The Powerpuff Girls 2016《飛天小女警2016》第一季第二十一集完整中英文對照劇本_第1頁
The Powerpuff Girls 2016《飛天小女警2016》第一季第二十一集完整中英文對照劇本_第2頁
The Powerpuff Girls 2016《飛天小女警2016》第一季第二十一集完整中英文對照劇本_第3頁
The Powerpuff Girls 2016《飛天小女警2016》第一季第二十一集完整中英文對照劇本_第4頁
The Powerpuff Girls 2016《飛天小女警2016》第一季第二十一集完整中英文對照劇本_第5頁
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1、Oh, dear!我的天呀Y(jié)ou've got spotted piglet fever, all right.你得了小豬斑疹熱喲Spotted piglet fever?小豬斑疹熱Oh, yes. I'd recognize those symptoms anywhere.對呀 所有癥狀 你都表現(xiàn)出來了呢Snorting.哼哼.Sneezing.打噴嚏.Red spots.起紅疹.Imagining you're climbing mount Everest.還想像自己 正在爬珠穆朗瑪峰I'm not leaving you, Mr. Sherpa.我不會離開

2、你的 謝爾帕先生We're reaching.我們要一起.The summit together!勇攀高峰Okay, Bubbles, no school for you today.好啦 泡泡 你今天別上學啦Bubbles gets to stay home泡泡可以待在家里while I have to go to school like a nerd?而我還得像個呆子一樣去上學嗎Don't worry, Professor.別擔心 教授I'll get Bubbles' homework for her.我會把泡泡的作業(yè)帶回來Avalanche!雪崩啦No!

3、不The snow. so cold!大雪. 好冷呀Blossom, too?花花也生病了啊Why do I have to be so healthy and perfect?為什么我總是 這么健康又完美Even in normal folks,就算是普通人spotted piglet fever can be pretty tough.得了小豬斑疹熱 也是很難受的But in superheroes, who knows?但到了超級英雄身上 誰知道呢As long as you take this antidote every hour,只要你們每小時 服用這個藥劑that should

4、keep your bigger symptoms in check.病癥應(yīng)該就不會惡化了All right, open up.好啦 張嘴啦I know what you need.我知道該怎么做啦Here comes the airplane.小飛機來啦Ugh, here comes the song.他又要唱歌♥了Drink the antidote, drink it up# 喝下藥劑 喝光光 #Better from a plane than a from a cup# 飛機帶來的藥劑 比勺子的更好喝 #Drink the antidote, drink it u

5、p# 喝下藥劑 喝光光 #Better from a plane than from a cup# 飛機帶來的藥劑 比勺子的更好喝 #And now you just need a little rest and some peace and quiet.現(xiàn)在你們只需要 安靜休息一會就好啦Job interview today!今日有求職面試Job interview today!今日有求職面試Job interview today!今日有求職面試Job interview today!今日有求職面試What was that?那是什么啊That was schedulebot,那是計劃提醒機

6、器人reminding me I have a job interview today.它用來提醒我 今天有個求職面試But I guess I'll have to cancel.但是看來 我得取消了Someone has to take care of my little girls.必須有人來照顧 我的小姑娘們呀Even if that means staying home.哪怕是要待在家里Staying home. Staying home.待在家里 待在家里I'll stay home!我留在家里吧How could I abandon my sisters when

7、 they're so-o-o-o sick?我的姐♥妹♥們♥ 病得這么重 我怎么能拋之不顧呢Well, I don't like the idea of you skipping school.我不太支持 你不去上學In between taking care of these two,在照顧她們的同時I'll be studying all day.空余時間 我會學習噠And, besides, I'm super responsible.而且 我超級負責的喲Ah, responsibilit

