已閱讀5頁,還剩9頁未讀 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、 加拿大賞楓全攻略小時候的地理課上,只記得老師告訴我們加拿大是楓葉的國度。但是,如果沒有真正走近他,去親自尋覓那個五彩斑斕的世界,是不能真正明白為何楓葉會是這個國家的標志和象征,也更不能體會楓葉國的魅力之所在。 再過一個月,加拿大就即將披上他最絢麗的秋日衣裳。屆時,大街小巷,城里郊外,山澗湖邊,到處的一片紅的,黃的,橙的,綠的,就似一件五彩羽衣,將整個國家都籠罩在無邊的燦爛中。我想,一定是上帝在作畫的時候不小心將調(diào)色盤打翻,才會在這里畫出如此美艷的秋日景色。秋天,成了加拿大最迷人的季節(jié),人們在此時紛紛走出家門,郊外自駕,蕩舟湖上,徒步山林,甚至開著飛機翱翔于藍天,用各種你能想到的方式投入這金秋

2、的懷抱,感受著造物的神奇,連政府在這個時候都會有專門的機構(gòu)發(fā)布即時賞楓報告,以方便大家能欣賞到楓葉國最美的綻放。秋天,已經(jīng)成為這個國家最閃亮的代言人。為此,我將去年的賞楓之旅寫成這個帖子,與大家分享加拿大最美麗的風景,并希望能為打算去加國賞楓的蜂蜂們提供一些建議和參考。 我居住的城市在多倫多,如果是去加國旅游,我想這是必停的一站。多倫多的街邊,栽種了許多我叫不出名的樹,一到秋天,茂盛的綠葉變成璀璨的黃,醇厚的橙,艷麗的紅,在陽光的照耀下,更加的鮮亮奪目。一陣輕輕的微風拂過,無數(shù)靚麗的蝴蝶漫天飛舞,最后徐徐灑向地面,落成一條綿軟的毯子,讓人都不忍心去碰觸去走過。生活在加國的居民,不知是這個國家生

3、來如此,還是受這楓葉之國的熏染,房前屋后,也都栽種著色彩斑斕的楓樹,那樹,撐開它大大的樹冠,像一把大傘一樣,為它的主人遮風擋雨;那樹,挺立的樹干,又像衛(wèi)士一樣,守護著家園的安寧。光是這樣想著,已經(jīng)是多么溫馨的一幅畫卷。至于那些著名的旅游景點,專門的賞楓路線,那更是不能用言語道其盡。所以自從到了加拿大,我這個喜歡被攝的人也成了攝影發(fā)燒友,每次出門都必帶相機,雖然技術(shù)和設(shè)備都很業(yè)余,但能夠留住這永恒的美景,已經(jīng)足夠! 目錄: 1.加拿大主要著名賞楓景點介紹(這一部分內(nèi)容繁多,且很多景點本人還未親自到訪過,為了能提供最為準確的賞楓信息,此部分內(nèi)容復(fù)制于加拿大網(wǎng)頁) 2. 多倫多城市內(nèi)街邊隨拍 3.多

4、倫多大馬斯柯卡地區(qū)賞楓(具體線路為多倫多Gravenhurst小鎮(zhèn)外的Hardy Lake蜜月湖皇家郵船環(huán)湖Huntsville小鎮(zhèn)的Lions LookoutArrowhead Provincial ParkDorset小鎮(zhèn)的Lookout Tower多倫多,歷時兩天) 4.多倫多市內(nèi)可賞楓公園介紹 5.加?xùn)|三日游(具體線路為多倫多京士頓蒙特利爾魁北克千島湖多倫多) 加拿大著名賞楓景點介紹:按加?xùn)|加西劃分 加?xùn)| 1. 加?xùn)|最知名的賞楓點當屬“楓葉大道”,所謂“楓葉大道”,是指連結(jié)多倫多、蒙特利爾、渥太華、魁北克的40號、417號和407號公路。這三條公路經(jīng)過圣勞倫斯河、安大略山及湖,總長80

