1、精選優(yōu)質文檔-傾情為你奉上XXXXXXXXX 畢業(yè)設計(論文)外文翻譯學生姓名: 院 (系): 專業(yè)班級: 指導教師: 完成日期: 施工組織設計的重要性摘要: 建筑工程在施工過程中,施工組織方案的優(yōu)劣不僅直接影響工程的質量,對工期及施工過程中的人員安全也有重要影響。施工組織是項目建設和指導工程施工的重要技術經(jīng)濟文件。能調(diào)節(jié)施工中人員、機器、原料、環(huán)境、工藝、設備、土建、安裝、管理、生產(chǎn)等矛盾,要對施工組織設計進行監(jiān)督和控制,才能科學合理的保證工程項目高質量、低成本、少耗能的完成。 關鍵詞: 項目管理 施工組織
2、; 方案 重要性 施工組織設計就是對工程建設項目整個施工過程的構思設想和具體安排,是施工組織管理工作的核心和靈魂。其目的是使工程速度快、質量好、效益高。使整個工程在施工中獲得相對的最優(yōu)效果。 1.編制施工組織設計重要性的原因 建筑工程及其施工具有固定性與流動性、多樣性與單件性、形體龐大與施工周期長這三對特點。所以,每一建筑工程的施工都必須進行施工組織設計。這是因為:其它一般工業(yè)產(chǎn)品的生產(chǎn)都有著自己固定的、長期適用的工廠。而建筑施工具有流動性的特點,不可能建立這樣的工廠,只能是當每一個建
3、筑工程施工時,建立一個相應的、臨時性的,如同工廠作用性質的施工現(xiàn)場準備,即工地。施工單件性特點與施工流動性特點,決定了每一建筑工程施工都要選擇相應的機具和勞動力組織。選擇施工方法、擬定施工技術方案及其勞動力組織和機具配置,統(tǒng)稱為施工作業(yè)能力配置。施工周期的特點,決定了各種勞動力、機具和眾多材料物資技術的供應時間也比較長,這就產(chǎn)生了與施工總進度計劃相適應的物資技術的施工組織設計內(nèi)容。由此可見,施工組織設計在項目管理中是相當重要的。 2.施工組織設計方案的重要性 建筑產(chǎn)品作為一種商品, 在項目管理中工程質量在整個施工過程中起著極其重要的作用。工
4、程建設項目的施工組織設計與其工程造價有著密切的關系。施工組織設計基本的內(nèi)容有:工程概況和施工條件的分析、施工方案、施工工藝、施工進度計劃、施工總平面圖。還有經(jīng)濟分析和施工準備工作計劃。其中,施工方案及施工工藝的確定更為重要,如:施工機械的選擇、水平運輸方法的選擇、土方的施工方法及主體結構的施工方法和施工工藝的選擇等等,均直接影響著工程預算價格的變化。在保證工程質量和滿足業(yè)主使用要求及工期要求的前提下,優(yōu)化施工方案及施工工藝是控制投資和降低工程項目造價的重要措施和手段。 2.1施工組織方案在很大程度上影響著工程質量,因此合理的施工組織方案 不僅是確保工程順利完成的基礎,也是工
5、程安全的依據(jù)。施工組織設計是建筑工程設計文件的重要組成部分,是編制工程投資概預算的主要依據(jù)和編制招投標文件的主要參考依據(jù)。因此,認真做好施工組織設計,對于正確確定工程造價、降低工程投資,從而有利控制工程造價將有十分重要的作用。 2.2施工組織方案是對施工活動實行科學管理的重要手段,它具有戰(zhàn)略部署和戰(zhàn)術安排的雙重作用。它體現(xiàn)了實現(xiàn)基本建設計劃和設計的要求,提供了各階段的施工準備工作內(nèi)容,協(xié)調(diào)施工過程中各施工工區(qū),各施工工種,各項自愿之間的相互關系。施工組織方案必須能夠根據(jù)工程產(chǎn)品的特點和要求,根據(jù)現(xiàn)有的和可能爭取到的施工條件,從實際出發(fā),決定各種生產(chǎn)要素的基本結合方式,不切實解決問題,
6、就不可能進行任何生產(chǎn)。 3.施工組織設計的指標計算和分析 目前施工組織設計應建立哪些指標還不統(tǒng)一,計算方法也不規(guī)范。由于它是評價施工組織設計整體效果和評價執(zhí)行狀況的尺度,也是對承建工程施工的單位(項目部)生產(chǎn)經(jīng)營管理水平和效果進行考核的依據(jù)。應予重視,提出如下意見。 3.1指標體系。指標體系的設置要盡量反映施工組織設計目標達到的水平,為評價、考核、執(zhí)行提供方便。 3.2指標計算。(1)施工準備期。從現(xiàn)場準備開始到正式工程開工的全部時間。(2)單位工程工期。由單位工程施工進度計劃安排的施工期。(3)勞動力不均衡系數(shù)。施工期高峰人數(shù)與平均人數(shù)之比。(4)降低
7、成本額。技術組織措施降低成本的價格成果。(5)降低成本率。降低成本額占承包成本的百分比。(6)施工機械化程度。機械施工完成產(chǎn)值與工程承包造價之比。(7)工廠化施工程度。預制廠(采砂場、采石場)完成的產(chǎn)值與工程承包造價之比。(8)臨時工程投資比例。全部臨時工程投資與工程承包造價之比。(9)臨時工程費用比例。全部臨時工程消耗費用減回收費與工程承包造價之比。 3.3指標分析。施工組織設計指標與同類工程歷史實際水平相比,可以評價施工組織設計效果;不同施工組織設計方案的指標對比,可以優(yōu)選方案;分析以往歷次同類工程的各項指標的加權數(shù)值,可以作為今后再次投標的參考依據(jù)。
8、160; 4.施工組織設計的管理 隨著社會主義市場經(jīng)濟的建立,建筑市場的競爭日趨激烈,客觀形勢對施工企業(yè)的要求越來越高。不僅在技術裝備、人員素質、施工組織者方面提出較高的要求,而且工程經(jīng)濟管理工作中有關工程預結算也面臨新的挑戰(zhàn)。嚴謹建筑市場形勢下,有些施工企業(yè)沒有積極采取應對措施,對員工的專業(yè)技術沒有更新、培訓。科學技術管理水平相當落后。加上對編制審核施工組織設計沒有引起足夠的重視。因此就會出現(xiàn)以下幾種常見的情況: 4.1開工前沒有編制審核施工組織設計:不搞施工平面布置圖,材料亂堆亂放。土方運出運進、機械設備、勞動力需求無計劃、工程質量、安全施工無保證
9、措施。造成窩工浪費現(xiàn)象嚴重,管理水平較低。 4.2是否是專業(yè)人員編制施工組織設計:為應付上級部門及監(jiān)理單位、甲方檢查而給施工員或資料員代編施工組織設計。因為資料根本對現(xiàn)在的施工管理不了解而又是領導最近安排的,不得不胡亂編造,應付了事。 4.3施工組織設計編制水平低:有的施工單位,不明白施工組織在施工過程中的重要性,寫一寫各分項施工工藝、畫張平面布置圖、工程進度計劃表,便認為是施工組織設計了。 4.4要技術棄經(jīng)濟:相當多的施工企業(yè)單位在編制施工組織設計時。只重視施工組織當中的各分項工程的技術措施。沒有考慮分項工程經(jīng)濟指標方面內(nèi)容,
10、導致工程竣工結算時糾紛不斷,蒙受經(jīng)濟損失。 因此,要對施工組織設計進行管理: (1)實行動態(tài)管理 工程施工過程中,不可避免地會遇到意想不到的各種問題,如設計變更、自然因素等影響,各階段施工進程的變化造成現(xiàn)場方案的調(diào)整,因此必須根據(jù)變化了的現(xiàn)場實際進行動態(tài)管理,對施工組織設計中不適宜部分進行必須的修改、補充、優(yōu)化,以達到既定的建設目標。 (2)實行分層管理 項目法施工的推行,管理層與作業(yè)層分離,以及固定工人逐步減少的情況,勢必引出總承包與分包的現(xiàn)象,中標單位從過去的直接管理、直接技術交底,變?yōu)殚g接管理、間接技術交底,因此應根據(jù)施工組
11、織設計進行分層管理,明確總包與分包單位、管理層與作業(yè)層的技術權限、職責與工作程序。 5.結語 在項目的施工中,一定要對施工組織設計進行監(jiān)督和控制,確保項目的施工有序,防止施工組織設計流于形式。施工組織設計是工程質量、安全、進度的保障有力措施。在一定的資源條件下實現(xiàn)工程的技術經(jīng)濟效益,達到施工效益與經(jīng)濟效益雙贏的目的。6.遵照合同工作除非合法的或現(xiàn)實條件不允許,任何情況下,承包商應嚴格遵照合同實施、竣工和修補其任何缺陷以滿足工程師的要求。無論合同中是否提及或接觸或涉及施工,承包商應嚴格執(zhí)行工程師的指示。根據(jù)合同第2條的規(guī)定,承包商只能從工程師代表處取得指示。7.提交進度計劃承
13、定承包商的所有支付,承包商還應按季度提供修訂的現(xiàn)金流通量估算。10.承包商的監(jiān)督只要工程師認為是為正確履行合同規(guī)定的承包商義務所必需的,承包商應在工程的施工期間及其后提供一切必要的監(jiān)督。承包商或經(jīng)工程師批準的一位合格的并授權的代表應用其全部時間對該工程進行監(jiān)督。上述批準可由工程師隨時撤回。該授權代表應代表承包商接受工程師的指示,或根據(jù)第2條的規(guī)定 接受工程師代表的指示。Importance of construction organization designSummary:Construction work in the&
