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1、精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上中考英語詞組a bit (of)1. 有一點(diǎn),一會兒a few2. 一些,少量a kind of3. 一種,一類a little4. 一點(diǎn),少許a lot of5. 許多,大量a number of6. 一些,許多a pair of7. 一雙,一副a piece of8. 一塊,一張,一根,一片above all9. 首先,首要according to10. 根據(jù),按照after all11. 畢竟,終究after class12. 課后again and again13. 反復(fù)地,再三地agree to do sth.14. 同意做某事agree with sb.1

2、5. 同意某人的看法,與某人看法一致all kinds of 16. 各種各樣的all over 17. 到處,遍及,結(jié)束all right 18. 行了,好吧,(病)好了arrive at (in) a place19. 到達(dá)某地as a result 20. (作為)結(jié)果as far as 21. (表示程度,范圍)就;盡as if /though22. 好像,仿佛as long as23. 只要as soon as 24. 一就as usual25. 通常,平常地as well as26. 除之外(也)as well 27. 也,還有asas28. 像,如同be proud of 29.

3、 驕傲,自豪be strict with sb/in sth30. 對嚴(yán)格要求belong to31. 屬于both.and32. 兩個(gè)都,既又break down33. 損壞;(把化合物等)分解,(汽車)拋錨break in34. 闖入,強(qiáng)行進(jìn)入,插嘴,打斷break out 35. (戰(zhàn)爭、火災(zāi)等)突然發(fā)生,爆發(fā)bring up 36. 教育,培養(yǎng)build up37. 逐步建立by accident/chance38. 偶然by air (bus ,train,ship)39. 乘飛機(jī)(公共汽車、火車、輪船)in the day/daytime40. 日間,在白天by the way41

4、. 順便說call in 42. 召來,召集,來訪call on 43. 拜訪,訪問;號召,呼吁call up44. 召集,打電話care for 45. 喜歡;照顧(病人)carry on 46. 繼續(xù)下去;繼續(xù)開展carry out47. 開展,執(zhí)行catch up with48. 趕上(或超過)change into49. 轉(zhuǎn)換成,把變成check in50. 報(bào)到,登記check out51. 查明;結(jié)賬clear up52. 整理,收拾,(天氣)放晴come across53. (偶然)遇見(或發(fā)現(xiàn))come back54. 回來,想起來come down55. 落,下來come f

5、rom56. 出生(于),來自come in57. 進(jìn)入,進(jìn)來come on58. 來吧,趕快;加油come out59. 出來,(書等)出版,發(fā)行;發(fā)芽;開花come to60. 共計(jì),達(dá)到come true61. 變?yōu)楝F(xiàn)實(shí),成為事實(shí)come up with62. 追上,趕上;想出(主意);找出(答案)come up 63. 上來,上升,抬頭compare to64. 與相比compare with65. 與相比congratulate sb on sth66. 祝賀connect with67. 與相連cut down68. 砍倒cut off69. 切斷day and night70.

6、日日夜夜deal with71. 處理,對付depend on (upon)72. 依靠,相信,信賴die out73. 消失,滅亡different from74. 與不同divideinto75. 把分成do/try one's best to do76. 盡最大的努力do some cleaning(shopping)77. 做掃除(買東西)each other78. 相互earn/make one's/a living79. 謀生eitheror80. 或者或者enjoy oneself81. 過得愉快even if82. 即使,盡管even though83. 即使,

7、盡管ever since84. 自那時(shí)起直到現(xiàn)在face to face85. 面對面fall asleep86. 入睡fall ill87. 患病,病倒far away88. 遙遠(yuǎn)的far from89. 遠(yuǎn)離feel like doing90. 想要,感覺要fillwith91. 用填充fill in92. 填充find out93. 查明,發(fā)現(xiàn),了解first of all94. 首先,首要for ever95. 永遠(yuǎn)for example96. 例如from now on97. 從今以后,今后from then on98. 從那時(shí)起from time to time99. 不時(shí),偶爾f

8、romto100. 從到get along with101. 與相處get away102. 逃;離get back103. 返回;回來;回家get close(to)104. 接近get down105. 降下get in106. 進(jìn)入,收獲,達(dá)到get off107. 脫下(衣服等);下車get on with sb.108. 與相處get on.109. 上車;過活;進(jìn)展get through110. 通過,穿過;撥通(電話)get together111. 聚會,聯(lián)歡get up112. 起床;起立give away113. 分發(fā);贈送give back114. 歸還;送回give i

9、n115. 屈服,讓步give out116. 分發(fā);發(fā)出(聲音,光等);公布give up117. 放棄go ahead118. 走在前面,領(lǐng)先;干吧,干下去go away 119. 走開,離去go by120. 走過;經(jīng)過;過去go fishing (shopping,skating)121. (區(qū))釣魚(買東西,滑冰)go for a walk122. 散步go off123. 走開,離去go on doing124. 繼續(xù)干某事,不停地干某事go on with125. 繼續(xù)go on126. 繼續(xù)go out 127. 出去,熄滅go over128. 仔細(xì)檢查,復(fù)習(xí)go throu

