1、Marvel Electro n ics and Home En tertai nmentE-Store ProjectSoftware Requireme nts Specificati onVersio n <4.0>e-Store ProjectVersio n:<3.0>Software Requireme nts Specificati onDate: <04/15 14>vdocument identifier>Revisi on HistoryDateVersio nDescripti onAuthor<04/13/14<1.
2、0>SRS 1.0Group-1<04/15/14<2.0>SRS 2.0Group-1<04/15/14><3.0>SRS 3.0Group-1<04/16/07<4.0>SRS 4.0Group-1e-Store ProjectVersio n:<3.0>Software Requireme nts Specificati onDate: v04/15/14><document identifier>Table of Contents1. In troducti on51.1 Purpose51
3、.2 Scope51.3 Defin iti ons, Acrony ms, and Abbreviati ons61.4 Refere n ces61.5 Overview62. Overall Descriptio n63. Specific Requireme nts73.1 Fu n ctio nality73.1.1 Sell Co n figured to Ordered Products.73.1.2 Provide comprehe n sive product details.73.1.3 Detailed product Categorizati ons73.1.4 Pro
4、vide Search facility.73.1.5 Mai nta in customer profile.83.1.6 Provide pers on alized profile83.1.7 Provide Customer Support.83.1.8 Email con firmati on.93.1.9 Detailed in voice for customer.93.1.10 Provide shopping cart facility.93.1.11 Provide multiple shipp ing methods.93.1.12 Online tracking of
5、shipments93.1.13 Provide online Tax Calculations103.1.14 Allow multiple payment methods.103.1.15 Allow online change or cancellationof order.103.1.16 Allow Online Product reviews and ratings103.1.17 Offer finan ci ng optio ns.103.1.18 Provide detailed sitemap.103.1.19 Offer online promotions and rew
6、ards.113.1.20 Online Purchase of products.113.2 Usability113.2.1 Graphical User In terface113.2.2 Accessibility113.3 Reliability & Availability113.3.1 Back-e nd In ter nal Computers113.3.2 In ternet Service Provider113.4 Performa nee123.5 Security123.5.1 Data Tran sfer123.5.2 Data Storage123.6 S
7、upportability133.6.1 Con figuration Man ageme nt Tool133.7 Desig n Con strai nts133.7.1 Sta n dard Developme nt Tools133.7.2 Web Based Product133.8 On-li ne User Docume n tati on and Help System Requireme nts133.9 Purchased Compo nents133.10 In terfaces14e-Store ProjectVersio n:<3.0>Software R
8、equireme nts Specificati onDate: <04/15 14>3.10.1 User In terfaces13.10.2 Hardware In terfaces43.10.3 Software In terfaces43.10.4 Commu ni cati ons In terfaces43.11Lice nsing Requireme nts53.12Legal, Copyright, and Other Notices53.13Applicable Stan dards554. Support ing In formati on15 vdocume
9、nt identifier>e-Store ProjectVersio n:<3.0>Software Requireme nts Specificati onDate: <04/15 14><document identifier>Software Requireme nts Specificati on1. In troducti onThe in troduct ion of the Software Requireme nts Specificati on (SRS) provides an overview of the en tire SR
10、S with purpose, scope, defi n iti ons, acrony ms, abbreviatio ns, refere n ces and overview of the SRS. The aim of this docume nt is to gather and an alyze and give an in-depth in sight of the complete Marvel Electronics and Home Entertainment software systenby defi ning the problemstatement in deta
11、il. Nevertheless, it also concentrates on the capabilities required by stakeholders and their n eeds while defi ning high-level product features. The detailed requireme nts of the Marvel Electr onics and Home En terta inmentare provided in this docume nt.1.1 PurposeThe purpose of the docume nt is to
12、 collect and an alyze all assorted ideas that have come up to define the system, its requirements with respect to consumers. Also, we shall predict and sort out how we hope this product will be used in order to gain a better un dersta nding of the project, outl ine con cepts that may be developed la
13、ter, and docume nt ideas that are being con sidered, but may be discarded as the product develops.In short, the purpose of this SRS docume nt is to provide a detailed overview of our software product, its parameters and goals. This document describes the project's target audience and its user in
14、 terface, hardware and software requireme nts. It defi nes how our clie nt, team and audie nce see the product and its functionality. Nonetheless, it helps any designer and developer to assist in software delivery lifecycle (SDLC) processes.1.2 ScopePrimarily, the scope perta ins to the E-Store prod
15、uct features for mak ing Marvel Electro nics and Home En terta inment project live. It focuses on the compa ny, the stakeholders and applicati ons, which allow for online sales, distribution and marketing of electronics.This SRS is also aimed at specify ing requireme nts of software to be developed
