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1、遵義四中2022屆高三第四次月考英語試題第一局部:英語知識運用共三節(jié),總分值 50分第一節(jié):語音知識 洪5小題;每題1分,總分值5分從A、B、C、D四個選項中,找出其畫線局部與所給單詞的畫線局部讀音相同的選項。1. opin io nA.oceanB. possibleC. purposeD. stomach2. breakA. realityB. reallyC. greatlyD. bread3. desireA. disadva ntageB. suspectC. pleasureD. surprise4. warmth_A. worthyB. smoothC. togetherD. .

2、theft5. washedA. offendedB. jumpedC. adoptedD. called第二節(jié):語法和詞匯知識共15小題,每題1分,總分值15分從A、B、C、D四個選項中,選出可以填人空白處的最正確選項,并填寫到答題卡上將該項 涂黑。6. Here comeswordhe was killed in a traffic accide nt.A. a; thatB. x; thatC. a; whichD. x; which7. She did itit took me.A. one - third the timeB. the one - third timeC. one -

3、 third a timeD. a one - third time8. Because I have a very important meeting to attend, I can' t come to see you this evening,I'd like to.A. much asB. much soC. as muchD. so much9. The task requireddid itcareful and brave eno ugh.A. who; isB. whom; wasC. whomever; were D. whoever; be10. -Wil

4、l it be a long time I come for the pictures?-No. Itbe ready by 3:00.A. that; canB. since; willC. before; shouldD. un til; must11. I just don' t understandthat leads to so many teenagers becoming addicted toplay ing computer games.A. why it doesB. what it doesC. what it isD. why it is12. Chemical

5、 processesin the treatment of materials for clothestheen viro nment badly in some coun tries no wadays.A. in volve; damag ingB. in volved; damagedC. i nvolvi ng; damageD. i nvolved; damage13. -Where did you watch the national flag being raised at 08:08 on August 8?A. whichB. thatC. to whichD. to whe

6、re14. Hearing that most of the members voted against her, shea smile.A. woreB. man agedC. performedD. con trolled15. Cars do cause us some healthy problems-n fact far moreseriousthat mobilephonesdo.A. oneB. onesC. itD. those16. Mrs. George looks elegant and attractive tonight.The dark dressher hidde

7、 n beauty.A. gives outB. takes outC. lets outD. bring outof it.A. descripti onB. imagesC. detailD. data17. It 'reported that the satellite 'task is to fly closer to the moon to get clearer18.A. AsB. ForC. WithD. Through19. I used to smokebut I gave it up three years ago.A. seriouslyB. heavil

8、yC. badlyD. severelyproducti on up by 50% ,the factory has ano ther won derful year.,but ni be free this after noon.A. No, I won' t B. Yes, with pleasure第三節(jié)完形填空共20小題;每題1. 5分,C. I' m not sureD. I' m afraid not總分值 30分閱讀下面短文,從短文后各題所給的四個選項A、B、C和D中,選出可以填入空白處的最正確選項,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。Not l ong ago, I

9、 had a hard week at work. 21 just kept popp ing up出現(xiàn)everywhereand I was struggli ng to keep from 22 my cool. I felt like I was at the23 point.One day, I made a trip across tow n to the store. After I 24, I realized I had left my pursewith credit cards at home. 25, I had a small amount of cash in my

10、pocket, so I 26 it, mycoup ons 優(yōu)惠券and went in side. The store was really 27 , but I just found what I n eeded,waiting for the cashier 收銀員to check out my 28. I waited and waited, meanwhile myan ger grew. I had a bad day and all I wan ted to do was go home, but I was 29 in the line.Fin ally, I got to

11、the front, but the cashier did n't30_my coup ons.I was upset because Ihad used 31 coup ons there before. It did n't 32 me. I would just pay in cash. The nthe Cashier said it was 10 dollars. SHOCK! I was a little 33. Now I was mad at myself for forgett ing my purse and only tak ing a small am

12、ount of cash. Without a credit card or anything else, I 34 my things and started to go back out to my car, won deri ng to myself why everyth ing had 35 for me.Just as I was headed out, an employee 36 me and said a lady in the 37 had paidthe differenee for me and left. 38 the amount she paid was smal

