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1、人教九年級各單元短語復習歸納 Unit 11. by listening to tapes 通過聽磁帶2. by working with a group通過小組學習3. the best way to do ( = of doing ) sth.做的最好方法4. practice speaking English練習說英語5. English speaking friends講英語的朋友6. writing / listening practice寫作(聽力)練習7. improve my speaking skills提高我的會話技巧8. spoken English 英語口語9. get

2、 excited about sth 對感興奮10. get excited about doing ( = to do ) sth. 對做感興奮11. end up with sth. 以結束 12. end up doing sth. 終止做某事,結束做某事13. end up speaking in Chinese 以說漢語結束對話14. make mistakes in spelling ( grammar ) 在拼寫(語法)方面犯錯誤15. how to use . 怎樣使用.16. be afraid of sb. / sth. 害怕 某人/物17. be afraid to do

3、害怕做,不敢做18. decide ( not ) to do sth. = decide on doing = make a decision to do sth. 決定(不)做19. enjoy doing 喜歡干20. suggest doing sth. 建議做21. have trouble doing sth. = have problems doing sth.= have a hard ( difficult ) time doing sth. 做.有困難22. have fun doing sth玩得高興 23. learn to forget 學會忘記24. try ( =

4、 do ) ones best to do sth. 盡力做25. with the help of sb. = with sb.s help在的幫助下26. ( how ) deal with = ( what )do with 對待,處理,27. worry about = be worried about 擔心,擔憂28. give sb. some suggestions = give sb. some advice 給某人提建議29. write them down寫下/記下它們30. look ( it, them ) up in a dictionary查字典31. be ang

5、ry with sb. = be mad at sb. = be annoyed with sb. 生某人的氣 32. be angry at / about sth. 對某事生氣33. have conversations with friends 與朋友對話34. make flashcards 做單詞抽認卡35. make vocabulary lists做單詞表 36. askfor help 向某人求助37. study for a test 為考試作準備38. that way (=in that way) 通過那種方式39. too to 太而以致于不能做40. read alo

6、ud 朗讀41. learn a lot 學到許多42. help a little 有點幫助43. not at all 根本不,全然不44. ask sb. about sth .問某人關于.的事45. feel differently 感受不同46. be different from = be not the same as與.不同47. the difference between A and B A與B的區(qū)別48. get lots of ( = much ) practice得到大量的練習49. get the pronunciation right 使發(fā)音準確50. join

7、an English language club加入英語俱樂部51. first at all 首先52. to begin with ( = at first ) 開始 53. in class在課堂上 54. later on 隨后 55. laugh at 嘲笑 56. make complete sentences with用.造完整的句子57. take notes 記筆記58. this kind of paper這種紙59. feel soft 摸起來柔軟60. around the world = all over the world 全世界61. make up 編造,虛構,

8、化妝,打扮 62. speak English as a second language 把英語當做第二語言來說 63. go by 消逝64. regard sb. / sth. as = have / take as = think of as 把當做65. regard problems as challenges把困難當作挑戰(zhàn)66. solve a problem解決困難67. complain about / of sb. / sth. to sb. 向某人抱怨68. change sth. into 把變?yōu)?9. compare A with / to B 把和作比較70. thi

9、nk of 想起,想到71. break off friendships 72. 中斷,突然終止友誼73. 2 1. used to do過去常常 2. be used to doing 習慣于作3. be used to do 被用來作4. wear glasses 戴眼鏡5. wait a minute 等一等6. pay ( more )attention to sth. ( doing sth.)對(更加)注意7. give up doing = stop doing放棄做8. instead of ( doing ) 代替, 而不是9. b

10、e interested in doing = take ( an ) interest in doing 對感興趣 10. lose interest in 對失去興趣11. on the swim team = be a member of the swim team 游泳隊的隊員. 12. be afraid ( terrified ) of doing sth. 懼怕做13. be terrified of sth. / sb.=be afraid of懼怕某人/ 物14. go to sleep = fall asleep 入睡 15. all the time = always一直

11、,總是16. play + 球類名詞 / 棋類17. play the +樂器(piano ) 彈(鋼琴)18. play with 玩耍,與一起玩19. with the lights on 開著燈.20. with the door open ( closed ) 開(關)著門21. walk to school = go to school on foot 步行去上學22. take the bus to school = go to school by bus 坐公車去上學23. spend time doing = take time to do 花時間做 24. speak in

