已閱讀5頁,還剩10頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、功能意念日常用語:L問候Good morning.早上好。Good afternoon.下午好。Good evening.晚上好。Hello./ HI. 你好。How are you? 你好嗎?How are you doing?你過得好嗎?How are you getting on?你過得好嗎?How are things with you?你近來過得怎么樣?How is everything going? 一切都好嗎?如:Hello, Jack. Haven t seen you for a long time/ages! How' s everything going?你好,杰

2、克。好久沒見你了。你一切都好嗎?Oh, hello, Mr. Wang. I m so glad to see you. How re you doing?喂,你好,王先生。見到你很高興。你還麻嗎? .Hi, John! Nice to meet you here. How are you getting on?你好,約翰!在這兒見到你真高興,你一面都好嗎?Hi, Tom!嗨,湯姆!Hi, Green.嗨,格林!-How are you doing?你好嗎?”Fine, and you?很好,你呢?-Great. What is happening with you these days?也很

3、好。你最近有什么事情發(fā)生封?Nothing much.沒什么。第二者向第三者表達問候:、Please give my regards to sb. 請代我向某人問好。Please give my best wishes to sb.請代我向某人問好。Please give my love to sb.請代我向某人問好。Say hello to sb. 向某人問好。Please remember me to sb.請代我向某人問好。Best wishes to sb.問候某人Best regards to sb.問候某人如:Please give my regards to your famil

4、y.請代我向你的叁家問好。©Remember me to your teacher.代我向你的老師問好。-Well, it is getting late. I must be off now. Nice to meet you.天晚了,我現(xiàn)在必須得走了,見到了你真高興。-Nice meeting vou. Please give mv love to your parents.見到了你我也高蕤,請代我向你后父母問"。-Of course, thank von verv much.非常感謝,我一定杳替你向他們問好的。第二者代第一者向第三者轉(zhuǎn)達問候:sb. send sbJ

5、s regards to you.某人向你問好。sb. send sbJ s best wishes to you.某人向你問好。sb. send sbJ s love to you.某人向你問好。如:Mr. Green sends his best wishes to you.格林先生向你問好。2.介紹介紹別人:This is這是May I introduce you to?我可以把你介紹給嗎?Please allow me to introduce you to 請允許我把你介紹給V d like you to meet my friend,.我想請你見一見我的朋友如:Smith: Goo

6、d evening, Mr. Wang.晚上好,王先生。Wang: Good evening, Mr. Smith.晚上好,史密斯先生。Smith: Have you met my wife, Mary?你見過我的萋子瑪麗了冠?Wang: No, I haven' t had the pleasure.沒見過,我還沒有過這種榮幸。Smith: Mary, this is Mr. Wang, my new Chinese friend.瑪麗,這是bi的新中國朋友。Marv: How do vou do, Mr. Wang?你好:王先生:Wang: How do vou do?你好。自我介

7、紹:May I introduce myself? V in- 我作一下自我介紹好嗎?我是How do you do? My name is 你好,我是Hi, my name is你好,我的名字是F mHappy to know you.我是,很高興認識你。如:-"I am Tom. May I know your name?我是湯姆,我可以知道你后名字嗎?-I am Green. Happy to know you.我是格林,很高興認識你。-Me, too.我也很高興。一Are you Chinese?你是中,國人嗎?一No, I am Japanese.不,我是日本人。被介紹者之

8、間的常用語:How do you do?你好。-How do you do?你好。.-(I' m )glad to meet you.見到你很高興。-(F m) glad to meet you, too.見到你,我也很高興。”-(V m ) delighted to know you, ,見到你我很高興。(V ni) equally delighted to meet you.見到你,我也很高興。一It' s nice to meet you.見到你很高興。-一Same here.我見到你也很高興。如:-Hello, Jack. How are you?你好,杰克,你好嗎?&

9、quot;-Fine, thank you. V d like you to meet Jim. He, s a friend of mine.很好,謝謝。威想請你見見吉姆,他是我的一個朋友。-Nice to meet you, Jim.見到你很高興,吉姆。-一Same here.我見到你也很高興。3 .告別V m afraid I must be leaving now.我恐怕得告辭了。I must be off now.我必須得走了。It' s time I met/did- I have to go now.是我會見/做的時候了。我現(xiàn)在得走了。I think it' s

