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1、Unit 2Healthy eating寫得準用得活積得多1.diet n日常飲食vi. 節(jié)食2.lie n. 謊話;謊言vi. 說謊3.glare vi. 怒目而視;閃耀n. 怒視;炫目的光4.discount n. 折扣5.fry vt.&vi.油煎;油炸fried adj.油炸的6.weakness n缺點;虛弱;弱點weak adj.虛弱的7.balance n天平;平衡 vt.平衡;權衡balanced adj.均衡的8.curiosity n好奇心curious adj.好奇的curiously adv.好奇地9.strength n強項;長處;力量strong adj.強

2、壯的strengthen vt.加強10.limit n界限;限度 vt.限制;限定limited adj.有限的11.benefit n利益;好處 vt.&vi.有益于;有助于;受益beneficial adj.有益的12.consult vt.咨詢;請教;商量consultant n顧問;咨詢者13.digest vi.&vt.消化 n摘要;概要digestion n消化bine vt.&vi.(使)聯(lián)合;(使)結合combination n聯(lián)合;結合15.cooperation n合作;協(xié)作cooperate v合作;配合cooperative adj.合作的用所

3、給詞的適當形式填空1.Time is (limit), so you must finish it in 30 minutes.2.To keep healthy, you should keep a _ (balance) diet.3.As we all know, no one is perfect, and everyone has his own _ (weak)4.A study was undertaken in _ (cooperate) with a local university.5.I can say it is of great to share your feeli

4、ngs with someone you trust, which is also to your mental health.(benefit)6.Children are always about everything they see and hear.They will ask all kinds of questions .To meet their ,_wed better answer them.(curiosity)7.David has a body.He has the _ to do this hard work.We had better the relationshi

5、p with him.(strength)8.The states with each other, and the of the 50 states forms the United States of America.(combine)1.“看”法大全glare vi.&n.怒視stare vi.& n. 凝視glance vi.& n. 掃視witness vt.& n. 目擊(者)observe vt.&vi. 觀察spot vt. 發(fā)現(xiàn);認出2.與“購物”相關的名詞一覽discount折扣customer 顧客consumer 消費者super

6、market 超市bargain 便宜貨cashier 出納員receipt 收據(jù);收條refund 退款3.以­ness為后綴的常見名詞薈萃weakness 虛弱;弱點kindness 仁慈;好意carelessness 粗心大意awareness 意識consciousness 知覺happiness 高興;幸福sadness 悲傷darkness 黑暗寫得準用得活積得多1.lose_weight體重減輕;減肥2.get_away_with 受到從輕發(fā)落;(做壞事)不受懲罰3.tell_a_lie 說謊4.win_._back 贏回;重新獲得5.earn_ones_living

7、謀生6.in_debt 欠債7.spy_on 暗中監(jiān)視;偵查8.cut_down 削減;刪節(jié)9.put_on_weight 增加體重10.glare_at 怒目而視11.ought_to 應當;應該12.before_long 不久以后選用左欄短語填空1.First of all, you should think of ways to cut_down your expenses and increase your earnings.2.This country has been in_debt for a year because of the financial crisis. Now

8、things have improved a little.3.The boy is too naughty. You shouldnt let him get_away_with breaking the windows.4.Though Jenny is the best student in study, she shouldnt get away with telling_a_lie.5.His parents died when he was 17, so he had to earn_his_living on his own.1.lose相關短語全接觸lose weight減肥l

9、ose heart 喪失勇氣或信心lose face 丟面子lose sight of 看不見lose ones way 迷路lose ones breath 喘不過氣來2.“收入與支出高頻詞匯集錦cut down expense 削減開支make ends meet收入支出相抵earn/make money 掙錢背原句記句式會仿用1.“Nothing could be better,” he thought.他想:“再沒有比這些更好吃的了?!狈穸ㄔ~與比較級連用表示最高級含義。沒有比時間更貴重的東西,但也沒有比它更被忽視西。Nothing is more_valuable than time,