5、0公里。沿途穿越峽谷、河流、山巒和湖泊,紅楓處處,景致非凡,每到10月,整個區(qū)域都被楓葉和變?nèi)~木染成一片絢麗的紅色,色彩絢爛得驚心動魄。一路上,湖光山色與楓林相輝映,仿佛風景畫般引人入勝。 2.Muskoka公路游船路線: 公路: Muskoka是著名的蜜月勝地,其中 Muskoka湖又稱為蜜月湖,是楓葉區(qū)。沿 400號公路北上,出 11號公路 Gravenhust市,進入市區(qū)跟隨路標便可以到達湖濱區(qū)。車程大概兩個多小時。 Muskoka是著名的蜜月圣地,Muskoka湖又被稱為蜜月湖的楓葉區(qū)。經(jīng)Hwy 400北上,在巴里(Barrie)轉(zhuǎn)Hwy11再續(xù)向北,就到達Muskoka地區(qū)。在Gra

6、venhurst、Bracebridge、Huntsville三個小鎮(zhèn)可以作為旅游的中繼站,這一帶起碼有八條路線可供選擇,行車距離從63至337公里不等。其中最吸引游客前往的是分別位于Huntsville的獅子臺(Lion'sLookout)、Dorset的了望塔(Lookout Tower)及ParrySound的山火了望臺(firetower),屆時登高一望,滿山紅葉盡收眼底。同時,Gravenhurst鎮(zhèn)還可以訪問白求恩大夫的故居(Bethune House),緬懷這位中國家喻戶曉“毫不利己專門利人”的加拿大英雄。每逢賞楓季節(jié)的周末,這里的華人游客數(shù)量高于當?shù)鼐用癯蔀榘彩”辈科嫣?/p>

7、的一個景觀。 游船:另一個選擇是從Gravenhurst登上皇家郵船Segwun號(RMS Segwun)或其姊妹船Wenonah II號在湖中暢游。建于1887年的Segwun號是北美最古老的燃煤蒸汽船,在歷時1-8小時的航程中,游輪將穿越沿岸許多令人嘆為觀止的美景,包括百萬富翁居住的豪宅深院(Millionaires Row)?;蛘哂葿racebridge登上The Lady Muskoka游船欣賞迷人的秋色。預(yù)約訂位電話1-800-263-5239船票:$20 3.人間仙境亞加華峽谷楓情 如果你有兩至三天的假期,乘賞楓火車游覽位于蘇必利(Lake Superior)湖畔東岸的亞加華峽谷會

8、是一個極佳的選擇。在安大略省著名的楓葉之都蘇珊瑪利(Sault Ste. Marie)古城,登上Algoma中央鐵路經(jīng)營的火車便可深入峽谷,尋幽探秘。火車在峽谷底部停車2小時,乘客可下車游覽。這段長達一百八十公里的鐵路 線穿梭在高架橋與山水之間,鮮紅、橙色和金色的楓葉與湖光山水融為一體,會讓人感覺是置身于畫中。您能感受到加拿大著名的“七人畫派”(Group of Seven)如何獲得靈感,創(chuàng)造出不朽的藝術(shù)杰作。 亞加華峽谷賞楓是諸多報刊雜志和網(wǎng)絡(luò)中所推薦的距多倫多最遠的一條線路,如果想多玩幾天的話,最好提前預(yù)定酒店,參加旅行團也是一個不錯的選擇。驅(qū)車全程約 700公里。沿400號公路北上接11

