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1、2019 年高中英語 Unit 4 Body Ianguage SectionIVGrammar -動(dòng)詞-ing形式作狀語課時(shí)作業(yè)新人教版必修 4I.單句語法填空1.Havin g_spe nt (spe nd) n early all our mon ey, we could nt afford to stay at a hotel.2. Seeing (see) nobody at home, he decided to leave them a note.3. To_finish (finish) the work ahead of time, we have to work hard.

2、4. Do you remember the name of the girl sitting (sit) next to you in the old photo?5. The case shocked the public, causing (cause) a hot debate over human nature on the Internet.6.The boy wearing (wear) a sad look said,“I cant find my parents.”7.Leaving (leave) some questionsunanswered, my friend sa

3、id goodbye to me.8. Whenyou meet people from different cultures , it is important to_understand (un dersta nd)what you can and cannot do.9. The children rushed out of the classroom, talking (talk) about somethinghap pily.10.With the rapiddevelopment of China , the number of foreignerslearning (learn

4、) Chinese is grow ing all the time.n.閱讀理解It seems that all my friends have bee n making the decisi on to put off theircollege education for a year, and rm happy for them. But rm not going to lie, When that call es and theyinform me of their decisi on to take a year off from college,the joy is bitter

5、sweet (甜中有苦的 ).I hear the excitement in my friends voicesand do my best to share their joy, but in those moments, I cant help envying them. I guess rm a classiccase of the broke college kid, and I amnever like the gap-year college stude nts.At this point, it has happened so many times that Im really

6、 startingto won der whether I have made the wrong decisi on by tak ing the road to higher learning.Maybe its a crazy thing to say, but I want that special moment very much.I want every one close to meto say “ hooray!” after I make the difficult decisi on of putt ing off thestude nt loa n (貸款)debt so

7、 that I can travel across Europe fora year in stead. I hope that every one will be proud of me and the big smile of relief will appear on myface.However, I cant help but won der: will my mom ever get the cha neeto plan a party while I make a decision to travel the world for a year? At the party, wil

8、l my parents everget the chance to smile at me with pride as I listen to their speech about how proud they are without acare in the world? I feel sorry for them. And after all these years, will I ever be the one not tak ing outprivate stude nt loans to provide money for my expe nsive college educati

9、 on?Itsdepressing to think about, but I may never hear the government say,“ You did a great job. High-five. ” I made the decisi onnot to in crease the alreadytoo high stude nt loa n debt of the coun try. But the people in the gover nment only stay in their offices,pletely un aware of the struggle of

10、 college stude nts with stude nt loa ns.【文章大意】 本文是一篇議論文。作者在聽到朋友決定大學(xué)休學(xué)一年的消息時(shí)很為他們高興,但是這種高興苦樂參半。作者設(shè)想自己如果也休學(xué)一年,會(huì)有怎樣的后果。1.What makes the author feel like stopping his education for a year?A. His friends are wild about travelling around.B. His friends have put off the student loan debt.C. He sees his frie

11、nds all living a fortable life.D. He admires his friends for being away from study for a year.A. Taking a risk.B. Being bad.C. Having no money.D. Dropping off school.解析:C 詞義猜測題。根據(jù)第三段第二句I make the difficult decision of puttingoff the stude nt loan debt.可知,作者是貸款讀大學(xué),說明作者自己沒有錢上學(xué)。3. What does the author

12、expect if he puts off his college education for a year?A. The people close to him will encourage him.B. His smile will reappear on his face.C. His mother will be proud of him.D. His debt will be reduced sharply.解析:A 細(xì)節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第三段的 I want everyone close to meto say “hooray ! ” after I makethe difficult

13、 decisi on of putt ing off the stude nt loa n debt.可知,作者期望:如果他能做出艱難決定,推遲學(xué)生貸款債務(wù),身邊的人可以支持他。由此推知, 他希望得到身邊人的鼓勵(lì)。4. What can we infer from the last paragraph?A. The government gives a big stress to the students.B. The government should care more about the students.C. The government should support the gap-