13、l, the act was huge. Astra nger, whom I had n ever met, completely eha nged my attitude with her39. Maybe next time I see some one hav ing a 40 day, ni do the same as her. After all, you n ever know whose day you might eha nge.21. A. ProblemsB. ChancesC. StoriesD. Suggesti ons22. A. enjoyingB. gai n

14、ingC. losi ngD. con ti nuing23. A. grow ingB. boili ngC. turni ngD. beg inning24. A. adjustedB. practicedC. returnedD. parked25. A. Fi nallyB. Tha nkfullyC. Gen erallyD. Gradually26. A. ope nedB. closedC. grabbedD. fou nd27. A. quietB. bigC. clea nD. busy28. A. pursesB.goodsC. cardsD. pockets29. A.

15、stuckB. servedC. followedD. defeated30. A. payB. useC. acceptD. fill31. A. extraB. differe ntC. ordinaryD. similar32. A. disappo intB.changeC. moveD. surprise33. A. foolishB. shortC. proudD. curious34. A. madeB. didC. collectedD. left35. A. en dedB. failedC. passedD. disappeared36. A. stoppedB. reco

16、g ni zedC. sawD. helped37. A. roomB. comerC. li neD. compa ny38. A. Unl essB. OnceC. AlthoughD. Si nee39. A. i ntellige neeB. humorC. smileD. gen erosity40. A. toughB. lo nelyC. luckyD. simple第二局部閱讀理解洪25小題;第一節(jié)每題2分;第二節(jié)每題 1分;總分值 45分第一節(jié)閱讀以下短文,從每題所給的四個選項A、B、C 和D中,選出最正確選項,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。AHigh school graduat

17、ion - the bittersweet feelings are as much a part of me now as they were twenty-one years ago.As graduati on day came n ear, exciteme nt in creased. Being out of high school meant I fin ally grew up. Soon I would be on my own, making my own decisi ons, doing what I was in terested in without some on

18、e look ing over my shoulder 惴惴不安 .There was never any question in my mind that I would go to college. But which college I would atte nd seemed like a n ever-e nding list of unknowns: What would college be like? Would I make friends easily? Would I miss my family so much that I would n't be able

19、to stand it? What if the college I selected turned out to be a terrible mistake?The n panic set in. My feeli ngs took a 180-degree mm. I really did n't want to leave high school at all. It had bee n nice being respected as a Senior by the un derclass stude nts for the past year; I did n't en

20、joy the idea of being on the bottom of the ladder aga in.Despite mon ths of expectati on, nothing Could have prepared me for the impact of the actual day. As the familiar tune of "Pomp and Circumstanee" echoed (回響)in the background, tears welled up uncon trollably in my eyes, and I was con

21、 sumed by a rush of sad ness. I rose from my seat when I heard my name called and slowly crossed the stage to receive my diploma. As I reached out my han d, I knew that I was reach ing not just for a piece of paper but for a new life. Excit ing as the future of a new life seemed, it was n't easy

22、 to say goodbye to the old one - the familiar faces, the' familiar rout in e. I would even miss that chemistry class I was n't particularly fond of.That September, I was lucky to attend a wonderful university. I needn't have worried about lik ing it. My years there turned out to be some

23、of the best years of my life. And as for frien ds, some of the frien dships I formed there I still value today.41. The author writes the passage mainly to tell us .A. his high school lifeB. his uni versity lifeC. his bittersweet memoriesD. his graduati on ceremony42. The author felt excited about gr

24、aduation because .A. he could go to collegeB. he could be in depe ndentC. he was tired of high school life D. he won a scholarship to uni versity43. The un derl ined word "one" (in Paragraph 5) most probably refers toA. schoolB. diplomaC. classD. life44. We know from the last paragraph tha

25、t at un iversity the author .A. got on quite wellB. made few friendsC. majored in chemistryD. missed his family muchBIn some urba n cen ters, workaholism is so com mon that people do not con sider it unu sual.They accept the lifestyle as normal. Government workers in Washington D. C, for example, fr

26、equently work sixty to seventy hours a week. They don't do this because they have to; they do it because they want to.Workaholicm can be a serious problem. Because true workaholics would rather work tha n do anything else, they probably don't know how to relax.Is workaholism always dan gerou

