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1、1Lecture of Writing 2Lecture Arrangement考核要求大學英語四級作文評分原則及標準英語寫作困境與對策四六級寫作中如何選詞四六級寫作中如何造句四六級作文常用句型四六級寫作如何組段歷年作文題型分析寫作小結3一、考核要求四六級大學英語寫作考試時間均為30分鐘,分值占總分的15%。四級要求考生寫出一篇不少于120詞的短文,試卷上可能給出題目,或規(guī)定情景,或要求看圖作文,或給出段首句要求續(xù)寫;或給出關鍵詞要求寫成短文。要求能夠正確表達思想,意義連貫,無重大語法錯誤。寫作的內容包括日常生活和一般常識。短文寫作部分的目的是測試學生運用英語書面表達思想的初步能力。4二、大學


3、誤相當多,其中有一些是嚴重錯誤。n11分切題。表達思想清楚、文字連貫,但有少量語言錯誤。n14分切題。表達思想清楚、文字通順,連貫性較好,基本上無語言錯誤,僅有個別小錯誤。n只寫一段者:04分;只寫兩段者:09分(按規(guī)定寫三段的作文)6三、英語寫作困境與對策三、英語寫作困境與對策一、滔滔不絕“意識流”有一部分考生在考試時一見到作文題,便感到很對自己的胃口,覺得有很多內容要寫。于是乎千言萬語涌上心頭,寫著前一句想著后一句。往往前句尚未寫完便接上了后一句,辛辛苦苦寫了一大堆(甚至有寫11個自然段的)猶覺余意未盡。結果令判卷的老師頭疼不己,無法繼續(xù)往下看。意識流創(chuàng)作有兩種表現(xiàn):自由分段 語言雜亂8我


5、也好,某一考生想到的任何一點,很可能命題人早已料到,而且肯定會被成千上萬的考生重復無數(shù)遍。因而曾經令自己激動一時的想法,在判卷的老師看來全無感覺。規(guī)定式作文的拓展空間本來就非常有限,所以“真情流露”是沒有必要的。10對策 :n寫作的三個角度:語言第一位;結構第二位;內容第三位n要求:結構簡單,語言卓越,內容只要相關即可11三、用詞貧乏,句式單一 許多考生的作文錯誤倒不多,相當符合語法要求,但用詞貧乏,過多使用如more and more, I think, as you know等表達,并且句子結構過于簡單。統(tǒng)計結果表明,差的作文中簡單句多,而好的作文簡單句少;差的作文從句、連詞、分詞結構出現(xiàn)

6、的頻率大大低于好的作文;差的作文中關鍵詞和同義表達出現(xiàn)的頻率低于好的作文。用詞的豐富和句式的多樣應該主要通過多看好文章,仔細琢磨好文章中的用詞和句子來提高。換句話說,也就是要從閱讀中學習寫作。12對策: 少用垃圾詞匯n垃圾詞匯1:helpn典型例句:Ill help you .n替代語 accomodate E.g: Ill endeavour to accomodate you.n垃圾詞匯2: helpfuln典型例句:Sth is helpful (to sb)n替代語 conducive有助于 E.g Sth is conducive to sbn垃圾詞匯3:shown典型例句:as i

7、t shows in the picturen替代語 betray13n垃圾詞匯4:thinkn典型例句:i think - -n替代語deem, harbor the idea that n垃圾詞匯5: becausen典型例句:xxx because xxxn替代語 in that/in as much asn垃圾詞匯6: aboutn典型例句:it is about 250 times of thatn替代語 it is approximately -n垃圾詞匯7: ifn替代語provided,supposing14四級寫作中如何選詞15Compare the Following Se

8、ntencesnWe use different ways to get to know the society.nWe make use of various methods to get to know the society.nWe take advantage of diverse means to get to know the society.16選詞的基本原則盡量用四級范圍內的積極的,活躍的,常用的詞或詞組。盡量用表達最貼切,最生動,最有力的詞或短語。盡量用最符合所寫話題,所用文體的詞或表達。17四六級考生在措詞方面存在的問題:1、可供“調遣”的詞匯量貧乏,用詞大部分局限于中學詞

