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1、精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上PresidentPrincipal; headmasterDirectorGovernorGeneral secretaryChief engineerEditor-in-chief ; managing editor General manager ; managing director ; executive headHead coachSectary-general ; commissionerCommander-in-chief ; generalissimoConsul-generalChief inspector ; inspector-generalH

2、ead cook ; chefVice chairman/presidentVice premier Vice governorAssociate professorAssociate managing editorAssistant/deputy general manager ; Assistant/deputy managing directorAssistant manager Assistant professorAssistant research fellowAssistant engineerSenior engineerChief executiveChief judgeCh

3、ief representativePresiding judge ;chief judge ; chief of judgesHead nurseSecretary-generalChief of staffActing mayorManaging vice presidentExecutive secretaryHonorary president/principalAssociate senior editorChief secretarySenior doctorAttending/chief doctor ; physician ; consultantSpecial-grade s

4、enior teacherAccredited correspondentContributing editorSpecial correspondent 大學(xué)校長中小學(xué)校長局長省長總書記總工程師總編輯總經(jīng)理總教練總干事總指揮總領(lǐng)事總監(jiān)總廚副主席副總理副省長副教授副主任醫(yī)師副總經(jīng)理大堂經(jīng)理(賓館)助理教授助理研究員助理工程師高級工程師首席執(zhí)行官首席法官首席代表審判長護(hù)士長秘書長參謀長代理市長常務(wù)副校長執(zhí)行秘書名譽(yù)校長主任編輯主任秘書主任醫(yī)師主治醫(yī)師特級教師特派記者特約編輯特約記者第一單元辦公室主任博士生導(dǎo)師客座教授院士業(yè)務(wù)經(jīng)理注冊會計師學(xué)習(xí)標(biāo)兵勞動模范優(yōu)秀員工Office managerDoc

5、toral student supervisorVisiting professorAcademicianService/business/operation managerChartered/certified public accountantStudent pacemakerModel workerOutstanding employee ; employee of the month/year翻譯冠以“總”字的頭銜時,常用chief、general、managing。行政的“副”通常用vice。學(xué)術(shù)職稱通常用associate。職場職位頭銜用assistant。Deputy 常用于di

6、rector、secretary、mayor、dean。學(xué)術(shù)的初級職稱(助理)用assistant。高級用senior。首席用chief。代理用acting。常務(wù)用managing。執(zhí)行用executive。名譽(yù)用honorary。When the visitor arrives , it is as if returning home .Seeing is believing.A fall into the pit , a gain in your wit.To teach is to learn.Business is business.The style is the man.Fish

7、in trouble waters.More haste , less speed.Like father , like son.Great minds think alike.Misfortunes never come alone.Out of sight , out of mind.Out of office , out of danger.Factors speak louder than words.The tongue cuts the throat.Failure is the mother of success.Man proposes , God disposes.Time

8、and tide wait for no man.Health is better than wealth.The remembrance of the past is the teacher of the future.Teach fish to swim.Let sleeping dogs lie.Beat the dog before the lion .賓至如歸。眼見為實/百聞不如一見。吃一蟄,長一智。教學(xué)相長。公事公辦。文如其人。渾水摸魚。欲速則不達(dá)。有其父必有其子。英雄所見略同。禍不單行。眼不見心不煩。無官一身輕。事實勝于雄辯。禍從口出。失敗是成功之母。謀事在人成事在天。時不我待/


10、穴,焉得虎子。自食其果。小巫見大巫。君子之交淡如水。醉翁之意不在酒。三個和尚沒水吃。請勿盲目樂觀。若要人不知,除非己莫為。失之東隅,收之桑榆。禍兮福所倚,福兮禍所伏。順其自然/隨遇而安。留得青山在,不愁沒柴燒。一燕不成夏。天生萬物,唯人為貴。逝者如斯夫!不舍晝夜。Hedges have eyes , walls have ears.Have a card up ones sleeve.Put the cart before the horse.Diamond cut diamond .Gifts blind the eyes.The sauce is better than the fish

11、.There is no smoke without fire.A new broom sweeps clean .Much will have more .He cries wine and sells vinegar .Every potter praises his pot .Dont bite the hand that feed you .There are plenty of fish in the sea .Kill two birds with one stone.A word spoken is past recalling .Birds of a feather flock

12、 together.Speak of the devil.(and he will appear.)The same knife cuts bread and fingers .Judge not a book by its cover.A straight foot is not afraid of a crooked shoe.Sparrow cannot understand the ambition of a wan .A horse stumbles that has four legs .Names are debts.Late fruit keeps well.Rest bree