10、 but nothing is less valued.2.He could not have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies!他可不能讓雍慧哄騙人們卻不受懲罰!have sb. doing sth.用于否定句中表示“不允許某人做某事”。老師不允許我們把手機帶到學校來。Our teachers wont have_us_carrying mobile phones to school.3.According to my research, neither your restaurant nor mine offers a balan

11、ced diet.根據(jù)我的研究,你我兩家所提供的都不是平衡膳食。neither .nor .意為“既不也不”,在句中連接兩個并列的成分。我們的學校位于美麗的天津城,在秋天它既不太熱也不太冷。(2014·天津高考滿分作文) Our school lies in Tianjin City, which is beautiful. In autumn, it is neither_too_hot_nor_too_cold.1balance vt.平衡;權衡 n天平;平衡;結余;余額(1)keep the balance of nature保持生態(tài)平衡keep ones balance 保持

12、平衡lose ones balance 失去平衡(3)balanced adj. 保持(或顯示)平衡的keep a balanced diet 保持飲食均衡2limit vt.限制;限定n.界限;限度(1)limit . to .把限制在內(2)within the limit of 在范圍內set a limit to sth. 對規(guī)定限度there is a/no limit to 對是有限的/無限的(3)limited adj. 有限的be limited to sth. 受限制于3strength nC長處;強項 U力量;體力(1)strengths and weaknesses 優(yōu)點

13、和缺點(2)strengthen vt.&vi. 加強4benefit n好處;利益;優(yōu)勢 vt.& vi.有益于;有助于;受益(1)benefit sb. 對某人有益(2)be of (great) benefit to sb.be beneficial to sb. 對某人(非常)有益處.基礎點全練1單句語法填空/補全句子If your knowledge can (combine) with my experience, were sure to succeed.Would you like some more chicken?No, thanks. I am a die

14、t and Im trying to lose weight.The boy showed (curious) about what was going on. The government decided to take some measures (strength) the economy.1“Nothing could be better,” he thought.他想:“再沒有比這些更好吃的了?!?1)“否定詞比較級”結構表示最高級意義,通常意為“沒有比更;沒有像一樣”。常用的否定詞有no, not, never, nothing, nobody, hardly等。(2)can/co

15、uldnever/notenough/too .“再也不過分”。Mr. Stevenson is great to work for I really couldnt ask for a better (good) boss.為史蒂文森先生工作真好我實在找不到比他更好的老板了。It was not until then that I suddenly realized nobody was happier (happy) than I was.直到那時我突然意識到?jīng)]有人比我更幸福了。Must I turn off the gas after cooking?Of course.You can_

16、never_be_too_careful with that.做完飯后我必須關上煤氣嗎?當然,在用煤氣方面越小心越好。2He could not have Yong Hui getting_away_with telling people lies!他可不能讓雍慧哄騙人們卻不受懲罰!句中have sb. doing sth.,用于否定句中意為“不允許某人做某事”。.基礎點全練1單句語法填空/補全句子Are you pleased with what he has done?Not a bit. It couldnt be any (bad)Nothing is much (easy) to d

17、efeat you when you often assess yourself negatively.When I was a little boy, my mother and father taught me never to tell lie.The doctor told Bob his heart was in poor condition and that he must cut on alcohol and smoking.They just stood there, (glare) at each other and saying nothing.He worked hard

18、 to win his bosss trust and respect.Our women athletes achieved great success in the Olympic Games.Yes.No_one_could_perform_better (沒人比她們表現(xiàn)更精彩了), I think.I really ought to go on a diet. I have_put_on_weight (體重已經(jīng)增加了) so much since I gave up jogging.2運用所學短語完成下列語段Everyone hopes to be in good health. T

19、o keep_healthy (保持健康), you should keep_a_balanced_diet (保持均衡飲食). Try to eat foods low_in_fat (低脂肪) because foods containing too much sugar and fat will make you put_on_weight (發(fā)胖) easily. Therefore, you should cut_down (減少) on the amount of foods rich in sugar and fat. At the same time, it is very i

20、mportant to form_good_living_habits (養(yǎng)成良好的生活習慣). For_the_benefit_of (為了的利益) your health, it is necessary to have enough sleep.重難點多練1have句型全接觸(1)用所給詞的適當形式填空As a responsible teacher, he cant have any of his students (cheat) in the exam.I cant go to the cinema with you because I have a lot of homework_