9、匯。比如,我們一提到“重要的”,大多數(shù)同學首先會想到“important”這個單詞,那么提升一下的話就可以想到它的如下同義詞:significant, vital, crucial, critical, etc182、表達相近意義時,常重復用一個詞,用詞單調。Eg. Big =great, large, huge, vast, titanic, enormous etc.19策略 1、調動大學期間學過的更生動,更豐富的詞匯表達意思。Eg. 引起、導致 Cause, lead to, result in, bring about, give rise/birth to202、用具體,生動,有針對

10、性的詞語。Eg. 利用 Use, make use of, make (good, effective, wide, wise, full) use of sth, take (full) advantage of213、文中如需要多次表達同一詞義時,以同義詞,近義詞等避免重復使用同一詞。Eg. 適應Adapt to, adjust to, makefit, get used to, be accustomed to22實例賞析23Computer and I I never forget the very exciting day when my mother bought me a com

11、puter as birthday present, which interested me so that I indulged myself in searching a lot of useful information I had expected, and enjoyed a lot of pleasing classic music. That night I was sleepless, feeling that the whole world belonged to me.24Computer and In I never forget the exceedingly thri

12、lling day when my mother bought me a computer as birthday present, which exerted a tremendous fascination on me so that I indulged myself in googling an army of useful information I had expected , and enjoy a sea of melodious classic music. That night I was sleepless, feeling that the whole world be

13、longed to me. 25nexceedingly替換very nthrilling替換exciting nsth. exert a tremendous fascination on sb替換sb. be interested in sth. ngoogle替換search nan army of替換a lot of 26 For a start, we can, freely, search desired information at any moment . Little by little, our knowledge will be well enriched, and ou

14、r horizons will be greatly broadened. Additionally, we can get huge recreations online by chatting, playing games, or delivering email. 27nFor a start 替換To begin with nWe can, freely, search用了插入語的寫作手法 nour knowledge will be well enriched, and our horizons will be greatly broadened.用了非常精彩的被動 nAdditio

15、nally替換In addition / Besides nDeliver 替換 send 28 There is no denying that, however, computers can function in the disservice of human beings, in a way, especially the growing violence ,*, porn pictures, AV-films emerging on the screen , which leads quiet a few net citizens to copying. 29nThere is no

16、 denying that , however, computers can function in the disservice of human beings, 這個句子有三個精彩之處,n首先There is no denying that這個句型,還有however 作為插入語,function in the disservice of替換 do harm to nEmerging代替appearing ( fading代替disappearing ) nNet citizen網(wǎng)民,屬于精彩用詞 30 As a classic proverb goes that no garden ha

17、s no weeds. Computers do play a positive role in the development of people lives, despite a slice of unfavorable impacts. We should ,therefore, take advantage of the fruits and avoid the opposite facet. 31nNo garden has no weeds替換Every coin has two sides nComputers do play,do強調 nPositive 替換 importan

18、t / good等 nA slice of 替換 a part of nUnfavorable 替換 bad nImpacts 替換 effects / influences nWe should, therefore, take advantage of使用插入語 nFruits (而且fruits用的非常形象,merits/ virtues)替換advantage ( defects替換disadvantage ) nFacet替換aspect 3229個最經典的替換詞33n1. individuals,characters, folks 代替 (people ,persons) n2.

19、positive, favorable, rosy (美好的),promising (有希望的),perfect, pleasurable , excellent, outstanding 代替 good n3. dreadful, unfavorable, poor, adverse(有害的)代替bad n如果 bad 做表語,可以有 be less impressive 代替 neg. An army of college students indulge themselves in playing games, enjoying romance with girls/boys or ki

20、lling time passively in their dorms. When it approaches to graduation ,as a result, they find their academic records are less impressive. 34n4.(an army of, an ocean of, a sea of, a multitude of , many, if not most) 代替 many. n注:用many, if not most一定要小心,many后一定要有詞。 nEg. Many individuals, if not most, h