14、year students.D. The government often puts the students into depression.解析:B 推理判斷題。根據(jù)最后一段的I made the decisi on not to in crease the already.pletelyun aware of the struggle of college stude nts with stude nt loa ns.可知,政府人員完全沒有意識(shí)到有助學(xué)貸款的學(xué)生的努力。作者想到這一點(diǎn)心情是沮喪的, 作者在抱怨政府應(yīng)該多關(guān)心學(xué)生。川.完形填空Awomannamed LaVonn lived

15、 in North Dakota. One Christmas Eve, she washelping out in her dads _1_ when a little boy, about five or six years old, came in. He was _2_ an oldbrow n coat with a dirty worn shirt un derit. When he pulledoff his hat, she saw that his _3_ was in_plete disorder.The boy _4_ the_small toy sect ion of

16、the family store, picked up several items, examinedthem one by one, and then _5_ put them back on the shelf. LaVonns dad walked over to the childand asked if he could _6_. The little _boy said,“Yes. Im looking for a _7_ for mybrother. ” After 20 minutes, the childpicked up a toy airpla ne. He _8_ it

17、 to LaV onns father.“ How much is this ?”he asked, “My brother 9 airplanes. ” Then LaVonns dad asked, “How much money do you _10_?” The little boy reached into his coat and pulled out a handful of_11_. He spread his money out on the coun ter and bega n to _12_ . “ I have onedollar and twenty-seven c

18、ents,” he answered. The dad then picked up the coins and announced,“ How _13_ you are!That airplane _14_ costs one dollar and解析: D 細(xì)節(jié)理解題。 根據(jù)第一段的 andthey inform me of their decision mome nts, Icant help envying them.2. What does the underlined wordBut rm not going to lie. When that call es totake a y

19、ear off from college.but in 可知,作者嫉妒他的朋友能休學(xué)一年?!癰roke ” in Paragraph 1 most probably mean?thosetwen ty-seve n cen ts! Wait here, and ni have it15 for you. ”The little boy walked out of the store with the gift decorated nicely and a smile of _16satisfactionon his face. LaVonn made her way back to the t

20、oy section_17_ she found the pla nes tag ( 標(biāo)簽).She saw that it was _18_ at $11.98. She said _19 _about it, but she later wrote in her notebook,“The _ 20_ gift I gotduri ng this Christmas was see ing my dads love in action.”【文章大意】LaV onn在她父親的店里幫忙,她看到一個(gè)穿著很破爛的小男孩給他的哥哥買一個(gè)玩具飛機(jī)做禮物。本來飛機(jī)標(biāo)價(jià)$11.98,但她父親只收了1.27

21、 美元便將飛機(jī)賣給了男孩。1.A.firmB. storeC. factory D . bookshop解析:B 根據(jù)后文可知,LaVonn 是在父親的商店(store) ”里幫忙。2.A.wearing B . washingC. carrying D . buying解析:A 根據(jù)后文的 an old brown coat以及小男孩破舊的衣服的語境可知,作者描述那個(gè)小男孩的“穿(wearing) ”衣情況。3.A.hair B . pocketC. coat D . watch解析:A 根據(jù)前面的 he pulled off his hat的語境可知,小男孩脫下帽子,LaVonn看見了他凌

22、亂的頭發(fā)(chair) ”。4.A.pointed to B . rushed toC. looked around D . broke into解析:C 根據(jù)本句話語境可知,小男孩在玩具區(qū)環(huán)顧四周(looking around),拿了幾個(gè)東西,然后又放下了。5 . A.worriedly B . n ervouslyC. an grily D . carefully解析:D 那孩子將玩具“小心翼翼地(carefully) ”放在架子上,表明他怕?lián)p壞了玩具,且根據(jù)后文語境可知,小男孩沒有多少錢,損壞了就賠不起,所以他輕拿輕放。6 . A.thi nk B . helpC. plain D .

