



1、Who wants to try? 誰來試試?Come up to the front, please. 請到前面來。Go back to your seat, please. 請回座位。Come on. You can do it. 來吧!你能做到的。Come on, youre almost there. 來吧!你快(做/答)對了。Ill give you a clue (hint). 我給你一些提示。You can do it this way. 你可以這樣來做。Lets play a game. 讓我們玩?zhèn)€游戲。Are you tired? Lets take a break. 累了嗎

2、?休息一下。Look up the word in the dictionary. 在字典里查這個詞。Take notes, please. 請作筆記。Are you clear ? 明白了嗎?Is that right /correct? 那個正確嗎?Can you find the mistakes? 你能找出錯誤嗎?Do you know how to correct the mistakes? 你知道怎么改錯嗎?Are you ready? 準(zhǔn)備好了嗎?Can you guess it? 能猜猜嗎?Yes. Youre right. 對,你對了。Im sorry. Can you sa

3、y that again? 對不起,能再說一遍嗎?Take your time. 慢慢來。Use your head. 動動腦筋。Good idea! That makes sense. 好主意。有道理。Whose turn is it? 輪到誰了?Now youre going to read one by one. 現(xiàn)在你們依次朗讀。Whos next? 接下來是誰?Youre next. 接下來是你。Its your turn. 輪到你了。Just hands. No voices. 不要說,請舉手。Do it on your own. 自己做。From the very beginni

4、ng. 從頭開始。Please read it to the end. 請讀到結(jié)尾。Stop here, please. 請停下來。Hands up before you answer. 回答問題前,請舉手。Heres your homework for today. 這是今天的家庭作業(yè)。Hand in your homework tomorrow. 家庭作業(yè)明天交。Please pass the exercise books to the front. 請將練習(xí)本遞到前面來。Who wants to come to the front? 誰愿意到前面來?Come to my office a

5、fter class. 下課后到辦公室找我。Come and see me after class. 課后找我。Watch me and I'll show you. 看著我,我來演示。I want all of you to answer this question. 我請大家一齊來回答這個問題。Thats all for the new lesson/ revision. 新課/復(fù)習(xí)就到這兒。I want you to work in pairs/groups. 請大家做對子/小組練習(xí)。Im sorry to have kept you so long. 對不起耽擱大家了。That

6、s all for today. 今天就到這We stop here for today. 今天就到這。Lets call it a day. 今天就到這。Dont copy others work. 不要抄別人的作業(yè)。Class is over. Thank you, class. 下課。謝謝!Good-bye./ See you tomorrow. 再見/明天Whats the difference between the two words? 這兩個單詞之間有什么不同?Can you say it in a different way? 能用另外一種方法來講嗎?Wha

7、ts the Chinese for the sentence? 這句句子的中文意思是什么?How do you say it in English ? 用英語怎么說?Who would like to paragraph in your own words. 誰來用自己的話來翻譯一下?Please tell us the main idea of the paragraph in your own words.請用自己的話來說這句句子的主要意思。.Will you translate the text , please. 你來把課文翻譯一下。Using

8、 pictures(看圖)1. Hang the picture on the wall , will you? 把圖片掛到墻上去好嗎?2. Look at the picture closely. 仔細(xì)看圖片。3. What can you see in the picture? 圖片上有什么?4. What can you see in the lower right-hand corner? 在右下角你看到了什么?5. Whos in the picture? 圖片里右誰?6. What does the picture tell us?

9、 這圖片告訴我們什么道理?7. Can you say something about the picture? 你能就圖片說說自己的想法嗎?Audio-visual media(媒體教學(xué))1. Do you know how to operate the machine? 你知道怎么開這個機(jī)器嗎?2. Ill show you how to use it. 我來告訴你怎么開。3. Switch on your machine. 開機(jī)。4. This is the volume control. 這是音量控制鍵。5. If you h

10、ave any problems , press the call-switch , please. 如果你有什么問題,按一下叫鈴。6. Put on your headphones. 戴上耳機(jī)。7. Lets listen to the tape. 聽磁帶。8. Is it loud enough? 夠響了嗎?9. Shall I turn up the volume? 我可以調(diào)高點(diǎn)音量嗎 ?10. Ive got some slides here. 我?guī)Я诵┗脽羝?1. Look at the slides. 