27、s? Perhaps not. There are, certai nly, people who work well under stress. Some studies show that many workaholics have great energy and interest in life. Their work is so pleasurable that they are actually very happy. For most workaholics, work and en terta inment keep them busy and creative.Why do

28、workaholics enjoy their jobs so much? There are several adva ntages to work. Of course, it provides people with paychecks, and this is importa nt. But it offers more tha n finan cial security. It provides people with self con fide nee; they have a feeli ng of satisfact ion whe n they're finishin

29、g a challenging piece of work and are able to say, “ made that. Psychologists claim that work gives people an identity through participation in work, they get a sense of self and individualism. In addition, most jobs provide people with a socially acceptable way to meet others. Perhaps some people a

30、re compulsive about their work, but their addict ion seems to be a safe-eve n an adva ntageous-one.45. The passage in dicates that workaholics.A. just know work but nothing elseB. are willing to work hard for long hours without payC. find their work provide them more satisfact ion and self con fide

31、nee tha n how much theyare paidD. has the work with more resp on sibility tha n others46. One of the reas ons that some people are not willi ng to quit their jobs even in their eightiesand nin eties is that.A. they are in the n eed of finan cial securityB. they would rather work tha n be disturbed b

32、y domestic affairsC. they long for a sense of ide ntity and being accomplishedD. they may have health problems from sheer boredom47. This passage is mainly about.A. workaholics are usually successful people, but their lives are in a messB. workaholism can lead to serious problems but it can also cre

33、ate a joyful lifeC. people who are absorbed in their work may enjoy movies, sports and other kinds ofen terta inmentD. those who work even un der difficult con diti ons may be very happy48. It can be inferred from the passage thatA. in the eyes of all the com mon people workaholics are peculiarB. to

34、 workaholics, work is the sole source of happ in essC. a piece of challe nging work may provide the workaholics a sense of satisfact ionD. workaholics are as addicted to their job as other people are to drugs or alcoholCWASHINGTON-More people tha n ever are drivi ng un der the in flue nee of their c

35、ell pho nes, accord ing to a survey published Tuesday by the Nati onal Highway Traffic Safety Adm ini strati on.The survey showed 8 percent of drivers, or 1.2 million people, were using hand-held or han ds-free cell pho nes, duri ng daylight hours last year, a 50 perce nt in crease since 2002 and a

36、100 perce nt rise in four years.All that talking is a potential safety problem, said NHTSA spokesman Pale Tyson. "While we don' t have hard proof that there' s bee n an in crease in the nu mber of accide nts, we know that talk ing on the pho ne can affect drivers' performa nee,"

37、; he said.The District of Columbia and New Hampshire no Ion ger allow talki ng on han d-held cell phones while driving, accord ing to the Gover nors of the Highway Safety Associati on.Some com mun ities, such as Brookli ne, Mass, and Santa Fe, require han dsfree cell pho nes, but about a half-dozen

38、states prevent local governments from limiting cell phones use in cars. Young drivers, betwee n 16 and 24, in creased their talk ing on cell phones by 60 perce nt betwee n 2002 and 2004.The National Transportation Safety Board said it wants all 50 states to ban those with learn ers' permits from

39、 using cell phones or other wireless devices while drivi ng. New Jersey and Maine are the only two states that have passed such laws.The survey was carried out betwee n June 7 and July 11,2005, at 1,200 road sites across the country and, in some cases, done by teleph one.49. Which of the following s

40、hows the right number of drivers who use cell phones while driving?50. The un derl ined word" pote ntial" in Paragraph 3 probably meansA. seriousB. possibleC. com monD. obvious51. It can be in ferred thatA. there isn't hard proof that using cell pho nes while drivi ng will cause more a

41、ccide ntsB. some districts will no Ion ger allow drivers to talk on han d-held cell phonesC. people hold differe nt opinions as to whether cell pho nes use in cars should be limitedD. only two states have passed laws to ban drivers using cell phones while driving52. The main purpose of this text is

42、to .A. en courage drivers to use han dsfree cell phonesB. inform people about cell phones use while drivi ngC. state some in formati on about cell phonesD. tell people about the driv ing lawsDThroughout our childhood our parents taught us to say "thank you" and it has become a habit - some

