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1、精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上 Unit1 I Would Do Anything for Him Jane: Right. OK, we'll leave that one, Laurie. What about your career? Would you give up your career? If Pete wanted you to give up your job, would you do that? Laurie: No, Jane, why could he possibly want me to give it up? Jane: Well, I don't

2、know, say if he was feeling threatened by your success or something like that.Laurie: No, absolutely not.Jane: But he might be, what if he really wanted you to give up your career? Would you? Laurie: Of course not. Not for that reason, no. Because that would break us up eventually because of the res

3、entment. I wouldn't ask him to give up his career, unless he changed careers and I don't know, say if he became a hit man or something.Jane: What about if he, say if he found a new religion or something, that he was completely obsessed with it and he wanted you to convert to that religion, w

4、ould you do that for him? Laurie: He's a good Catholic boy, so I somehow can't see that happening. You mean like some cult or something? That I think would be the beginning of the end. If someone's so obsessive about religion, I think, then there's only room for that.Jane: But if you

5、 loved him? And that was part of him.Laurie: I'd let him go to his God. 1.What is the supposed reason for Pete to ask Laurie to give up her career in the conversation? A.Pete hopes that she would stay home with their children. B.Pete can earn enough money to support the family C.Pete does not li

6、ke Laurie's career D.Laurie is more successful than Pete2.What is Pete's career? A.A successful businessman B.A hit man C.A churchman D.Not mentioned3.What would lead to the end of the relationship between Pete and Laurie , according to Laurie? A.That she gives up her career for Pete . B.Tha

7、t Pete changes his career . C.That Laurie stops working out . D.That Pete becomes a criminal4.Which of the following is TRUE about Pete? A.He gave up his career. B .He gave up his religion. C.He is a Catholic . D. He is a cult member5.When Laurie said "I'd let him go to his God ", What

8、 did she mean ? A."I'd kill him." B."I'd let him go in his own way." C."I'd do anything for him. " D."I'd help save him."(DDACB) What Kind of Woman Do You Like?Ed: Hey Rocky! You've been holding this wall up all night. Get out and dance wit

9、h someone like that girl over there. Rocky: No way, Ed! Ed: Oh come on man! What kind of woman do you like? Rocky: I want a woman that fulfills my every need, and that girl is not the right type. Ed: Hey. Where have you been? Times are changing, and you're never going to find a woman that will s

10、hine your shoes and fill your beer mug all the time. Wake up! Rocky: Oh really? I met a lot of women like that, just not at this party. Oh, I prefer women that stay home, cook, clean, and watch the kids. Ed: Okay, but where do you fit into this wonder plan? I mean what are your household responsibil

11、ities once you get home from work? Rocky: Hmm. Eat, watch TV, and throw out the trash. Ed: Wait, wait, wait. I can't believe I'm hearing this. You're never going to get married. I recently read a news report that said that 40 percent of women don't think their husbands do their share

12、 around the house, and you seem to fit into that mold. Rocky: That's interesting, but that doesn't change my point of view. Ed: That's your problem. Well, I like women who are open-minded and have something interesting to say. Hey, and if I stick with you here, this is going to be a long

13、, lonely night.1.Where were Rocky and Ed that night? A.At Rocky's home. B.At Ed's home. C.At a dance . D.In a classroom2.What was Rocky doing at the beginning of the conversation? A. Dancing with a beautiful lady. B.Getting out of the bed/ C. Having dinner with his friend. D.Standing alone a

14、t the dance.3.Which of the following household responsibilities will Rocky be willing to take? A.Babysitting. B.Cooking. C.Repairing. D.Trash-throwing.4.Which of the following is TRUE about Rocky's views on women? A.It has been shaped by his own family experience. B.It reflects the view of the o

15、lder generation . C.It is the product of the new time . D.It reflects the view of Women's Liberation Movement.5.What will Rocky most likely do after the conversation? A.Change his view on women. B.Keep staying at the place alone. C.Get a date with some ideal woman. D.Visit Ed's home.(CDDBB)

16、It Is Not a High Priority with Me!Norma: You know, Brian, it doesn't look like you've vacuumed the living room or cleaned the bathroom.Brian: No, I haven't. Ugh. I had the worst day. I am so tired. Look, I promise I'll do it this weekend.Norma: Listen, I know the feeling. I'm tir

17、ed, too. But I came home and I did my share of the housework. I mean, that's the agreement, right? Brian: All right. We agreed. I'll do it in a minute.Norma: Come on. Don't be that way. You know, I shouldn't have to ask you to do anything. I mean, we both work, we both live in the ho

18、use, we agreed that housework is. is both of our responsibility, I don't like to have to keep reminding you about it. It makes me feel like an old nag or something.Brian: Sometimes you are an old nag.Norma: Oh, great! Brian: No, it's just that I don't notice when things get dirty like yo