21、 (finish)Every year, Tom remembers to have some flowers (send) to his mother on her birthday.They were so frightened that they had the light (burn) all night.單句語法填空1As students, we should combine book knowledge practice.2Nowadays more and more people have come to realize the importance of a (balance

22、) diet to their health.4The ability to keep calm is one of his many (strong)5Bills heavily debt at the moment, but hopes to pay it off when he gets paid.6Will you content my (curious) and tell me how much it cost?7The young man was accused of spying the secret information.8If you dont feel well, rem

23、ember (consult) your doctor before taking any medicine.9Wang Peng tried to win his former customers with a low discount.10Neither he nor I (be) satisfied with the result of the experiment.We both look unhappy.單句改錯1As we all know, there is no limit to help the people in trouble.2Its unfair that he ge

24、ts away from cheating because hes a famous author.3As far as Im concerned, nothing is much important than health.e4The new regulation will be beneficial for everyone concerned.5In order to make herself more beautiful, she had her hair cutting yesterday.6As we know, reading books will benefit to us a

25、 lot.用本單元所學知識完成下列寫作訓練(一)依據(jù)提示補全短文As we all know, health is the most precious. In our daily life, it is important to keep_the_balance_between_study_and_pleasure (保持學習和娛樂相平衡). Meanwhile (however/instead/meanwhile), a_balanced_diet (均衡的飲食) and regular exercise can help us keep healthy. However (besides/

26、however), a great many people oftenstay_up (熬夜) watching TV or playing computer games. In order to keep fit, we should reduce the time spent on surfing the Internet. Its required that the time should belimited (limit) to three hours a day.In addition, for_the_benefit_of_our_health (為了我們的健康), we shou

27、ld do more exercise and have enough sleep. It will do good to us both physically and mentally.練(一)英語知識運用·組塊專練練準度(限時:30分鐘).完形填空Last night, my eighteen­year­old son and I were leaving a store. At the end of the parking lot, there stood a man. He was _1_ than many most likely in his sixt

28、ies clean, but looked very sad. He was _2_ a sign which read: “Looking for work. _3_ to get enough money to buy a bus ticket to Wyoming.”I drove by him and something in my heart said: You need to _4_ him. I rarely have cash on me, but today I _5_ had cash in my wallet. I had a $5 and a $10 dollar bi

29、ll. I said to my son to get the $5 and we will _6_ by and hand it to the man.My son said, “Mom, I think that man is really down on his _7_. Can we give it all to him?”“Thats all the cash I have,” I answered. “But, you can _8_ to give him the $5 or the $10.”He _9_ took out the 10 dollars. We drove ba

30、ck over to the man. My son _10_ the man the money, he looked so _11_ and at first said nothing. He opened the _12_ and turned it over a few times realizing it wasnt just a dollar note. His eyes grew _13_, his mouth dropped open, and he said, “Thank you, thank you.”“Youre welcome,” we _14_, and drove

31、 off.I didnt realize it, but my son _15_ him in the car mirror as we drove away. He told me that the man _16_ his backpack and began walking away. We dont know _17_ he was going, and it really doesnt matter. He was on his way.On the _18_ of the ride home, my son told me that in his English class, th

32、ey have been doing a service journal. He was excited to be able to go to school and write about this _19_.It made us both feel so _20_ to help this old man. We hope, in some way, he finds his way back to Wyoming.1A.kinderBstrongerColder Dtaller2A.holding BmakingCchecking Dpainting3A.Hesitating BTryi

33、ngCManaging DBegging4A.defend BrecognizeCdevelop Dhelp5A.illegally BexactlyCactually Dfinally6A.drive BmoveCwalk Dstand7A.impression BluckCvoice Dappearance8A.deserve BdemandCchoose Dpromise9A.violently BimmediatelyChardly Dslowly10A.threw BlentCspared Dhanded11A.interested BtroubledCshocked Ddisapp