23、ask解析:B 根據(jù)下文小男孩的回答Yes. Im looking for.可知,LaVonn 的父親是問小男孩有沒有什么能“幫忙(help) ”的。7 . A.prize B . hatC. gift D . book解析:C 根據(jù)上下文語境可知,在圣誕節(jié)前夕,那個(gè)小男孩應(yīng)該是要為他的哥哥買圣 誕節(jié)“禮物(gift) ”。8 . A.showed B . sentC. threw D . returned解析:A 那個(gè)男孩挑選了一個(gè)玩具飛機(jī),將飛機(jī)拿給 LaVonn 父親“看(showed) ”并問價(jià)。9 . A.desig ns B . makesC. sells D . loves解析:

24、D 根據(jù)前后文可知,那個(gè)男孩交代他挑選飛機(jī)的原因,即:他哥哥“喜歡(loves) ” 飛機(jī)。10 . A.want B . earnC. have D . borrow解析:C 根據(jù)那個(gè)男孩拿出錢的描述可知,LaVonn 的父親問那孩子“有(have) ”多少錢。11. A.toys B . coinsC. balls D . stones解析:B 那個(gè)男孩并沒有多少錢,所以他拿出來的錢應(yīng)該是一把“硬幣(coins) ”。12 . A.cou nt B . cryC. expla in D . shout解析:A 根據(jù)前后文可知,那個(gè)男孩將錢“數(shù)了數(shù)(count) ”,說總共有1.27 美元。

25、13. A.poor B . meanC. happy D . lucky解析: D 根據(jù)語境和下文的That airplane.costs one dollar and twenty-sevencents 可知,LaVonn 的父親告訴那個(gè)小男孩:你真幸運(yùn)(luck) ”。14. A.unfairly B . probablyC. exactly D . actually解析:C 因?yàn)?LaVonn 的父親說這是個(gè)巧合,所以告訴小男孩;這個(gè)飛機(jī)“恰好(exactly) ”賣 1.27 美元。15. A.fixed B . decoratedC. covered D . cleaned解析:B

26、 根據(jù)后文 with the gift decorated nicely可知,這位父親說:“等一等,我為你把玩具“包裝(decorated) ”好?!?6 . A.total B . easyC. stra nge D . likely解析: A 根據(jù)前文 a smile 可知, 那個(gè)男孩臉上露出“十分(total) ”滿意的笑容。 total 意為“完全”,符合上下文。17 . A.because B . althoughC. when D . where解析:D LaVonn 后來在玩具區(qū)找到了那個(gè)飛機(jī)的標(biāo)簽,故用where 引導(dǎo)定語從句,并在從句中作地點(diǎn)狀語。18 . A.called

27、B . pricedC. looked D . laughed解析:B 根據(jù)后文的價(jià)格可知,LaVonn 發(fā)現(xiàn)上面的“標(biāo)價(jià)(priced ) ”是 11.98 美元。19 . A.someth ing B . everyth ingC. nothing D . any thi ng解析:C LaVonn 對(duì)于這件事“沒有(nothing) ”說什么,只是在她的筆記本上寫了一 段話。20 . A.real B . bestC. newest D . mon解析:B 根據(jù)前后文可知,LaVonn 覺得她在那個(gè)圣誕節(jié)“最好的(best) ”禮物是看到 她父親將對(duì)他人的愛賦予行動(dòng)。IV.語法填空I r

28、ecen tly experie need someth ing duri ng a divi ng (跳水) petiti on that I willnever forget. Myfriends and I were cheering on our only diver, 1._ was readyto take her tur n. She 2._ (perform) her dive very well. The judges held outthe cards, 3._ (show) that she received two five-a nd-a-halves, a very

29、goodscore. When her score 4._ (announ ce), the coach from ano ther team immediatelyjumped from his seat i n the first row, 5._ (shake) his head. He ran to thejudges and started arguing about how a certa in turn in her dive was wrong. He made impolite mentsright in front of 6._ (she) loudly. And he w

30、as so angry thathe spoke some dirty words. It was 7._ rudest behavior I had ever see n andI could nt believe that it came from a coach. The judges, after a brief discussi on, agreed that the divewas nt 8._ (exact) what it was supposed to be and gavethe diver two twos. The coach walked away with a 9.

