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1、2019-2020 年高考英語二輪復習完形填空訓練(4) (IV)Directions: For each bla nk in the follow ing passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C andD. Fill in each bla nk with the word or phrase that best fits the con text.Due to rising polluti on and a stre ngthe ning yua n, Beijing saw its tourist nu mbersdr

2、op to 4.20 milli on visits from Jan uary to November in xx from 5.01 milli on visitsin xx.The number of overseas travelers to Beijinggrew after the city hosted the xx Olympicsuntil xx, when it saw a 3.8% _1_, followed by the further drop last year. The un expected drop in xxcame _2_ new policies in

3、troduced in a(n) _3_ to support Chinas tourism industry.But only14,000 tourists _4_ the visa-free stopover,according to the BeijingGeneral Station of Exit and Entry FrontierInspection,wellshort of the 20,000 target officials had _5_ predicted.Jia ng Yiyi, deputy director of the In stitute of Intern

4、ati onal Tourism at the ChinaTourism Academy, _6_ part of the drop-off in foreign tourists to the strengthening yua n.In xx, the yua n in creased almost 3% aga inst the U.S. dollar, maki ng“Beiji ng a moreexpe nsive _7_ tha n in the past”, Jia ng Yiyi no ted.“At the same time,”she said,“other countr

5、ies have seen their tourist numbers grow as the currencies(貨幣)_8_. While RMB ison the rise, currencies from some of Chinas _9_ for tourism, suchas Japa n, are depreciati ng(貶值),meaning travel to some other Asia n coun tries has bee n gett ingcheaper while travel to Chi na is being more expe nsive,”J

6、ia ng Yiyisaid. In xx, the Japa nese yen fell 21% agai nst the U.S. dollar, _10_ 10 millio n overseas tourists.The Beijing Tourism Developme nt missi on no ted that the countrys battle withpolluti on is ano ther _11_ cities face in attract ing overseas tourists.Heavy air pollution from Beijing to Sh

7、anghai, where pollution levels went off thecharts in December, _12_ dont do much to help attract tourists.Chinas tourismofficials are expect ing to _13_ the trend of decli ning overseas visitors inxxpossible, experts say, if it _14_ its outdated tour packages and lowers ticket prices.Jiang Yiyi at t

8、he China Tourism Academy suggests China adopt a long-term nationalplan to _15_the countrys image and investment inoverseas tourism to attractmore visitors.1. A. growth2. A. in addition to3. A. attempt4. A. got familiar with B. came up withemphasis on5. A. fortunately occasionally6. A. devoted7. A. d

9、estination association8. A. reform9. A. petitors10. A. inspiringembarrassing11. A. opportunityalternative12. A. relevantly13. A. set14. A. revisesdemonstrates15. A. create【參考答案】1. B 2. DB. declineB. bymeansofB. agreementB. frequentlyB. owedB. tourismB. collapseB. supportersB. attractingB. situationB

10、. approxiC. changeC. as a result ofC. hurryC. took advantage ofC. previouslyC. attachedC. authorityC. stabilizeC. investorsC. disappointingC. obstacleC. dramaticallyC. confirmC. excludesC. damageD. influenceD. in spite ofD. moodD. putD.D. exposedD.D. weakenD. remindersD.D.D. certainlyD. followD.D. i

11、mprove6. B7. A8. D9. A10. B完型填空(共20小題;每小題1.5分,滿分30分)閱讀下面短文,從短文后各題所給的四個選項(A、B C和D)中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項。Peter and Paul got permission from their parents to camp in a fieldclose to theirfarm. But, being adve nturous boys, they knew it would be more 41 to camp in the woods that lay beyondthe river.Excitedly

12、,the boys 42 with their tent and food.Carryi ng their heavy 43 , the two brothers walked along the riverba nk, hardlyno tic ing the dista nee or the sun beati ng dow n. They were eager to reach their 44_before lun chtime. As they en tered the cool, shadowy woods, they bega n to search fora suitable

13、camp ing spot. Peter wan ted to 45 close to the river at the edge of thewoods, 46 Paul, who was older, i nsisted that they camp further away. 47 , Peter _followed his brother deeper into the 48 ._“This really is a won derful sett ing!”said Paul in excitement. They 49 the tent, and settled down to ea