34、ointed12A.wallet BbillCpaper Ddollar13A.black BwhiteCwide Dnarrow14A.smiled BcriedCsighed Dshouted15A.accompanied BrepaidCsuspected Dwatched16A.filled in Bgave upCpicked up Dturned down17A.where BhowCwhether Dwhen18A.top BrestCpart Dback19A.ride BeffectCcash Dexperience20A.positive BenergeticCspecia

35、l Dnormal.語法填空As a man was passing some elephants, he suddenly stopped, confused by the fact that these huge creatures were being held by only a small rope _1_ (tie) to their front leg. No chains, no cages. _2_was obvious that the elephants could, at any time, break _3_from their bonds but for some

36、reason, they did not.He saw a trainer nearby and asked why these animals just stood there and made no attempt _4_ (get) away. “Well,”_5_ trainer said, “when they are very young and much _6_ (small), we use the same size rope to tie them and, at that age, its enough to hold them. As they grow up, the

37、y are conditioned to believe the rope _7_ still hold them, so they never try to run free.”The man was amazed. These animals could at any time escape from their bonds but _8_ they believed they couldnt, they were stuck right where they were.Like the elephants, how many of us go through life _9_ (hang

38、) onto a belief that we cannot do something, _10_ (simple) because we failed at it once before? Failure is part of learning; we should never give up the struggle in life.1_2._3._4._5_6._7._8._9_10._語篇解讀:本文通過大象被繩子拴住卻不掙脫的現(xiàn)象告訴我們:不要固步自封,不要因為擔心失敗而放棄拼搏。練(二)第卷強化增分·組塊專練練規(guī)范(限時:45分鐘).語法填空Just the other d

39、ay the family and I were sitting down at the table _1_ (prepare) to eat dinner. My wife grabbed the plates out of the kitchen and placed them in front of us._2_ (immediate) my son screamed, “I dont want this. I want something I like.” He had never had what we were eating before.It was new to him.The

40、 color combination was not like any other food he had ever _3_ (consume). The smell and texture was_4_ (difference). Instead of trying the new he would rather starve. Instead_5_changing he would rather get in trouble.The debate_6_ (continue) for a full seven minutes before he finally “decided” to ta

41、ke_7_bite. As soon as the food touched his tongue he smiled, started to dance_8_could not stop talking about how good it was. The boy ate up all the food in his plate and tried to eat some of_9_ (me). Later, whenever the same meal was_10_ (present) and we went through the exact same situation all ov

42、er again.“I want something I like.”1_2._3._4._5_6._7._8._9_10._語篇解讀:本文是一篇記敘文。主要講述一家人在一起吃飯時發(fā)生的一件事。作者的兒子剛開始不愿意吃沒吃過的菜,但是在嘗了一口之后,卻對這道菜贊不絕口。.短文改錯With the development of peoples living condition, more and more people possess their own cars. Some of us think it is good to own a car. For instance, its conve

43、nient, fast and comfortable means of transportation. Moreover, it shows that people are becoming richer and the country is much more stronger. It also made relative businesses and industries develop faster.However, others have different opinions, thinking that cars give up waste gases and pollute th

44、e environment around. Too much cars will have some bad effects, such as more accidents and crowdedness. Besides, lack parking lots is another big problem.As far as Im concerned, we ought to think careful before buying cars. As if we have cars, we may use it less.書面表達假設你是新華中學的學生李華,想邀請來蘭州參加淘寶網(wǎng)甘肅館開館一周年

45、慶祝活動的阿里巴巴首席執(zhí)行官馬云來你校做一次成人禮的演講,請你給馬云寫一封邀請信。內容包括:1說明寫信的目的;2說明演講的具體安排時間:4月28日;地點:學校禮堂;主題:怎樣通過個人奮斗實現(xiàn)人生理想;3表達感謝與祝福。注意:1.詞數(shù)100左右,開頭和結尾已為你寫好,不計入總詞數(shù);2可適當增加細節(jié),以使行文連貫;3參考詞匯:成人禮演講adult ceremony speech。Dear Ma Yun, CEO of Alibaba,My name is Li Hua. Im a Senior 3 student from Xinhua Middle School._Yours sincerely