9、號公路往北在North Bay市左轉(zhuǎn)往西,過了花園河(Garden River)小鎮(zhèn)即可抵達。在這里,每年9月的最后兩周和10月的第一周是觀賞楓葉的最佳時機。楓葉列車游覽路線自6月上旬至10月中旬每天巡回運行。成 人及老人:$81;5-18歲兒童:$50;5歲以下兒童:$25;嬰兒:免費。 4.阿岡昆省立公園(Algonquin Provincial Park) 著名的阿岡昆省立公園自然也是觀賞楓葉的好地方。公園占地7725萬平方公里,內(nèi)有超過1000個大小的湖泊,100種鳥類和1000種植物及黑熊、糜鹿、海貍、野兔和野狼等野 生動物。沿Hwy400北上接Hwy 11,在Huntsville轉(zhuǎn)

10、Hwy60折向東,可以從西向東橫穿公園的南部。其實沿這條走廊欣賞“楓景”只是阿岡昆公園很少的一部分,沿途你可以發(fā)現(xiàn) 有標記的自然小徑,其中數(shù)處景點特別值得造訪,包括Canisbay Lake,Hemlock Bluff Trail(3.5km),近公園東門的Lookout Trail(1.0km)和Centennial Ridges Trail(10km)等處。公園內(nèi)最佳的欣賞楓葉地點就位在旅客服務(wù)中心(VisitorCenter)。楓葉之美,另外還可以參觀阿岡昆游客中心(Visitor Centre),這個交互式的服務(wù)中心于1993年對外開放,陳列著一些世界級的展品。在阿岡昆伐木博物館(Lo

11、gging Museum),可以了解阿岡昆早期的伐木歷史。您還可以租一條獨木舟,在湖泊河流間蕩槳。 回途如果取道Hwy35,則可以順路在Dorset、Minden及Haliburton幾處停留;如果沿Hwy 60繼續(xù)往前駛,則在經(jīng)過MadawaskaValley后轉(zhuǎn)南走Hwy.62,可順道欣賞一下Bancroft與Peterborough兩地的秋葉。全部行程約480公里??芍码?05-633-5572 5.魁北克?。?Cap Tourmente國家野生保護區(qū)賞楓賞鳥 歷史名城魁北克“楓華萬千”,搭乘豪華游艇沿著圣勞倫斯河而行,一路秋水長天。蒙特倫斯瀑布兩岸的楓紅嫵媚動人。充滿諾曼底風味的奧爾良

12、島楓林綿延,還有楓 糖廠可以參觀。占盡地利的魁北克除了楓葉以外,更是秋季候鳥雪雁( snow geese)從北極南下美國東部海灣之中途站。最佳觀鳥地是魁北克城附近 Cap Tourmente國家野生保護區(qū)和對岸的 Montmagny,不用望遠鏡都可以見到雪雁翱翔天際的景象。 圣安妮大峽谷 圣安妮峽谷距離魁北克市東邊約40公里,是前往畢普雷海岸及夏洛瓦途中,一個景色秀麗的瀑布峽谷,是魁北克的“楓”景之最,是游客最容易欣賞楓景的路線。 一 到楓紅季節(jié),滿山谷的楓紅甚是迷人。圣安妮峽谷是由融化的冰河和退縮的香普蘭海所造成的峽谷地形,峽谷內(nèi)不僅有多處瀑布穿插其間,更是樹木茂密處處充滿樂趣,特殊的地理位

13、置使得來此度假的游客絡(luò)繹不絕。峽谷內(nèi)設(shè)有野餐區(qū)、紀念品店、餐廳等設(shè)施,并有專車接客人到麥斯塔奇堡橋,由此開始向下走到底層,再過吊 橋沿山崖爬山回到出口。 6.蒙特利爾皇家山 (Mont Royal) 這個無需我多介紹。如果秋天來蒙特利爾旅游,這個是蒙特利爾島內(nèi)賞楓景點之首選。 植物園 (Botanical Garden) 作為世界排名第三的蒙特利爾植物園,其樹園是世界樹木匯集的縮影 。在這兒,人們可以看到不同種類的楓樹。 拉封丹公園 (La Fontaine Park) 拉封丹公園位于橙線地鐵站Sherbrooke上。園內(nèi)有兩座大型人工湖,湖畔種植了大量楓樹,是蒙特利爾最佳賞楓勝地之一。 蒙特