12、front of a group 在人群面前講話 25. take sb. to concerts 帶某人去音樂會26. go right home 直接回家27. be alone 單獨28. daily life 日常生活29. chat with sb. about sth和聊關于30. in the last ( past ) few years 過去的幾年里(用于現(xiàn)在完成時) 31. make you stressed out使你緊張32. look after well = take good care of 照顧 好33. watch on TV在電視上看34. all day

13、(long) = the whole day 整天35. as +原級+ as sb. can / could =as+原級+ as possible 盡可能地36. in the end = at last = finally最后,終于 37. talk with 和談論 38. to ones surprise 令某人吃驚的是39. in surprise 吃驚地 40. even though = even if 盡管 41. no longer = not any longer 不再42. no more=not any more 不再43. take pride in = be pr

14、oud of對感到自豪44. the pride of 是的驕傲 45. change ones life 改變某人的生活 46. change ones mind 改變某人的主意47. an eight-year-old boy 一個八歲的男孩子48. problem child 問題少年49. after his father's death a few years ago在幾年前他爸死后50. can /can't afford to buy 能不能買得起51. be patient with 對有耐心52. cause trouble to sb. 給 惹麻煩 53.

15、get into trouble 遇到麻煩54. get into trouble with 和引起沖突.55. be in trouble 處于困境中56. waste time (money)浪費時間57. be able to = can能夠 58. It is necessary to do 做是必要的Unit 31. allow sb to do sth 允許某人做某事 2. allow doing允許做某事 3. be allowed to do被允許做某事 4. should be allowed to do 應該被允許做某事5. get sb. to do sth. 讓某人做(

16、主動)6. get / have / make sth. done = ask someone to do sth. 請某人做, 讓被做(被動)7. stop doing sth 停止做某事8. need to do sth 需要做某事(主動)9. need doing = need to be done需要被做(被動)10. instead of (doing sth)代替、不是11. be serious about sth. / doing sth.對認真對熱衷12. get / be in the way of 妨礙13. reply to sb. = answer sb. 回答、答復

17、14. have an opportunity to do / of doing sth.有機會做某事15. have a chance to do /of doing sth.有機會做某事16. would(d) like to do = want to do = feel like doing想要、希望17. at present = now = right now 目前、現(xiàn)在18. concentrate on 集中精力于19. the other day = a few days ago前幾天(用于過去時)20. sixteen-year-olds 16歲的青少年21. have pa

18、rt-time jobs做兼職工作22. get ones ears pierced 扎耳洞23. not serious enough 不夠認真24. drivers license 駕駛執(zhí)照 25. so do we 我們也一樣 26. get to class late = be late for class 上課遲到 27. at times = sometimes 有時28. on school nights/Friday nights在上學日子里的晚上/星期五晚上29. by 10:00 am 上午10點前30. stay up to do / doing熬夜31. clean u

19、p 清掃干凈32. fail a test 測試不及格33. take the test 參加考試34. pass the test 通過考試35. be strict with sb 對某人要求嚴格36. be strict in sth 對某事要求嚴格37. be good for ( doing )對有好處38. be good to sb. 對好39. be good at doing = do well in doing = do well 擅長于40. a good idea/way to do sth. 做的好方法41. learn from 向學習/ 從學到42. study

20、in groups 分組學習43. look good/nice on sb.穿在某人身上好看44. eight hours sleep a night 每晚八小時的睡眠45. at least 至少 <> at most 至多46. have / take +時間+off 休息多長時間47. get noisy 變得嘈雜 48. be a good experience for sb. 對來說是很有意義的經(jīng)歷 49. a running star 一個跑步明星50. the importance of working hard 努力工作的重要性51. as much as 和一樣

21、多52. care about 在意,擔心,關心53. care for 喜歡,照顧54. achieve/realize ones dream 實現(xiàn)夢想55. spend on sth / in (doing) sth 花費56. take time to do sth. 花時間做某事57. an English-English dictionary英語詞典58. old peoples home 敬老院59. choose my own clothes 挑選我自己的衣服60. learn a lot from each other 相互學到很多知識61. feel sleepy感到困倦 6

22、2. chat with friendsonline網(wǎng)上和朋友聊天 63. in fact 事實上 64. at that age 在那個年齡65. now that 既然66. very few people 極少數(shù)人Unit 41. have experience (in) doing sth.在做某事方面有經(jīng)驗2. without doing sth. 未做3. before doing sth. 在做之前4. would ratherthan = would do rather than do= prefer to do rather than do = prefer doing to