21、arbor the idea that.同理用most, if not all ,代替most. n5: a slice of, quiet a few , several代替some 35n6: harbor the idea that, take the attitude that, hold the view that, it is widely shared that, it is universally acknowledged that)替think (因為是書面語,所以要加that) n7:affair, business ,matter 代替 thing n8: shared

22、代 common n9. reap huge fruits代替get much benefitn10: for my part ,from my own perspective 代替 in my opinion36n11: Increasingly), growing 代替more and more。所以當修飾名詞時用 increasing/growing. 修飾形容詞,副詞用 increasingly (注意沒有growingly 這種形式. nEg. sth has gained growing popularity. nSth is increasingly popular with t

23、he advancement of sth. n12.little if anything,或 little or nothing 代替 hardly n13.benefitial rewarding代替helpfuln14.shopper, client, consumer, purchaser, 代替customer n15.exceedingly,extremely代替very 37n16.hardly unnecessary, hardly inevitable .代替necessary, inevitable n17. sth appeals to sb, sth exerts a

24、tremendous fascination on sb 代替 sb take interest in n18. capture ones attention 代替 attract ones attention. n19. facet, dimension, sphere 代 aspect n20. be indicative of ,be suggestive of ,be fearful of 代indicate, suggest ,fear38n21.give rise to, lead to, result in, trigger代替cause. n22. There are seve

25、ral reasons behind sth代替.reasons for sth n23.desire 代替 want. n24.pour attention into 代替 pay attention to n25.bear in mind that 代替 remember 39n26. enjoy, possess 代替 have (注意process是過程的意思) n27. interaction 代替 communication n28.frown on sth 代替 be against , disagree with sth n29.to name only a few, as a

26、n example 代替 for example 40四六級寫作中如何造句 41善用詞組 如果我們能夠在單詞的基礎上,進一步想到與之同義的詞組,那么文章就會顯得與眾不同,更具有英語的味道。比如上面所說的“重要的”這個單詞,當我們想到important的時候,如果從語法角度再稍加考慮一下,我們會想到“be of importance”。因為,語法中規(guī)定:形容詞等于of加這個形容詞的名詞形式。如果再提升一步,我們還學過一個常用的詞組叫做“play an important role in-”。42句型多樣簡單句,并列句和復合句交替使用,靈活使用各種句子結構如:插入語,倒裝句,強調句,非謂語動詞,疑

27、問句等。若要寫好作文,要寫好句子,首先要掌握句子結構和句式變化及句子類型,可通過對泛讀課文經典句子的背誦提高應用語言基本句型的能力。要善于模仿。Imitation is a good way to learn.43適當用代替主動,這樣能更客觀的反映事實,句子開頭不要總是用we / I (比如寫結尾時不用 we should pay attention to 而用 Attention should be paid to. )舉個經典結尾2004年六月四級作文的最后一段:It is, therefore, high time that some applicable approaches were

28、 implemented by the service industry like that. Thus,its competitive edge will be sharpened effectively. 被動句nOver the past couple of years, several cases of the food scandal have been disclosed on various media. nPrompt and strict measures should be taken to turn back this evil trend. nIndeed, one o

29、ut of five students is estimated to be in possession of at least one credit card, and the figure is expected to be on the steady increse, 45插入語一種是有兩個逗號之間引起的成分稱之為插入語第二種是有兩個半破折號引起的成分稱之為插入語。Jinan, the Spring City, is a famous tourist city.Other people may give us instrumental supportfinancial aid, mate

30、rial resources, and needed servicesthat reduces stress by helping us resolve and cope with our problems.46比如說把副詞、連接詞等,作插入語放在中間,一般放在主語后、動詞或者助動詞前,兩邊分別加上逗號。如however / therefore /for example/I believe做插入語放在中間,一般放在動詞,助動詞前,兩邊分別加上逗號。比如說:Other individuals, however, take the attitude that 47倒裝倒裝是我們寫作中需要用到的。雖

31、然略顯俗套,但是卻是很能滿足閱卷人的主觀感受的。常用的倒裝形式有以下幾種:48Only + 時間狀語 Ex: Only when all of us join in the efforts of eliminating cheating at all levels can we expect to have a cleaner society and a more beautiful future.Only + 介詞詞組 Ex: Only by planning his time carefully can he improve efficiency and make achievements