19、u do. Look, all you have to do is tell me, and I'll do it.Norma: No, I don't want to be put in that position. I mean, you can see dirt as well as I can. OtherwiseI mean, that puts all the responsibility on me.Brian: It's just that cleanliness is not a high priority with me. There are oth

20、er things I would much rather do. Besides, the living room floor does not look that dirty.Norma: Brian.Brian: Okay, a couple crumbs.1.Which of the following must the husband do that day? A.Vacuuming the living room. B.Looking after the children. C.Cooking the evening meal. D.Washing the clothes.2.Wh

21、y didn't the husband do his housework according to him? A.He came home later than the wife . B.He was very tired that day. C.His wife would do it for him . D.He did't like his share of housework.3.What is the agreement between the husband and wife? A.The husband does housework only on weeken

22、ds. B.The husband does the housework as the wife assigns. C.The one who comes home early does the housework. D.Each of them does his or her share of housework.4.What makes the wife sound like an old nag? A.Doing all the housework every day. B.Quarrelling with her husband every day. C.Reminding her h

23、usband what to do. D.Staying home with the children.5.What makes the living room floor dirty? A.Some fruit juice. B.Some dirt. C.Some cream. D.Some crumbs. ABDCD UNIT2 At a Butcher's A large dog walks into a butcher's shop, carrying a purse in its mouth. He puts the purse down and sits in fr

24、ont of the meat case. "What is it, boy?" the butcher jokingly asks. "Want to buy some meat?""Woof!" barks the dog."Hmm," says the butcher. "What kind? Liver, bacon, steak." "Woof!" interrupts the dog."And how much steak? Half a pound,

25、one pound, ." "Woof!" signals the dog. The amazed butcher wraps up the meat and finds the money in the dog's purse. As the dog leaves, he decides to follow. The dog enters an apartment house, climbs to the third floor and begins scratching at a door. With that, the door opens and

26、an angry woman starts shouting at the dog."Stop!" yells the butcher. "He's the most intelligent animal I've ever seen!" "Intelligent?" counters the woman. "This is the third time this week he's forgotten his key."1.How does the dog carry the purse?

27、 A.On its back. B.On its head. C. In its mouth. D.In its collar.2.What does the dog want to buy? A.Mutton B.Steak. C.Liver D.Bacon.3.What does the butcher do after he sells the meat to the dog? A.He serves other customers. B.He goes back home . C.He talks about the dog with his clerks. D.He follows

28、the dog to its apartment.4.How does the dog signal its owner that it has come back? A.By scratching at the door . B.By knocking at the door. C.By opening the door with a key . D.By barking outside the door.5.Why is the woman not satisfied with the dog? A.Because the dog forgets to take the key. B.Be

29、cause the dog loses the key . C.Because the dog loses the purse. D.Because the meat the dog buys is not what she want. CBDAA She Couldn't Have Got Appendicitis! (重要)Mr. Jones hadn't called his doctor for several years. Now it was two o'clock in the morning, and his wife had a bad stomach

30、ache that he was sure was appendicitis. The doctor said, "Relax. It couldn't possibly be appendicitis. She probably has something wrong with her stomach. I took out your wife's appendix ten years ago, and in all of medical history, I've never heard of anyone having a second appendix

31、." "That may be true," Mr. Jones said, "but haven't you ever heard of anyone having a second wife?" An Old Friend One day, Carol Evans was walking along the street when she bumped into another woman. She looked at the woman very carefully. Then she said, "Kate Foste

32、r! Well, well, well, I haven't seen you for ten years." She looked the woman up and down. "But you've changed, Kate," she went on. "You used to be fat, but now you're slim." She smiled at her, "But you look well and it's good to see you again." She

33、took the woman's hand and shook it. "But, oh, you have changed," she said. "I've never known anyone to change so much. You used to have thick hair but now it's very thin. You didn't used to wear glasses but now you're wearing really thick ones." She smiled at

34、the woman again. "But you're still the same Kate Foster I used to have coffee with every week. We had some good times, didn't we, Kate?" "Excuse me, ma'am," the woman said, "but my name isn't Kate Foster." Carol thought for a minute, and then she said, &

35、quot;So you've changed your name as well, haven't you?"1.Who did Carol Evans think the woman was ? A.Kate Foster's friend. B.Her friend Kate Foster. C.Someone who looked like her friend.2.Which of the following didn't Carol mention about her friend? A.Her weight . B.Her eyesight

36、. C.Her hair color.3.What can we learn from the story? A.Carol has made a mistake . B.Carol's friend has changed a lot. C.Carol has a good memory. BCA Unit3 AT the Lady's Wear(重要)For almost an hour, a customer tried on one swimsuit after another in our shop. As her saleslady, I wasn't of

