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1、videoconference , Secretaryof the provincial Committee ofXiaBaolongstresse d: this year is the "five water treatment" "357"timetables "for three years to resolveoutstanding issues,obvi ously worked," victoryof the year.The County's departments at all levels must fir

2、mly establish the "guanghui is g old a nd silver" green developme nt concept,convinced that Castle is not relaxed, always maintaini ng strategic ability andstrongdetermination t o improvethe environment,consistentlyplayingwell "five water treatmentof" winning the war, ev er-highe

3、r levels ofcomprehensive w ell-off society was built. (A) lay thesewageuphillbattle. This year w e will "river waterqua lity improved at thecounty level, up to five" this basicobjective grasp ofpoll ution control that focus,with the focuson t hree things: a good job, "clear rivers&quo

4、t; reachi ng the County created. Organi zation "lookback" special insperectification of problems found in place firmly to prevent riverpoll ution rebound. In accordance with the "one -stop strategy", improving the inferior five water quality monitoring stations work this year to

5、ensure the Eliminationof 1 provincial control, five water quality section 3 municipalitiescontrolled deterioration, e nsure the creation this year of "clear rivers" standar ds. Second, payspe cial attention to pollution-cuttingconstructionof nanotubes. Intercepting nanotube s are thebasis

6、of pollution of water sourceengineering , engi neering, matter of success or failureof water management. Urban sewage treatment, to improve "effluent from sewage treatment rate, running accuracy, compliance" requirement, speed up the town's support network construction, i s focusingonn

7、anotubes home "last meters" question. Domestic sewage treatment in rural areas, this year is the finalear of the three-year action, determination to fight and the momentum around, endi ng the battleon which fully toensure the realization of all County 648 formed village coverage. Also, be

8、sure to attach importance to focuson rural domestic wastewater treatment facilityoperation and management, ensure that wastewater treatment facility up and running, role pla y, avoid the "Su n" problem. Third,pay special attention to the River Lakeponddesilting operation. Provinces nowhave

9、 focused on pollution control of water go to "dig up mud", as thedee pening water of this year's "plays".Next, to jump-start an investigation line toucheswork, implementation plan a ccording to thepriorities and theprogramme of work, in a ccordance with the "one riverone

10、 pol icy" requiresdetailed clea ning,dredgi ng plan, planning ahead of time cleaningout mud "way out", according to localconditions t o do sludge,promotescie ntific resource utilizationof silt and mud. (B) the heavy regulation of heavily pollproduction capacity, increase the intensity

11、 of會計電算化專業(yè)建設實施方案陜西經(jīng)濟管理職業(yè)技術學院一、會計電算化專業(yè)建設目標(一)總體目標以提高人才質量為目標 、以人才培養(yǎng)模式改革與創(chuàng)新為主體,根據(jù)本地區(qū)產(chǎn)業(yè)發(fā)展趨勢 ,以應用型 、復合型人才培養(yǎng)為目標 ,以會計行業(yè)高等技術應用性人才知識 、素質、能力要求為依據(jù) ,以全面推進“工學結合 ”、項“目驅動 ”、“雙證融合 ”的教學模式改革為抓手 ,創(chuàng)新構建具有鮮明高職教育特色的教學環(huán)境,構建以應用為主旨的課程和教學內容體系,把服務產(chǎn)業(yè) 、內涵建設 、提高質量放在專業(yè)建設的突出位置,強化實踐教學 ,提高教學質量 ;以深化校企合作為重點,優(yōu)化整合社會資源 ,建立以企業(yè)需求為導向 ,以學校辦學為

12、基礎 ,學校教育與企業(yè)培養(yǎng)緊密聯(lián)系、社會與學校評價相結合的技能人才培養(yǎng)體系。通過 3-5 年努力,把本專業(yè)建設成基礎理論適度 、專業(yè)實踐技能強 ,知識面寬的陜西省特色專業(yè) 。(二)具體目標1、深入推進 “工學結合 ”、“項目驅動 ”的教學模式 ,實現(xiàn)人才培養(yǎng)模式和課程體系改革的新跨越 。(1)建立企業(yè)調研機制 。在項目論證 、實施以及效果跟蹤的全過程中 ,通過企業(yè)調研機制的建立 ,實現(xiàn)持續(xù)改進 ,通過到企業(yè)進行初期調研 、過程調研reatment of heavilypoll uting industries. According to municipal, and municipal gov

13、ernment deployme nt of seven bigheavypoll ution industry regulation "three years acti on plans", requirements to De cember2016end of Qian, all includedshut stopped eliminated of e nterprise all shut stoppedeliminated in pla ce; June 30, 2017Qian, all include d place reg ulation upgrade and