32、49否定詞位于句首(hardly when; never; not only-,but also-; seldom, scarcely, rarely) 在我一生當中很難遇到這樣的人 Ex: Seldom in my life have I met such a kind-hearted man. 地點方位名詞位于句首 Ex: In no other place in the world can one find such enthusiasm for applying for hosting the 2008 Olympic Games.50修辭 無論是漢語寫作還是英語寫作,修辭其實非常的重

33、要。它是作者寫作功底具體事例地展現(xiàn)。所謂修辭包括比喻、擬人、排比等等。這里僅舉一個比喻例子,還是拿“重要的”來舉例。當你用完詞組之后,如果你用上下面比喻句子,則文章就會顯得神采飛揚,試比較:51The bicycle is important for us.The bicycle is of importance for us.The bicycle plays an important role in our life.The bicycle, environmental friendly vehicle, plays an important role in our life.The bi

34、cycle is like the air, water, and sunshine and cannot be parted with a moment in our life.52四六級作文常用句型 53沒有比更的nNothing is + more + 形容詞 + than to + Vn例句:沒有比接受教育更重要的事。 nNothing is more important than to receive education.54再怎么強調.的重要性也不為過。n cannot emphasize the importance of too much.n例句:我們再怎么強調保護眼睛的重要性

35、也不為過。 nWe cannot emphasize the importance of protecting our eyes too much.55不可否認的.nThere is no denying that + S + V . n例句:不可否認的,我們的生活品質已經每況愈下。 nThere is no denying that the qualities of our living have gone from bad to worse. 56全世界都知道.nIt is universally acknowledged that + 句子 n例句:全世界都知道樹木對我們是不可或缺的。

36、nIt is universally acknowledged that trees are indispensable to us. 57毫無疑問的.nThere is no doubt that + 句子 n例句:毫無疑問的我們的教育制度令人不滿意。 nThere is no doubt that our educational system leaves something to be desired. 58.的原因是.nThe reason why + 句子 is that + 句子n例句:我們必須種樹的原因是它們能供應我們新鮮的空氣。 nThe reason why we have

37、to grow trees is that they can provide us with fresh air. nThe reason why we have to grow trees is that they can supply fresh air for us. 59雖然.nAdj + as + Subject(主詞)+ be, S + V n例句:雖然我們的國家富有,我們的生活品質絕對令人不滿意。 nRich as our country is, the qualities of our living are by no means satisfactory. by no mea

38、ns = in no way = on no account 一點也不 60愈.愈.nThe + er + S + V, the + er + S + V nMore and more= an increasing number ofn例句:你愈努力,你愈進步。 nThe harder you work, the more progress you make. 61我們絕對不能.nOn no account can we + V n例句:我們絕對不能忽略知識的價值。 nOn no account can we ignore the value of knowledge. 62該是.的時候了nI

39、t is time + S + 過去式 n例句:該是有關當局采取適當?shù)拇胧﹣斫鉀Q交通問題的時候了。n It is time the authorities concerned took proper steps to solve the traffic problems.63沒有人不.nThere is no one but n例句:沒有人不渴望上大學。 nThere is no one but longs to go to college.64不得不.nbe + forced/compelled/obliged + to + V n例句:既然考試迫在眉睫,我不得不放棄做運動。 nSince

40、the examination is around the corner, I am compelled to give up doing sports. 65可想而知的、明顯的、顯然的nIt is conceivable that + 句子 It is obvious that + 句子 It is apparent that + 句子 n例句:可想而知,知識在我們的一生中扮演一個重要的角色。 nIt is conceivable that knowledge plays an important role in our life.66過去.年來,.一直.nFor the past + 時間

41、,S + 現(xiàn)在完成式. n例句:過去兩年來,我一直忙著準備考試。 nFor the past two years, I have been busy preparing for the examination.67.是值得的nIt pays to + V n例句:幫助別人是值得的。 nIt pays to help others. 68不遺余力的nSpare no effort to + V n我們應該不遺余力的美化我們的環(huán)境。nWe should spare no effort to beautify our environment.69讓.明白.事nbring home to + 人 +