13、ds rust.All your swans are geese .A stitch in time saves nine .True blue will never stain .Penny wise and pound foolish .The pot calls the kettle black .Short pleasure , long lament .Justice has long arms .A watched pot never boils .Nothing venture , nothing have .As you make the bed , so you must l

14、ie in it .The moon is not seen when the sun shines .A hedge between keeps friendship green .Many kiss the baby for the nurses sake .Everybodys business is nobodys business .Dont count the chicken before they are hatched .What is done by night appears by day .What we lose in hake we shall have in her

15、ring .Misfortune might be a blessing in disguise .Dont trouble trouble until trouble troubles you .The shepherd would rather lose the wool than the sheep .One swallow dose not make a summer .Man is the most valuable among all the things that heaven fosters .The passage of time is just like the flow

16、of water , which goes on day and night.The people are the most important element in a state , next are the gods of land and grain ; least the ruler himself .All living creatures grow together without harming one another ; ways run parallel without interfering one another .Distance cannot separate tr

17、ue friends who feel so closed even when are thousands miles apart .Build on past success and open up new horizon for new progress .China and India are fellow travelers sharing weal and woe in a common journey .A wise man changes as time and event change .A single flower does not make a spring , whil

18、e a hundred flowers in full blossom brings spring to the garden .The ocean is vast because it admits hundreds of rivers .Neighbors wish each other well , just as loved ones do to each other .If two people are of the same mind , their sharpens can cut through metal .A good citizen in one community wi

19、ll befriend to other citizens of the community , a good citizens of the world will befriend to other citizens of the world .A man who studies extensively the arts and literature , and directs his studies with judgment and state , is not likely to get into a wrong track .One can never be aware of the

20、 height of the sky and the depth of the earth if he does not climb up a high mountain or look down into a deep abyss .Unless you pile up little steps , you can never journey a thousand miles ; unless you pile up tiny streams , you can never make a river or a sea .Wealth and rank attained through imm

21、oral means are as empty as floating clouds to me .A bosom friend afar brings distance near .Heaven has endowed me with talent for eventual use .It is such a delight to have friend coming from far .A public spirit will rule all under the heaven when the great wall prevails .As Heavens movement is eve

22、r vigorous , so must a gentleman ceaselessly strive along ; As the earths capacity is to hold , so must a gentleman constantly cultivate virtue in himself to shoulder the world .The way ahead is long and has no ending ; yet high and low Ill search with my will unbending .Learning without thinking le

23、ads to confusion ; thinking without learning ends in danger .Opportunities vouchsafed by Heaven are outmatched by terrestrial advantages , which in turn are outmatched by the harmony among people .Preparedness ensures success , and unpreparedness spells failure .Only when one is not here to seek glo

24、ry and wealth can one have great ideas ; only by being in peace at heart can one think and see far ahead .民為貴,社稷次之,君為輕。萬物并育而不相害,道并行而不相悖。相知無遠(yuǎn)近,萬里尚為鄰。百尺竿頭,更進(jìn)一步。中國和印度是同舟共濟(jì)、患難與共的同路人。名者因時而變,智者隨時而制。一花獨放不是春,百花齊放春滿園。海納百川,有容乃大。親望親好,鄰?fù)徍谩6送?,可以斷金。一鄉(xiāng)之善士斯友一鄉(xiāng)之善士,天下之善士斯友天下之善士。博學(xué)于文,約之以禮,亦可以弗畔矣夫!不登高山,不知天之高也;不臨深淵,不

25、知地之厚也。不積跬步無以至千里,不積小流無以成江海。不義而富且貴,于我如浮云。海內(nèi)存知己天涯若比鄰。天生我材必有用。有朋自遠(yuǎn)方來,不亦樂乎。大道之行也,天下為公。天行健,君子以自強(qiáng)不息;地勢坤,君子以厚德載物。路漫漫其修遠(yuǎn)兮,吾將上下而求索。學(xué)而不思則罔,思而不學(xué)則殆。天時不如地利,地利不如人和。凡事預(yù)則立,不預(yù)則廢。非淡泊無以明志,非寧靜無以致遠(yuǎn)。It is a true great man whom no money and rank can confuse ,no poverty and hardship can shake , and no power and force can su

26、ffocate .A huge tree that fills in ones arms grows from tiny seedling ; a nine-storied tower rises from a heap of earth ; a thousand li journey starts with the first step .A long dike will collapse because of an ant-hole in it ; a tall building will be burned down because of a spark from a chimneys