14、巷布朗公園 (Mont Tremblant) Mont Tremblant是魁北克省最大的省立公園,也是當?shù)厝俗钕矏鄣馁p楓勝地湖光山色,萬山紅遍的楓葉,使所有來過這里的人都會流連忘返。距蒙特利爾約兩小時車程。開車走15號高速公路向北,經(jīng)Saint Agathe后轉(zhuǎn)117號公路。 蒙圣蘇沃 (Mont-St-Sauveur) Mont-St-Sauveur是位于Mont Tremblant南邊位置的度假勝地,也是一個觀賞楓葉的絕佳地點。距蒙特利爾約一個半小時車程。開車走15號高速公路向北,在60號出口轉(zhuǎn)出。 歐卡公園 (Oka Park) Oka公園距蒙特利爾約45分鐘車程。其Collinedu

15、 Calvaire山種植了大量楓樹,人們可以沿著山間小路,登上山峰,放眼盡望滿山的楓樹,是觀賞楓葉的勝地之一。開車走15號高速公路向北,轉(zhuǎn)640號公路向西。 7.京士頓千島湖游船賞楓 在京士頓市,以三種人居多,退休的老人、大學的學生和監(jiān)獄的犯人,古城金斯頓更有眾多的歷史性建筑,可以觀賞亨利堡(Fort Henry)的十九世紀軍隊操練,還可以參觀Bellevue House國家歷史遺址,這里曾是加拿大第一任總理約翰-麥克唐納(John A. Macdonald)的故居。 京士頓市賞楓,從Division St開始,沿Old Perth Rd北上到Westport。一條路線是選擇County Rd

16、 36向西北到Maberly。然后沿Hwy 7去Sharbot Lake,在Hwy 38向南折返。另一條路線是向東沿Hwy 42從Westport到Crosby,然后在Hwy 15向南至County Rd. 9,到達Chaffeys Locks和/或沿County Rd 2到Charleston Lake,最后沿Hwy 15返回京士頓。網(wǎng)址:www.city.kingston.on.ca。此外,回程途中,也可以在Port Hope觀賞三文魚的回流。另一個選擇是在京士頓地區(qū)登船游覽千島湖(ThousandIslands)。在游艇的甲板上欣賞京士頓以東千島湖的迷人秋色。 京士頓-搭乘游船暢游千島群

17、島,是秋季最寫意的賞楓行程,整個水域就像是個美麗的世外桃源,只見絢爛的楓葉滿天飛舞,俯拾皆是旖旎風光。千島群島是東安大略 最受歡迎的景點之一,也是圣羅倫斯河最美的一段,河上的1800多島分屬于美國和加拿大。美加許多有錢人、藝術(shù)家都喜歡在這里享受小島上與世隔絕的隱居生 活,所以千島水域有許多豪宅,也有許多風格特立獨行的建筑,整個水域就像一個藏寶庫,巡航其中,旖旎的風光俯拾皆是。這里的水域清澈無比,每天至少有 500艘私人或公共的游輪在群島間悠游。游千島群島的行程約1-3小時,行程長短端視是否到達柏德特城堡(Boldt Castle)而定,不過到此城堡需備有美國簽證。柏德特城堡建于心形島上,這座宛

18、如童話故事中的中古世紀造型城堡,是于1904年美國旅館業(yè)驕子喬治柏 德特(George C. Boldt)為其夫人所建。目前這座城堡已改為博物館,可供游客參觀。 加西 加拿大的楓紅不是幾排樹而已,而是整座山!到加西賞楓,推薦維多利亞。英國人熱愛園藝的傳統(tǒng),在維多利亞也得以傳承。那里居民愛花,“不只是一種嗜好,簡 直是一種狂熱”。家家備有割草機和水管、花灑;地上種著、墻上掛著、陽臺上擺著、街燈柱上吊著的都是鮮花,從5月到10月,郁金香、海棠花、繡球花、玫瑰 花一茬接一茬。這個鄰近溫哥華、充滿濃濃英國風味的古城,有一個讓人印象深刻的地方“布查花園”。 布查花園是世上最美麗的私人花園之一,建于上世紀