10、time for us to leave now.我想現(xiàn)在是我們告辭的時候了。It was nice meeting you.遇見你真是太好了;Nice to have met you.遇見你太好了。"Goodbye/Bye-bye/Bye!再見。See you later.回頭見。See you tomorrow.明定見。See you.再見。Good night.晚安。(用于晚上分別時)如:-Sorry, F 11 have to be going. If s getting very late. Good night.對不起,鎏不得不走了,天很晚了,晚安。-Good night

11、.晚安。.Oh, it is 11 o' clock. I am afraid I must be leaving now.十一點了,恐怕我得走了。-Thank you for your coming to see me.謝謝你來看我。"-It is mv pleasure.不用謝。,4 .感謝和應(yīng)答:Thank you.謝謝。Thank you very much.非常感詛,Thanks a lot.十分感謝。Many thanks.非常感謝。Thanks for-(由于)非常感謝。It' s very kind of you to .你真好,I really do

12、n' t know how I can thank vou enough.我真木知道怎樣感謝你才好。It' s most thoughtful of you.你想得真周到。V in indebted to you.我真是感激不盡;Thanks for vour help. I really appreciate it.非常感謝你話幫助。Thank vou for a wonderful meaL謝謝你M美餐。Thank vou for a most enjoyable evening.今晚過落真愉快,謝謝你;Glad you enjoyed it. Thank you for

13、coming.你吃春滿意,曲艮高興,施謝你的光臨。Forget it.不用謝。Not at alL不用謝。It' s all right.不用謝。That' s all right.不用謝。You are welcome.不用謝。Doi】't mention it.不用謝。It' s my pleasure.不用謝;如:0-一Excuse me. Which is the way to the Centre hospital?對不起,請問去中心醫(yī)院的路怎Z走?- -Go down this street until you reach the first tra

14、ffic lights. Turn left. At the end of the road you' 11 see the hospital.沿著這條街走著到第一個交通燈,向左拐,走到路的盡頭,你就會看到醫(yī) 院。- -It is very kind of you to tell me that.你告訴我*你真姓,謝謝。- -一You are welcome.不用謝。(2)-I really like the record vou lent me the other dav.你前些日子.借給我的唱片我港喜歡。- -F m glad you like it.我很高興你喜,歡它。- -An

15、d thank you very much for letting me keep it so long.謝謝你讓我借2r這么良時間。Not at all.不用謝。5 .祝賀、祝愿和應(yīng)答Good luck (to you)!祝你好運!*Good luck with sth!祝某事順利!All the best!萬事如意!All the best in your new job!祝你在新的工和崗位上一切順利!Best wishes to vou!祝福你!,I wish you good luck!祝你好運!I wish you success!祝你最功!Good Journey (to you

16、)!(祝你)一路順風(fēng)!Have a good trip!祝你旅途愉快/ 一路平安!Have a nice /good time!祝你過得愉快!Congratulations!祝賀你!Happy birthday to vou!祝你星日快樂i*V d like to congratulate you on 祝賀你Happy New Year!新年錠樂!Merry Christmas!圣誕祖樂!- 祝賀、祝愿答語:Thank you. The same to you.謝謝,知樣祝你快樂。,Thank you.謝謝你。如:一It is very kind of vou to see me off a

17、t the airport. 你來機場送森你真顯太好了。Don' t mention it. Good luck!不必客氣,祝你好運!- -The same to you.也祝你好運。一Happy New Year!祝你新年快條!-"Thank you. The same to vou.謝謝,同癢祝你快樂。"-Happy birthday to you!祝你生日快泉!“-Thank vou.謝謝你。-I hope vouUl have a good time.祝你過得愉快.Thank vou.謝謝。,The concert is going to start. I

18、have to go now. Good-bye!音樂會就要開始了,我得走了。再見。-Good-bye! Good hick with your performance!再見!祝底演出成功!一I 11 trv mv best in the exam. See you tomorrow.我會盡力把著山考好的,再見。- -Good luck to you!祝你走好運!6 .道歉和應(yīng)答:V in sorry.對不起。V m sorry, but對不起,我Forgive me for請原諒我Sorry) Pardon.對不起/請原諒。V m sorry for/about-(由于)對不起。V m so

19、rry that-(由于)對不起。Excuse me (for-)(由于)請原諒。I really didn/ t mean that at all.我根本沒那個意思。I didn,t intend to offend you.我真沒有惹你生氣的意思。I must apologize for my mistake.我得向你道歉,請原諒我的過錯。Don,t worry about It.不要為那件事覺得不安。That' s all right.沒關(guān)系。It doesn t matter.沒關(guān)系。That' s nothing.沒關(guān)系。/沒事。Not at all.沒關(guān)系。Not

