



1、新概念五年級下學期英語填空題同步專項練習題班級:_ 姓名:_1. 用所給詞的適當形式填空。1There are too many _(car)in the street.2How do I get to _(Sam)home?3You can see the park on _(you)left.4I can _(ride)a bike now.5How _(do)his sister get to the cinema?2. 用所給詞的適當形式或根據(jù)中文提示完成句子。1Cinderella _ _(穿上)the new&#

2、160;_(衣服)and new shoes.2She _(不得不)come back before 10 0clock.3Time _ (take) off the clothes and go to bed.4Dont eat too many _ (sweet). Theyre bad for your _ (tooth).5These mushrooms _ (be) bad for us. We cant eat _ (they).6There _ (be

3、) a big tree and some mushrooms near the river.3. 按要求寫單詞。smell(第三人稱單數(shù)) cook(現(xiàn)在分詞)tomato(復數(shù)) potato(復數(shù))some(同義詞) vegetable(復數(shù))drink(現(xiàn)在分詞) have(第三人稱單數(shù))do(第三人稱單數(shù)) catch(第三人稱單數(shù))4. 用所給單詞的正確形式填空。1She will come back home on June _ (twenty-one).2Tomorrow will be a sunny day. We _ (have)

4、a picnic tomorrow afternoon.3We will have an important _ (meet) next week.4There are twelve _ (month) in a year. The_ (nine) month is September.5I _ (plan) for my study now.5. 根據(jù)圖片提示,選詞填空。trees  paints  down  line  mountains1Peter is showing us

5、how to draw an interesting picture. Peter draws a _ on a piece of paper.  (_)2He draws mountains, _ and a house above the line. (_)3He turns the paper upside _ . (_)4Then he draws _ , trees and a house above the line. (_)5He _ the mountains, trees and the houses. (

6、_)6. 用所給單詞的適當形式填空。1I like _ (ride) a bike to school. Would you like _ (ride) with me?2Today my father is ill. My mother cant _ (go) to work, she _ (have) to look after him at home.3My sister often has a _ (dance) lesson after school.4Im very sorry

7、60;_ (hear) that. You shouldnt drink too _ (many) cold water.5The clothes are too big, they dont _ (fit) me.7. 選詞填空。1Youll eat a birthday cake _ (at/ with) the party.2We have _ (a/ an) Easter party in April.3American _ (Children''s/ Than

8、ksgiving) Day is in November.4I like _ (July/ December). I can go swimming in summer.5I like February. We have _(summer/ winter) vacation.8. 用適當?shù)慕樵~填空。1People look at the moon _night _their family.2The Double Ninth Festival is _October or November.3They also climb mounta

9、ins _this festival.4It is a festival _old people.5Halloween is _31st October.9. 按要求寫出適當形式。1can(否定式)_ 2have(單三)_3uncle(對應(yīng)詞)_ 4knife(復數(shù))_5come from(同義詞)_ 6use(形容詞)_7have(-ing形式)_ 8visit (名詞)_9China(形容詞)_ 10have (現(xiàn)在分詞)_10. 用所給詞適當形式填空。1He is _(help).2Are there _(s

10、ome) tree?3He can _(does) some kung fu.4There are many _(mouse) in the room.5There are _(lot) of books in the bag.11. 根據(jù)圖片補全句子。goes to work   go home   be late   past will1. Oh no! Its a quarter to eight now. Ill _. 2. _ you be home at seven oclock t

11、omorrow?  3. Its half _ ten now. 4. I _ at five oclock every afternoon. 5. My sister is a nurse. She _at half past six in the morning. 12. 將下列基數(shù)詞變?yōu)樾驍?shù)詞。1six  2seven 3eight 4nine 5ten13. 用所給詞的適當形式填空。1When is your _ (mother) bir

12、thday?2Fathers Day is on the _ (three) Sunday of June.3There _ (be) twelve months in a year.4I will make a birthday cake for _ (she).5Chinese _ (noodles) are delicious.14. 用所給詞的適當形式填空。1Who _ (help) you with your English?2Where are my gloves? I cant f

13、ind _ (they).3Mary _ (try) on her new skirt.4I want _ (visit) the farm with my brother.5Miss Li _ (not work) on Saturdays.15. 根據(jù)答句寫問句。1When _ _ _ _?I get up at 6:00.2What _ _ _ _ Saturdays?I often go hiking.16. 按要求寫詞。1firefighter(同義詞)2policeman(復數(shù))3writer(動詞)_4she is(縮寫形式)5Im(完整形式)_17. 選詞填空,完成句子。1I _ water every day, but I _ juice yesterday. (buy / bought)2She often _ to the zoo. But she _ to the park last week. (walks / walked)3The Tshirt is


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