37、 much help because she wouldn't open the dressing room (試衣室) door. However, she wouldn't open it to let her husband or daughter see the various suits either. Annoyed, the daughter demanded she be allowed in the dressing room. The mother finally gave in."But not just yet," she cried

38、 out. "I'm in my birthday suit."With a wry grin, her husband said, "At least we know that one fits!" Interpersonal CommunicationIn interpersonal communication, people in almost every culture recognize four different distances: intimate, personal, social, and public. Intimate

39、distance occurs in a very close relationship such as between a mother and a child. Personal distance lets good friends talk closely but comfortably. Social distance is used at parties or other gatherings. Public distance concerns more formal situations such as between a teacher and a student.These f

40、our types of distance exist in all countries, but the amount of distance usually depends on the culture. At a party, for example, a Canadian may sit several feet away from you, while an Arab may sit very near to you. Your awareness of the other culture's use of distance can often help you commun

41、icate better with its people.1.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A.Intimate distance occurs between classmates. B.Good friends keep personal distance. C.At a party a Canadian will sit closer to you than an Arab will. D.When talking two Arabs may stand quite far from each other

42、.2.Why does the speaker give such a talk? A.To help people communicate better with people from another culture. B.To discuss different types of body distance in communication C.To make interpersonal communication possible. D.To establish the relationship between distance and culture.3.What would be

43、the best title for the passage? A.How to Talk to People. B.The Awareness of Other Cultures. C.Distance and Communication D.The Definition of Distance.4.Which of the following is TRUE of the four types of distance? A.They are more important in North American countries. B.They are the same all over th

44、e world . C.They can be very confusing in communication. D.They can be found in all countries. BACD Deeds vs. WordsThere was a long line of "souls" before the gate of "Heaven" and "Hell". Waiting in line beside each other were two residents of New York City, a taxi driv

45、er and a priest, and they started chatting to kill the time. Finally, it was the taxi driver's turn to be judged; after talking with "God" for a few minutes, he was allowed to enter "heaven". The priest came after him and had his few minutes with "God". He, however,

46、 was sent to "hell". Needless to say, the priest was surprised by this turn of events and asked "God" why he, who had constantly talked to people about "God", had been sent to "hell" and a taxi driver was going to "heaven". "God" replied, &

47、quot;We judge whether one goes to heaven' not by the words he has said but by the deeds he has done on earth. While you talked about God', people slept, but they all remembered me when he drove."1.Where was there a long line of "souls"?A.In New York City. B.In front of "G

48、od " C.Before the gate of "Heaven"and"Hell"2.Why did the tow "souls" start talking?A.To kill time B.To know where to goC.To know each other3.Who went to "hell"?A.The taxi driver. B.The priest. C.Both of them.4.Which of the following words best describes t

49、he priest's feeling after he knew where to go?A.Disappointed B.Happy C.Surprised.5.What did the priest constantly do?A.He talked about "God" B.He talked about people.C.He talked about himself.6.How did "God " decide where a "soul" should go?A.According to his words.

50、 B.According to his deeds.C.According to both his words and deeds.7.What can we infer from the priest?A.He was not a good speaker. B.He was not respectful enough to "God"C.He didn't know "God" well enough.8.What can be said about the taxi driver?A.He talked about "God&qu

51、ot; when he drove. B.He did some good deeds when he drove.C.He was a terrible driver.CABCABAC Body Language(重要)Knowing how to read body language is a useful communication skill, so is knowing how to use it. There are two basic groups of body language postures: OPEN/CLOSED and FORWARD/BACK.OPEN/CLOSE

52、D is the most obvious. People with arms folded and legs crossed and bodies turned away are signaling that they are rejecting messages. People showing open hands, fully facing you and both feet planted on the ground are accepting you.FORWARD/BACK indicates whether people are actively or passively rea

53、cting to communication. When they are leaning forward and pointing towards you, they are actively accepting or rejecting the message. When they are leaning back, looking up at the ceiling, doodling (亂涂亂畫) on a pad, or cleaning their glasses they are either passively absorbing or ignoring it. Unit4 I

54、n the library(待定)The student had to do a research paper for history.There was a major book that she needed.She tried the card catalog but it was not there.Then she was told by the librarian that all acquisitions since 1993 were in the computer and the book she needed was just published in 1998.All s

55、he had to do is to type in the title or the author's name ,and the computer would tell her whether the book was out or not.And it wouldAlso tell her if the book is on the shelf,in the reserve room or at the bindery. Learn as You PlayWe were learning German in a comfortable classroom. There were

56、seven of us, ranging in age from 20 to 60. A couple of us knew a little German, the others knew absolutely nothing.For the three weeks we were children again. We competed in games; when we won we were rewarded with chocolates. We shouted, we sang songs, above all we laughed. And although the learning method sounded strange for adults, it worked! On the first day we learned to count to 50. When Katya, our teacher, thr


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