8、y.責任感呀I shall dub this day Buttercup's big day off!我要稱今天為 毛毛的假期A day of barbecue chips, candy, carrot sticks.今天充滿了 烤肉味薯片 糖果和胡蘿卜條As ice cream spoons.不過是用來 當冰淇淋勺子噠And daytime television.還能在白天看電視啦Judge Trudy is in session!特魯?shù)戏ü匍_庭了It's justice time!正義時間到啦Listen up, ya snot rags,聽著 你們這些垃圾I don

9、9;t want any funny stuff in my courtroom!在我的法庭上 不許耍任何花樣No, no, no, no, no!不 不 不 不You're already making me mad over here!你已經(jīng)惹我生氣了Come on, judge Trudy,快啊 特魯?shù)戏ü賡how 'em some daytime TV justice!讓他們見識 日間電視的正義吧Buttercup!毛毛What?!怎么了啊Buttercup.毛毛My feet. so cold.我的腳. 好冷呀Like the bitter snows of Ever

10、est.就像珠穆朗瑪峰上的雪一樣冰冷Thank you.謝謝Buttercup, if I'm gonna miss school,毛毛 如果我今天會缺課I need you to quiz me on fractions.你得測試我 有關(guān)分數(shù)的題目Come on!不是吧I'm missing half of judge Trudy's我都已經(jīng)錯過一半good putdowns already!特魯?shù)戏ü俚?犀利言辭了呢So that means you still have one half of putdowns left.那就意味著 你還剩一半可以看Easy on

11、e. Next question.真簡單 下一題Whatever!不管了Antidote time! Antidote time!吃藥時間到 吃藥時間到Antidote time! Antidote time!吃藥時間到 吃藥時間到Ugh! All right!好啦Antidote time!吃藥時間到All right, open up, sickos!好啦 張嘴 病秧子們Mnh-mnh! You have to sing the song!不要 你必須得唱那首歌♥I don't sing.我從不唱歌♥We don't take t

12、he antidote without the song.你不唱歌♥ 我們就不吃藥Fine.好吧Drink the antidote, drink it up# 喝下藥劑 喝光光 #Put in your mouth and clam it up# 張開嘴巴 喝干凈 #That wasn't.那不是Mission accomplished!任務(wù)完成And that wraps up another day of justice.又一天圓♥滿♥地 伸張了正義Tune in tomorrow, ya pukes!記得明天繼續(xù)

13、收看 渣渣們Aw, man! I missed it!不是吧 我全錯過了Those snot rags!那兩個討厭的病秧子What am I gonna do now?現(xiàn)在我該做什么呢I know! My bucket list!我知道了 完成遺愿清單Let's see.我來看看Yell at a bird.沖鳥吼叫Hey, bird!你好 小鳥Done! Make a giant straw out of a bunch of regular straws.完成 用一堆正常的吸管 做一根超長吸管Man! That was the last straw. literally.那是我最后

14、一根吸管了啊I guess I could run to the store and get more straws.我想應(yīng)該可以 去商店再買♥♥些回來But I'm supposed to stay home and take care of the wuss twins.但我應(yīng)該留在家里 照顧那兩個病號♥I'm sure they'll be fine.我相信她們會沒事的Besides, the Professor will never find out.而且 教授永遠也不會發(fā)現(xiàn)的He's o

15、n his job interview.他還在參加 求職面試呢Here at corn co. Labs, we take corn very seriously.在玉米公♥司♥研究所 我們對待玉米十分認真And we seriously like your work.而且我們 也非常欣賞你的工作Gee, thanks.天呀 謝謝This is our greatest achievement. cornlossus!這是我們 最偉大的杰作 玉米巨人I guess you could say corn is a growing industry.你可

16、以說 玉米是一個持續(xù)生長的產(chǎn)業(yè)They, uh, require us to say that joke during the interview.求職面試的時候 我們必須說個笑話Antidote time! Antidote time!吃藥時間到 吃藥時間到Antidote time! Antidote time!吃藥時間到 吃藥時間到Antidote time? Antidote time!吃藥時間到 吃藥時間到Antidote time?吃藥時間到啦Antidote time!吃藥時間到啦Antidote.吃藥時間.Time?到啦It's as if I've gone

