS OnboardSAP No: A6Z00033492900/PM1/-IC MOL RAreleasedPage 6 of 62SuZL2-8301-01ReferenceDocument informationSUZL2_ed_Design_DCS_O nboard2ed Design Radio Onboard, Suzhou Rail Transit Line 2, A6Z00033492900, -SUZL2_Installati on_Manual_OBC U2OBCUInstallation Manual for OBCU, Suzhou Ra
20、il Transit Line 2,SUZL2_Docume nt_of_Interface_t o_Vehicle2Document of Interface to Vehicle, Suzhou Rail Transit Line 2,ReferenceDocument informationEN 50121-44Railway applications- Electromagnetic compatibilityPart 4: Emission and Immuof the signalling and telecommunications apparatusOBCU_ATPOBCUAT
21、OOBCU vital ATP unitOBCU_ITFOBCUOBCU non-vital interface unitPEPolyethyleneDCSRadio communication systemRFRadio frequency蘇州軌道交通二號線蘇州軌道交通 2 號線工程Suzhou Rail Transit Line 21.3.3PreconditionsThis chapter contains information on climatic conditions and handling of devices.1.3.4Installation of the Radio C
22、ommunication SystemDCSThis chapter contains information on the installation of the DCS.1.3.5Required Tools DCSThis chapter contains a list with the tools required for the installation of the DCS.© Siemens© Siemens.,.,20122012.2For SuZL2 use only.Confided as a trade secretDCSInstallation Ma
23、nual DCS OnboardSAP No: A6Z00033492900/PM1/-IC MOL RAreleasedPage 7 of 62SuZL2-8301-01蘇州軌道交通二號線蘇州軌道交通 2 號線工程Suzhou Rail Transit Line 22總體安全性 General SafetyThis chapter contains general safety-related information which is of fundamental importance. Specific safety information is given in the relevant
24、 sections.To avoid injury or damage, the safety notes throughout this document should be carefully observed.2.1Qualified StaffThis document is directed at qualified and trained specialist staff.The term “trained specialist staff” as used in this document refers tos whohave proper knowledge on how to
25、 install the system as described in this installation manual. This staff must be able to install electronic equipment in accordance with the relevant standards and be authorized by the system operator to perform installation.Observe the following instructions:© Siemens© Siemens.,.,20122012
26、.2For SuZL2 use only.Confided as a trade secretDCSInstallation Manual DCS OnboardSAP No: A6Z00033492900/PM1/-IC MOL RAreleasedPage 8 of 62SuZL2-8301-01注 意CautionAs qualified staff, you are responsible for safety. Work improperly performed during the installation may result in seriousal injury.Do not
27、 carry out any work not described in these instructions. Do not alter the installed system in any way.蘇州軌道交通二號線蘇州軌道交通 2 號線工程Suzhou Rail Transit Line 2Trainguard MT DCSnel are allowed to perform work on theOnly trained and authorized Trainguard ® MT DCS.Only carry out installation work in such a
28、 way that human safety is not compromised or later operation of the on-board equipment is impaired in any way.Use only those tools, devices, check-up modules and materials which are intended for installation.Check that the safety facilities are functioning correctly before starting any work.Wear pro
29、tective clothing, if necessary, particularly special gloves and steel-capped shoes.Send Report errors and defects immediately to the responsibles.2.2Safety NotesWhere a risk of injury or damage cannot be totally ruled out in the work described, attention is drawn to the relevant dangers by means of
30、specially highlighted safety information. The safety notices used are classified according to the severity of the danger and have the following significance.© Siemens© Siemens.,.,20122012.2For SuZL2 use only.Confided as a trade secretDCSInstallation Manual DCS OnboardSAP No: A6Z00033492900
31、/PM1/-IC MOL RAreleasedPage 9 of 62SuZL2-8301-01蘇州軌道交通二號線蘇州軌道交通 2 號線工程Suzhou Rail Transit Line 2© Siemens.,© Siemens.,20122012.2For SuZL2 use only.Confided as a trade secretDCSInstallation Manual DCS OnboardSAP No: A6Z00033492900/PM1/-IC MOL RAreleasedPage 10 of 62SuZL2-8301-01注 意CAUTION“C
32、aution” used without the safety alert symbol indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in property damage.Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury.Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, i
33、f not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.These points out requirements resulting from the safety case. They must be observed at all costs.蘇州軌道交通二號線蘇州軌道交通 2 號線工程Suzhou Rail Transit Line 22.3InstructionsThroughout this document, instructions are marked by an arrow.Example: Tighten the sc