23、 doing 寧愿 也不愿5. refuse to do sth.拒絕做某事6. wait for sb. to do sth. 等某人做7. be easy to get along with 容易相處 8. come up with = think of = think up提出、想出9. come up with = catch up with sb. 追上 趕上10. by accident = by chance偶然地、無意之中11. worry about = be / feel worried about 擔心,憂慮12. not in the slightest = not a

24、t all一點也不 13. plenty of = a lot of = lots of = many/ much許多,足夠的14. more than = over 超過,多于15. hurry to do sth.= do sth. in a hurry 匆忙做16. hurry up = come on 趕快,快點17. offer sth. to sb. = offer sb. sth. 主動給某人某物18. offer to do sth. 主動做19. right away = at once = in a minute = in no time立即,馬上20. give a sp

25、eech in front of ( = whole ) the school在全校面前作演講21. without ( ones ) permission 未經(jīng)允許 22. with ( ones ) permission 在某人許可的情況下 23. ask ones permission 請求某人的允許24. give advice on 就某方面提出建議25. the danger of smoking 吸煙的危害26. be in (out of ) danger 處于(脫離)危險27. be out of danger 脫離危險28. be dangerous to do sth.

26、做有危險29. a million dollars一百萬美元30. buy snacks 買零食31. three hundred / thousand / million / billion三百/千/百萬/十億32. hundreds / thousands / millions / billions of 數(shù)以百/千/百萬/十億計33. give the money to charity 把錢捐獻給慈善機構34. put the money in the bank 把錢存入銀行35. medical research 醫(yī)療研究 36. research on sth. 在某方面的研究37.

27、 at the party在晚會上38. wear a shirt and tie穿襯衣打領帶39. what if +一般現(xiàn)在時 如果會怎么樣呢?40. everyone else 其它任何人41. get / be nervous緊張42. look friendly 看起來友好43. get pimples 起雞皮疙瘩/長青春痘 44. take a big exam參加大考45. take a long walk散一大段步46. help you relax幫你放松47. let me have one 讓我有一個 48. speak in public= speak in a pub

28、lic place在公共場合49. hardly ever 幾乎不曾50. ask sb. to be in a movie邀請某人拍電影51. introduce oneself to sb.向sb做自我介紹 52. be pretty confident 相當自信53. a circle of good friends好友圈54. say something bad about sb.說某人的壞話55. the company of的陪伴56. English speech contest 英語演講比賽 57. represent the classin the school contes

29、t代表班級參加學校的比賽58. let sb. down 使某人失望 59. the rest of the students其余的學生60. the answer to the question問題的答案61. solutions to problems問題的解決方法62. come out出來、出版、開花63. cover A with B用A覆蓋住B64. be covered with 被覆蓋65. go downstairs / upstairs下/上樓66. running water 自來水67. get hurt 受傷 68. an internet friend 一個網(wǎng)友69

30、. go alone 單獨去70. ask sb. for advice向某人尋求建議Unit 51. belong to sb. = be sb.s 屬于 2. because of n./pron.因為 3. be afraid of flying 害怕坐飛機4. try ( not ) to do sth. 盡力(不)做某事 5. attempt to do = try to do sth. 試圖做, 盡力做6. have fun doing 做愉快7. sth happen to sb 某人發(fā)生了某事8. sb. happen to do sth = do sth. by accide

31、nt 某人碰巧作某事9. pretend to do sth=pretend that假裝做; 10. pretend ( not ) to do sth 假裝( 不) 做;11. pretend to be doing sth假裝正在做12. be careful of sb. / sth.留神、當心 13. be careful ( not ) to do 小心(不) 做14. have some / any idea = know 知道15. have no idea = dont know = have no idea of不知道16. strange things = somethi

32、ng / anything strange奇怪的東西17. sb. use up sth. = sb. run out of sth. = sth. run out sb用光、用完sth 18. too much + u.n 太多 too many + pl. 太多 19. much too + adj. / adv. 太20. get on ( it ) 上(公共汽車,飛機等)21. get off ( it ) 下(公共汽車,飛機等)22. get into / out of ( it ) 上/下 ( 小汽車,出租車)23. smell good / bad 聞起來香/不好24. make