20、in the least. 一點也不。Not a bit.沒關(guān)系。 excuse me和I'm sorry后面可接一個由but引導(dǎo)的句子,而且but之 前常有逗號。But可以不譯出,山不能換成其他連詞,尤其不能換成for如:一I' m sorry to have given you so much trouble.對不起,我給麻添了這么多麻演。-Not in the least.一點也不。Sorry to have kept you waiting too long.對不起,出你等了這么兒,Not at all.沒關(guān)系。(3)-Excuse me for interruptin

21、g you.對不起,打斷你了。That' s nothing.沒什么。一Excuse me, but can you tell me the way to the school?對不起,你能告訴我去軍校的路嗎?That's all right. Go straight down the road, and you' 11 see it on your left.沒什么。沿著這條馬路一直走,學(xué)校就在你的左邊:-Thank you.謝謝。,-My pleasure.不用謝。©-Sorry, but will you repeat It?對不起,曲你重復(fù)二下好嗎?T

22、hat' s all right沒什么,7 .遺憾和同情:What a pity!真遺憾!What a shame!真遺憾/真丟臉!It, s a pity that(由于)真遺憾。V m afraid that恐怕V m sorry to hear聽到我非常難過。8 .邀請甫應(yīng)答:Will you come to?你能來嗎?Would you like to?你愿意嗎?r d like to invite you to我很想邀請你Won' t you?請你好嗎?Would/will you please?請你好嗎?Yes, V (1 love to ().行,我樂意Sorry

23、, lean' t. V vealready had plans for tonight.對不起,不能去,我今 晚另有安集。That s very kind of you, but V in afraid感謝你的一番好意,但恐怕我Oh, what a pity! That would be lovely, but, F m afraid唉,真遺憾,能去 多好,但是我恐怕Yes, It,s very kind/nice of you.行,你真好。V d love to, but我很樂意,但是如:©-Would you like to come to the party?請你來參

24、加鹿會好嗎?-Oh yes, thank you.好的,血謝。 .Would vou please give us a talk on English Learning?請你給我們械一個關(guān)于英語學(xué)習(xí)的報告好嗎?-Yes, V d love to.好的,我很樂意。“Won' t you have some cigarettes?你吸煙嗎?-Thank vou, but I don' t smoke.謝謝,我未抽煙。©-Would you like to come to dinner this evening?今晚你來吃被怎么樣?-Sorry, I can' t

25、V ve already had plans for tonight.對不起不能去,我今晚另有去排。9 .提供(幫助等)和應(yīng)答:Can I help you?我能幫助你嗎?Could I help you?我能幫助你嗎?Shall I help you?我能幫助你嗎?What can I do for you?我能幫你什么忙嗎?Is there anything (else) I can do for you?還有什么我能為你效勞的嗎?Let me do sth. (for you) .讓我(替你)做Let me carry sth. (for you).讓我(替你)搬運Would you l

26、ike some-?你要一點好嗎?Would you like me to?我?guī)湍銌??Do you want me to?你要我?guī)湍銌??Thanks. That would be nice.謝謝,那很好。Thank you for your help.謝謝你的幫助。Yes, please.好,謝謝麻。Here, take this/my這兒,請拿這個/我的No, thanks/ thank you. I can manage it myself.不,謝謝你,我自己干得了。That' s very kind of you, but你真好,但是如:Would you like a cup

27、of tea?你喝杯茶嗎?”-Yes, please.好的,謝謝你。一 What can I do for you?您要點兒什么?- -F d like to have an English-English dictionary.我想要一本英英詞典。一Can I help you?我能幫你忙嗎?”- -Yes. Will you help me carry the box upstairs?是的,請你甯我把這個箱子麻到樓上好嗎?- -V d like to.我很樂意。- -That is very kind of vou.你真好,謝謝:- -You are welcome.不客氣。Is the

28、re anything else I can do for you?還有什么我能可你效勞的嗎?No, thanks.沒有了,謝謝。10 .約會Are you/ will you be free this afternoon/ evening/ tomorrow?你今;天下午/冬天晚上/明天有空嗎?How about tomorrow morning/ afternoon/ evening?明天上午/下午/晚上怎么樣?Shall we meet at ?我們在見面好嗎?Yes, that' s all right.好,就這樣。Yes, F 11 be free then,好,那時我有空兒