31、_ (satisfy) laugh. I willnever forget how sorry I felt 10._ the other team, who has to work with thisrude coach.【文章大意】本文主要介紹了講述了在一次跳水比賽時(shí)一位教練因挑出一個(gè)選手的毛病現(xiàn)場發(fā)火,并且還說臟話,十分粗魯,作者對(duì)這個(gè)教練的行為感到羞恥。1 .解析:who 考查關(guān)系代詞。此處為非限制性定語從句,先行詞是diver,指人,又因關(guān)系代詞在從句中作主語,故填who。2.解析:performed考查動(dòng)詞的時(shí)態(tài)。由第一句話的 experieneed 可知,講述的是過去的事情,應(yīng)該

32、用一般過去時(shí),故填performed。3.解析:showing 考查非謂語動(dòng)詞。此處showing 作伴隨狀語。4.解析:was announeed 考查動(dòng)詞的時(shí)態(tài)及語態(tài)。講述的是過去的事情應(yīng)該用一般過 去時(shí),且主語 score 是單數(shù),與 announee 之間是被動(dòng)關(guān)系,故填 was announeed。5.解析:shaking 考查非謂語動(dòng)詞。主語 the coach 與 shake 之間是邏輯上的主謂關(guān)系,表示主動(dòng),用現(xiàn)在分詞作伴隨狀語,故填shaking。6.解析:her 考查代詞。因?yàn)榍懊媸墙樵~ of,所以后面要用 she 的賓格形式,即 her。7.解析:the 考查冠詞。因?yàn)楹?/p>

33、面是rudest,是形容詞的最高級(jí),故用定冠詞the修飾。&解析:exactly考查副詞。此處 exactly 修飾整句話。句意為:那個(gè)女孩的跳水動(dòng)作并不是比賽所要求的那樣。9.解析:satisfied考查形容詞。修飾名詞laugh應(yīng)該用形容詞,ed 形容詞修飾人或表情,表示感到.的”故填satisfied。10. 解析:for 考查介詞。feel sorry for.意為同情.”。句意為:我永遠(yuǎn)不會(huì)忘記我當(dāng)時(shí)是多么同情那一隊(duì)隊(duì)員,因?yàn)樗麄兏菢右晃淮拄數(shù)慕叹殞W(xué)習(xí)。2019 年高中英語 Unit 4 Global warming Section 2 Learning aboutLan

34、guage 課時(shí)作業(yè)新人教版選修 6I.單詞拼寫|導(dǎo)學(xué)號(hào) 698242611.Childrens words and actions are often fairly random ._2.Fossil fuels alone wont cut in.3.Look out! Youd better walk steadily ._4._ Its hot out very hot, very humid.5.There is a tendency ( 趨勢)towards regional cooperation.6._ The earthquake caused widespread (分布廣

35、的)damage to the country.7.My mother is an economical (_ 節(jié)儉的)housewife.8.The graph shows the average ( 平均的)temperature of April.9.So far no evidenee has been found to support the existenee of any living thing on the moon.10. It is a happy marriage on the whole ._II.按要求改寫句子導(dǎo)學(xué)號(hào) 698242621.1 found a key

36、in his pocket.(強(qiáng)調(diào)賓語)It was a key that I found in his pocket.2.They could not cross the river because the water had risen.(強(qiáng)調(diào)原因狀語 )It was because the water had rise n that they could not cross the river.3.Where did he buy the bike ?(強(qiáng)調(diào)特殊疑問詞 where)Where was it that he bought the bike?4.It is the lette