16、but it can also be applied to assist in the selecti on of in-house and commercial software products. The sta ndard can be used to create software requireme nts specificati ons directly or can be used as a model for defining a orga ni zati on or project specific sta ndard. It does not ide ntify any s
17、pecific method, nomen clature or tool for prepari ng an SRS.e-Store ProjectVersio n:<3.0>Software Requireme nts Specificati onDate: <04/15 14><document identifier>1.3 Defin iti ons, Acrony ms, and Abbreviati onsCon figurati onIt means a product which is available / Selected from a
18、catalogue can be customized.FAQFreque n tly Asked Questi onsCRMCustomer Relati on ship Man ageme ntRAID 5Redundant Array of In expe nsive Disk/Drives1.4 Refere n cesThe refere n ces are:E-Store Structural ModelE-Store Behavioral ModelE-Store NFR ModelVisio n Draft 51.5 OverviewThe rema ining sect io
19、ns of this docume nt provide a gen eral descripti on, in clud ing characteristics of the users of this project, the product's hardware, and the fun cti onal and data requireme nts of the product. Gen eral descripti on of the project is discussed in secti on 2 of this docume nt. Sectio n 3 gives
20、the fun cti onal requireme n ts, data requireme nts and con stra ints and assumpti ons made while desig ning the E-Store. It also gives the user viewpo int of product. Secti on 3 also gives the specific requireme nts of the product. Secti on 3 also discusses the exter nal in terface requireme nts an
21、d gives detailed descripti on of fun cti onal requireme nts. Section 4 is for supporting information.2. Overall Descripti onThis docume nt contains the problem stateme nt that the curre nt system is fac ing which is hampering the growth opportunities of the company. It further contains a list of the
22、 stakeholders and users of the proposed soluti on .It also illustrates the n eeds and wants of the stakeholders that were iden tified in the brain storm ing exercise as part of the requireme nts workshop. It further lists and briefly describes the major features and a brief descripti on of each of t
23、he proposed system.The followi ng SRS contains the detail product perspective from differe nt stakeholders. It provides the detail product fun cti ons of E-Store with user characteristics permitted con strai n ts, assumpti ons and depe nden cies and requireme nts subsets.e-Store ProjectVersio n:<
24、3.0>Software Requireme nts Specificati onDate: <04/15 14><document identifier>3. Specific Requireme ntsThe specific requireme nts are3.1 Fun ctio n alityIn troduct ionThis subsect ion contains the requireme nts for the e-store. These requireme nts are orga ni zed by the features discu
25、ssed in the visi on docume nt. Features from visi on docume nts are the n refined into use case diagrams and to seque nee diagram to best capture the fun cti onal requireme nts of the system. All these fun cti onal requireme nts can be traced using tractability matrix3.1.1 Sell Co nfigured to Ordere
26、d Products. Thesystem shalldisplay all the products that can be con figured. Thesystem shallallow user to select the product to con figure. Thesystem shalldisplay all the available comp onents of the productto con figure Thesystem shallenable user to add one or more compo
27、nent to theconfiguration. The system shall notify the user about any conflict in the current configuration. The system shall allow user to update the configuration to resolve conflict in the current con figurati on. The system shall allow user to con firm the completi on of curr
28、e nt con figurati on3.1.2 Provide comprehe n sive product details. The system shall display detailed in formati on of the selected products. The system shall provide browsing options to see product details.3.1.3 Detailed product Categorizati onsThe system shall display detailed product
29、 categorizati on to the user.3.1.4 Provide Search facility.e-Store ProjectVersio n:<3.0>Software Requireme nts Specificati onDate: <04/15 14><document identifier>The system shall enable user to select multiple options on the screen to search.The system shall display only 10 matchi