10、gh129. 瀏覽,翻閱,通過grow up130. 長大成人,成長had better (do)131. 最好(做)hand in 132. 上交;繳納hand out133. 分發(fā)hang on134. (打電話時(shí))不掛斷,等待片刻hang up135. 掛斷電話have a cold136. 患感冒have a good time137. 玩得高興,過得愉快have classes138. 上課have fun with139. 玩得高興have to140. 不得不;必須hear from141. 收到的來信hear of142. 聽說,知道help oneself to sth143

11、. 請隨便吃點(diǎn)help sb. with sth.144. 幫助某人做某事helpout145. 幫助某人解決困難hold on146. 等一等(別掛電話)hold one's breath147. 不出氣,屏住呼吸hundreds of 148. 幾百,成百上千hurry up149. 趕快,快點(diǎn)in a hurry150. 匆忙,很快地in a word151. 簡言之,總之in all152. 總之in common153. 共同,共有in danger154. 處在危險(xiǎn)狀態(tài)in fact155. 事實(shí)上,實(shí)際上in front of156. 在前面in need of157.

12、需要,缺少in order that158. 為了in order to/so as to159. 為了in order160. 按順序in other words161. 換句話說in peace162. 安靜,寧靜in public163. 當(dāng)眾;公開in surprise164. 吃驚,驚訝in the end 165. 最后,終于in time166. 及時(shí),來得及instead of167. 代替,而不是join in/take part in168. 參加,加入just now169. 現(xiàn)在,剛才keep doing sth.170. 繼續(xù)做某事keep off171. 勿踏,勿踩

13、keep on172. 繼續(xù)(進(jìn)行)keep one's word173. 守信keep up174. 保持;維持;繼續(xù)knock at/on175. 敲knock into sb.176. 撞上laugh at177. 嘲笑lead to178. 導(dǎo)致,導(dǎo)向let in179. 讓進(jìn)來,放進(jìn)let out180. 放掉,泄露live on181. 以為主食,靠為生look after182. 照顧look ahead183. 向前看,展望未來look down upon/on184. 看不起,輕視look for185. 尋找look forward to186. 盼望look in

14、to 187. 向里面看去;調(diào)查look out188. 留神,當(dāng)心look through189. 看穿,瀏覽look up190. 查找lots of191. 許多,大量make a face192. 做鬼臉,做哭臉make friends with193. 與交朋友make up of194. 有組成,構(gòu)成make up one's mind to do195. 下決心make up196. 和解,化裝millions of197. 成百萬上千萬,數(shù)以百萬計(jì)more or less198. 或多或少neithernor199. 既不也不next to200. 緊接著,相鄰,次于n

15、o longer/more201. 不再not any more/longer202. 不再not at all203. 一點(diǎn)也不,絕非not onlybut also204. 不僅而且not soas205. 不像,不如not till/until 206. 直到才now and then207. 不時(shí),偶爾of course208. 當(dāng)然on duty209. 值日,值班on foot210. 走路,步行on show211. 展出,在上演(放映)on time212. 準(zhǔn)時(shí)on / over the radio213. 通過收音機(jī)once again214. 再一次once more21

16、5. 再一次once upon a time216. 從前,很久以前one after another217. 一個(gè)接一個(gè)ought to218. 應(yīng)該out of breath219. 上氣不接下氣out of work220. 失業(yè)over and over again221. 反復(fù),多次重復(fù)pass by222. 經(jīng)過pay attention to223. 注意pay back224. 償還(借款等)pay for225. 付款pick out226. 選出pick up227. 拾起,撿起,接收;開車去接point out228. 指出point to229. 指向preventfr

17、om230. 妨礙,防止,預(yù)防put away231. 儲存;把收好put down232. 記下;放下put off 233. 推遲put on weight234. 發(fā)福,增加體重put on 235. 穿,戴上,上演;播放put out236. 撲滅,關(guān)熄put up237. 掛起;舉起;貼(廣告等);支起;建造rather than238. 而不,非refer to239. 提到,涉及,有關(guān)regard as 240. 把看作right away241. 立即,馬上right now242. 立即,馬上ring back243. 回電話ring up244. 打電話給run away2

18、45. 逃跑,失控run out of/use up246. 用完save one's life247. 挽救某人生命seeoff248. 為某人送行sell out 249. 賣完,出賣send for250. 派人去叫(請);訂購send out251. 發(fā)出,派遣send up252. 發(fā)出,射出separatefrom253. 分開set free254. 釋放,解放set off255. 動(dòng)身,起程;使爆發(fā)set out256. 出發(fā);開始show off257. 炫耀,表現(xiàn)自己 side by side258. 肩并肩,一起so as to259. 以便,為的是so far

19、 as260. (表示程度,范圍)就;盡so far 261. 到目前為止so/as long as262. 只要sothat263. 太以至于sooner or later264. 遲早,早晚speed up265. 加快速度spendon sth/(in) doing266. 在花錢stand for267. 代表,象征stop doing sth.268. 停止做某事stop to do sth. 269. 停下來做某事such as270. 例如take away271. 拿走take it easy272. 別著急,別緊張take off273. 脫下,起飛take one's time274. 從容,慢慢行動(dòng)take out275. 取出take place276. 發(fā)生take the place of277. 取代,代替t


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