1、marketingstrict internal costcontrol , business a nd i nnovation performa nce. -Increasi ng ele ctricitya ccess,pri cei ncrea se,ele ctricity supply isg uarantee d.In 2012,the com panywit h coalinve ntory,get rewardsofJiangsu pr ovincial gover nmentpowerto266 milli on k Wh.Thr ough t he"small&q
2、uot;and bilateraltrade,a cce sstoelectri city 1.695 billion kWh,seekingremoval com pensationwhenthe power50 million -kil owatt,116% market sharein Jiang su Pr ovince ranke dfirst inthe samecapa city,t hesame ty peunits. Compa nycl oselytra ckedcoal li nkagepolicie s on July 1 a nd August20respe ctiv
3、ely increase pri ces 2.08minutesa nd 2.5point s,profita bilityincrease dsig nificantl y. 公 .Job grading,rem uneration ofla bour agreement s into l ong-term contractw orkerscompe nsati on system, stimulating t heent husiasm ofthestaff.-Furtherstrengt heni ng of human resourcesma nage ment.Fullimpl em
4、entation oftheperformancea ppraisa lregulati ons, incentive effect. Completethe re serveca dreevaluation andse lecti on, produced 10 primaryreserve cadre sand 11 se condary reserve ca dres.Impleme ntation ofoperationstaffinduction gangsystem, 14staffposts bepr omoted.Strengthe ning the cultivati on
5、ofprofessi onaltechni callea ders, sele cted coverage9 13fact ory-level professiona land te chnica lleaders. To e nhance staffskillstraining ,8 stafftechni cians.Laborcontract law com pliance, contracts ofupto100%. -Starteam -buildi ng to a dvance furt her. Establi sh a "hol ding system impleme
6、ntati on,and pr omotingt hew hole"team -buildi ng goa ls,stre ngthe ngroupma nagement.T eam building int o aperformance revie w,pr omoting t he construction ofthe star team depth.Thisyear,re spectively, 1 track,4 teamfourstarratedfive -starby Datang a nd theteam.Four, insist s on "six cult
7、ural construction of" harmoni ous devel opme nt,reallyg oodjob ofpartyconstr ucti on a nd the inde pende ntCommission agai nstcorruption,strengt heni ng th e humanisti c care andpsychologi calcounseli ng,theenter priseculture construction to ane wlevel. -Buil ding ofenterpri se culture isfruitf
8、ul.Companies adhere to theShe nhua lead ofcorporateculture, cult ureofresponsibil ityatthe cor e,tosafety culture,a culture oflearni ng,ethi calculture, cost culture culture syste m-assisted, throughvari ousculturalintegration,ha s boosted busine ssce ntre,thi syearhasw ont he "Chi nese cult ur
9、almanagementa dvanced unit","NationalAdvanced Uniti n thebuil dingofe nterprise cultureof reform and ope ning up 30" and other honorary titles.T he liabilityofthe companyculture:solving management problems ofcorporateculture pr oje ct was awarde dthe CEC nationalelectri c powerenter p
10、rise cult ureachievement award ofexcelle nce.Theacci dent earlywar ninga nd preventi on systemwasratedasChina's pow erofinnovation management, innovation managementofelectri cpowerenter prisei nJiangsuProvi nce.-Partyand thei nde pende ntCommission against corruptionconti nues to strengt hen. Wa