14、#160;construction process, the construction organization scheme will not only directly affect project quality, duration and safety also has an important impact in the construction
15、process. Construction organization projects and mentoring in construction of key technical and economic documents. Canregulate the construction people, machines, materials, environment, technolog
16、y, equipment, construction, installation, management, production and other conflicts , monitoring and control of the construction organization design , scientific and reasonable assurance
17、60;the completion of project of high quality, low cost, low energy consumption. Key words: Project management construction management programme the importance Construction organization
18、 design is the idea of the whole construction process of engineering construction project ideas and specific arrangements, organization and management of construction work is
19、the heart and soul. Its aim is to enable high speed, high quality, efficiency. Engineeringbest results when working in construction as a whole. 1.Because of the importanc
20、e of preparation of construction organization design Architectural engineering and construction with a fixed and liquidity, diversity and onepiece, form a large and long constructi
21、on period the three characteristics. Therefore, each construction engineering construction organization design of construction must be carried out. This isbecause other general industrial
22、60;products have their own fixed, longterm application factories. Building construction is characterized by mobility, impossible to build such a plant, only when each of the c
23、onstruction, and establishing an appropriate, provisional, as factory construction site preparation, namely, site. Construction characteristics and construction of single pieces of mobility
24、features, decided to select appropriate equipment for each construction and labororganizations. Construction technology of construction method of selecting, developing programmes and labour
25、organizations and equipment configuration, collectively known as operation capacity configuration. Construction cycle features determines the labour supply of many material, equipment and te
26、chnology is a long time,which raises the total progress plan of construction material that is appropriate for the construction organization design of technology content. It ca
27、n be seen that is of considerable importance in construction organization design in project management. 2.Importance of construction organization design Construction products as a
28、commodity and engineering quality in project management plays a vital role in the entire construction process. Construction organization design and engineering cost of construction
29、;projects has a close relationship. Constructionorganization design of basic content: project overview and analysis of construction conditions, implementation plan, construction technology, const
30、ruction progress plan and general plan of construction. Further economic analysis and construction preparation plans. , Scheme and construction technology in construction of more i
31、mportant , such as : levels of selection, selection of transport method of construction machinery, earth-moving construction method and construction method and construction technology
32、160;of main structure of choice and so on , are directly affecting the estimated project price changes. In ensuring project quality and meet the owners subject to th
33、e requirements and duration requirements , optimizing construction scheme and construction technology are important measures to control investment and reduce project cost and means.
34、0;2.1 Construction organization scheme is to a large extent affect project quality, reasonable construction programme is not only to ensure that the basis for successful compl