11、;看幻燈片。12. Is the slide clear enough? 幻燈片清楚嗎?13. Sorry,its up side down. 對不起,翻顛倒了。14. Take off your headsets , please . 關(guān)調(diào)耳機(jī)。15. Dont forget to switch off the machine. 不要忘記關(guān)掉機(jī)器哦。16. Dont leave your tapes in the tape deck. 不要把磁帶留在磁帶盒里。17. Dont leave your belongsings in the lab

12、. 不要把自己的東西留在實(shí)驗(yàn)室里。Learning a song(學(xué)兒歌)1. Today were going to learn an English song. 今天,我們要學(xué)一首兒歌。2. Ill sing the song once and you listen carefully. 我先唱一遍你們仔細(xì)聽好。3. Whats the song about? 這首歌講了什么?。?. You hum the tune while I sing. 我唱的時候你們哼唱。5. Ill say the words slowly and you re

13、peat after me. 我把單詞講慢點(diǎn)你們跟著我重復(fù)。6. Now Ill sing the song again. 我再唱一遍。7. Now try to join in. 現(xiàn)在來一起參加。8. Who knows the first verse now? 誰知道第一句歌詞?9. Listen,it goes up here. 聽,這里升音了。10. Would anyone like to try and sing the song now? 誰來試一下來唱這首歌?Acting out(表演)1. Move these de

14、sks and chairs aside so that we can have more room.把桌椅放到一邊我們有更多空間做游戲了.2. Come to the front. 到前面來。3. Go back to your seat. 回到座位上去。4. Are you ready for your performance? 你們表演準(zhǔn)備好了嗎?5. Wholl play the doctor? 誰來演醫(yī)生?6. Face your fellow students please . 面對你后面的同學(xué)。7. Can you hear th

15、em ? 你們聽得到嗎?8. Speak up a bit. 聲音再響點(diǎn)。Encouragement(鼓勵)1. Wholl try? 誰來試試?2. Any volunteers? 舉手?3. Try,please. 來試試。4. Come on . Have a try. 過來試試。5. Be bold. 膽子大點(diǎn)。6. Dont be shy. 不要害羞。7. Once more. 再來。8. Try your best. 盡你所能。9. Try it again . 再試一次。

16、10. Hurry up. 快點(diǎn)。11. You are doing well. 你做得很好。12. Youve put a lot of effort into your work. 你花了大精力再你得功課上。Complement(贊揚(yáng))1. Excellent. 很好。 2. Very good.3. Well done. 4. Well prepared. 準(zhǔn)備得很好。5. Thats neat. 非常簡潔。 6. Thats was nicely read. 讀得非常好。7. Youve done

17、 a good job. 你做得很好。Comment (內(nèi)容)1. Is it right? 對嗎? 2. Theres a mistake. 有錯誤。3. Iam afraid you are wrong. 我想你錯了。 4. Whats wrong with his answer? 他的答案錯在哪里?5. Did anyone find any mistakes? 誰著出錯誤了嗎? 6. Youve mispronounced the word. 你得單詞發(fā)音錯了。7. This

18、sentence is grammatically wrong. 這句句子語法錯誤。 8. Thats not the idiomatic way of saying this sentence. 講這句句子不試慣用用法。9. Come on ,youre not paying attention. 注意,你開小差了。 10. You didnt try hard with that. 你沒用功。11. Pay attention to your handwriting. 注意你的寫字。 12. Its untid

19、y. 不整潔。13. You should have spoken louder . 你可以講得更響些。 14. Think it over. 再仔細(xì)想想。15. Please think about it. 考慮一下。Discipline(紀(jì)律)1. Please be quite. 安靜一點(diǎn)。 2. Stop talking. 不要講話。3. Keep the noise down. 聲音輕點(diǎn)。 4. Not so much chatter. 不要講話了。5. Attention

20、,please. 注意點(diǎn)。 6. Dont talk with your neighbour. 不要和同桌講話。7. Are you listening to me? 你在聽我講嗎? 8. Don “t talk while I am talking 我在講的時候你們不要講話。9. Stop making noise. 不要吵了。 10. Sit up straight. 做做正。11. One at a time ,please. 馬上坐正。 12. Stay in your sea

21、ts. 坐在自己位置上。13. Put up your hands , please . 舉起你的手。 14. Dont shout out. 不要嚷嚷。15. Keep your eyes on your own work. 眼睛看自己的本子。 16. Dont copy from your neighbors work. 不要抄同桌的作業(yè)。17. I dont want any cheating. 不要作弊。 18. Time is up. 時間過了 。19. See me in

22、my office during the break. 休息得時候到我辦公室來。Assignment(布置作業(yè))1. Practice reading aloud. 練習(xí)大聲朗讀。 2. Try to retell the story in your own words. 試試用自己的話復(fù)述一下故事。3. Learn the text by heart. 把課文背出來。 4. Do Exercise 3 and 4 on page 54. 做54頁得練習(xí)3和4。5. Copy the new words twice. 那生詞抄2遍。 6. Write in your exercise-books , please . 寫在練習(xí)本上。7.


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