19、初,主人布查家族來自蘇格蘭,是熱愛花藝的布查夫人將原先的石灰場改建成一個低洼花園,種上花草灌木。養(yǎng)到今天,那里宛如伊甸園。 花園里有4個不同主題的花園,全部逛完一圈至少得花2個小時,而且在晚上還可以欣賞加拿大至美的夜景。當然在溫哥華也可以看到楓,整個城市到處都能看到楓紅,其中伊麗莎白女皇公園和史坦利森公園,則是賞楓最佳去處! 楓葉之外的落基山多元美 落 基山脈是加西旅游的重頭戲,落基山在9月、10月的秋季,是顏色最多元的時候,遠處的高山已降下白雪,森林里紅綠相間的樹林像是大地的調(diào)色盤,秋季的落基 山,美得更像一幅畫。特別是9月,山區(qū)里偶爾會飄下小雪,更添幾許浪漫。另外,因為落基山脈的冰原大道在

20、10月中旬關(guān)閉,因此若是在10月中旬前出團者, 還可以坐到冰原雪車,對秋游加拿大,又是一項附加價值。 楓紅季節(jié)里的鮭魚大回游 時續(xù)入秋的9月到11 月,是加拿大西岸鮭魚回游產(chǎn)卵的重要時期,每到此時,成熟的鮭魚群們會從銀白色變成淡粉紅,成群結(jié)隊從大海入河、溯河而上,接著循原路返回出生時的故鄉(xiāng)產(chǎn) 卵、繁殖,場面極為壯觀。卑詩省賞鮭的三大重點地區(qū):亞當河(Adams River)、威化溪(Weaver Creek)及黃金溪(Golden stream)。游客們幾乎只要站在河岸,就可以目視如此神奇的生態(tài)奇觀。賞鮭一事已成為卑詩省秋季熱門的旅游景點,不過它可是每四年才有一次這樣大規(guī)模 的景觀,因此自然會

21、吸引全世界游客前來,目睹這場令人贊嘆的年度盛事! 吁,長噓一口氣,這一部分終于完結(jié)加拿大賞楓小貼士 1.到加拿大旅游的最佳季節(jié):因為在加拿大已經(jīng)生活了一年多,感受了一年四季各不相同的精彩。但如果是選擇最佳的旅游時間,我覺得還是九月至十月,這樣的季節(jié)既能感受夏日的萬木蔥蘢,又能領(lǐng)略加拿大最無敵的美艷秋色。而且我聽老公講,暑假期間因為學生放假,是加拿大旅游的旺季,當然機票也是最貴的,單程都要一萬多。如果錯過這個高峰,把行程安排在九月中下旬,既能避開這個高峰,又能欣賞到兩個季節(jié)不同的美景。何樂而不為呢! 2.看楓景地點的選擇:加拿大是楓葉的國度,其實不管到哪個城市都會有迷死人不償命的無邊秋色。只是對

22、于旅游目的地來說,溫哥華、多倫多、渥太華、蒙特利爾和魁北克應(yīng)該算是最熱的選擇,但不管選擇哪兒,要掌握一點就是楓葉是從北向南而紅的。因為楓葉變紅的關(guān)鍵因素在于氣溫,溫度降低,白晝時間變短,才會讓楓葉中的葉綠素被分解掉,進而讓花青素、胡蘿卜素等其他色素來讓葉子呈現(xiàn)出美麗的秋日色彩。所以根據(jù)你所處的城市位置、當?shù)氐臍鉁?,再結(jié)合當?shù)卣臈魅~報告,就能選到最好的賞楓時間。另外還可以登陸51.ca,這是加拿大的中文網(wǎng)站,上面包羅日常生活的各個方面,一定能為你的楓葉之旅提供最全面最實用的信息。 3.如果你是選擇在城市以外的景點去欣賞楓葉的話,就一定要自帶水和干糧。加拿大是典型的地廣人稀型,一個國家都只有咱


