1、SAT writingTailored to New SATPRESENTEDBYLiu Yuan yuanLecture Three如何閱讀本節(jié)課授課要點(diǎn)3 1 閱讀內(nèi)容3.2 文章主體分析(一)3 3 文章主體分析(二)3.4 脈絡(luò)分析&寫(xiě)作手段總結(jié)3 1 閱讀內(nèi)容As ou ead the passage below, on id r how Paul Boga d usesevidence, su h as facts or examples, to support claims.reasoni g to d velop ideas and to conne t cl ims
2、and evide ce.stylistic o persuasive eleme, such as word choice or appeals emotions, to add ower to th idea expressed.Write an es ay in which you expl n how Paul Bogard builds an rgument to persuade his audien e th t na ural darkness should be preserved In your essay, a a e how Bogar u es one or more
3、 of the feat re lis d in the box ab ve (or eatures of your own choice) o strengthen he gic and persuasive ess of his arg ment. Be surethyour nalysis fo uses on the relevant f atures of the passage.Your essay sh uld not explain whether you agree with Bogards c ims but rathe explain how Bogard builds
4、an gument orsuade his audience.題目要求文章提示性信息3 1 閱讀內(nèi)容A you read the passag below, con i er ow Paul Bogard usesev dence such a fa ts or examples, to support claims.reason ng to develop idea and to connec claims and evidence.stylistic or persuasive eleme s, such a wo d choice or appeal emotions, o ddwer
5、to the de s expressedE idecne Forms:-事實(shí),數(shù)據(jù),引用專家,實(shí)驗(yàn)結(jié)果How to analyze evidence-指出某種支持有效論點(diǎn)的例子調(diào)查報(bào)告以及其他-指出作者依賴的某種證據(jù)如何支持自己的論點(diǎn)或者證據(jù)太少,說(shuō)服力不夠-其他提示性信息3 1 閱讀內(nèi)容A you read the passag below, con i er ow Paul Bogard usesev dence such a fa ts or examples, to support claims.reason ng to develop idea and to connec clai
6、ms and evidence.stylistic or persuasive eleme s, such a wo d choice or appeal emotions, o ddwer to the de s expressedR asoning Forms:- 聯(lián)系論點(diǎn)和論據(jù)的邏輯,分析How to analyze reasoning-探討作者是如何成功或者失敗地將論點(diǎn)和論據(jù)連接在一起的-分析作者論證帶來(lái)的影響-其他提示性信息3 1 閱讀內(nèi)容A you read the passag below, con i er ow Paul Bogard usesev dence such a
7、fa ts or examples, to support claims.reason ng to develop idea and to connec claims and evidence.stylistic or persuasive eleme s, such a wo d choice or appeal emotions, o ddwer to the de s expressedStylistic or persuasive elemen sF rms:- 渲染情緒:害怕或者榮耀-用詞生動(dòng) 制造希望或者焦慮-其他How to analyze s ylistic or pe s a
8、sive lement 具體指出例子,表明作者是如何使用以上手段,分析手段的作用或者效果-分析邏輯和情緒在多大程度上加大了文章的說(shuō)服度提示性信息3 1 閱讀內(nèi)容文章源文長(zhǎng)度:4-12段不等/650-750 字文章種類:說(shuō)理性議論文文章出處:新聞媒體演講,書(shū)刊完成時(shí)間:1967年-2013年3 1 閱讀內(nèi)容Write an ess y n w ich you expla n how Paul Bogard builds an argumen to persuade isdience that natura darkness should be pIn you essay, analyze how
9、 Bogard uses one or mor of the feature l sted in thebox above (or features of yourn choic ) to tr ngthen the logic and persuasiv neof his argumen Be surethat your analy is focuses on the relevant f ates of the passage.Your essay should not xplain wheth r you agree with Boga ds claims, but ather expl
10、ai how Bogard buil s an a ument t persuade his audience文章中心論點(diǎn)應(yīng)該保護(hù)自然黑色題目要求本節(jié)課授課要點(diǎn)3 1 閱讀內(nèi)容3.2 文章主體分析(一)3 3 文章主體分析(二)3.4 脈絡(luò)分析&寫(xiě)作特點(diǎn)總結(jié)怎么讀? 讀什么?3.2 文章主體分析(一)結(jié)構(gòu)性閱讀:重點(diǎn)-首尾句轉(zhuǎn)折詞非重點(diǎn)-主干部分找寫(xiě)作手段:Evidence, Reasoning and Stylistic elements目的:總結(jié)段落大意/態(tài)度+尋找寫(xiě)作手段3.2 文章主體分析(一)1 At my familys c bin onM nnesota lake, I
11、knew woods so dark that my hands disappeared beforemy eyes. I knew night sk es in which meteors left smoky trails across sugary spreads of stars. Butnow, w en 8 of 10 childrborn in the U ited States will never know a ky dark enough for theMilky Way, I wor y we are rapidly lo ing nights natural darkn
12、ess before realizing its worth.Thiswinter solstice as we cheer the d ys gradual movement back towa d light, let u also remember the irreplaceable valu of da kness段落大意:作者是喜歡夜空的寫(xiě)作手段:個(gè)人故事3.2 文章主體分析(一)小結(jié)短語(yǔ)或者句型單詞詞性發(fā)音意思meteo sn/mit/流星milky wayn.銀河olsticen./sls s/至,至點(diǎn)3.2 文章主體分析(一)2. Al li e ev lved to the
13、steady rhythm of bright days and dark nights.Today, though, whenwe feel the closeness of nightfall, we reach quickfor a light switcAnd too little darkness,mean ng too much artificial light at night, spells trouble for all.段落大意:太少黑暗給所有人帶來(lái)了麻煩寫(xiě)作手段:無(wú)3.2 文章主體分析(一)小結(jié)短語(yǔ)或者句型evolved o: 進(jìn)化為,進(jìn)展為fee the close e