42、事 n例句:我們應該讓人們明白努力的價值。 nWe should bring home to people the value of working hard.70與.息息相關nbe closely related to n例句:做運動與健康息息相關。nTaking exercise is closely related to health.71養(yǎng)成.的習慣nGet into the habit of + Ving ; make it a rule to + V n我們應該養(yǎng)成早睡早起的習慣。n We should get into the habit of keeping good hour

43、s.72因為.nDue to/Owing to/Thanks to + N/Ving, n例句:因為他的鼓勵,我終于實現(xiàn)我的夢想。nThanks to his encouragement, I finally realized my dream.73令人不滿意nLeave much to be desired n例句:我們的交通狀況令人不滿意。nThe condition of our traffic leaves much to be desired.74對.造成一大威脅nPose a great threat to n例句:污染對我們的生存造成一大威脅。 nPollution poses

44、a great threat to our existence.75盡全力去.ndo ones utmost to + V = do ones bestn例句:我們應盡全力去達成我們的人生目標。 nWe should do our utmost to achieve our goal in life.76四級寫作如何組段77一篇完整的作文包括三部分:引言,正文和結論。又稱:三段論。一個完整的段落包括三部分:主題句, 推展句和結論句。因此,可以說, 文章是段落的擴展,段落是文章的壓縮。78第一段第一段:1.1.現(xiàn)象現(xiàn)象/ /現(xiàn)狀說明段現(xiàn)狀說明段 2. 2.圖畫圖畫/ /圖表描述圖表描述段段 第二

45、段第二段:3.3.對立觀點陳訴段對立觀點陳訴段 4. 4.利弊說明段利弊說明段 5.5.意義闡述段意義闡述段 6. 6.原因列軍段原因列軍段 7. 7.舉例段舉例段 第三段第三段:8.8.歸納結論段歸納結論段 9. 9.趨勢預測段趨勢預測段 10 10建建議措施段議措施段 四六級作文的三段式結構題型題型 第一段第一段第二段第二段第三段第三段現(xiàn)象解釋型現(xiàn)象解釋型描述現(xiàn)象描述現(xiàn)象 說明現(xiàn)象產生的說明現(xiàn)象產生的原因原因 表明個人觀點態(tài)表明個人觀點態(tài)度或闡述個人做度或闡述個人做法法 對比選擇型對比選擇型 表明一方或雙方表明一方或雙方觀點觀點 表明一方的觀點表明一方的觀點及理由,或指出及理由,或指出雙方

46、觀點的不足雙方觀點的不足之處及理由之處及理由 表明個人的觀點表明個人的觀點或闡述個人的做或闡述個人的做法法 問題解決型問題解決型 提出問題提出問題 分析問題,給出分析問題,給出解決方案解決方案 表明個人的觀點表明個人的觀點或闡述個人的做或闡述個人的做法法 應用文應用文描述事實描述事實 闡述事實闡述事實 表明觀點或提出表明觀點或提出建議建議 80圖表作文的基本寫作要求n充分利用圖表中的信息,把握文字和說明,。n仔細分析圖表提供的信息加以比較和歸納,。n通過對圖表的分析,進行。81n圖表寫作也屬于說明文的類型,這種文章通常結構是:nParagraph 1 change(變化)nParagraph

47、2 reasons or implication(原因或意義)nParagraph 3 conclusion (effects;implication)(結論)82慣用表達和句型nFrom the table/graph, it is obvious/ apparent that over the past few years. the number of hours that college students spend on computers. 83慣用詞匯nTable, diagram, graph, chartnShow, demonstrate, indicatenStatisti

48、cs, rate, speed, ratio, percentage, figures, (statistical) datanIncrease, decrease, reduce, decline, go down, go up, risenBe on the rise/increase, decrease/ declinenSharply, smoothly, drastically, dramatically, approximately84慣用表達和句型nAfter a careful analysis of the data, we can draw the following co

