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1、第1頁(yè)Unit 3 Life in the future教案2(I HAVE AMAZING THINGS vPART 2)Teaching aims:Lear n expressi ons & phrasesLear n Ian guage pointsDifficult and Important Points:1) Language points2) The usage of take up and sweep”Teaching Methods:Prese ntati on & PracticeTeaching Procedures:Step 1 Pre-畑山聘T: You did a

2、good job, Most of you reviewed what we lear ned. Now let us guess what LiQiang would go on visit ing,S: He was to visit other pla nets by time capsule,S: I guess he would go to visit some in teresti ng places,S: I think he would pay a visit to a family and a school,T: If you were the author of the p

3、assage, what would you like to in troduce to readers?S: I might in troduce the alie ns who he met in the future,S: I think I would describe the way of future life,S: If I were the author, I would prefer to write something about future school,T: Some stude nts seem to have the same opinion as the aut

4、hor, while some might be able to write anew passage for us to enjoy, I am glad to know you all have used your heads to have various an swers,Now study the picture on Page 21 to tell me what you can see in the picture,S: I can see a stra nge thing is work ing in a special place,S: The stra nge thing

5、has six hands and one leg, but its head is similar to ours,S: There is ano ther creature, which is very small with many han ds, compared with the big one.step 2 Fasl RendingT: Now let us read the title together,T: CanYOUpredict wliat ilie passage may be about?S: It may be about what he had see n, es

6、pecially about the amaz ing things in the future,T: You are right, as we all know, the best title is the one which can show the main idea of thereading passage, As a consequenee, we should read the title when we begin to read one, whichwill help us to un dersta nd a passage, now read the passage qui

7、ckly to find what amaz ing things are menti oned in it,(After one minute,)S: a pace stati on, some alie n creatures, mu門(mén)山in podsT: Yes, Please look through it again and find out main idea for each paragraph, You d better finish itin two minu tes,(Two minutes later, ask the students to show their opi

8、nion to the whole class, Then dlSCUSSit and decide the best an swer, The teacher should tell them the an swer in the end,丨Suggested answers:Para,1玄space station considered the most modem in this pari of spacePare, 2 the frien dliest creatures, mu- IHUPara, 3 the most interesting creatures, dimpodsPa

9、ra, 4 the differences and similarities between themstep 3 Careful RidingT: Please read Para, one and answer the questions: Where did he first visit? Describe the place,(After one mi nu te)S: His first visit was to a space statio n con sidered the most moder n in this part of space, It isan enormous

10、round plate, and it spins slowly in space to imi tate the pull of the earth s gravityIn side of it, it is divided into zones with extraord in arily differ atmospheres and gravities,T: Right, What other stra nge things can be found?S: There live the alien creatures while they work with human space sc

11、ientists searching fornew worlds,T: Now please read the next two paragraphs to tell the following sentences true or false,第2頁(yè)第3頁(yè)1.The frien dliest creatures are the tiny dimpods, while the most in terest ing creatures are themu-mu,2. The mu-mu must wear red ni ghtlights on the helmets so that they c

12、an see in the dark,3.The World Space Agency will send a spaceship to examine the fourth star in the Pleiadessystem n ext year,4. The mu-mu can skip around the pipes and between the wooden walls of the space station,5.The tiny dimpods are great engineers, which require the same the same atmospheres a

13、s humans,6.The tiny dimpods van produces a liquid from their bodies, which melts metal and very useful forthe outside for spaceships,(Give stude nts four minu tes to read and con sider the stateme nts,)T: Let s check the answ efirii is wrong, please correct it,S: 1,1 think the first sentence is wron

14、g, the two objects should be excha nged, That is to say,the friendliest creatures are the mu-mu, while the most interesting creatures are the tiny dimpods,T: Right, Whai about the ncxtf;S: 2, It is false, Huma n beings must wear red ni ghtlights on the helmets so that they can seein the dark, But th

15、e mu- mus don t need it because they can see in the darT: Good, Is the third one wrong?S: 3, I think it is right,T: Right, What about the next one?S: 4, it is wrong, The tiny dimpods can skip round the pipes and between the wooden walls of thespace stati on,T: I agree with you,S: 5, the fifth and th

16、e sixth are right,T: Excellent, Now, let s read the last paragraph and combine what we just read to finish thefollow ing chart,Name of creatureMu-muDimpodsSizeBigTi ny第4頁(yè)Appeara neeThey are tall and thi nwithThey are small, just the size of a little第5頁(yè)shell-coveredleg”cat,ColorThey have black and wh

17、ite faces,They are purple or blue and the colorcha nges depe nding on their mood,Pers on ality1, They see in the dark so they live1, They require the same atmospherein an area without light of any kind,as huma ns,2, They are great engin eers and very2, They are clever so that they haveclever,assiste