35、etion of the construction, safety basis. Construction organization design is an important part of construction design documents, is the main basis for preparation of the proje
36、ct investment budget and preparation of tender documents, the main frame of reference. Therefore, good job in construction organization design,correctly determine project cost, reduce
37、160;engineering investment, thus enabling to control project cost would have a very important role. 2.2 Construction organization plan of construction activities is an important
38、160;means of implementing scientific management, it has the dual role of strategic deployment and tactical arrangements. It reflects the requirements of implementing the capital ma
39、ster plan and design provides all phases of construction preparation, coordination of construction during the construction projectthe construction trade, the relationship between voluntary.&
40、#160;Construction organization scheme must be according to the product's characteristics and requirements, based on existing and possible securing construction conditions, realistic, determin
41、e how the basiccombination of various factors of production, does not solve problems, it is impossible for any production. 3.Construction design calculation and analysis of
42、160;indicators Construction organization design should be to establish which indicators are not unified, calculation or specification. Because itis the evaluation of construction organizatio
43、n design of the overall assessment of the effectiveness and the status of implementation, as well as project construction units ( project ) production and management leve
44、ls and to test the effectiveness of thebasis. Must be given to, and made the following comments. 3.1 Index system. Sets as far as possible reflect the construction
45、160;organization design of index system of the target level of, and to facilitate the evaluation, examination, implementation. 3.2 Index calculation. (1) construction preparation
46、phase. Starting from site preparation to the official project for all time. (2) project duration. Arranged by unit engineering construction progress plan of construction. (3)
47、labour imbalance coefficientDuring peak and the average ratio of the number of. (4) reducethe cost amount. Technical measures to reduce the cost of results. (5) reduce th
48、e cost rate. Cost reduction percentage of total contract costs. (6) construction mechanization. Mechanical construction completed production and engineering contract cost ratio. (7) the
49、 level of industrial construction.Precast factory ( sand excavation, quarries ) completed production and engineering contract cost ratio. (8) the investment proportion of temporary
50、;works. All temporary works investment and engineering contracts cost ratio. (9) cost of temporary works. All temporary works cost recovery fees and contract cost reduction ra
51、tio. 3.3 Indicator analysis. Construction organization design of indicators as compared to similar projects historical actual levels, can assess the impact construction organization
52、60;design; different indicators of construction organization design in contrast to optimum programme; analysis of the weighted numerical indicator of previous similar projects could ser
53、ve as a reference for future bidding again. 4.Management of construction organization design With the establishment of the Socialist market economy , building increasingly fi
54、erce market competition , objective conditions on the construction enterprise requirements getting higher and higher. Not only in terms of technical equipment, quality of personnel
55、, organizer of construction put forward higher requirements, but also in engineering economics and management work engineering budget and settlement also faces new challenges. Stri