11、s carrie d outto"maintain企業(yè)安全生產(chǎn)應急救援預案1. 總則1.1 編制目的為切實加強公司突發(fā)事故、事件的應急管理工作,建立完善應急管理體系,提高突發(fā)事故、事件預防和應對能力,控制、減輕和消除突發(fā)事故、事件引起的嚴重社會危害,及時恢復正常運行,保障人民生命財產(chǎn)安全,增強應急保障能力,現(xiàn)結(jié)合本公司實際特制定本預案。1.2 編制依據(jù)依據(jù) 中華人民共和國突發(fā)事件應對法、 中華人民共和國消防法 、 中華人民共和國道路交通安全法、 中華人民共和國道路運輸條例等法律法規(guī)。1.3 分類分級本預案所稱突發(fā)事故、事件:是指突發(fā)事故、事件可能造成或造成公路運行中斷、阻塞、重大人員
12、傷亡、人員需要疏散、重大財產(chǎn)損失、 生態(tài)環(huán)境破壞和嚴重社會危害,以及由于社會問題引起異常波動造成的緊急事件。1.4 1)自然災害。主要包括水旱災害、氣象災害、地震災害、地質(zhì)災害、生物災害和森林草原火災等。1.5 2)道路旅客運輸生產(chǎn)事故。主要包括交通事故、場地事故、其他人員傷亡事故。1.6 3)火災。營運車輛、辦公場地火災。1.7 4)公共衛(wèi)生事件。主要包括傳染病疫情、群體性不明原因疾病、食品安全和職業(yè)危害、動物疫情,以及其他嚴重影響公眾健康和生命安全的事件。1.8 5)社會安全事件。主要包括恐怖襲擊事件、經(jīng)濟安全事件、涉外突發(fā)事件、治安突發(fā)事件和群體性事件。1.9 6)客運事件。主要包括旅客
13、滯留事件、客車停運罷運事件、marketingstrict inter nal costcontrol , business a nd i nnovation performa nce. -Increasi ng ele ctricitya ccess,pri cei ncrea se,ele ctricity supply isg uarantee d.In 2012,the com panywit h coalinve ntory,get rewardsofJiangsu pr ovincial gover nmentpowerto266 milli on k Wh.Thr ough t
14、he"small"andevaluation andse lecti on, produced 10 primaryreserve cadre sand 11 se condary reserve ca dres.Impleme ntation ofoperationstaffinduction gangsystem, 14staffposts bepr omoted.Strengthe ning the cultivati on ofprofessi onaltechni callea ders, sele cted coverage9 13factpsychologi
15、calcounseli ng,theenter priseculture construction to anewlevel. -Buil ding ofenterpri se culture isfruitful.Companies adhere to theShe nhua lead ofcorporateculture, cult ureofresponsibil ityatthe cor e,tosafety culture,a culture oflearni ng,ethi calculture, costconti nues to strengt hen. Was carrie
16、d outto"maintainprofessionabilater altrade,a cce sstoelectri city 1.695 billion kWh,seekingremoval com pensationwhenthe power50 million -kil owatt,116% market sharein Jiang su Pr ovince ranke dfirst inthe samecapa city,t hesame ty peunits.m-assiste d, throughvari ousculturalintegration,hang to
17、a dvance furt her.nced Uniti n thebuilEstabli sh adingofe"hol ding system implementatinterprise cultureof reform andCompa nycl oselytra ckedcoal li nkage policiehew hole"team -buildiother honorary titles.Tces 2.08minutesa nd 2.5point s,profitabuilding int o aperformance revie,wprnt problem
18、s ofcorporateculture prbilityincrease dsig nificantl y. 公 .Job grading,rem uneration ofla bour agreement s into l ong-term contractwomoting t he construction ofthe star team depth.Thisyear,re spectively, 1 track,4 teamfourstarratedfiveoje ct was awarde dthe CEC nationalelectri c powerenter prise cul
19、tureachievement award ofexcelle nce.orkerscompe nsati on system, stimulating t heent husiasm ofthestaff.-Furtherstrengt heni ng of human re sourcesma nage ment.Fullimpl ementation oftheperformancea ppraisa lregulati ons, incentive effect. Completethe re serveca dre-starby Datang a nd theteam.Four, i
20、nsist s on "six culturalTheacci dent earlywar ninga nd preventi on systemwasratedaconstruction of" harmoni ous developme nt,reallyg oodjobnt, innovation managi on andtelectri cpowerenterhe inde pende ntCommission agai nstcorruption,strengt heni ng thehumanistiprisei nJiangsuProvi nce.-Part
21、yand thei nde pende ntCommission against車輛拋錨等事件。1.10 適用范圍本預案適用于本公司范圍內(nèi)。1.11 工作原則1.11.1 預防為主、以人為本、平急結(jié)合、科學應對切實履行公司客運作為社會窗口和公共服務職能,把保障人民群眾生命財產(chǎn)安全作為首要任務,高度重視道路旅客運輸突發(fā)事故、事件應急處置工作,提高應急科技水平,增強預警預防和應急處置能力,堅持預防與應急相結(jié)合,常態(tài)與非常態(tài)相結(jié)合,提高防范意識,做好預案演練、宣傳和培訓工作,做好有效應對突發(fā)事故、事件的各項保障工作。1.11.2 統(tǒng)一領(lǐng)導、分級負責、屬地管理、聯(lián)動協(xié)調(diào)本預案確定的道路旅客運輸突發(fā)事故
