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1、論馬拉默德店員中的道德再生主題論馬拉默德店員中的道德再生主題論馬拉默德店員中的道德再生主題MoralMoral RegenerationRegeneration inin MalamudMalamuds sthethe AssistantAssistant【作者】 蔣麗霞;【導師】 鄧穎玲;【作者基本信息】 湖南師范大學, 英語語言文學, 2006, 碩士【摘要】 作為二戰(zhàn)后美國猶太文學公認的旗手,伯納德馬拉默德擅長以描寫猶太小人物的悲慘命運來開掘人類在苦難中追求美好道德的大主題。店員(又譯伙計),就是這方面的典范之作。在小說中,馬拉默德把猶太人為人類贖罪而受苦的這一宗教傳統(tǒng)觀念看成是人與人之

2、間責任感的真實體現,猶太人不再是上帝的特選子民,而是被賦予更為廣泛的意義,成為人類道德的化身。道德再生是該小說的基本主題。 小說主人公弗蘭克的道德再生主題貫穿了整部小說。弗蘭克是一個具有善惡雙重品質的人:一方面,他像小說中的另一個人物沃德一樣不斷地做壞事;另一方面,他又像圣方濟向往美好的事情。成為莫里斯的店員后,在莫里斯的道德感召下,弗蘭克經過長期的痛苦掙扎終于完成了他的道德再生。轉變后的弗蘭克就像是一個孤兒找到了父親,一個無家可歸者找到了家庭的溫暖,一個情感迷失者找到了情感交流的渠道。他的再生不僅表明個人的道德再生,更是體現了馬拉默德創(chuàng)作的根本:不僅要以忍受痛苦來贖救自己,還需要去贖救非猶太

3、人。由此可見,馬拉默德在店員中不僅反映了猶太人的實際生存狀況,而且從猶太人的生活中發(fā)掘出闡釋人類普遍問題的一般哲理。 全文分三部分:導論、正文和結語。 導論部分概述批評界對馬拉默德作為猶太小說家和道德小說家的評論,以及對他的代表作店員的種種解讀,同時也指出本文的寫作意圖。 正文分三章: 第一章簡單介紹了馬拉默德的家庭生活經歷及其代表作店員。特殊的人生經歷和美國小說貶低人類道德價值的現狀不僅使得馬拉默德在作品中極其關注道德問題,而且也使他堅信人類只有在苦難中才能堅守一種美德,強調道德的再生。 更多還原【Abstract】 Bernard Malamud is generally acknowle

4、dged as a standard-bearer in Jewish American literature after the Second World War. Heis expert in depicting the miserable life of Jews to excavate a bigtheme of pursuing moral virtues through suffering. The Assistant(1957) is such a characteristic novel. In the novel, Malamud treatsJews suffering f

5、or human beings as the real embodiment ofresponsibility. For Malamud, Jews are no longer the Chosen People ofGod, but the representative of the whole humankind in a broader sense.Moral regeneration is the basic theme of the novel.The theme ofFranks moral regeneration runs through the whole novel. Fr

6、ank is aperson of double characters. On the one hand, he does harm like Wardagain and again;on the other hand, he seeks to possess good thingslike St. Francis. Under Morris moral influence, Frank, as Morrisassistant, begins his painful struggling and achieves his moralregeneration. After moral regen

7、eration, Frank is an orphan who hasfound a father;a drifter who has found a home with warmth;anemotional loser who has found love to communicate. Franks moralregeneration is not only his individual moral rebirth, but also thereflection of Malamuds writing purpose. In Malamuds view, one hasto endure

8、suffering to redeem oneself, more importantly, to redeemnon-Jews. In The Assistant, Malamud not only mirrors the Jewsliving condition, but also interprets the universal truth from Jewslife.The thesis consists of three parts: the introduction, the bodyand the conclusion.The introduction makes a gener

9、al survey of thecriticism of Malamud as a Jewish writer and moral one. Differentinterpretations ofThe Assistant are presented in this section. Theintroduction also gives readers the purpose of this thesis.The bodyis composed of three chapters.Chapter One is a brief introduction ofMalamuds life exper

10、ience and an analysis of The Assistant. Thereasons why Malamud pays more attention to mans moral problems arealso discussed in this chapter. Malamuds particular life experienceand the present American novels of devaluation of man are the twofactors which make Malamud believe that man can keep his mo

11、ralvirtues only in sufferings.Chapter Two analyzes Franks similaritywith Ward and St. Francis, who are two extremes on moral side. We cansee that Frank is a morally-divided person. Frank, after he becomesMorris assistant, gradually understands Morris Jewish spirit. Hismoral transformation has underg

12、one a painful and hard process.ChapterThree points out that Franks moral regeneration is reinforced bymany images used in the novel. His moral regeneration is also achange from I-It to I-Thou. This chapter also offers the profound anduniversal significance of his transformation.The conclusion stress

13、esthat Frank, under Morris moral influence, struggles and strivespainfully to achieve his moral regeneration. Through Franks moralregeneration in The Assistant, Malamud claims that he never gives upthe hope for man and firmly believes that man is kind and hopeful. 更多還原【關鍵詞】 伯納德馬拉默德; 店員; 道德再生;【Key wo

14、rds】 Bernard Malamud; The Assistant; moral regeneration;參考文獻:淺談猶太父權思想在店員中的映射本文主要論述猶太父權思想對伯納德馬拉默德店員創(chuàng)作的影響。從圣經中的父先母后、猶太教中的“割禮”、猶太厭女情結等方面來探討店員的文化內涵。收錄數據庫:中文科技期刊數據庫 來源:中國校外教育 2011 年 第 7期 作者:張曉蔓 機構:北京信息科技大學苦難與救贖伯納德馬拉默德是當代最重要的作家之一,他一生創(chuàng)作了八部長篇小說和三部短篇小說。猶太性是他作品的獨特之處,沒有其他作家比他更能深刻地表達這一點??嚯y和通過苦難來救贖自己和他人是.收錄數據庫:中