33、 me laugh / happy 使我發(fā)笑/高興25. listen to classical music 聽古典音樂26. go to the concert 去聽音樂會 27. all alone = all by oneself 獨自28. a present for his mother送給她媽媽的禮物 29. run for exercise 跑步鍛煉30. run to catch a bus 跑去趕車31. the final exam 期末考試32. wear a suit 穿西裝33. call the police 報警34. an ocean of paper 題海35

34、. the owner of 的主人36. these days最近,近來,近幾天(用于現(xiàn)在進行時,現(xiàn)在完成時)37. Chinese-English Dictionary漢英詞典38. Oxford University牛津大學 39. the only kid at the picnic 野餐上唯一的孩子 40. go for a picnic 去野餐41. have a picnic進行野餐42. in the sky 在空中43. a woman with a camera 一個帶著相機的婦女44. make up 形成,構成,組成45. outside our window 在窗子外

35、面 46. escape from=run away from逃離,從逃出47. hair band 發(fā)帶 48. make a movie拍電影49. in our neighborhood在我們附近、在我們小區(qū)50. get in the window 從窗戶過來51. next door neighbor 隔壁鄰居52. in ones dream 在某人夢中53. Its crucial that 關鍵的是Unit 61. sing along with 伴隨歌唱2. dance to the music 隨音樂跳舞3. on a hot day 在熱天4. prefer sth. =

36、 like sth. better 更喜歡5. prefer sth. to sth. = like sth. better than sth.喜歡勝過6. prefer to do sth. 更喜歡做7. prefer to do rather than do 寧愿做而不愿做8. prefer doing to doing 喜歡做勝過做9. expect to do sth. 期望干 10. expect sb. to do sth 期望某人干11. catch up with 追上,趕上12. different kinds of music各種不同的音樂13. quiet and gen

37、tle songs 輕柔的歌曲 14. taketo 帶到去15. remind sb. of 使某人想起或意識到 16. remind sb to do sth 提醒某人做某事17. be well- known as 作為而聞名18. be well- known for 由于而聞名19. be well- known to sb 為所熟知20. write their own songs 寫他們自己的歌曲21. be important to sb. 對某人來說重要22. interest sb. 引起的關注 ,使感興趣 23. Yellow River 黃河24. ones lates

38、t movie某人最近的電影 25. asas 和一樣 26. over the years 多年來,在近幾年中 (往往與現(xiàn)在完成時連用)27. whatever = no matter what 無論什么28. be sure of +n. / pron. 相信,對有把握29. be sure that 從句 相信,對有把握30. be sure to do sth. = make sure to do 務必干一定干31. make sure 確保,核實,查收,弄清楚32. one of the+最高級+復數(shù)名詞,最之一33. one of the best- known Chinese p

39、hotographers世界上最有名的中國攝影家之一34. the name of 的名字35. on display = on show 展覽,展出36. go on vacation 去度假37. come and go 來來往往38. cant stand 不能忍受39. look for 尋找40. feel sick 感到惡心,不舒服41. stay / keep healthy 保持健康42. be healthy= be in good health健康43. take care of my health愛護我的健康44. get together to do 聚在一起做45.

40、special events 特殊事件 46. have a great time = have fun = enjoy oneself玩得高興,過得愉快47. to be honest 老實說 48. an honest boy一個誠實的男孩 49. my six-month English course我6個月的英語課培訓50. be lucky to do 做是幸運的51. a good place to visit 一個游覽的好地方52. suit me just fine 剛好適合我53. increase the risk of cancer增加患癌癥的風險54. most of

41、my friends 我的大部分朋友55. French fries 薯條56. stay away from與保持距離,離開,不接近57. be in agreement意見一致(后跟短語、句子)58. in the world 在世界上59. barbecued meat烤肉 60. a tag question反意疑問句61. be bad for對有害62. even if / though 即使Unit 71. would like(love)to do = want to do sth. = feel like doing 想做某事2. would like sb. to do s

42、th.3. hope for +n. 盼望sth4. hope to do / hope that 希望5. plan on doing = plan to do 打算做某事 6. continue doing sth. = continue to do sth. = go on doing sth. 繼續(xù)做7. decide ( not ) to do = decide on doing = make a decision to do = make up ones mind to do 決定做8. decide not to do 決定不做9. consider doing 考慮做10. c

43、onsider something /sb 考慮sb/sth11. consider sb to be-/consider sb as- 把某人看作12. after finishing school 畢業(yè)之后13. be supposed to do sth. = should do sth. 應該干14. be convenient to do sth. 做-很方便15. be willing to do sth. 愿意干16. be ready to do sth. 準備好去做17. provide sb with sth = provide sth for sb = offer sb.