30、ng result on the curre nt scree n.The system shall en able user to n avigate betwee n the search results.The system shall no tify the user whe n no match ing product is found on the search.3.1.5 Mai nta in customer profile.The system shall allow user to create profile and set his credential.The syst
31、em shall authe n ticate user crede ntials to view the profile.The system shall allow user to update the profile in formati on.3.1.6 Provide pers on alized profileThe system shall display both the active and completed order history in the customer profile.The system shall allow user to select the ord
32、er from the order history.The system shall display the detailed information about the selected order.The system shall display the most frequently searched items by the user in the profile.The system shall allow user to register for newsletters and surveys in the profile.3.1.7 Provide Customer Suppor
33、t.The system shall provide on li nehelp, FAQ ' customer support, and sitemap opti ons for customer support.The system shall allow user to select the support type he wan ts.The system shall allow user to en ter the customer and product in formatio n for the support.The system shall display the cu
34、stomer support con tact nu mbers on the scree n.e-Store ProjectVersio n:<3.0>Software Requireme nts Specificati onDate: <04/15 14><document identifier>The system shall display the on li ne help upon request.3.1.8 Email con firmati on.The system shall maintain customer email informa
35、tion as a required part of customer profile.The system shall send an order confirmation to the user through email.3.1.9 Detailed in voice for customer.The system shall display detailed in voice for curre nt order once it is con firmed.The system shall opti on ally allow user to print the in voice.3.
36、1.10 Provide shopp ing cart facility.The system shall provide shopp ing cart duri ng on li ne purchase.The system shall allow user to add/remove products in the shopp ing cart.3.1.11 Provide multiple shipp ing methods.The system shall display differe nt shipp ing opti ons provided by shipp ing depar
37、tme nt.The system shall en able user to select the shipp ing method duri ng payme nt process.The system shall display the shipp ing charges.The system shall display tentative duration for shipping.3.1.12 On li ne track ing of shipme ntsThe system shall allow user to enter the order information for t
38、racking.The system shall display the curre nt track ing in formati on about the order.3.1.13 Provide on li ne Tax Calculatio nse-Store ProjectVersio n:<3.0>Software Requireme nts Specificati onDate: <04/15 14><document identifier>The system shall display tax in formati on for the o
39、rder.3.1.14 Allow multiple payme nt methods.The system shall allow user to select the payme nt method for order.3.1.15 Allow on li ne cha nge or can cellati on of order.The system shall display the orders that are eligible to cha nge.The system shall allow user to select the order to be cha nged.The
40、 system shall allow user to can cel the orderThe system shall allow user to cha nge shipp ing, payme nt method.The system shall no tify the user about any cha nges made to the order.3.1.16 Allow On li ne Product reviews and rat ingsThe system shall display the reviews and ratings of each product, wh
41、en it is selected.The system shall enable the user to enter their reviews and ratings.3.1.17 Offer financing options.The system shall display all the available financing options.The system shall allow user to select the financing option.The system shall notify the use about the financing request.3.1
42、.18 Provide detailed sitemap.The system shall allow user to view detailed sitemap.3.1.19 Offer on li ne promoti ons and rewards.e-Store ProjectVersio n:<3.0>Software Requireme nts Specificati onDate: <04/15 14><document identifier>The system shall allow user to select available pro
43、moti on3.1.20 On li ne Purchase of products.The system shall allow user to con firm the purchase.The system shall en able user to en ter the payme nt in formatio n.3.2Usability3.2.1 Graphical User In terfaceThe system shall provide a uniform look and feel betwee n all the web pages.The system shall
44、provide a digital image for each product in the product catalog.The system shall provide use of icons and toolbars.3.2.2 AccessibilityThe system shall provide han dicap access.The system shall provide multi la n guage support.3.3 Reliability & Availability3.3.1 Back-e nd In ternal ComputersThe s