17、to straw heaven.我就像進入了 一個吸管的天堂啊Organic straws.有機吸管Vegan straws.素食吸管Red straws. Blue straws.紅吸管 藍吸管Reddish-blue straws!有點偏紅的藍吸管They should just make purple straws, am I right?他們直接做紫吸管 不就得了嗎Shouldn't you be in school, young man?小伙子 你不去讀書嗎Antidote time! Antidote time!吃藥時間到 吃藥時間到Antidote time! Antid

18、ote time!吃藥時間到 吃藥時間到Schedulebot, can't you see I'm in the middle of important.計劃提醒機器人 我正在辦很重要.Bubbles? Blossom?泡泡 花花My sisters are giant warthogs?我的姐♥妹♥們♥ 變成大疣豬啦Well, without the antidote,如果不服用解毒劑one of the side effects of spotted piglet fever小豬斑疹熱的癥狀之一就是is g

19、iant warthog-ism.會變成大疣豬喲Ugh! Now you tell me!你怎么現(xiàn)在才告訴我I'm schedulebot, not informationbot.我是計劃提醒機器人 不是資訊機器人Listen, this is no time for jokes.聽著 我沒時間開玩笑了We need to get serious.我們要嚴肅對待了Now, I'm gonna do a triple back flip cartwheel現(xiàn)在 我要做三個后空翻out of this window翻出這扇窗戶and stop my warthog sisters

20、from destroying the town.阻止我的疣豬姐♥妹♥們♥ 摧毀這個鎮(zhèn)子You buy those straws I picked out.你把我選好的吸管買♥♥回家墨西哥玉米卷車蒂諾的Hey!嘿I leave for five minutes to run a very, very important errand,我就離開五分鐘 去辦一件極其重要的事and you two go turn into warthogs?!你們就變成疣豬啦Did you even thi

21、nk about the consequences. for me?!你們有沒有想過 這給我?guī)淼暮蠊veryone at school is gonna call me學校里每個人都會叫我"That girl with the warthog sisters!""有兩個疣豬姐妹的姑娘"And I'll say "Tammy?"我會說 你們說的是"黛米"嗎And they'll say.然后他們會說Hey! Come back here!嘿 給我回來Stop, you guys!停下 你們倆I

22、shall be but a few minutes, my precious steel chariot.我?guī)追昼姾缶突貋?我心愛的戰(zhàn)車寶貝Oh, how I do love you.你知道我有多愛你Antidote time! Antidote time!吃藥時間到 吃藥時間到Antidote time! Antidote time!吃藥時間到 吃藥時間到Antidote time! Antidote time!吃藥時間到 吃藥時間到Antidote time! Give me that.吃藥時間到 趕緊拿來Oh, my precious!哦 我的寶貝啊Well, I would say

23、that out of all my accomplishments,我會說 在所有的成就之中I'm most proud of my three girls.我最驕傲的 還是三個姑娘們Aww! Isn't that sweet?哦 這真甜蜜呀They're so responsible.她們都很有責任感I can leave them at home我可以安心 留她們在家and trust that not a single thing would be broken.并且相信她們 不會出任何問題Come on!張嘴啊Dude!姐們Just take your ant

24、idote!趕緊把藥吃下去Well, as I was saying, ant.就像我說的一樣 吃.How do I make them drink the antidote?!到底要怎樣 她們才會喝藥啊How do I make them drink it up?!到底要怎樣做啊Drink the antidote. Drink it up.# 喝下藥劑 喝光光 #Better from a plane than from a cup.# 飛機帶來的藥劑 比勺子的更好喝 #The song! Right.對啦 唱那首歌♥Here comes the airplane, you piggy puffs.飛機要來啦 你們兩只超能疣豬Closing


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