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1、精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上高中英語詞匯句式填空專題訓練 (精選全國高考真題+詳細解析答案,建議下載練習)1. Learning strategies, to (老師們重視的), have not yet drawn enough attention of students. (attach)2. Not only_ (我們表示出同情) after the alarming earthquake and tsunami in Japan, but we also offered to assist the country. (sympathy)3. He _(假裝已睡著了)when his mo

2、ther called him. (pretend) 4. It was strongly suggested that the injured passenger _ (動手術(shù)) as soon as possible. (operate)5. Oh, the Geli times is coming! _ (據(jù)報道), Geli, a new Chinglish word, has been shown in the New York Times as well as Peoples Daily. (report)6. (一個人留在家里), Mary felt lonely and fri

3、ghtened, so she turned on the TV. (leave)7. I _ (偶然發(fā)現(xiàn)) this book in an old bookstore near the Palace Museum. (come)8. _ (你注意到) it is getting windy outside? (aware)9. She is_ (一位善良的女士) as you could ever meet. (kind)10. Hearing the terrible news, his parents hurried home _ (結(jié)果發(fā)現(xiàn)他坐著) in the garden. (on

4、ly)11. I like those students who are careful with their lessons , _ (例如) Mary , Linda. 12. ( 事實上 ) _ , the accident caused great damage and a loss of lives.13. Traveling by train , we visited _ ( 大量, 許多) cities. 14. Nowadays , the _ ( 受過良好教育的) people have more chances to get employed. 15. She always

5、 _ ( 積極參加) all kinds of activities when she was at school. 16. China _ ( 起重要作用 ) international relations. 17. What about _ ( 求助于) your teacher for help? 18. For students , every chance should be _ (利用) to study hard.19. He fell off the bike and _ (受傷了). 20. He _ ( 奉獻 ) himself to his career and neve

6、r returned to his homeland.21. Philip seemed _(被介紹給了) to Jane. He knew her well. (introduce)22. The two high officials _(逮捕) has caused a stir among the common public. (arrest) 23. Thank goodness for poetry, without which I _(不會度過) so wonderful a childhood. (spend)24. At first, they took it for gran

7、ted _(每個人都可自由進入) the library. (access)25. We accepted the invitation. Only later _(我們懷疑) it might be a trap. (suspect)26. The National Development and Reform Commission _(一直在跟蹤) the trend of the food prices recently. (follow)27. On account of the upward oil price, it _(已建議) that people should share

8、their cars and give each other lifts. (suggest)28. I called the clothing agent _(我發(fā)現(xiàn)她的電話號碼) on the Internet. (find)29. In the Asian Games in Guangzhou, China got nearly _(四倍的金牌)as Japan. (many)30. Production of wine is almost completely European, with France _(占有) %。 (account)31. The non-profit orga

9、nization made a project to help the poor children (暴露在被污染的空氣中) to live a healthier life. (expose)32. The people in the demonstration in support of reoccupying Diao Yu Island are said (由組成) a mainly part of angry college students. (consist)33. _ (他一被抓住) for the terrible car accident, the rude driver

10、shouted, “My father is Li Gang!” (instant)34. Only one conclusion that your computer was attacked by virus (我們可以得出) according to the symptom.(draw)35. The government (發(fā)現(xiàn)權(quán)力受到挑戰(zhàn)) and the people demanding a more caring Party. (challenge)36. (是非常值得贊揚的) that Arthur gave back the money he found. (credit)

11、37. So (可憐的工人們被壓榨) that they took up weapons to defend their rights. (squeeze)38. (把它分成幾個部分), the movie Inception can hardly be well understood. (divide)39. It was (直到我被告知) the lack of water that I realized the importance to value every drop of it in our life. (inform)40. Dont be far too optimistic

12、since (你可能受到責備) had you not been assisted.(blame)41. .(一般來說)_ _ girls can learn English better than boys.42. . He needs a _ _.(穩(wěn)定的工作)43. . This is a speech _ _ _.(極為重要)44. . He _ _ _ (一直寫作)for five years.45. . In the team ,young people are _ _ _.(占多數(shù)) 46. _ _(沒必要)for you to get up early tomorrow.(ne