45、ystem shall provide storage of all databases on red undant computers with automatic switchover.The system shall provide for replicati on of databases to off-site storage locati ons.The system shall provide RAID V Disk Stripp ing on all database storage disks.3.3.2 In ter net Service ProviderThe syst
46、em shall provide a con tractual agreeme nt with an internet service provider for T3 access with 99.9999 availability.The system shall provide a con tractual agreeme nt with an internet service provider who can provide 99.999% availability through their n etwork facilities on to the in ternet.e-Store
47、 ProjectVersio n:<3.0>Software Requireme nts Specificati onDate: <04/15 14><document identifier>3.4 Performa neeThe product shall be based on web and has to be run from a web server.The product shall take initial load time depending on internet connection strength which also depe n
48、ds on the media from which the product is run.The performa nee shall depe nd upon hardware comp onents of the clie n t/customer.3.5 Security3.5.1 Data Tran sferThe system shall use secure sockets in all tran sact ions that in clude any con fide ntial customer in formatio n.The system shall automatic
49、ally log out all customers after a period of in activity.The system shall con firm all tran sact ions with the customers web browser.The system shall not leave any cookies on the customers computer containing the userpassword.The system shall not leave any cookies on the customer cons computer conta
50、ining any of the userfide n tial in formati on.3.5.2 Data StorageThe customer ' s web browser shall never display a customer echoed with special characters represe nti ng typed characters.s password. It shall always beThe customer ' s web browser shall never display a customer' s credit
51、card number after retrievfrom the database. It shall always be shown with just the last 4 digits of the credit card number.The system ' s badd servers shall never display a customer password may be reset but n ever show n.s password. The customerThe system ' s backd servers shall only be acc
52、essible to authenticated administrators.The system ' s backd databases shall be encrypte d3.6 Supportability3.6.1 Con figurati on Man ageme nt Toole-Store ProjectVersio n:<3.0>Software Requireme nts Specificati onDate: <04/15 14><document identifier>The source code developed fo
53、r this system shall be mai ntai ned in con figurati on man ageme nt tool.3.7 Desig n Con stra ints3.7.1 Sta n dard Developme nt ToolsThe system shall be built using a sta n dard web page developme nt tool that con forms to either IBM' s CUA sta ndards or Microsoft ' s GUI sta ndards.3.7.2 We
54、b Based ProductThere are no memory requireme ntsThe computers must be equipped with web browsers such as Internet explorer.The product must be stored in such a way that allows the clie nt easy access to it.Resp onse time for load ing the product should take no Ion ger tha n five minu tes.A gen eral
55、kno wledge of basic computer skills is required to use the product3.8 On-li ne User Docume n tati on and Help System Requireme ntsAs the product is E-store, On-line help system becomes a critical component of the system which shall provide -It shall provide specific guidelines to a user for using th
56、e E-Store system and within the system.To impleme nt on li ne user help, li nk and search fields shall be provided.3.9 Purchased Comp onentsNot Applicable3.10 In terfacesThere are many types of in terfaces as such supported by the E-Store software system n amely; User In terface Software In terface
57、and Hardware In terface.The protocol used shall be HTTP.The Port nu mber used will be 80.e-Store ProjectVersio n:<3.0>Software Requireme nts Specificati onDate: <04/15 14>vdocument identifier>There shall be logical address of the system in IPv4 format.3.10.1 User In terfacesThe user i
58、n terface for the software shall be compatible to any browser such as In ternet Explorer, Mozilla or Netscape Navigator by which user can access to the system.The user in terface shall be impleme n ted using any tool or software package like Java Applet, MS Front Page, EJB etc.3.10.2 Hardware In terfacesSince the application must run over the internet, all the hardware shall require to connect internet will be hardware in terface f
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