29、。No, Iwon* t be free then. But r 11 be free tomorrow.不行,那時我沒空兒。 但是我明天有空兒。All right. See you then.好,那時見。如:一Are you free this evening?你今晚有主兒嗎?- -Yes, V 11 be free then.是的,我有空兒。- -How about going for a drink together?一起去喝一杯怎么樣?- -All right. See you at six here.好的,那就六點“在這兒碰面吧。一How about going for a swim

30、?去游泳怎么樣?- -What time shall we go?我們什么時間去?- -How about tomorrow afternoon?明天下午怎么樣?-Yes, that' s all right.行。-Shall we meet at two at the gate of our school?我們兩點鐘在學(xué)校門口碰面好嗎?- -All right. See you then.好,那時見。11 .意愿和希望Y ingoing to我打算I will-我將/想r d like to 我想要I (do not) want/ hope to-我(不)想/希望I intend/

31、mean/ plan to- 我打算/預(yù)定/計劃I feel like doing sth.我想V m ready to 我隨時可以I would rather ( not) do sth.我寧愿(不)I wish to我希望I wish that我希望I would do it if I should have the chance.如果有機會,我一定去做If only要是就好了。如:一What are vou going to do this afternoon?你今天下午打真做什么?-I am going to climb a mountain then.我打算去爬山。(2)-Do yo

32、u want me to write a letter to him?你想讓就給他寫封信嗎?-Yes, I want this letter (to be) ready bv tomorrow.是的,我想讓這封信在明天之前寫好12 .征求允許和應(yīng)答May I?我可以嗎?Can/could I ?我能嗎?I wonder if I could我不知道我能否Woukl/Do you mind if I ?如果我,你介意嗎?Yes.可以。Certainly,當(dāng)然可以。Of course (you may).當(dāng)然(你可以)That' s OK.可以。That' sail right.可

33、以。Go ahead, please.行,盡管做吧。Not at all.一點兒也不。V m sorry, but對不起,You' d better not.你最好別那樣。V m sorry you can t.對不起,你不能。如:一Would you mind if I opened the window?如果我把窗戶打開,你介意嗎?-一Not at all. Go ahead.一點兒也不介意,打開吧。I wonder if I could smoke here.不知我是否可以在這里吸煙。-"I am sorry, you can' t.對不起,你木扇在這兒吸煙。一

34、 May I ask you several questions?我可以問底幾個i句題嗎?-Yes, of course.當(dāng)然可以。I wonder if you mind looking at my throat for a minute?勞駕您看看我的底子好嗎?-一Of course not.當(dāng)然可以。13 .贊同和反對CertalnlyJ Sure./ Of course.可以/一定/當(dāng)然。Yes, please.可以oYes, I think so.是的,我也這么認為。That' s true.那是真的。All right.好吧。OK.行。Yes, maybe.是的,也許是這樣

35、。I see your point.我懂得你的意思。That' s a good idea.那是一個好主意。I agree ( with you).我同意。W s a good idea to是個好主意。It' s a good idea that是個好主意。No problem.沒問題。No, I don' t think so.不,我想不是這樣。I* m afraid not.恐怕不行。No, you are wrong.不,你錯了。I really can* t agree with you.我真的不能同意你的意見。V m afraid I (really ) c

36、an/ t agree with you.我恐怕(真的)不能同意你的 意見。V m afraid I disagree with you on恐怕在方面,我不能同意你的觀點 如:一I think I shall read a book instead.我想看看書。-Good idea. That's much better than watching a bad TV programme.好主意。那比看糟糕的電視節(jié)目好多了。I think foreign languages are more interesting than science.我認為外語比科學(xué)有趣。-I really c

37、an't agree with vou. I prefer science.我真的.不能同意你的意我更傾向于科學(xué)。一 Don't think in Chinese when you 're speaking English.當(dāng)你講英語的時候別用漢語思維-一 You are quite right.你說得很對。14 .喜好和厭惡I like/ love(very much).我(非常)喜歡/喜愛I like/ love to我喜歡I quite like 我很喜歡I really enjoy-我確實喜歡V in fond of我喜歡V m rather keen 

38、9;!我對頗有興趣。Idon' t like (to)我不喜歡I dislike-我不喜歡I hate (to)我討厭如:I dislike being treated like that我不喜歡被那樣對待。I am fond of listening to music.我喜歡聽音樂。15 .決斷和堅持I will我一定要I have decided to我已決定要I have decided that我已決定要I insist on我堅持I Insist that我堅持如:We all insisted on his coming with us.我們都堅持讓他和我們一起去。I insisted that he was wrong.我堅持認為他是錯誤的。16 .判斷和意見It,s c


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