24、足了氣居然也沒辦法把褲子的拉鏈給拉上了!所以一定要自帶啊。溫哥華和多倫多都是華人移民最多的城市,當?shù)囟紩腥A人超市,走之前上那兒去采購,既能吃到咱們的味道又沒有怕被迅速催胖的后顧之憂! 4.隨身裝備:雖然是進入秋季,但加拿大的太陽還是很明媚耀眼的,正午的時候也曬得人熱烘烘的,所以太陽鏡,防曬霜這些還是要必帶。著裝方面就是里面短打+外套,熱了可以脫,冷了可以穿。不過雨傘還是要備著,預(yù)防秋日細雨的不期造訪。 5.隨身攜帶垃圾袋,在湖光山色間,是不會隨處有垃圾桶的,千萬不要讓垃圾破壞了這如畫的風景。同時也讓我們用行動來改變別人對我們不好的評價,從自己做起吧。 6.如果打算在加拿大租車自駕的朋友,年齡

25、需在25周歲以上。中國的駕照從登陸日起有兩個月的使用期。出發(fā)前需了解清楚加拿大的交通規(guī)則。同時請更新GPS信息,個人覺得R66比較好用。 7.加拿大的高速公路基本都不收費,但也有商業(yè)性的收費公路。所以在上高速之前一定要看清楚路邊的標示。 8.在加拿大消費,消費稅是另算的,這樣至少讓咱們清楚究竟為國家做了多少貢獻。安省的消費稅是13%。 9.因為在小鎮(zhèn)上不是都能刷卡消費,尤其是國內(nèi)的信用卡,所以要備足現(xiàn)金,還要準備一部分小面額的錢幣,以方便付小費。在加拿大用餐或是住宿之后,都是需要給為您服務(wù)的工作人員留下小費的,金額自定。一般是按消費價格稅前的10%計算。 10.酒店一般都不提供洗漱用品和拖鞋,

26、外出時需要自備。 11.在山林間賞楓的時候,會遇見許多野生蘑菇,因為不能鑒定是否有毒,為了咱們的健康著想,就不要隨意采摘食用了。 12.為了保持生態(tài)平衡以及遵從大自然的生存法則,不要給小動物喂食,這在加拿大是違法的。 13.建議賞楓的時間盡量不要拖到十月末,一是葉子已經(jīng)開始凋落,二是會有連綿秋雨破壞賞楓的興致。In our geography class, as a child, only remember the teacher told us that the kingdom of Canada is the maple leaf. But, if you are not really a

27、pproached him, to personally for the colourful world, is not really understand why the maple leaves are signs and symbols of the country, also can't understand the magic of cananda. Another month, Canada is coming with his most beautiful autumn clothes. The streets, the city outskirts, mountain

28、stream lake, there's a piece of red, yellow, orange, green, is like a colorful clothes, to the whole country was shrouded in endless bright. I think, it must be god when painting accidentally knocked palette, will draw such a beautiful autumn scenery here. Autumn, the season of Canada's most

29、 charming, people at this time are out of their homes, on the outskirts of drive, boat on the lake, the mountains on foot, or even driving a plane flying in the blue sky, with all sorts of ways you can think of into the arms of the golden autumn, feel the magic of the creation, even at this time the

30、re will be a special government agency instant reward maple report, to facilitate everybody can enjoy the most beautiful bloom cananda. In autumn, the country has become the most shining face. To do this, I will reward maple trip last year in this post, to share with you the most beautiful scenery i