14、t the sandwichesthey had made, then decided to find their way 50 to the river to catch some fish.“Are you sure that this is the right51?”whispered Peter shakily.“Imsure we passed that hollow tree just a while ago.”Paul walked 52 silently.Look,there it is again. Were lost, arent we?”plained Peter. Pa

15、ul had to admit thathe didnt know where they were. 53 , they were a long distanee from where they were 54 to be. Theywere not even 55 of where they had set up their camp. They sat in 56for a few minutes until Peterhad a bright idea.“Why don t we lookfor clues the way trackers 57_ in the movies? Wewe

16、rent careful about how we walked,so Im sure we would have left58 some broken tree branches and leaves.”Carefully, the boys 59 the marks that they had left, un til fin ally they foundtheir campsite. Hurriedly, they packed their bel ongings and set off 60 the_direct ion of the river.What would their p

17、are nts think of their adve nture?41.A. surpris ingB. annoyingC. excit ingD. frighte ning42.A.we nt awayB. went backC. went roundD.we ntthrough43.A.te ntB. loadC. foodD. storage44.A. grassla ndB. riverC. fieldD. desti nation11. C12. D13. B 14. A15. D45.A. stayB. lieC. waitD. live46.A. andB. butC. or

18、D. so47.A. Uncon sciouslyB.U nwilli nglyC.D.Unfortun atelyUnin teresti ngly48. A. farmB. woodsC. setti ngD. camp49.A. put offB. put onC.put upD. put dow n50.A. forwardB. nearC. furtherD. back51. A. wayB. markC. placeD. time52.A. alo neB. aboutC. onD. i n53.A. AtfirstB. At lastC. Above allD.Afterall5

19、4.A. discoveredB.supposedC. persuadedD. encouraged55.A. afraidB. i nformedC. sureD. remin ded56.A.disappo in tme nB.C.enjoyme ntD. imag in ationtsatisfact ion57.A. appearB. workC. doD. behave58.A. aroundB. outC. asideD. beh ind59.A. fetchedB. watchedC. followedD. collected60. A. forB. toC. i nD. at【

20、參考答案】完型填空41-45 CABDA 46-50 BBBCD 51-55 ACDBC 56-60 ACDCC完形填空(共20小題;每小題1.5分,滿分30分)Children find meanings in their old family tales.WhenStephen Guyers three childrenwere growing up, he told them stories abouthow his gran dfather, a ban ker, 36 all in the 1930s, but did no t lose sight ofwhat he valued

21、 most. In one of the darkest times 37 hisstrong-minded grandfatherwas nearly 38, he loaded his family into the car and 39 them to see familymembers in Canada with a 40_,_“there are more important things in life thanmon ey.The 41 took on a new mea ning recen tly whe n Mr. Guyer dow nsized to a 42_hou

22、se from a more expensive and fortable one. He was 43 that his children ,adaughter, 15, and twins, 22, would be upset. To his surprise, they were nt. 44 their reaction echoed(共鳴)their great- grandfathers. What they 45 was how warm the people were in the house and how 46of their heart was accessible.M

23、any parents are finding family stories have surprising power to help children47 hard times. Storytelli ng experts say the phe nomenon reflects a grow ing 48_in telling tales, evideneed by a rise in a storytelling events and festivals.A university 49 of65 families with childrenaged from 14 to 16 foun

24、d kidsability to50 _ pare ntsstories was lin ked to a lower rate of an ger and an xiety.The 51 istellingthe storiesina way childre n can 52.We re nottalki nghere about the kind of story that 53,“ When 1 was a kid,I walked to schoolevery day uphillboth ways, barefootinthe snow.”In stead, we should ch

25、oose a storysuited to the childs 54 , and make eye contact(接觸)to create“a pers onalexperienee”. We don t have to tell children55 they should take from the story andwhat the mor al is36.A. missedB. lostC. forgotD.ig nored37.A. whe nB. whileC. howD. why38.A. frien dlessB. worthlessC. penn ilessD. home

26、less39.A fetchedB. allowedC. expectedD. took40.A.hopeB. promiseC. suggesti onD.belief41.A. taleB. agreeme ntC. arran geme ntD.report42.A. largeB. smallC. newD. grand43.A. surprisedB. annoyedC. disappo in tedD. worried44.A. ThereforeB. BesidesC. I nsteadD. Otherwise45.A. talked aboutB. cared aboutC.w

27、roteaboutD.heard about46.A. muchB. manyC. littleD. few47.A. beyondB. overC. beh indD.through48.A. argume ntB. skillC. i nterestD.a nxiety49.A. studyB. desig nC. mitteeD. staff50.A. provideB. retellC. supportD. refuse51. A. troubleB. giftC. factD. trick52. A. performB. writeC. hearD. questi on53. A.