14、 agglomeration restructuring of enterprise by unifiedstandar d regul ation inplace, late not standardof enterprise areimplementationdisconti nue d; J une30, 2018Qian, all intends Parkproduction of enterprise relocation Park in place , late not Parkof are discontinued. In theproce ss of renovation,wi

15、ll focuson four aspects: to firmly close thehigh energyconsum ption and heavypollution, hopeless enterprise g overna nceand production lines, elimienvironment access system,promoting industry access a nd environmentalconditions of access of enterprise s to the Park, industrialpark, in principle, no

16、longer theclass on the new project. Thirdly, promoting replacement and reconstruction of heavily polluti ng industries, mergers and r eorganizations, guide e nterprises to energy conservation, recycli ng and low-carbon and clean pr oduction, a nd im prove the levelof greendevel opment.Four to establ

17、ish a long-term supervision mechanism, increase the intensity of special inspections, i nvestigate and punish t he re ctification isnot in place, normal business of running anti -pollution installationsdo not. (Iii) linkage topromoteflood controlwater,drainage, water supply, improving water saving.

18、Speedup crossangsupport river dike reinforcement,and along Pu seawall except insurance reiimplementation "strong library" "solid di" "spread row" engineering, i ncreased geologi cal disaster hidde n points governance efforts, solid advance small basin torrent disa ster

19、governance, efforts from essentially solution basin sex, and regional floodcontr ol drainage capacity insufficient of problem. V igorously implement the pi ers, algae and other water sources protection and, promoting r ural drinki ng water safety projects,setting up water pricing reform and environm

20、entalprotection mecha nism, gui ding waterdept h. Further soilpollution and repair, strengthen agricult ural non-point source pollution prevention, mountain, water, forests, fields, lakes, various elements mutual long. Four, manage to tighten control, to play "three tosplit" battle.XiaBaol

21、 ong, Secretary of provinci al party Committee stressed that whil e the "three tosplit" operation time is over three years, but "three to split" must continue to catch on, and resolve asplit cannot bechanged.All localities and departments tthe village and "nouna uthorised&qu

22、ot; createdvideoconference , Secretaryof the provincial Committee ofXiaBaolongstresse d: this year is the "five water treatment" "357"timetables "for three years to resolveoutstandingissues,obvi ously worked," victoryof the year.The County's departments at all level

23、s must firmly establish the "guanghui is gold a ndsilver" gree n developme nt concept,convinced that Castle is not relaxed, always maintaini ng strategic ability andstrongdetermination to improve the environment,consistentlyplayingwell "five water treatmentof" winning the war, ev

24、 er-higher levels ofcomprehensive w ell-off society was built. (A) lay thesewageuphillbattle. This year w e will "river waterqua lity improved at thecounty level, up to five" this basicobjective grasp ofpoll ution control that focus,with the focuson t hree things: a good job, "clear r

25、ivers" reaching therectification of problems found in place firmly to prevent riverpoll ution rebound. In accordance with the "one -stop strategy", improving the inferior five water quality monitoring stations work this year to ensure the Eliminationof 1 provincial control, five water

26、 quality section 3 municipalitiescontrolleddeter ioration, ensure the creation this year of "clear rivers" standar ds. Second, payspe cial attention to pollution-cuttingconstructionof nanotubes. Intercepting nanotube s are thebasis of pollution of water sourceengineering , engi neering, ma

27、tter of success or failureof water management. Urban sewage treatment, to improve "effluent from sewage treatment rate, running accuracy, compliance" requirement, speed up the town's support network construction, i s focusingon nanotubes home "last meters" question. Domesti c

28、 sewage treatment in rural areas, this year is the final y ear of the three-year action, determination to fight and the momentum around, endi ng the battleon w hich fully toensure the realization of all County 648 formed village coverage. Also, be sure to attach importance to focuson rural domestic

29、wastewater treatment facilityoperation and management, ensure that wastewater treatment facility up and running, role pla y, avoid the "Sun" problem. Third,pay special attention to the River Lakeponddesilting operation. Provinces nowhave focused on pollution control of water go to "di

30、g up mud", as thedee pening water of this year's "plays".Next, to jump-start an investigation line toucheswork, implementation plan a ccording to thepriorities and theprogramme of work, in a ccordance with the "one riverone pol icy" requiresdetailed clea ning,dredgi ng p