13、ed)47. _ _(是因為壞天氣)that the football match had to be put off?(because of)48. So _ _(考試如此難)that only a few students passed it.(difficult)49. _ _(若她知道)that Mary would come to see her,she would never have gone to the party.(know)50. I cant go out to play,with_ _(如此多的作業(yè)要做).(do)51. We have produced_ _(兩倍多

14、的棉花)this year as we did last year.(twice)52. The news reporters hurried to the airport,_ _(結(jié)果被告知)the film stars had left.(tell)53. _ _(一直沒有收到)any letter from him for so long,I gave him a call.(receive)54. _ _(他是否出過國)doesnt make much difference.(abroad)55. The river looks more beautiful,_(兩岸長滿了鮮花和綠草)

15、.(grow)56. . The government plans to bring in new laws _ (迫使家長)take more responsibility for the education of their children. (force)57. . Must you go now? I _(還以為你能)stay for dinner with us. (think)58. .- Why dont we choose that road to save time?59. -The bridge to it _(在被修). (repair)60. . If I _(多懂一

16、些)giving first aid, I could have helped them. (know)61. . Who knows _ (未來等待我們的是什么). (store)62. . _(直到半夜) that he came back home. (until)63. . They have a good knowledge of English but little _(但對德語了解很少). (know)64. . I wont take part in the party _(除非受到邀請). (unless)65. . Mary smiled _ (與她母親一樣)when sh

17、e was Marys age. (way)66. . The suits _(質(zhì)量上乘) and are worth buying. (quality)67. .Im afaid I wont be able to attend the meeting at : pm next Monday.I_(已經(jīng)坐飛機到) New York long before then.(fly)68. . They found themselves on the back of the monster,_(這結(jié)果卻是) a blue whale.(which)69. ._(我多么地感謝)for my teach

18、ers priceless advice!(owe)70. .The judge ordered that_(他還我錢) within five days after the trial.(pay)71. ._(坐在一張椅子上),he was completely lost in a magazine.(seat)72. .Please_(保持房子的原樣)now, because I like it this way and I will buy it tomorrow.(leave, as)73. ._(雖然你所說的話給我留下深刻印象),it fades next to what you h

19、ave done in the struggle against SARS. ( as)74. .He spoke with me with _(眼睛盯著另一位女孩)。(fix)75. .The new bridge is_(是老橋的倍長) (length)76. .The students still cant understand what he said. He_(可能沒有表達清楚他的話) (get)77. ._(意識到了時間是多么的珍貴),he has made up his mind to study hard to make up for the time he wasted.(r

20、ealize)78. .I have made a mistake,_(盡管我并不想). (intend)79. .A sail is to a boat_(正如引擎之于汽車). (what)80. .Old buildings have many halls and workshops _(規(guī)模不同的).(size)81. .Two tennis courts and a swimming pool _ (供使用)the regular members of the club.(available)82. .The firefighters _(及時趕到),otherwise the fac

21、tory on fire would not have been saved. (arrive)83. .Under no circumstances_(我們會放棄) the hope of saving the sick boys. (give)84. .The problem is_(超出我的理解力). (comprehension)85. .The factory produces , pairs of shoes a year,_(其中三分之二) are sold abroad. (which)86. .Mary is particular about her appearance-t

22、hink of the time she spends _87. (化妝)every morning after she gets up. (make)88. Do remember to remind her (關(guān)掉) the gas before she leaves. (turn)89. Lots of policemen were sent to prevent them (砍) the trees. (cut)90. (為何他們突然消失) then still remains a mystery. (disappear)91. Giving children whatever the

23、y want (對他們有害). (harmful)92. I feel so sick. I wish Mum (沒有逼我) to eat so much. (force)93. These chemical changes produced a chain reaction, which (使可能) for life to develop. (make)94. (如果時間允許), I hope to visit the museum. (permit) 95. The house (他付了) a large sum of money three years ago is now worth

24、twice as much. (pay)96. With such a lot of work on hand, he (不應(yīng)該去) to the cinema last night. (should)97. (他設(shè)法) carry out the experiment last year has encouraged his workmates greatly. (manage)98. . The little boy _ (go) blind when he was run over by a passing car.99. . All the files deserve _ (sort)

25、 out, for they will be useful in the future.100. . People have come to like the book that _ (write) in the s. 101. . The wooden furniture _ (replace) by plastic furniture sooner or later.102. .I had my wallet _(steal) on my way home. 103. .The car is considered to _ (invent) in the th century.104. .