28、meansB. endsC. begi nsD. proves54. A. needsB. activitiesC. judgme ntsD. habits55. A. thatB. whatC. whichD.whom完形填空。An elderly carpe nter was ready to retire. He told his employer of his pla ns to36 the house-buildi ng bus in ess to live a more 37 life with his wife and 38 his_exte nded family. He wo

29、uld miss the paycheck(工資)each week, but he wan ted to retire. They could 39 .The employer was 40 to see his good worker go and asked if he could build justone more house as a pers onal favor. The carpe nter said yes, 41 over time it was easy to see that hisheart was not in his work. He used bad work

30、ma nship and 42_materials. It was an unfortun ate way to 43 a dedicated(獻身的)career.When the carpe nter fini shed his work, his employer came to 44 the house. The nhe handed the front-door 45 _ to the carpenter and said,“This is your house.-my46 to you.”The carpe nter was shocked!What a 47 ! If he ha

31、d only known he was buildi ng his own house, he would havedone it all so differe ntly.48 it is with us. We build our lives, a day at a time, ofte n putt ing 49 tha n_our best into the buildi ng. Then, with a shock, we 50we have to live in the housewe have built. If we could do it over, we would do i

32、t much differe ntly.But, you cannot 51_ You are the carpenter,and every day you hammer a nail,placea board, or build a wall. Some one 52_ said,Life is a do -it- yourself project.”Your 53 and the choices you 54_ today, help build the“house”you will live intomorrow. Therefore, build 55!36. A. continue

33、B. startC. leaveD. find37. A. leisurelyB. l on elyC. orderlyD. frie ndly38. A supportB. shareC. enjoyD. care39. A. go offB. get byC. pass onD. work away40. A. politeB. nervousC. proudD. sorry41. A. butB. whileC. whichD. before42. A. perfect B.i nferior(劣質(zhì)的)C.superiorD.tough43. A. satisfyB. improveJC

34、. meetD. end44. A. buyB. repairC. in spectD. sell45. A. roofB. windowC. keyD. desig n46. A. giftB. promise C. salaryD. words47. A. disappo in tme nt B. shame C. pleasureD. success48. A. SoB. YetC. AsD. Such49. A. worseB. moreC. ratherD. less50. A. realizeB. explai nC. thi nkD. admit51. A. step forwa

35、rd B. go back C. e outD. look around52. A. n everB. aga in C. onceD. n early53. A. attitudeB. experie nee C. skillD. adva ntage54. A. learnB. take C. seeD. make55. A. badlyB. wiselyC. earlyD. con fidently參考答案3640 CACBD 4145 ABDCC 4650 ABADA 5155 BCABD完形填空An elderly carpe nter was ready to retire. He

36、 told his employer of his pla ns to36 the house-buildi ng bus in ess to live a more 37 life with his wife and 38 his_exte nded family. He would miss the paycheck(工資)each week, but he wan ted to retire. They could 39 .The employer was 40 to see his good worker go and asked if he could build justone m

37、ore house as a pers onal favor. The carpe nter said yes, 41 over time it was easy to see that hisheart was not in his work. He used bad workma nship and 42materials. It was an unfortunate way to 43 a dedicatedWhen the carpe nter fini shed his work, his employer came to 44 the house. Then he han dedt

38、he fron t-door 45to the carpe nter and said,“This is your house.46 to you.”The carpe nter was shocked!What a 47 ! If he had only known he was buildi ng his own house, he would have done it all sodiffere ntly.48 it is with us. We build our lives, a day at a time, ofte n putt ing 49 tha n_our best into the buildi


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