31、lan, planning ahead of time cleaningout mud "way out", according to localconditions to do sludge,promotescie ntific resource utilizationof silt and mud. (B) the heavy regulation of heproduction capacity, increase the intensity of和目標調研 ,保證方案制定的先進性和可行性,實現(xiàn)方案實施的精確性和規(guī)范性,最終達到企業(yè)的高滿意度。(2)建設學習領域課程體

32、系 。 通過導入企業(yè)專家訪談制度,分析和凝練典型工作過程 ,設計學習領域一體化課程標準,完成學習任務設計 ,形成本專業(yè)的課程標準 ,編寫不少于 5 本的校本教材 ,建立本專業(yè)的教學資源庫。(3)加強新教學模式研究與實施。通過新教學模式的實踐探索,每年進行1 次展示和評比表彰活動 ,逐步形成能體現(xiàn) “工學結合 ”、項“目驅動 ”的教學精髓的課堂教學模式 。(4)創(chuàng)建仿真模擬教學環(huán)境 。 根據(jù)學習領域工作情境 ,進一步建設和完善仿真模擬教學環(huán)境 ,建立本專業(yè)相關的互動教學平臺軟件,進一步提升教學信息化建設水平 ,完善實訓條件 ,滿足實踐技能培訓的要求。2、以能力為核心 ,不斷推進評價模式改革 。在

33、目前 “雙證融通 、技能提升 ”的評價模式探索的基礎上,不斷推進以職業(yè)資格標準為紐帶 ,社會與學校共同參與的人才評價體系改革。進一步推進 “雙證書 ”制度 ,積極組織和參與技能競賽活動,提升學生的技能和社會認可度,不斷吸收行業(yè) 、企業(yè)及其他社會組織共同參與人才培養(yǎng)質量評價,將畢業(yè)生就業(yè)率、就業(yè)質量 、創(chuàng)業(yè)成效等作為衡量人才培養(yǎng)質量的重要指標,形成相互銜接的多元評價機制 。3、以“高端引領 ,營造成長階梯 ”為隊伍建設機制 ,優(yōu)化師資隊伍結構 ,全面提升師資隊伍水平 。建設高水平的 “雙師型 ”師資隊伍是專業(yè)建設項目期內的重中之重,是推進專業(yè)發(fā)展的源泉 。reatment of heavily

34、polluting industries. According to municipal, and municipal governmentdeployment of seve n bigheavy pollution industry regulation "three years actionplans", requirements to December 2016 end of Qian, all included shut stopped eliminated of enterprise all shut stoppedeli minated in place ;

35、June 30, 2017 Qian, all includedplace regulation upgrade a nd agglomeration restruct uring of enterpriseby unified standard regulation in place, latenot standardof enterprise are implementation discontinue d; June 30, 2018Qian, all intends Parkproductionof enterprise relocati on Park in pla ce, late

36、 not Park of are discontinued. In the processof renovation, will focus on four aspects: to firmly close the high energy consumption and heavy pollution, hopeless enterprise gover nance a nd producti on lines, eliminated a numberof yearly emission intensity, low value-added products of backwar d prod

37、uction capacity. Second, we must strictly enforce the space , total project "Trinity"environment access system, promoting industry acce ss and environmentalconditions of access of enterprises to the Park, industrialpark, inprinciple,no l onger the class on the new project. Thirdl y, promot

38、ing replacement and reconstructi on of heavily polluting i ndustries, mergers and reorganizations,uideenterprises to e nergy conservation, recycling and low-car bon and clean production, and improve the level of green devel opme nt.Four to establish a long-term supervision mechanism, increa se the i

39、 ntensityof special inspe ctions, investigate andpunish t he rectificati on is not i n place, normal business of runni ng anti-polluti on i nstallations do not. (Iii) linkage to promote flood control water, drainage, water supply, improving water saving. Speed up crossang support river dike reinforc

40、ement, and along Pu seawall except insurance reinforceme nt, and LakeQian sluice, and BA Cao sluice, and cloudcover reservoir, focus flood control drainage engineering constr ucti on, vigorouslyimplementation "strong library" "solid di" "spread row" engineering, i ncrea

41、sed geological disaster hidden points governance efforts, solid advance small basin torrent disa ster governance , efforts from essentiallysol ution basin sex, and regional flood controldrainagecapacity insufficient of problm. Vigorously implement the piers, algae and other water sources prote ction

42、 and, promoting ruraldrinki ng water safety projects, setting up water pricing reformand environmental protection mechanism, gui ding water depth. Further soilpollution and re pair, strengthen agricultural non-point source pollution prevention, mountain, water, forests, fields, lakes, various elemen

43、ts mutual long. Four, manage to tightencontrol, to play "three to split" battle. XiaBaolong , Secretary of provincial party Committee stressed that whil e the "three tosplit" operation time is over three years, but "threeto split" must continue tocatch on, and re solve