26、I got to know him in the s and since then a good relation _ (build) between us.105. . By the time he was ten, he _(teach) mathematics by his father.106. . He insisted that he_ (see) a man in the room at that time.107. .The Science and Technology Festival_(hold) every year on a regular basis.108. . D

27、ont _ _ _ (瞧不起) a person only because he has failed in an exam.109. . Hes giving her French lessons _ _ _(交換) her teaching him Chinese.110. . We must _ our attention _ efficiency(集中).111. . They were wet to the skin because they _ _ _(遇上) a shower on the way.112. . He has got a big room so he is not

28、 too _ _(貧窮).113. . Which driver was _ _ (負責) for the accident?114. . The picture _ _ _(使我想起) my childhood.115. . They set up a monument _ _ _(紀念) the soldiers who died in the Anti-Japanese War. 116. AIDS is said_(是)the biggest health challenge to both men and women in that area over the past few ye

29、ars.(be)117. So tired _ _(他覺得)that he fell asleep soon.(feel)118. “Its a new term and a new day. I wish I _ _(能適應(yīng)新環(huán)境)as soon as possible,”-year-old Li Mingyang said.(adapt)119. I think it important _ _(與我們的朋友保持聯(lián)系).(touch)120. _ _(她生病的原因)was that she ate something that had gone bad.(why)121. Professo

30、r Crown,I attended your lecture on ecology at Berlin University last year. It was wonderful!122. Thank you. But it_ _(一定是)more than two years ago,I think.(must)123. Another colleague who is known to have stolen things in the past_ _(懷疑)having stolen the camera.(suspect)124. _ _(再給我五分鐘),and Ill finis

31、h checking the report.(give)125. It was _ _(你遲到)made the teacher very angry. You must come earlier next time!(come)126. The English teacher _ _(剛才提到過的)is said to retire next term.(refer)127. .Tom_(被人控告行竊)in the supermarket and was sent to the prison.(accuse)128. .Henry,_ (由姑媽撫養(yǎng)長大), turned out to be

32、a great scientist. (bring)129. ._(被稱作)as the Heaven in China is Hangzhou City. (refer)130. ._ (已經(jīng)失敗了很多次) , the young scientists still kept on making his experiments in chemistry. (fail) 131. ._(盡管天氣很惡劣), the soldiers insisted on training every day. (as)132. ._(究竟是什么) Joe cant find in the bathroom? (

33、that)133. .If he_(沒有忙于做) with his experiment, he would have helped me with my English. (busy)134. .Water, _ (看似簡單), makes life possible. (seem)135. .Polluted water is not allowed to be piped into rivers _(未經(jīng)處理). (deal)136. ._ (他一回來), he went straightly to the boss and beat him black and white.(arriv

34、al)137. ._ (不管誰是犯罪者) must have a stain on his or her clothes. (whoever)138. .The boy pretended_ (用功學習)when the teacher came in.(work)139. .By the time Jane gets home, her uncle_ (已經(jīng)動身去倫敦)to attend a meeting.(leave)140. .Only by keeping learning_ (我們才能跟上)the advancement of modern science.(keep)141. .