46、,Li Hua解析:選C根據(jù)空格后的“most likely in his sixties”可知,這個人年紀比較大,所以older符合語境。解析:選A根據(jù)常識可知,這個老人應該是舉著一塊牌子,所以hold符合語境。解析:選B根據(jù)語境可知,這位老人想找一份工作,努力掙夠錢買一張去Wyoming的車票,所以try符合語境。解析:選D根據(jù)下文內容可知,作者想幫助這位老人,所以help符合語境。解析:選C根據(jù)下一句“I had a $5 and a $10 dollar bill.”可知,此處指平時作者很少帶現(xiàn)金,但是今天她的錢包里居然有些現(xiàn)金,所以actually符合語境。解析:選A根據(jù)第五段第二句

47、“We drove back over to the man.”可知,作者是開車來到這位老人身邊的,所以drive符合語境。解析:選B根據(jù)語境可知,作者的兒子認為這位老人現(xiàn)在正處于困境,運氣不好,所以luck符合語境。解析:選C根據(jù)語境可知,作者認為不能將所有的現(xiàn)金都給老人,但兒子可以選擇給老人5美元還是10美元。另外,空后的“or”也是提示,所以choose符合語境。解析:選B根據(jù)語境可知,作者的兒子立即拿出那張面額為10美元的鈔票準備給那位老人,所以immediately符合語境。解析:選D此處應指作者的兒子將這張紙幣遞給老人,所以hand符合語境。解析:選C根據(jù)空格后的“at first

48、 said nothing . turned it over a few times”可知,此處應指當這位老人看到有人直接拿錢幫助自己時,他非常震驚,一開始什么都沒說,并將鈔票翻來覆去看了好幾遍,所以shocked符合語境。解析:選B根據(jù)空格后的“realizing it wasnt just a dollar note”可知,此處應指老人將作者的兒子遞給他的錢展開,翻來覆去看了好幾遍,才意識到這不是一張一美元的紙幣,所以此處應填bill。故答案選B。解析:選C根據(jù)語境可知,老人瞪大眼睛張大嘴,有點不敢相信眼前的狀況,所以wide符合語境。解析:選A根據(jù)常識可知,當這位老人感謝作者母子時,作者

49、母子應該是微笑著說“不客氣”,所以smile符合語境。解析:選D根據(jù)語境可知,此處指作者的兒子通過倒車鏡注視著這位老人,所以watch符合語境。解析:選C根據(jù)語境可知,這位老人拿起背包準備離開,所以pick up“拿起,撿起”符合語境。故答案選C。解析:選A根據(jù)語境可知,作者和她兒子都不知道這位老人要去哪里。根據(jù)語境可知,此處應用where引導賓語從句并在從句中作地點狀語。故答案選A。解析:選B根據(jù)語境可知,在剩下的返程中,作者的兒子向她說了一件事,所以rest符合語境。解析:選D作者母子幫助這位老人的事情對兒子來講是一次難忘的經(jīng)歷,所以experience“經(jīng)歷”符合語境。解析:選A根據(jù)語境

50、可知,幫助老人這件事讓作者母子二人都感覺很好,所以positive“良好的,正面的”符合語境。1tied考查非謂語動詞。大象僅由一根系在前腿的小繩拴住。rope和tie之間是動賓關系,故此處用過去分詞表被動。2It考查代詞。顯而易見,大象在任何時候都能夠掙脫繩子。分析句子成分可知,It在句中作形式主語,that引導的從句是真正的主語。3away考查動詞短語。break away from .“從突然掙脫,從逃脫”。4to get考查非謂語動詞。他看見附近有位馴獸師,就問為什么這些動物只是站在那里而不試圖逃跑呢?make an attempt to do sth.“試圖做某事”。5the考查冠詞。這位馴獸師說:“當它們還年幼、較小時,我們使用同樣大小的繩子拴住它們。”此處用定冠詞the表示特指。6smaller考查形容詞比較級。much修飾形容詞比較級。7can考查情態(tài)動詞。當它們長大時,它們就習慣性地認為繩子依然能夠拴住它們。此處用情態(tài)動詞can表示一般的能力。8because考查原因狀語從句。這些大象在任何時候都能夠掙脫繩子,但是因為它們認為不能,所以它們就待在原處。9hang


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