37、r that you got yesterday that makes you so sad.問句)Is it the letter that you got yesterday that makes you so sad?5.Mike and Mary helped the old man several days ago.(強(qiáng)調(diào)主語)It was Mike and Mary who/that helped the old man several days ago.川.完成句子 導(dǎo)學(xué)號(hào) 698242631.It was not until a month later (直至 U個(gè)月后) th

38、atI received the managersreply.2.It was in xx that (_ 就是在 xx)Zha ng Lei won the title as the sin ger withthe “ Voice of the Year ”.3._ I cant quite remember when it was that(_ 究竟在什么時(shí)候 )I was taken toBeiji ng.4._ How timeflies ! Its in several mon ths that we will graduate (_ 我們將畢業(yè)).5._ Can it be in

39、the drawer thatyou put your keys (_ 你放了你的鑰匙 )?6._I really dont know where it was that(_ 到底在哪里)I put my wallet.7. Where did you get to know her?改為一般疑It was on the farm where we worked (_ 我們工作過的).8.Who was it that (究竟是誰)played a trick on the new English teacher?9.(xx 天津高考 )You are waiting at a wrong p

40、lace. It is at the hotel that(就是在旅館 )the coach picks up tourists.10.My pare nts thi nk I did nt study formy exams, but I did study ( 我的確學(xué)習(xí)了).IV .閱讀理解導(dǎo)學(xué)號(hào) 69824264Global warming may or may not be the great environmental crisis of the 21stcen tury, but regardless of whether it is or isnt we wont do muc

41、h about it. Wewill argue over it and may even, as a nation , make some fairly solemn soundingmitments ( 承諾) to avoid it. But the more dramatic and meaningful these mitments seem, the less likelythey are to be observed.Al Gore calls global warming an “inconvenient truth ”,as if merely recognisingit c

42、ould put us a path to a solutio n.But the real truth is that we dont know eno ughto relieve global warmi ng , and without major tech no logicalbreakthroughs we cant domuch about it.From xx to 2050, the worlds populati on is projected to grow from 6. 4 billi onto 9. 1 billi on, a 42% in crease. If en

43、 ergy use per pers on and tech no logy rema in the same, total energy use and gree nhouse gas emissi ons (排放)(ma inly CO2) will be42%higher in 2050. But thats too low, because societies that grow richer use more en ergy. Wen eedecono mic growth uni ess we condemn the worlds poor to their prese nt po

44、verty and freeze every oneelses livi ngsta ndards. With modest growth, en ergy useand gree nhouse gas emissi ons will double by 2050.No gover nment will adopt rigid restricti ons on econo mic growth and pers onalfreedom (limits on electricity usage, driving and travel) that might cut back global war

45、ming. Still,politicians want to show theyre“doing something ” . Consider theKyoto Protocol(京都議定書 ).It allowed countries that joined to punish those that did nt. But it hasnt reduced CO2emissio ns (up about 25% since 1990),and many sig natories ( 簽字國)did nt adopt tough eno ugh policies to hit their x

46、xxx targets.The practical conclusion is that if global warming is a potential disaster, the on ly soluti on is newtech no logy. Only an aggressive research and developme nt program might find ways of breaking ourdependence on fossil fuels or dealing with it.The trouble with the global warming debate

47、 is that it has bee a moral problemwhen its really an engineeringone.The inconvenient truth is that if we dont solvethe engin eeri ng problem, were helpless.文章大意:全球變暖是一個(gè)不容忽視的問題,必須通過新科技來解決。1.What is said about global warming in the first paragraph? DA. It may not prove an environmental crisis at all.