35、It was for this reason _ (他才在那個村莊定居下來).(settle down)142. .Having seen a horrible film,the little girl,full of fear,went to bed _ (讓燈開著).(on)143. .The young man_ (冒著被撞倒的危險)to take the child on the busy road to safety.(risk)144. .There are many things we need to_ (充分考慮)before we buy an expensive produ

36、ct.(consideration )145. .She is always doing everything for her son,which is_ (她錯誤所在).(go )146. .Yesterday my friend_ (遭遇扒手掏兜了)on her way to see her friend.(pick)147. ._(掌握其它的事實和數(shù)據(jù)),customers are better able to deal with some arguments. (arm) 148. .With the development of agriculture, the people _(以

37、前我在他們村教過書的) have lived a happy life. (teach)149. . I saw him leave the room an hour ago, he_(不可能在工作) at this time.(work)150. .The government proposes_(采取措施) to get rid of air pollution. (measure)151. ._(既然你已經(jīng)有了機會),you might as well make full use of it.(now) 152. . _ (假如我以前學過法語),I would be able to tr

38、anslate the passage for you now.(learn)153. .All the preparations for the trip _(已完成), and we are ready to start. (complete)154. .You cant imagine _(他們多激動)when they received these nice Christmas presents. (excite)155. .I was finally admitted to a key university. Never in my life_(我覺得如此高興)!(feel)156.

39、 .You _(本沒必要澆這些花), for it is going to rain.(water)157. You (最好不要生氣)with Tom;After all,he is a child(better)158. Ill go back to the place (我養(yǎng)大的)and live there forever(bring)159. (看見地上覆蓋著)thick snow,the children rushed out,jumping up and down(cover)160. Had it not been for their arriving in time,many

40、more people (會受傷)(injure)161. (不管發(fā)生什么),We have to get there before sunrise(whatever)162. Could you tell me (在哪里)you found the missing boy(it)163. Not only (我們要努力學習),We should also put what we have learnt to good use(study)164. The local government is trying to (使大眾意識到)the importance of protecting en

41、vironment(aware)165. It doesnt make any sense to me (他是否參加)the meeting tomorrow(attend)166. . Tibet has been one of the hottest places for visitors, because_(它帶給游客的)not only the typical high land landscape, but a colorful ethnic cultural diversity as well.(treat)167. Oh, The Geli times is coming! _(

42、據(jù)報道),Geli, a new Chinglish word, has been shown on The New York Times as well as Peoples Daily. (report)168. . .Three days later, he got home from the disaster area at last, _(感到很累).(feel)169. Was it when you were admitted to that university _(你才懂得)what your teacher had said to you?(sense) .170. . T

43、om pretended _(沒有聽說過) it, but in fact, he knew it very well.(hear)171. .I was very busy yesterday, otherwise I _(就會傾聽)what he said on my way to the conference. (attend)172. . Its universally acknowledged that people are more likely to lead a miserable life_. (break)173. ._(尚拭目以待) whether the housing

44、 price, which has been rising in the last decade, will go down as expected.(remain)174. .At no time _(你應(yīng)該告訴她)this secret.(inform)175. .To his relief,once published,his book as well as his poems _ (沒辜負讀者的期望).Instead they appeal to the readers . (live)176. When I found this amazing tool, I _(猶豫) a lon

45、g time how I should use it177. The Queen is on a _ (私人的) visit to Scotland178. Reading a lot helps to _ (擴大) your vocabulary179. His ears are highly _(敏感) to any unusual sound in the machine180. _(禁止) to touch anything on show, visitors looked at the pictures with great interest181. Great _(成就)have

46、been made in the manned space flight in China since 182. Being an _(經(jīng)驗豐富的) traveler, he knows how to plan a trip before traveling183. In the _ (調(diào)查) conducted by the education department, many students are found over-burdened184. Hamlet is one of Shakespeares well-known _(悲劇)185. Go into that _(對面)ro

47、om, and wait there till I come參考答案such as in fact/as a matter of fact a (great) number of well-educated took active part in plays an important part in turning to made use of was injured devoted to have been introduced being arrestedwouldnt / couldnt have spent that everyone had free access to did we

48、 suspect has been followinghas been suggested whose phone number I found / whose phone number I had foundfour times as many gold medals accounting for (who were) exposed to polluted airto consist of The instant (that) he was caught (that) we can draw found its power challengedIt is/was greatly to his credit squeezed out were the poor workers Divided into seve


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