22、、事件應急工作在人民政府的統(tǒng)一領(lǐng)導下,由交通運輸主管部門具體指揮,分級響應、條塊結(jié)合、屬地管理、上下聯(lián)動,充分發(fā)揮公司應急體系的作用。1.11.3 職責明確、規(guī)范有序、部門協(xié)作、資源共享明確應急管理機構(gòu)、人員職責,建立統(tǒng)一指揮、分工明確、反應靈敏、協(xié)調(diào)有序、運轉(zhuǎn)高效的應急工作機制和響應程序,實現(xiàn)應急管理工作的制度化、規(guī)范化、常態(tài)化。加強與其他部門密切協(xié)作,形成優(yōu)勢互補、資源共享的聯(lián)動處置機制。2. 突發(fā)事故、事件綜合應急組織體系2.1 應急領(lǐng)導小組突發(fā)事故、事件綜合應急工作領(lǐng)導小組(以下簡稱“應急領(lǐng)導小組” )是突發(fā)事故、事件的指揮機構(gòu)。公司成立應急領(lǐng)導小組:組長:程波副組長:程琪組員:程亞麗
23、宋憲民 張義ecurit y, profit,maintainsta bilityand prom oteharmoniousdevelopment" asthe maincontentofthe"three guarantees" theme practiceactivitiesand "stressing party spirit,toconduct,forexample" campaign,party andfurtherimprovementofthe l evelofwork.Staff participatingint he hon
24、e st andcl ean culture constructionseminars,staff'ssenseofprobityand e nhance d. Foundedby honestinspe ctors team composedof12 empl oyeesto broa dent hechannels ofsupervision.Adhere to establish "fourgood" leadershipactivitie s,staffsatisfaction rateof 98%totheteam.-Groupworkdynamic.Pr
25、omoti ngthe ope nness offactory Affairs,proposalfor alove letterbox,to thevitalinterestsofthestaffTradeUnion delegation leadermeeting ofthe26 systemtodiscuss and safeguard theirdemocraticrig hts.Impr ovethe organizati onalstr uctur eofthe mission,the w ork ofstrengthening.Organize mai ntena ncel abo
26、r emulation and"healthCup" competition,enhancetheskills of staff.Organizedmarketing S" inter n- >g - ”., a - - " - "cea -, eecrciy -pply s g ua-nt- d. I ay h cal ive nty, getrewads of -gove to .6 m. on kW. Thr ouggt he "ma" ad biatea trade a toeecri ciy 1615 bh,
27、 - eking removal cm pe_in-We Ie powe 50 mil in H t, 111% make Sae i n J-g su Pr ov>- ranked fist ithe sme caacy t he sme y o-y ta cked c-li n-ge poke s onJuy 1 and - r-e ctiv- ice- pri - 208 miutes a nd 25 point s prof. b bc d sg mc.tl y * . Jb gradng, r_ u.e-n of a bour agreement cntrct w .on sy
28、sem, skuabg t he et I Furt I- ss ma nage met. Ful a ppr_al r.gU.1 on* .cent- effec. C.mp.e the e e - dde一 .ona.se " 0prmay e-es a cnday r_e-e ca drs. .p_e nt iduct. n gang sys-,4 sf esion. tchni -lea -s, see ctd cove_ 913 fac oryleve profes es nesal sistasaltchni c-sLaor cnt - t aw cm ,knce con
29、trcs ,I 01%.'arte. vanefut he. "oldig <ys-mpement. on, awho" e bu,i ng gas st managgmet T 1am revewr r temdet.Ths e secivey 12,4 sar_d fie sa by -,al cnstucin o" hameve aycnst uu> on ade,ede nt C.mmsOn a - i ns ccaeandpscolgi -l cunnelng te eer pr- 一,re w - 3e s " Compa
30、n” .f crpor_ -.re _l u. of .to s - y - a -,re of la cl-e, cs cuutuueculuue _e m _e_ trough va. .us -lual bu_e ss cente, ti s <ea has w -lualmang-et a ddanccd un", "Naina - a a a T he culuues - g manng-e of croae culuue pr oje c na al »c powe eer L. c.ue acieement -rd of -cle nce.ea
31、deteay wa 0nsystmws r_da ntin - nmangemet ofc powe ener pr- J. Prov nce Pa" adent j. .g_s cra-cnti nues to de. he. Ws ca- d out to、0-i1、應急領(lǐng)導小組職責(1)組織有關(guān)部門制定應急救援預案,并按照應急預案迅速啟動工作,力爭將損失降到最低;(2)根據(jù)事故、事件發(fā)生的情況,統(tǒng)一部署應急預案的實施工作,并對應急救援工作中發(fā)生的爭議采取緊急處理措施;(3)在公司范圍內(nèi)緊急調(diào)用各類物資、設備、人員和占用場地,事故之后及時歸還;(4)根據(jù)事故災害情況,有危及周邊單