14、ss of感到.的到來(lái)/臨近ight swit h電燈開(kāi)關(guān)單詞詞性發(fā)音意思spellV pel拼寫(xiě),詛咒3.2 文章主體分析(一)3 Already the World Health Organization classifies w rking the night shift as a probable hum ncar inogen, and the American Med ca Association has voiced its unanimou suppor for “l(fā)ight pollution reduction effo ts and glare reduction eff
15、orts at both the national and s ate levels.” Ou bodies need darkness o produce the ho mone melatonin which keeps certain cancerrom deve oping and ourbodies need darkness for leep. Sle p disorders have been linked to diabetes, obesity, cardiovasculardisease and dep ession and recentsearch ugges s one
16、 main cause of “short sle p” is “l(fā)ong l ght”Whether we work at nigh or simply take our t blets, notebooks nd smartph nes to bed, here isnt aplace for this much art fi al ligh in our liv s段落大意:過(guò)多光污染對(duì)人身體有害/人的身體需要黑暗寫(xiě)作手段:權(quán)威機(jī)構(gòu),專業(yè)名詞3.2 文章主體分析(一)小結(jié)短語(yǔ)或者句型oiced its unan mous support for一致支持t both th nati nal
17、 and state lev s在國(guó)家和各州層面上單詞詞性發(fā)音意思carci o enn/ksndn/致癌物質(zhì)melatoninn.mltnn/褪黑激素本節(jié)課授課要點(diǎn)3 1 閱讀內(nèi)容3.2 文章主體分析(一)3 3 文章主體分析(二)3.4 脈絡(luò)分析&寫(xiě)作特點(diǎn)總結(jié)3.3 文章主體分析(二)4 The rest of the world depends on darkness a well ncluding nocturnal and cr puscular species of birdinsectmammals, fish and rept les. Some examples ar
18、e well knownthe 400 species of b rds thatmigrate t nigh in North America, the e turtles that come ashore to lay their eggs nd some are no , such as th bats that save Aerican arme s billions in pest control and th moths th to linate 80% of th worlds flora Ecological light pollut on is like the bulldo
19、zer of the night, wr c ing habitat and disrupting ecosys ems several billioyears in the m king. Simply put, without dark ess, Ear hs ec logywould collapse . . . .段落大意:生態(tài)系統(tǒng)(其他動(dòng)物)也需要黑暗寫(xiě)作手段:例子3.3 文章主體分析(二)小結(jié)單詞詞性發(fā)音意思noctu naladj./nktnl/夜間的crepuscularadj./kr pskjl/黃昏的reptilen./rptal/爬行動(dòng)物pol inatev.plnet對(duì)
20、.授粉floran./flr/植物群/ 動(dòng)物群 fau a fn/bulldozern./bld /恐嚇者3.3 文章主體分析(二)5 In todays crowded louder more fast-paced world, n ghts da kness can provide solitude, qu et and stillness, qualities increasi gly in short supply. Every religious tradition has con ide ed darkness invaluabl fo a soulful ife and the
21、chan e to witness t e un erse has inspired artis s, philosophers and everyday s argazers since t me began I a world awash with electric ight . how would Van Gogh have given the world his Starry Nigh ”? Whknows what this visi n of the night sk might inspire in eachof us, n our child en or grandchild
22、en?段落大意:黑暗的價(jià)值寫(xiě)作手段:反問(wèn)句3.3 文章主體分析(二)小結(jié)短語(yǔ)或者句型Sta ry N ght星空s nce ime beg n遠(yuǎn)古以來(lái)awash with充斥的單詞詞性發(fā)音意思fast-pacedadj.快速的invaluableadj有價(jià)值 不可估量/aluable/ value essstargazers天文學(xué)家3.3 文章主體分析(二)6 Yet all over he world, our nigh s are growi g brig ter. In the United Sta es and Western Eu ope th amount of light in
23、the sky increases an average of ab ut 6% every year Computer images of the United State at nigh b sed on NASA photograph , show hat wh t was a very dark country as recently s the 1950 is now near y covered with a bla ket of light Much of this light s wastedenergy, which means wasted dollars.Those of
24、 us over 35 are pe h ps among th las generation tohave known trul dark nights Evethe no therl ke wherewas lucky to speseen its darkness diminishmy summe s has段落大意:但是,光污染越來(lái)越嚴(yán)重寫(xiě)作手段:出現(xiàn)轉(zhuǎn)折,機(jī)構(gòu),數(shù)據(jù)3.3 文章主體分析(二)小結(jié)短語(yǔ)或者句型a blanket of一片The northern lake has seen its darkness diminish無(wú)生命物體發(fā)出see 這個(gè)擬人化動(dòng)作3.3 文章主體分析
25、(二)7 It doesnt ha e to be this way. Light pollution is readily within our ability to s lve, using new light ngte hnologies a d s ielding xisting ghts. Already many cities and towns across N rth Americ and Europe are changing to ED st eetligh s which offer drama ic possibil t es fo controlling wasted
26、 lightOther c mmunities are fin ing success wit simply turning off portionstheir pub ic lighting aftermidnight.Even Pa is, the famed “city of light,” which already turns off ts monume t lighting after 1a m. will this summer start to req re its shops offices and public buildings to tu n off lights after 2 a m.Though primaril
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