15、文科技期刊數據庫 來源:大眾文藝:學術版 2011 年第 15 期 作者:楊青 機構:鞍山師范學院外語系 遼寧鞍山 114000“受難救贖”店員中猶太文化母題探析伯納德.馬拉默德是美國杰出的猶太作家,小說店員是他的代表作。店員中受難救贖猶太文化母題的運用使我們對猶太文化和歷史有了更加深入的了解和認識。收錄數據庫:中文科技期刊數據庫 來源:名作欣賞:文學研究(下旬) 2011 年 第 7 期 作者:韓玉群 機構:綏化學院外國語學院 黑龍江綏化 152000論馬拉默德店員中的道德再生主題論馬拉默德店員中的道德再生主題MoralMoral RegenerationRegeneration inin

16、MalamudMalamuds sthethe AssistantAssistant【作者】 蔣麗霞;【導師】 鄧穎玲;【作者基本信息】 湖南師范大學, 英語語言文學, 2006, 碩士【摘要】 作為二戰(zhàn)后美國猶太文學公認的旗手,伯納德馬拉默德擅長以描寫猶太小人物的悲慘命運來開掘人類在苦難中追求美好道德的大主題。店員(又譯伙計),就是這方面的典范之作。在小說中,馬拉默德把猶太人為人類贖罪而受苦的這一宗教傳統(tǒng)觀念看成是人與人之間責任感的真實體現,猶太人不再是上帝的特選子民,而是被賦予更為廣泛的意義,成為人類道德的化身。道德再生是該小說的基本主題。 小說主人公弗蘭克的道德再生主題貫穿了整部小說。弗

17、蘭克是一個具有善惡雙重品質的人:一方面,他像小說中的另一個人物沃德一樣不斷地做壞事;另一方面,他又像圣方濟向往美好的事情。成為莫里斯的店員后,在莫里斯的道德感召下,弗蘭克經過長期的痛苦掙扎終于完成了他的道德再生。轉變后的弗蘭克就像是一個孤兒找到了父親,一個無家可歸者找到了家庭的溫暖,一個情感迷失者找到了情感交流的渠道。他的再生不僅表明個人的道德再生,更是體現了馬拉默德創(chuàng)作的根本:不僅要以忍受痛苦來贖救自己,還需要去贖救非猶太人。由此可見,馬拉默德在店員中不僅反映了猶太人的實際生存狀況,而且從猶太人的生活中發(fā)掘出闡釋人類普遍問題的一般哲理。 全文分三部分:導論、正文和結語。 導論部分概述批評界對

18、馬拉默德作為猶太小說家和道德小說家的評論,以及對他的代表作店員的種種解讀,同時也指出本文的寫作意圖。 正文分三章: 第一章簡單介紹了馬拉默德的家庭生活經歷及其代表作店員。特殊的人生經歷和美國小說貶低人類道德價值的現狀不僅使得馬拉默德在作品中極其關注道德問題,而且也使他堅信人類只有在苦難中才能堅守一種美德,強調道德的再生。 更多還原【Abstract】 Bernard Malamud is generally acknowledged as a standard-bearer in Jewish American literature after the Second World War. He

19、is expert in depicting the miserable life of Jews to excavate a bigtheme of pursuing moral virtues through suffering. The Assistant(1957) is such a characteristic novel. In the novel, Malamud treatsJews suffering for human beings as the real embodiment ofresponsibility. For Malamud, Jews are no long

20、er the Chosen People ofGod, but the representative of the whole humankind in a broader sense.Moral regeneration is the basic theme of the novel.The theme ofFranks moral regeneration runs through the whole novel. Frank is aperson of double characters. On the one hand, he does harm like Wardagain and

21、again;on the other hand, he seeks to possess good thingslike St. Francis. Under Morris moral influence, Frank, as Morrisassistant, begins his painful struggling and achieves his moralregeneration. After moral regeneration, Frank is an orphan who hasfound a father;a drifter who has found a home with

22、warmth;anemotional loser who has found love to communicate. Franks moralregeneration is not only his individual moral rebirth, but also thereflection of Malamuds writing purpose. In Malamuds view, one hasto endure suffering to redeem oneself, more importantly, to redeemnon-Jews. In The Assistant, Ma

23、lamud not only mirrors the Jewsliving condition, but also interprets the universal truth from Jewslife.The thesis consists of three parts: the introduction, the bodyand the conclusion.The introduction makes a general survey of thecriticism of Malamud as a Jewish writer and moral one. Differentinterp

24、retations ofThe Assistant are presented in this section. Theintroduction also gives readers the purpose of this thesis.The bodyis composed of three chapters.Chapter One is a brief introduction ofMalamuds life experience and an analysis of The Assistant. Thereasons why Malamud pays more attention to

25、mans moral problems arealso discussed in this chapter. Malamuds particular life experienceand the present American novels of devaluation of man are the twofactors which make Malamud believe that man can keep his moralvirtues only in sufferings.Chapter Two analyzes Franks similaritywith Ward and St.

26、Francis, who are two extremes on moral side. We cansee that Frank is a morally-divided person. Frank, after he becomesMorris assistant, gradually understands Morris Jewish spirit. Hismoral transformation has undergone a painful and hard process.ChapterThree points out that Franks moral regeneration is reinforced bymany images used in the novel. His moral regeneration is also achange from I-It to I-Thou. This chapter also offers the profound anduniversal s


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