44、a split cannot be changed.All localities anddepartments tothe village and "nouna uthorised" created2.(1)組織新課程理念全員培訓。項目期內 ,組織覆蓋本專業(yè)全體教師的新課程理念和現(xiàn)代教育技術培訓10 次以上(2)培養(yǎng)專業(yè)帶頭人 。 建立專業(yè)帶頭人培養(yǎng)制度,引導建立一支 “師風正、人品好、理論扎實 、技能精湛 、開拓創(chuàng)新 ”的專業(yè)帶頭人隊伍 ,為本專業(yè)培養(yǎng) 1-2 名專業(yè)帶頭人 ,引領專業(yè)發(fā)展 ,擴大專業(yè)影響力 ,強化專業(yè)功能 ,擴展示范服務作用 。(3)建立 “新教師 、骨

45、干教師 、教學名師 ”的階梯培養(yǎng)制度 。 通過校本自培的長效機制 ,使 “新教師入門有人帶 ,骨干教師成長有人推 ,教學名師發(fā)展有人追 ”,力爭體現(xiàn) “對象覆蓋面廣 ,內容涉及面寬 ,發(fā)展階梯性強 ”的特點 ,引導中青年教師思考和規(guī)劃自己的發(fā)展目標 、路徑,鼓勵骨干教師提煉自己的工作經(jīng)驗和風格 ,具體做法是 :以新教師為主要對象 ,以一學期為周期 ,實施青年教師帶幫制度 ;以專業(yè)教師為主要對象 ,以一個月 (重點對象三個月 )為周期,實施進企業(yè)研修制 ;( 4)實施師資隊伍教科研能力提升計劃 。 將培養(yǎng)產(chǎn)學研相結合的教師作為學校的管理目標之一 ,通過 “教科研成果展示評比 ”等介質 ,營造教師

46、參與科研的氛圍與條件 ;發(fā)揮理論引領 、專家?guī)?、課題帶動 、制度保障的聯(lián)動作用 ,建立學??蒲泄ぷ鞯幕盍C制 ;深化產(chǎn)學研工作 ,促進教師參與企業(yè)項目研發(fā)和技術攻關 。力爭本專業(yè)每年有 1 項以上的科研成果 。4、建立和完善工學結合 、開門辦學的運行機制 ,辦 “企業(yè)關注 ,企業(yè)參與,企業(yè)滿意 ”的學校。在兩年的專業(yè)建設項目期內,要將校企合作 、工學結合的運行機制進一步.專業(yè) .專注.videoconference , Secretaryof the provincial Committee ofXiaBaolongstresse d: this year is the "fiv

47、e water treatment" "357"timetables "for three years to resolveoutstandingissues,obvi ously worked," victoryof the year.The County's departments at all levels must firmly establish the "guanghui is gold a ndsilver" gree n developme nt concept,convinced that Cast

48、le is not relaxed, always maintaini ng strategic ability andstrongdetermination to improve the environment,consistentlyplayingwell "five water treatmentof" winning the war, ev er-higher levels ofcomprehensive w ell-off society was built. (A) lay thesewageuphillbattle. This year w e will &q

49、uot;river waterqua lity improved at thecounty level, up to five" this basicobjective grasp ofpoll ution control that focus,with the focuson t hree things: a good job, "clear rivers" reaching therectification of problems found in place firmly to prevent riverpoll ution rebound. In acco

50、rdance with the "one -stop strategy", improving the inferior five water quality monitoring stations work this year to ensure the Eliminationof 1 provincial control, five water quality section 3 municipalitiescontrolleddeter ioration, ensure the creation this year of "clear rivers"

51、; standar ds. Second, payspe cial attention to pollution-cuttingconstructionof nanotubes. Intercepting nanotube s are thebasis of pollution of water sourceengineering , engi neering, matter of success or failureof water management. Urban sewage treatment, to improve "effluent from sewage treatm

52、ent rate, running accuracy, compliance" requirement, speed up the town's support network construction, i s focusingon nanotubes home "last meters" question. Domesti c sewage treatment in rural areas, this year is the final y ear of the three-year action, determination to fight and

53、 the momentum around, endi ng the battleon w hich fully toensure the realization of all County 648 formed village coverage. Also, be sure to attach importance to focuson rural domestic wastewater treatment facilityoperation and management, ensure that wastewater treatment facility up and running, role pla y, avoid the "Sun" problem. Third,pay special attention to the River Lakeponddesilting operation. Provinces nowhave focused on pollution c


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