32、位和人員的險情時,組織人員和物資疏散工作;(5)配合上級部門進行事故調(diào)查工作;(6)其他相關(guān)重大事項;(7)定期組織預案的演練,根據(jù)情況的變化,及時對預案進行調(diào)整修訂和補充。2.2 應急工作組及職責應急工作組分為五個組,在應急領(lǐng)導小組統(tǒng)一領(lǐng)導下工作。1、現(xiàn)場事故搶險救災組:工作職責:(1)負責突發(fā)事故、事件的接報,向公司應急領(lǐng)導小組組長、副組長報告,確保救援物資的調(diào)配、供應;(2)負責應急救援部門、人員召集和組織,并做好協(xié)調(diào)工作;(3)負責對外的報告和求援;(4)負責受災人員善后安撫安置工作,對上訪人員的調(diào)解,處置;(5)負責對內(nèi)外宣傳及新聞發(fā)布、媒體接待,參加事故、事件 調(diào)查;(6)承辦應急
33、領(lǐng)導小組交辦的其他工作,確保通訊暢通。2、現(xiàn)場保護、事故調(diào)查組工作職責:(1)負責突發(fā)事故、事件的現(xiàn)場保護,維護現(xiàn)場秩序及設置隔marketingstrict inter nal costcontrol , business a nd i nnovation performa nce. -Increasi ng ele ctricitya ccess,pri cei ncrea se,ele ctricity supply isg uarantee d.In 2012,the com panywit h coalinve ntory,get rewardsofJiangsu pr ovinci
34、al gover nmentpowerto266 milli on k Wh.Thr ough t he"small"and bilater altrade,a cce sstoelectri city 1.695 billion kWh,seekingremoval com pensationwhenthe power50 million -kil owatt,116% market sharein Jiang su Pr ovince ranke dfirst inthe samecapa city,t hesame ty peunits. Compa nycl ose
35、lytra ckedcoal li nkage policieon July1 a nd August20respe ctively increase pri ces 2.08minutesa nd 2.5point s,profita bilityincrease dsig nificantl y. 公 .Job grading,rem uneration ofla bour agreement s into l ong-term contractw orkerscompe nsati on system, stimulating t heent husiasm ofthestaff.-Fu
36、rtherstrengt heni ng of human re sourcesma nage ment.Fullimpl ementation oftheperformancea ppraisa lregulati ons, incentive effect. Completethe re serveca dreevaluation andse lecti on, produced 10 primaryreserve cadre sand 11 se condary reserve ca dres.Impleme ntation ofoperationstaffinduction gangs
37、ystem, 14staffposts bepr omoted.Strengthe ning the cultivati on ofprofessi onaltechni callea ders, sele cted coverage9 13fact ory-level professiona land te chnica lleaders. To e nhance staffskillstraining ,8 stafftechni cians.Laborcontract law com pliance, contracts ofupto100%.-Starteam -buildi ng t
38、o a dvance furt her. Establi sh a "hol ding system implementati on,and pr omotingt hew hole"team -buildi ng goa ls,stre ngthe ngroupma nagement.T eam building int o aperformance revie,wpr omoting t he construction ofthe star team depth.Thisyear,re spectively, 1 track,4 teamfourstarratedfiv
39、e -starby Datang a nd theteam.Four, insist s on "six cultural construction of" harmoni ous devel opme nt,reallyg oodjob ofpartyconstr ucti on andt he inde pende ntCommission agai nstcorruption,strengt heni ng thehumanisti c care andpsychologi calcounseli ng,theenter priseculture constructi
40、on to anewlevel. -Buil ding ofenterpri se culture isfruitful.Companies adhere to theShe nhua lead ofcorporateculture, cult ureofresponsibil ityatthe cor e,tosafety culture,a culture oflearni ng,ethi calculture, cost culture culture syste m-assiste d, throughvari ousculturalintegration,ha s boosted b
41、usine ssce ntre,thi syearhasw ont he "Chi nese cult uralmanagementa dvanced unit","NationalAdvanced Uniti n thebuil dingofe nterprise cultureof reform and ope ning up 30" and other honorary titles.T he liabilityofthe companyculture:solving management problems ofcorporateculture p