18、d in the scientific discovery,3, They are able to travel many light3, They are not easy to talk to soyears away from the earth, which canthat you have to use aproduce a strange liquid from theirIanguage-changer to help, Thebodies,mu-mus only speak in whispers,4, They are difficult to talk to so that

19、4, They eat food that containsyou have to use a Ianguage-changercarb on and drink a stra nge mixtureto help, The dimpods shout loudly inof carrot juice and cocoa,your ear,5, They eat food that contains carb on,which drink lem on ade mixed withherbs,Number of armsSix armsMany armsNumber of legsA shel

20、l-covered legMany legsHow it movesThey move forward by slowlyThey skip around the pipes andshaking from side to side on abetween the wooden walls of theshell-covered leg,space statio n,Step 4 PostWldin百T: Whats the main idea?S: The passage mainly tells us the stra nge things that he saw in the futur

21、e,T: Right, What is the purpose of writing the passage?S: Writ ing the passage is to let us know what will happe n in adva nee.S: I think the author attempted to en courage us to be brave eno ugh to search fortlieftitureto speed up the developme nt of scie nee,T: What a clever head! We should have a

22、 creative spirit to explore the developme nt of the futureto build up our society, We should work hard to make con tributi ons to our coun try, trying to make ourhomela nd highly developed,T: Now lets imagine to add two extra characteristics of the creatureDiscuss what an aliencreature of your own m

23、ight be like with your partn ers,(About three minu tes, ask some stude nts to describe what an alie n creature might be like in theirmin ds,)Step 5 WritingT: Just now you discuss what an alie n creature of your own might be like, Now please draw apicture of your alien, Then write a description based

24、 on your drawing and the notes in the chart, Showyour draw ing to your classmates and read your descripti on to them,(Give them ten minutes to do it, First, let them do it by themselves, Later get them to excha ngewith their desk mates, Fin ally ask some stude nts to show their work to the whole cla

25、ss, During doing it,the teacher can design a competition to arouse their interest, If possible, get some excellent worksshown to the whole school to encourage students to have a creative spirit,)step 6ConsolidationT: In this period, we mainly focus on reading the passage: I Have Seen Amazing Things,

26、 Wouldyou please make a sentence with“Whaiave seen-”?(In order to get more students to take part in this activity, the teacher can let them have a competition betwee n groups)Step 7 Listening (on Page 23)Task 1 Pre-listcninST: Lets read the following phrases togetherspace creatures, living on anothe

27、r planet, new discoveries in space, why a space station spins,how to get water on Mars, comets, houses in a tow n on Mars, Martia n creatures, atmosphere andgravity.T: Can you un dersta nd those phrases? Please predict what you are going to liste n may be aboutaccord ing to the phrases,Ss: It may be

28、 about life on the other pla net,第5頁(yè)第8頁(yè)Task 2 First ListeningT: Now let s listbnthe tape to see whether what you predict is right or not. At the same time, youare asked to tick the things that you hear on the tape? Do Exercise One on Page 23.(After listening, lei them check Uie answers)Task? Second

29、ListcikingT: This time, You d write down the answers to the four que stions. Boys and girls, how can wewrite (he answers際i and coneclly?S: We should go through the questi ons first and keep them in mind. When we are liste ning, wejust n eed to pay much atte nti on to the sentences related to the an

30、swers,S: We n eed n wrtite dow n each word of the an swers, We just write dow n some key words, Laterwe can write dow n the complete an swers with the help of these key words,T: You are clever, now please get ready, First, look through the introduction to the listeningmnlcrial, Then, scan the questi

31、ons,(Two minutes later, the teacher plays the tape, Then give Ss time to organize their sentences)T: Let s check the answers one by ,one(If stude nts make some com mon mistakes or they seem to have difficulty in finding out an swers,teachers can give them some hi nts and let them liste n to it aga i

32、n, After that, check the answers, If thestudents feel it difficult to make sense about the key words and understand the speakers intention andattitude, the teacher should give them】EB h討卩丿Task 4 Post-listeningT: After liste ning, would you please an swer some questi ons?1. What did you hear on the t

33、ape?2. Do you think people in the future will be able to live in“ Wonderorld ” ?hy do youthink so?(At this part the teacher may have the stude nts prese nt what they have heard on the tape and showtheir own opinion on living in “ Wonderworld ” If possible, the teacher may have some of the stude ntsd

34、o the prese ntati on work in class, By doing this, the stude nts can get full un dersta nding of what thetape is talking about.Jstep 8 SpeakingTask 1 Lead-in第9頁(yè)T: Boys and girls are you sure what will happe n to you tomorrow?S: No, No one knows what will happe n tomorrow,T: I agree with you, whe n we express what will happe n, what expressi ons do we ofte n use?S: Is it possible that?S: Suppo


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