56、ct construction market situation, some construction companies do not have a positive response , had no update on staff expertise and training. Science and technology managemen
57、t level quite backward. And for the preparation of construction organization design of audit did not attract enough attention. Therefore, there will be several common scenario
58、s: 4.1 Before commencement of construction organization design of auditing has not been prepared: not to engage in the construction of floor plans , materials of
59、160;rubble lying around. Earthwork out of transport, machinery and equipment, quality of labor demand planning, engineering, construction without guarantees of security. Caused the seri
60、ous waste of idling , lower levels of management. 4.2 Is the professional preparation of construction organization design: to cope with higher authorities and sup
61、ervision units, the customer shall check and construction construction organization designfor information or addendum. Because the information simply don't know about now, construction
62、160;management and leadership has recently arranged, had to make up indiscriminately to deal with. 4.3 Low levels of construction organization design preparation: som
63、e construction units, do not understand the importance of construction organization in the construction process, write about the construction process, draw a floor plan, project
64、60;schedule , is considered to be construction organization plan. 4.4 Abandoned technology economy: a considerable number of units at the time of preparation of construction&
65、#160;organization design in construction enterprise. Only importance to the construction of the project of technical measures. Content does not take into account economic indicators
66、0;, leading to projects completion settlement of disputes continue , causing economic losses. Therefore, the management of construction organization design: (1) the introduction o
67、f dynamic management Construction process, inevitably will encounter unexpected problems, such as impact, natural factors such as design changes, change field programmes of each
68、160;stage of the construction process adjustments must therefore be based on dynamic management of engineering field, not suitable for construction organization design section must
69、;be modified, supplemented, optimization, to reach the established goal. (2) Implementation of hierarchical management Project law construction of introduced, management layer and
70、0;job layer separation, and fixed workers gradually reduced of situation, will leads total contract and points package of phenomenon, bid units from past of directly managemen
71、t, and directly technology low-down, becomes indirect management, and indirect technology low-down, therefore should according to construction organization design for tiered management, clea
72、r total package and points package units, and management layer and job layer of technology permission, and duties and work program. 5.Closing remarks In the construction
73、of the project, be sure to oversight and control of the construction organization design to ensure project construction in order to prevent construction organization design of formality. Progress of the construction organization design of project quality, security, strong measures of protection. In conditions of
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- 2025年三門峽b2貨運資格證模擬考試
- 交通安全宣傳意義
- 智慧農(nóng)業(yè)的智能農(nóng)機與裝備
- 并聯(lián)有源電力濾波器工程應用關鍵技術的研究的開題報告
- 跨文化語境下的國家形象塑造與傳播以中國《國家形象》宣傳片為例
- 志愿服務與志愿者精神知識考試題庫大全(含答案)
- 工業(yè)機器人應用基礎 教案(教學設計) 模塊二-任務二-ABB工業(yè)機器人編程基礎
- 文創(chuàng)產(chǎn)品設計:文創(chuàng)產(chǎn)品設計與創(chuàng)新
- 麻醉復蘇護理進修匯報
- 企業(yè)安全與風險管控課件
- 小學語文《文學閱讀與創(chuàng)意表達》
- 醫(yī)保定點納入預測性研究的報告