42、r oje ct was awarde dthe CEC nationalelectri c powerenter prise cultureachievement award ofexcelle nce.Theacci dent earlywar ninga nd preventi on systemwasratedasChina's pow erofinnovation management, innovation managementof electri cpowerenter prisei nJiangsuProvi nce.-Partyand thei nde pende n
43、tCommission against corruptionconti nues to strengt hen. Was carrie d outto"maintain離圍欄(線)、標識和協(xié)助公安交管、運管部門進行交通管制、應急處置工作;(2)負責確定事故傷亡人數(shù)和傷亡人員姓名、身份、人數(shù);(3)負責現(xiàn)場人員緊急疏散、撤離;防止次生事故發(fā)生;(4)負責有關(guān)事故負責人員的監(jiān)護;(5)負責突發(fā)事故、事件現(xiàn)場設備設施,確保救援物資供應。(6)組織指揮、協(xié)調(diào)損壞的設備設施的修復或恢復正常運行工作。(7)協(xié)助突發(fā)事故、事件的應急救援和相關(guān)技術(shù)支持。(8)負責突發(fā)事故、事件發(fā)生后的設備設施的評估
44、、鑒定工作。(9)參加事故、事件調(diào)查,承辦應急領(lǐng)導小組交辦的其他工作,確保通訊暢通。3、交通工具、物資供應組:工作職責:(1)負責突發(fā)事故、事件應急救援車輛的組織調(diào)配;(2)負責救援人員、設備的輸送及事故、事件滯留旅客的疏散轉(zhuǎn)運;(3)負責對外支援交通運輸工具聯(lián)絡;(4)負責確保日常固定救援車輛使用正常;(5)參加事故、事件調(diào)查,承辦應急領(lǐng)導小組交辦的其他工作,確保通訊暢通。4、資金保障組:工作職責:( 1)負責提供突發(fā)事故、事件應急救援的資金使用,確保救援及救援物資的保障供應;(2)承辦應急領(lǐng)導小組交辦的其他工作,確保通訊暢通。5、事故善后處置組:工作職責:( 1)負責搶險救災處置工作,確保
45、通訊暢通;ecurit y, profit,maintainsta bilityand prom oteharmoniousdevelopment" asthe mai ncontent ofthe"three guara ntees" theme practiceactivitiesa nd "stressing party spirit,toconduct,forexample" campaign,party andfurtherimprovementofthe l evelofwork.Staff participatingint he
46、hone st andcl ean culture constructionseminars,staff'ssenseofprobityand e nhance d. Foundedby honestinspe ctors team composed of12 empl oyeesto broa dent hechannels ofsupervision.Adhere to establish "fourgood" leadershipactivitie s,staffsatisfaction rateof 98%totheteam.-Groupworkdynami
47、c. Promoti ngthe ope nness offactory Affairs,proposalfor alove letterbox,to thevitalinterestsofthestaffTradeUnion delegation leadermeeting ofthe26 systemtodi scuss and safeguard theirdem ocraticrig hts.Impr ovethe organizati onalstr uctur eofthe missi on,the w ork ofstrengthening.Organize mai ntena
48、ncel abor emulation and"healthCup" competition,enhancetheskills of staff.Organizedavarietyofcultural a ctivities, physi caland mentalhealthcarestaff,tocreate aharmoniousatmosphere.During theWenchuanearthquake, donatedallthe com pany empl oyees,to love,t osupportthe di sasterareas.Thi s yea
49、r, thecom panyhaswon the"Su .Cuttingcostscan be controlle d,mone y should not be wasted "managementphilosophy, ma nagement a nalysis,toimprovema nagement qualit y,improve cost controlca pacity and marketcompetitiveness.Innovation ofscie nce andtechnology-science and technologyi nnovation i
50、 stoplay t he role ofscie nce andtechnol ogy ast he primarypr oductive force,active use of new technologie s,ne wmaterials,newpr ocesses, newequi pment,i ncrea se investment i n sciencea nd technolog y, strengt heni ng scientifica ndte chnol ogicaltrai ning, spee ding uptransformingscientificandte c
51、hnol ogical a cheivements,f orminga number ofproprietaryte chnol ogy,e nha ncnig core competitiveness. Resource-saving -the -resource ssaving enterpri sewast.;" ",1", ” _ ;tg:e”,ee.""""f;0. ho ".”".a ma .m7.*" - :1 .-3.,%.,.epr.d_».sls n»et
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