44、 sth. = offer sth. to sb.為某人提供-18. so that + 句子= in order that+句子 = in order to do = so as to do = to do 為了-, 以便-19. in general = generally speaking通常 ,大體上, 一般而言20. quite an expensive place = a very expensive place 一個高消費的地方21. what else = what other things 別的什么22. take ( have, make ) a trip = go on

45、a trip 去旅行23. in eastern China = in the east of China = in the eastern part of China 在中國東部24. dream of ( about ) sth. 夢想,想到 25. dream of ( about ) doing sth. 夢想做26. achieve the dreams = make the dream come true 實現(xiàn)夢想27. give sb. some suggestions ( advice ) 給某人一些建議28. quite a few = many = a lot of = a

46、 number of 相當多的29. trek through the jungle 徒步穿越叢林30. go on vacation ( holiday ) 去度假 31. some day (將來的)某日,有朝一日 32. one day (過去的)一天,(將來的)某日33. be stressed out 緊張的,有壓力的34. somewhere relaxing / quiet 某個休閑的/安靜的地方35. go somewhere really cool 去一個的確很酷的地方36. the capital of France 法國的首都37. one of the livelies

47、t cities 最有活力的城市之一38. one of the most famous churches 最著名的教堂之一39. especially in Paris 尤其是在巴黎40. pack light clothes 把輕的衣服打包41. some fantastic sights 一些極好的景點42. beautiful views ( sights ) 美麗的風景 43. take it easy 從容 輕松 不緊張 別著急 44. some information on ( about ) 一些關于的信息45. a room with a kitchen 一個帶廚房的房間46

48、. a place with a big pool一個有大水池的地方47. be away for about three days 離開大約三天 48. come for dinner 過來吃飯49. this time of year 每一年的這個時候50. save money 節(jié)約錢51. students across China 來自中國各地的學生52. in the future 將來53. the answer to the question 問題的答案54. sail across the Pacific Ocean橫渡太平洋55. according to 根據(jù)。按照。 5

49、6. work as tour guides 做導游的工作57. less realistic dreams 不現(xiàn)實的夢想58. be similar to sth. 與相似59. hold on to sth. 保持,不要放棄(賣掉)60. over and over again = for many times = again and again 一再地,許多次 61. get around = go sightseeing 觀光,到處走動 62. on the one hand 在一方面63. on the other hand 在另一方面64. translate A into B 把

50、A翻譯成B65. I hope so. 但愿會是這樣。66. I hope not. 但愿不會是這樣。67. It seems that - 似乎是-(從句)68. Its clear that 很明顯(從句)69. Sth. cost (s ) sb. + 錢 花某人多少錢70. Its best for sb. to do sth. = sb. had better do sth. Sb最好做-71. go out 外出 72. for half an hour 共半小時 73. answer the telephone 接電話 74. call back = get back to sb

51、. 給回復電話75. This is Li Ping speaking 我是李蘋(電話用語)76. depend on 依而定,取決于77. Niagara Falls 尼亞加拉大瀑布78. Eiffel Tower 艾菲爾鐵塔79. Notre Dame Cathedral 巴黎圣母院Unit 81. clean ( it , them ) up把它(它們)打掃干凈,收拾整齊 2. cheer sb. up=make sb. happier 使.高興,使.振作3. come up with ( it , them ) = think ( it , them ) up 提出,想出 4. put

52、( it , them ) off (doing sth) 推遲(做某事) put( it , them ) off把它(它們)推遲5. put off sth to / till / until 把sth推遲到,拖延到6. put ( it , them ) on 把它(它們)穿上,上演 7. put away 把 收好8. write ( it , them )down 寫下,記下 9. put ( it , them )up 張貼10. hand ( it , them ) out = give out分發(fā),發(fā)放 11. hand ( it , them ) in = give ( it , them ) in 上交12. give ( it , them ) away 捐贈13. give ( it , them ) back = return sth 歸還 14. give ( it , them ) up = drop 放棄 15. set ( it , them ) up = establish 建立 16. fix ( it , them ) up 修理 17. work ( it , them ) out 制定出,算出18. work out well ( fine ) 效果好19. help sb.out = give sb. help幫助


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