43、thing we say automatically, along with "please". And because of this we have forgotten just how important gratitude is and how essential it is in leading fuelled 感至U滿足的 lives.Just for a minu te,think of all the things you are grateful for, such as lovi ng frien ds, goodhealth, great holida

44、ys as well as everyday items such as a comfortable home, TV, and clea n water. The list, i n fact, could go on and on.Now focus on eve nts that have made you rese ntful - it's raining, the car won't start,and acolleague irritates 使煩躁you. You start to feel unhappy, and that is something that

45、certainly does not make you feel good!It's a simple choice and we have the ability to choose how we feel. But for most of us, it just does n't seem as easy as that - is n't the world out to get us? Well, no, it isn't actually, and it's just our perception 認(rèn)識of how things are.Let

46、me give you an example: it's a rainy day, and immediately most people will start to complai n, telli ng every one who will liste n what a miserable day it is, with the result that they end up feeling miserable themselves. But look at it another way and despite wet clothes and hair, both will dry

47、 perfectly well and no lasti ng harm has bee n done. And in additi on to this, because of rain, we not only live in a gree n and beautiful Ian dscape, we are also able to grow a lot of fruit and vegetables.There really is no obvious reas on for feeli ng miserable -in fact there is a great deal to be

48、 grateful for. It's all to do with how we perceive thin gs.Realize what a difference having gratitude can make to your life. That's why gratitude is so special -use it to feel good!53. What do we usually do without thinking accord ing to the author?54. By the example in the fifth paragraph,

49、the author advises us to .A. see things in a differe nt wayB. accept the un cha ngeable thingsC. ig nore the harm bad weather does D. liste n to others' complai nts patie ntly55. By writing the passage, the author mainly wants to tell us .A. to think twice before we actB. to be grateful for what

50、 we haveC. it is no use making compla intsD. say ing "tha nk you" has many adva ntages56. The tone of the author in this passage is.A. humorousB. disapprov ingC. persuasiveD. ir onicERob Kali n lear ned the secret to success while he was still in his baby bed. At age one, the Bost on-bom t

51、eacher's son dragged around a stuffed rabbit that had bee n lovi ngly sew n by one of his mother's stude nts. True, one of the ears was sew n on backward, but that just added to its magic. "It was always special to me," Kalin remembers of his first handmade craft 手工藝品.Kali n's

52、appreciati on for the simple and the simply ecce ntric 乖僻的in spired him to create etsy. com, an on li ne craft fair, probably the largest market for han dmade goods in the world. Last year, 350,000 woodworkers and other craftsmen sold their one-of-a-kind crafts on the four-year-old site.They sell ev

53、erything from hand-knit sleeves for Macbooks $32 to myrtle-wood electric guitars $3,200. And in an age of cha in stores, it seems there's still a big market. More tha n three million consumers in 150 countries purchased about $87.5 million worth of crafts on Etsy last year.Emily Worden, founder

54、of Elemental Threads, a custom handbag and jewelry company, signed up with Etsy when she started her company two years ago. She pays Etsy a 20-cent sta ndard fee for each item she lists on the site, plus a 3.5 perce nt commissi on 回扣on everything sold. Etsy allows her to track the number of times cu

55、stomers click on a particular item to view it. "We can see that our n ecklaces are a popularly viewed item and which colors and sizes get the most views," she says. "That is a guide to evolv ing our product lin es."Today, Etsy's staff has ballo oned to 70 employees, and the c

56、ompa ny reportedly earns more than $12 millio n a year.Kali n's father was a carpe nter and taught him early on how to use his han ds. In deed, in high school, he put his skills to work - developing the photos of his classmates and handcrafting a graduate ID to attend design classes. Eventually,

57、 he was admitted to New York University, study ing classics and work ing as a carpe nter.Kali n has also started sew ing some of his own clothes. "I have to make somethi ng physical at least once a mon th," says Kali n, "or I go crazy."57. In the first paragraph, the author mainl

58、y wants to tell us .A. Kalin was in terested in magic as a childB. Kali n's mother helped him to choose his careerC. Kali n was taught to sew funny ani mals as a babyD. Kali n's childhood in flue need his choice of career58. What do we know about the crafts sold on etsy ?A. They are cheap.B. They are uniq ue.C. They are made by famous craftsme n.D. They are desig ned for young


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