49、nclusion.nAs a result of careful observation and analysis, a tentative conclusion as follows can be reached.nThe rapid increase growth/ decline/ change of XXXX can be attributed to various factors.85書信作文的格式86n1 稱呼(salutation)正式稱呼:a.當寫信的對象為某團體、組織、機構或不知對方姓名的時候,一般是這種寫法:Dear Sir or(/) Madam,b.當寫信的對象為某領導

50、、上司、老板或校長等上級的時候,一般是以下這種寫法:Dear Mr. * (*代表姓) Dear Ms. *Dear Mrs. *(針對已婚婦女)非正式稱呼:當寫信的對象是朋友或熟人的時候,一般是這種寫法:Dear * (*代表名字,即Given Name)87n2 主體(body)要根據(jù)信件內容要求來進行細致劃分但都講求開門見山、不繞彎子,大約寫78句話即可。一般題目會要求寫三個信息點,所以針對每個信息點可寫兩句話,最后寫兩句禮貌用語,即可完成整個信件寫作。 88n3 落款(complimentary close)根據(jù)寫信的對象不同,也劃分為兩大類:正式稱呼:a.當寫信的對象為某團體、組織、

51、機構或不知對方姓名的時候,一般是這種寫法:Yours faithfully,b.當寫信的對象為某領導、上司、老板或校長等上級的時候,一般是這種寫法:Yours sincerely,注意:在美國英語中習慣寫為:Sincerely yours,但四級英語對此不做如此細致的區(qū)分,即寫上述三種任一即可。89n非正式稱呼:當寫信的對象是朋友或熟人的時候,一般是以下這種寫法:Kind regards,Best wishes,當然還可以有更多的寫法,如:With best wishes, 或All the best, 但常用的為以上兩種。n4 簽名(signature)根據(jù)英語樣題,一律要求寫Li Ming

52、90書信作文 n第一段只寫兩句: n第一句:I am writing this letter today to n第二句:My name is and I am n第二段按照題目要求寫: n第三段只寫三句: n第一句:I sincerely hope you can take my letter seriously. n第二句:Your prompt response will be highly appreciated. n第三句:Thanks a lot for your time and consideration. 91應用文萬能模板92建議信 nDear , I am writing

53、 to express my views concerning . In the first place, I would like to say thank you for the help and everything else you have been offering to us. Meanwhile, I also want to make some advice to better . Firstly, we have found that . Secondly, we want to . Finally, we hope that . I am looking forwards

54、 to your consideration about my proposals. Thanks in advance for that. Yours sincerely, Li Ming93道歉信 nDear , Much to my regret / I am terribly sorry that I am unable to . It is mainly because at that time I will be full occupied by which is quite out of my expectation, and that conflicts with your .

55、 Therefore I am forced to adjust my schedule and cannot make my presence on your . I sincerely hope that you will enjoy a good time. By the way, can we have dinner together some time next week? I hope to see you soon. I am really sorry again and I trust that you will understand. Yours sincerely, Li

56、Ming94感謝信 nDear , On behalf of , I would like to extend our most sincere gratitude for . We appreciate greatly your aid in not only , but also . It is said that your that we could enjoy such a wonderful trip / arrive at such splendid achievements, and we will never forget your painstaking labor and

57、full cooperation / warm hospitality. With this letter we would also like to formally invite you to , so that . WE look forwards to hosting you . With personal regards. Yours sincerely, Li Ming95申請信 nTo Whom It May Concern, I would like to apply for the masters program in department of your universit

58、y, an opportunity that I have dreamed since . To briefly introduce myself, I am a senior student majoring in from University. During my undergraduate study I have demonstrated excellent academic ability, which is reflected in my grades and accomplishment. I have attached to this letter my resume, a

59、complete transcript, and three recommendation letters. I would greatly appreciate it if you could kindly consider my application. If you require more information, please feel free to contact me at . Looking forwards to your reply. Yours sincerely, Li Ming96投訴信nTo Whom It May Concern, I am writing to

60、 complain about the poor service of your I received when . The reasons for my dissatisfaction lie upon three points as follows: 1) ; 2) ; 3) . Under these circumstances, I find it difficult to . I am sure that you are able to thoroughly understand my discontent, which you are bound to replace with a


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