48、B. It is an issue requiring worldwide mitments.C. Serious steps have been taken to avoid or stop it.D. Very little will be done to bring it under control.解析:由第一段第二、三句可知答案。2.According to the authorsunderstanding, what is AlGores view on global warming ? CA. It is a reality both people and politicians

49、 are unaware of.B. It is a phenomenon that causes us many inconveniences.C. It is a problem that can be solved once it is recognised.D. It is an area where we actually have little knowledge about.解析: 根據(jù)第二段中as if merely recognising it could put us a path to asolution ”可知,作者認(rèn)為Al Gore 說的話的意思是 C 項(xiàng)內(nèi)容。3.

50、Greenhouse gas emissions will double by 2050 because of B ._A. economic growthB. wasteful use of energyC. the widening gap between the rich and the poorD.the rapid adva nces of scie nee and tech no logy解析: 根據(jù)第三段的From xx to 2050, the worlds population is projected to grow from 6.4 billi onto 9.1 bill

51、io n, a 42 perce nt in crease. If en ergy use per pers onand tech no logy remain the same, total en ergy use and gree nhouse gas emissi ons(排放)(mainly CO2) will be 42 percent higher in 2050. But thats too low, because societies that growricher use more en ergy.” 可知。4. The author believes that, since

52、 the signing of theKyoto Protocol, B .A. politicia ns have started to do someth ing to better the situati onB. few nations have adopted real tough measures to limit energy useC.reduct ionsin en ergy con sumpti on (了肖耗)have greatlycut back global warm ingD.international cooperation has contributed to

53、 solving environmental problems 解析: 根據(jù)第四段的and many signatories( 簽字國 )didnt adopt tough enoughpolicies to hit their xx xx targets. ”可知盡管有協(xié)議書”,但是很少的簽字國采取強(qiáng)硬措施制止global warming ”。5. What is the message the author intends to con vey? BA . Global warming is more of a moral issue than a practical one.B . Th

54、e ultimate soluti on to global warmi ng lies in new tech no logy.C . The debate over global warmi ng will lead to tech no logical breakthroughs.D . People have to give up certain material forts to stop global warming.解析:由文章倒數(shù)第二段可知答案?!?global warming ”的解決應(yīng)是the onlysoluti on is new tech no logy. Only

55、an aggressive research and developme nt program might find waysof break ing our depe ndence on fossil fuels or deali ng with it.”B導(dǎo)學(xué)號(hào) 69824265What Theresa Loe is doing proves that a large farm isnt a prerequisite fora_modern grow your own lifestyle.Ona mere 1/10 of an acre in Los Angeles , Loe andhe

56、r family grow , can ( 裝罐)and preserve much of the food they consume.,gardener and canning expert.She also operatesa website , where she shares her tips and recipes, with the goal of dem on strati ngthat every one has the ability to con trol whats on their plate.Loe initially went to school to bee an

57、 engineer, but she quickly learned thather en thusiasm wa s mainly about grow ing and prepari ng her own food.“ I got intocooking my own food and started growing my own herbs( 香草)and foods for that fresh flavor , ” shesaid.Engineer by day , Loe learned cooking at night school.She ultimately purchase

58、d a small piece ofland with her husband and began growing their own foods.“I teach people how to live farm fresh without a farm,” Loe said.Through her website LoeLoe is a master food preserveremphasizes that “ an ybody can do this any where. ” Got an apartme nt with a balcony (陽臺(tái))? Plant some herbs.

59、A window? Perfect spot for growing.Start withherbs , she remends , because “theyre very forgiving. ” Just a little of the herbs“can take your regular cooking to a whole new level,” she added. “I think itsa great place to start. ” Then? Try growing something from a seed , she said , like a tomato or

60、sometea.Canning is a naturalextension of the plantingshe does.With every planted food ,Loe no ted , theres a mome nt whe n its bursti ng with its absolute peak flavor.“ Itry and keep it in a time capsule in a canning jar.” Loe said. “Can ning for me isabout knowing whats in your food, knowing where it e


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