31、n Canada, and hopes to going to Canada to admire the maple bees and provides some Suggestions and reference.I live in Toronto, if they are to travel to Canada, I think this is a station will be stopped. Street in Toronto, I don't know famous trees, planted many one to fall, the lush green leaves

32、 into a bright yellow, sweet orange, bright red, the sun, more bright is dazzing. A light, a breeze through countless beautiful butterflies flying, finally slowly to the ground and the completion of a soft blanket, let people don't have the heart to go to touch through. Residents living in Canad

33、a, I do not know is born in this country, or by that of the kingdom of the maple leaf edify, and behind the house are planted with colorful maple tree, the tree, open it big canopy, like a big umbrella, zhefengdangyu for its master. The trunk of the tree, stands, and as a guard, guard the peace of t

34、he home. Just think like this, is what a warm picture. As for the famous tourist attractions, special reward maple route, it is can't use words, its all. So since in Canada, I like this subject are also became a photography enthusiasts, every time go out will bring camera, although the technolog

35、y and equipment are very amateur, but is able to keep the eternal beauty, is enough!Directory:1. Canada's famous main reward maple scenic spots (this part of content is various, and many places I haven't personally visited, in order to provide the most accurate information about the reward m

36、aple, this part of content copied from Canada)2. Within the city of Toronto street with pat3. Toronto - Malaysia, this region reward maple (specific routes for Toronto - Gravenhurst Hardy outside the town Lake Lake - honeymoon - Huntsville royal mail the districts around the town of Lions Lookout -

37、Arrowhead Provincial Park - Dorset town of Lookout Tower - Toronto, lasted two days)4. The city of Toronto can reward maple park is introduced5. JiaDong swim three days (specific routes for Toronto, Boston - Beijing - - Montreal Quebec - qiandao lake - Toronto)Canadian famous reward maple scenic spo

38、ts: press JiaDong benghaziJiaDong1. JiaDong's best-known reward maple point when "maple leaf avenue", the so-called "maple leaf avenue", refers to the links of Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa and Quebec highway no. 40, 417 and 407. The three highway through the st. Lawrence river,

39、mountain and lake Ontario, total length of 800 km. Along the way through the valley, rivers, mountains and lakes, red maple everywhere, the scene is special, every October, the whole area is the maple leaf and change its dyed a brilliant red, colour is gorgeous and breathtaking. Along the way, lakes

40、 and mountains in maple photograph reflect, as if a landscape, fascinating.2. Muskoka highway cruise route:Highway: Muskoka is a famous honeymoon destination, including Muskoka lake lake is also known as the honeymoon, is a maple leaf area. Along the highway 400 north, the highway 11 Gravenhust city

41、, into the city to follow signposts can reach the lake district. About more than two hour's drive. Muskoka holy land, is a famous honeymoon Muskoka lake lake maple leaf area is also known as honeymoon. The Hwy 400 north, in Barry (Barrie) turn Hwy11 again to the north, to reach Muskoka region. I

42、n Gravenhurst, Bracebridge, Huntsville three towns can travel as a relay station, there are at least eight route selection in this area, the driving distance ranging from 63 to 337 kilometers. One of the most attract visitors is located in Huntsville (Lion Lion Taiwan 'sLookout), the watchtower

43、Dorset (Lookout Tower) and ParrySound wildfires observatory (firetower), then, looking up, with panoramic view of mountain red leaves. At the same time, the town of Gravenhurst can also visit Dr. Bethune's former residence (Bethune House), remembering the Chinese household "others of others

44、" Canadian hero. Maple season on the weekend, the number of Chinese tourists here is higher than local residents in northern Ontario peculiar become a landscape.Cruise: another option from Gravenhurst aboard the royal mail Segwun number (RMS Segwun) or its sister ship Wenonah II swim in the lak