27、chink .If you carve but give up half away , even a decayed piece of wood will not break ; if you carve without a break , even a metal and stone can be engraved .Among any three men walking , I will find something to learn for sure . Their good qualities are to be followed , and their shortcomings ar

28、e to be avoid .Diligence is the vehicle in the paths of Mountains of Books ; endurance is the vessel on the courses of the Seas of Learning .There is never an end to study . The dye extracted from the indigo is bluer than the plant ; so is the ice colder than the water . By broadly learning and cons

29、tantly examining himself every day , the gentlemen sharpens his awareness and makes fewer mistakes.We widen our views three hundred miles by ascending one flight of stairs . Exhausting my eyes to thousand li further , I am ascending one more story of the tower .Knowing of his deficiency stimulates h

30、im into self-examination ; the discovery of his confusion leads him to self-improving . Hence ,teaching and learning promote each other .富貴不能淫,貧賤不能移,威武不能屈,此之謂大丈夫。合抱之木,生于毫末;九層之臺,起于累土;千里之行,始于足下。千丈之堤,以螻蟻紙穴潰;百尺之室,以突隙之煙焚。鍥而舍之,朽木不折;鍥而不舍,金石可鏤。三人行,必有我?guī)熝桑瑩衿渖普叨鴱闹洳簧普叨闹接新非跒閺剑瑢W(xué)海無涯苦作舟。學(xué)不可以已。青,取之于藍(lán)而青于藍(lán);冰,水為之

31、而寒于水。君子博學(xué)而日參省乎己,則知明而行無過也。欲窮千里目,更上一層樓。知不足,然后能自反也。只困,然后能自強(qiáng)也。故曰教學(xué)相長。A:Excuse me , sir . Is this professor Tallack from London ?B:Yes , Im George Tallack from the School of Oriental African Studies , University of London . You must be Miss Dai , if Im not mistaken .A:Yes , Im Dai Jiajia ,manager of Huma

32、n Resources , the Haitong Group .I have been expecting you , Prof. Tallack .B:Thank you for meeting me at the airport . This is a fantastic airport , absolutely one of the top-notch international airports .A:Im very glad to have the pleasure of meeting you at my hometown . This is indeed a first-cla

33、ss international airport ,as everybody says so . Youre welcome . Were very happy that you made it in spite of tiring trip . Weve very grateful that you took time from your busy schedule and came to Haitong to give us advice .B:Ive long been expecting to learn about the famous Haitong Group . I reall

34、y appreciate this opportunity , which is also an opportunity for me to learn about Chinese enterprise at a close distance .A: How was the trip ? It must be very tiring ,flying for more than 10 hours .B: Not too bad . But we were later than expected . Our plane delayed taking off as we ran into a sto

35、rm . We were held up for several hours at the airport , waiting for the storm to clear up . But we had good flying weather and we enjoyed a good attending service , of course .A:Well , you must be very tired after the long trip , and you have to get over the jet-lag . We have got all the luggage ,ha

36、vent we ? Lets drive directly to the hotel .B:Yes , Im a bit tired . Im very bad with a jet-lag . But Ill be right in a couple of days .A:Good . Well take you to the hotel for a good rest . You dont have to get up early tomorrow . Heres the schedule for tomorrow . Well host a reception lunch in your

37、 honor . And then youll meet with Chairman of the Board in the afternoon . Well take you to an acrobatic show in the evening , a typical Chinese acrobatic show . How do you like that , Prof. Tallack .B:I like that . Ive heard that Chinese people are very friendly and hospitable . Youre very consider

38、ate ,Miss Dai . Ill soon be spoiled , Im afraid .A:I hope youll have a pleasant stay here , and enjoy a happy collaboration with the Haitong Group . I think weve got everything . Our car is waiting outside . Shall we go now ?先生,請問您是從倫敦來的泰萊克教授嗎?是的,我是倫敦大學(xué)亞非學(xué)院的喬治泰萊克,我要是沒認(rèn)錯的話,您一定是戴小姐?是的,我叫戴佳佳,海通集團(tuán)人力資源部經(jīng)