34、rews.© Siemens.,© Siemens.,20122012.2For SuZL2 use only.Confided as a trade secretDCSInstallation Manual DCS OnboardSAP No: A6Z00033492900/PM1/-IC MOL RAreleasedPage 11 of 62SuZL2-8301-01注 釋NoteThis provides tips and additional helpful information.蘇州軌道交通二號線蘇州軌道交通 2 號線工程Suzhou Rail Transit
35、Line 23前提條件 PreconditionsThe following preconditions apply.3.1Transport and UnpackingAfter open case inspection, the equipment delivered must be repacked in its original packaging and stored under the agreed conditions until its installation aboard the vehicle. During transportation and offloading,
36、the equipment must be handled with care.All equipment delivered has to be unpacked at the installation site with appropriate care to avoid any possible damage. A careful visual check of the unpacked units should make sure that the respective device is without any visible damage. Assembly of the equi
37、pment should only start after this visual check has been carried out.3.2EMCHandling of ElectrostaticallyEndangered Electronic Devices and Modules (EMC)It is commonly known that a certain conditions, e.g.can chargehis environment underhigh pressure weather situation or© Siemens© Siemens.,.,
38、20122012.2For SuZL2 use only.Confided as a trade secretDCSInstallation Manual DCS OnboardSAP No: A6Z00033492900/PM1/-IC MOL RAreleasedPage 12 of 62SuZL2-8301-01Before touching components marked in this way, always carry out a charge equalisation.蘇州軌道交通二號線蘇州軌道交通 2 號線工程Suzhou Rail Transit Line 2low re
39、lative humidity.These amounts of charges can damage highly integrated semiconductor circuits. In order to avoid damages of this type, the following precautions must be taken when handling integrated circuit-equipped modules and devices.XEN 50121-4XEMCAll measures required for earthing, equipotential
40、 bonding and lightninghave to be implemented accordingly. Aboard the train and with regard to the permissible emitted interference of the electrical equipment, the EMC conditionsaccording to XEN 50121-4X “Emission and ImmuOBCU" apply.Grounding and shielding are particularly important for the co
41、rrect functioning of the Radio Train Unit and the OBCU. The best way to protect all electronic components external electrical interferences is to ground the case of the components andshield all cables. Therefore, a permanent low principle shall be observed.and low inductive grounding© Siemens.,
42、© Siemens.,20122012.2For SuZL2 use only.Confided as a trade secretDCSInstallation Manual DCS OnboardSAP No: A6Z00033492900/PM1/-IC MOL RAreleasedPage 13 of 62SuZL2-8301-01Insulated tools and measuring units shall be used.When using electric tools and measuring units, please avoid connection of
43、locally insulated boards and grounded boards.蘇州軌道交通二號線蘇州軌道交通 2 號線工程Suzhou Rail Transit Line 2The following rules must be observed:Electrostatic discharges must be avoided when handling the components. For this reason, a charge balance must always take place before touching them. This can be accompli
44、shed by touching low-inductive, ground-connected, blank metal parts, e.g. an installation frame or similar.When opening the packaging, cut the adhesive tape strips and when packing a module, pull the adhesive tape slowly from the roll to avoid electrostatics being built up.Unit frames and components
45、 which are taken out of the packing are onlyallowed to be placed on conductive surfaces or surfaces with carbonized cellular plastic mats).conductive (e.g.Unit frames and components which are not mounted in the rack must always be transported and stored in their packaging.© Siemens.,© Siem
46、ens.,20122012.2For SuZL2 use only.Confided as a trade secretDCSInstallation Manual DCS OnboardSAP No: A6Z00033492900/PM1/-IC MOL RAreleasedPage 14 of 62SuZL2-8301-01Theof units marked with the symbol "Electrostatically Endangered Component" is only guaranteed when observing the handling instructions listed below蘇州軌道交通二號線蘇州軌道交通 2 號線工程Suzhou Rail Transit Line 24無線通信系統(tǒng)的安裝 Installation of the Radio Communication System4.1Component OverviewDCSThe following table gives an overview
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