45、e. Segwun number, founded in 1887, is a North America's oldest coal-fired steam ship, in the last 1-8 hours of voyage, cruise lines will cross the coast a lot of breathtaking beauty, including millionaires live a person of extraordinary powers curtilage deep courtyard (Millionaire's Row). Or

46、 by The Bracebridge boarded The Lady Muskoka appreciate charming autumn scenery by boat. Booking a reservation phone 800-263-5239 tickets: $203. And China maple valley fairyland feelingIf you have two to three days of vacation, reward maple train tour in Sue will benefit (Lake Superior, Lake valley

47、and along the east coast of the China would be an excellent choice. In Ontario's famous the maple leaves of Susan Mary (Sault Ste. Marie) city, boarded the Algoma central railway operation of the train can be deep canyons,. The train stop 2 hours at the bottom of the canyon, passengers can get o

48、ff. This long one hundred and eighty km railway line shuttle between the viaduct and landscape, bright red, orange and gold maple leaf and lake landscape be in harmony are an organic whole, can let a person feel is in the picture. You can feel the Canada's famous "Seven people painting"

49、; (the Group of Seven) how to get inspiration, created the immortal masterpiece.Reward maple valley and China is recommended in many newspapers and magazines and Internet furthest away from Toronto a route, if you want to play for a few days more, it is best to book the hotel in advance, join a pack

50、age tour is also a good choice. Driving the 700 km. Highway 400 along the North connect highway 11 turn left at the North Bay city, North to the west, the Garden River (yellow River) can be arrived in town. Here, the last two weeks of September each year and the first week of October is the best opp

51、ortunity to watch the maple leaf. Maple leaf train route from early June to mid-october circuit running every day. Into one and the old man: $81; Children ages 5-18: $50; Children under the age of five: $25; Baby: free.4. Algonquin Provincial Park (Algonquin Provincial Park)The famous Algonquin prov

52、incial park nature also is a great place for viewing the maple leaf. Park covers an area of 7725 square kilometers, more than 1000 lakes, the size of 100 species of birds and 1000 kinds of plants and the black bear, elk, beavers, hare and wolves and other wild animals. The Hwy400 north take Hwy 11,

53、turn in Huntsville Hwy60 east, from the south of west to east across the park. Along this corridor appreciation "maple scene" actually only rarely part of Algonquin park, marked along the way, you can find the natural path, several attractions worth visiting in particular, including Canisb

54、ay Lake, Hemlock just Trail (3.5 km), the near east gate park Lookout Trail (1.0 km) and Centennial Ridges Trail (10 km), etc. The best appreciate maples in the park site in place (VisitorCenter) in the center of the passenger service. The beauty of the maple leaf, you also can visit Algonquin Visit

55、or center (the Visitor Centre), the interactive service center opening to the outside world in 1993, some world-class exhibits on display. At the Museum of Algonquin Logging (Logging Museum), can understand the Algonquin early Logging history. You can also rent a canoe and paddle between lakes and r

56、ivers. HuiTu if via Hwy35, you can drop in Dorset, Minden, and stop Haliburton several; If the Hwy 60 to continue moving on, then after MadawaskaValley turn south Hwy. 62, can be stopped by enjoy the Bancroft and Peterborough autumn leaves. The whole trip, about 480 km. Please call 705-633-55725. Qu

57、ebec:Cap Tourmente national wildlife refuge to admire the historic city of Quebec maple bird watching, "fung wah myriad" aboard a luxury yacht along the st. Lawrence river, autumn ShuiChangTian all the way. Vermont's waterfalls on both sides of the maple red enchanting and moving. Mile

58、s and miles of Orleans island maple's woods and full of Normandy and maple sugar mill can visit. Lots of Quebec except the maple leaves, but also migratory birds snow geese fall (snow geese) south of the east bay midway from the North Pole. Best bird it is Cap Tourmente national wildlife refuge near Quebec city and the other side of the Montmagny, without a telescope can see the scene of snow geese flying the sky.Saint Anne saint Anne canyon grand can


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