40、自然就恢復(fù)了。好的,先回賓館下榻,好好休息一下。明天不必早起。明天的安排是這樣的,中午設(shè)宴為您洗塵,下午會見集團(tuán)總裁,晚上我們?nèi)タ匆粓鲭s技表演,典型的中國雜技。不知泰萊克教授意下如何?太好了。中國人友善好客,我早有所聞。戴小姐考慮率得很周到,過不了幾天我便會被寵壞了。我們希望您在這里過得愉快,希望您與我海通集團(tuán)合作愉快。東西齊了,車已經(jīng)在外面等候,我們走吧。機(jī)場迎賓賓館入住A: Good afternoon . Welcome to the Peace Hotel . May I help you ,sir?B:Yes , Id like to check in ,please .A:Cert

41、ainly , sir . May I have your name , please ? Do you have a reservation with us , sir ?B:Yes , its Robert King . I suppose somebody made reservation for me .A:Just a moment , please . Ill check our reservation record .Oh , thank you for your waiting , sir . But Im afraid we have no record of your re

42、servation . Where was it made ? Do you have a confirmation letter ?B:Thats very strange . I made the reservation about 10 days ago , through a travel agency at home . But I dont have a confirmation letter with me .what I have with me is a copy of the itinerary . Is there any problem with the accommo

43、dation for two days ?A: Just a minute , please . Ill check vacancies . Very good ,I got it . We have a double room , and theres a deluxe suite available . Which one do you prefer ? B:Thanks a lot . I prefer the double room . How long can I take it ? And is it a regular rate with no extra charge ?A:

44、Very good , sir . Will you register here , please ? No , theres no extra charge . Actually , you would have a good rate with 20% off on the lase deluxe suite .B:The double room is fine . Is there any service that I need to know?A:Certainly sir . May I know if you have anything in particular ?B:Yes ,

45、 Id like to have a 7oclock morning call , breakfast sent up to my room , shirts and pants laundered , some documents photocopied ,an express mail sent out , and something like that .A:No problem . Just call our Front Desk , Catering Service , Laundry Service , and Business Center accordingly . Or yo

46、u may contact the Floor Service Desk . Is there anything else I can do for you ?B:Just one more thing -do you have any place for fitness exercises? I go to the gym and exercise everyday .A:Yes , we have a well-equipped fitness center , with coaches available . We have many modern fitness facilities

47、catering to the different needs of our guests . I do hope you enjoy your stay here . If you have any other requirements , please let me know ant anytime.B:Very good . Thank you very much .下午好,歡迎光臨和平飯店。需要服務(wù)嗎,先生?是的,我要登記入住。好的,先生。請問尊姓大名?您有沒有預(yù)訂房間?好的,我叫羅伯特金,我已經(jīng)請人代為預(yù)訂房間了。請稍等,讓我查一下預(yù)定記錄。喔,讓您久等了,先生。不過,恐怕這里查不到




51、園區(qū)規(guī)劃合理,井井有條。說的,園區(qū)的東側(cè)是高爾夫球場,西邊是月亮河,北側(cè)為寬達(dá)一公里的規(guī)劃綠地。園區(qū)的東部都是工業(yè)區(qū),西部是生活區(qū),中部為公共建筑區(qū)域。你們是以什么方式來吸引外商直接投資的?園區(qū)采取有力措施改善投資環(huán)境,培育新的優(yōu)勢,使其成為華北地區(qū)吸納高新技術(shù)產(chǎn)業(yè)、跨國公司以及大型骨干企業(yè)的樂園。園區(qū)的兩大主導(dǎo)產(chǎn)業(yè)是基于大數(shù)據(jù)和云計算的現(xiàn)代信息技術(shù)和生物技術(shù)。園區(qū)對外企有什么要求嗎?A:Hello , welcome to Jinghe High-tech Park . I am Operation Manager of the Park . Im honored to be your gu

52、ide and take you to tour around the park . May I have your major interests ?B: Im interested in the general layout of the Park . Would you please give me some idea of its setup ?A:Very good . First of all , well take a birds-eye view of the Park . And then well took around in the Park and , to use a

53、 Chinese metaphor ,well cast a passing glance at flowers while riding on horse back .B:Good idea , but well cast a passing glance at flowers while riding a car . In a more comfortable manner . A: I really like your humor , sir . Now let me come back to our story . Jinghe High-tech Park enjoys a supe

54、rior location , with the Capital Beijing as the backdrop , facing the vast expanse of the Bo Sea , boardered by the Jingjintang Expressway to the east . It takes only 30 minutes to reach the Capitals International Airport , 20 minutes to get to the Beijing Railway Cargo Station , and an hour to arrive at the Tianjin New Harbor . The Park is a national development project approved by the State Council . It is authorized to approve projects withe preferential policies , operating under the management system of international standards . B:When was it put to use ? Who fuelled its developme


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