1、2021年普通高等學校招生全國統(tǒng)一考試模擬演練英語注意事項:1. 答卷前,考生務必將自己的姓名、考生號.考場號.座位號填寫在答題卡上。2. 回答選擇題時,選岀每小題答案后,用鉛筆把答題R上對應題日的答案標號涂黑。如需改 動,用橡皮擦干凈后,再選涂其他答案標號?;卮?選擇題時,將答案寫在答題R上,寫在 本試卷上無效。3考試結束后,將本試卷和答題卡一并交回。第一部分聽力(共兩節(jié),滿分30分)做題時,先將答案標在試卷上。錄音內容結束后,你將有陰分鐘的時間將試卷上的答案轉涂 到答題卡ho第一節(jié)(共5小題:每小題1.5分,滿分7.5分)聽下血5段對話。每段對話店冇 個小題,從題屮所給的A、B、C三個選項
2、屮選出最傳選項。聽完符段對 話品,你M 10枚鐘的時間來口I答有關小題和閱讀下小題。無段對話僅讀遍。例:Hou much is the shirt?A. £19.15.B. £9. IX.答索是Cm1. Win docs (he vvonian refuse to go (o (lie g m?A. She is sick.B. She needs a resl.2. What are the speakers talking about?A. A kind of food.B. A close rclalixc.3. What will tlie wonuin proba
3、bly ent?A. BeefB, Grapes.C. She Ikis to work.C. A new rcskniranlC Potatoes.4 Whal is I he womaifs suggesdon?A. Repainng theB Cleaning the kilclicnC Bu ing a cupboard.5. What does the num think of the movie?A. Top qualitx.B. Above aeraee.C. Suq>risingK bad.第二節(jié)(共15小題;每小題1.5分,滿分225分)聽下面5段對話或獨白.每段對話或
4、獨口后有兒個小題從題屮所給的A、B、C三個選項屮選出最佳選項 聽每段對話或獨口前,你將仃時間閱讀各個小題,每小題5抄鐘;聽完后,各小題將給出5抄鐘的件答吋 間。侮段對話或獨門讀兩遍。聽第6段材料冋答第6、7題.6. Where cire tlie speakers?A. In a rcslauraiK.B. In a bookstore.7. Wlial docs I he mnu lun c to do now?C. In a supermarket.A. Sign his lutme.B. Wail his him.聽第7段材料,回答第8至10題8. When docs tlic man
5、plan to check in?A. Three davs later.B. Four das later. 9 What kind of room does tl)e man t;ike->A. One uuh one bed and a kitchenB. One u ith lo beds and a kitclicn.C. One with mo beds and no kitchen.C. Call his friend.C. S亡veil dins later.10. How much will Lhc mail pay?A. $400.B. $800.C $1200.聽第
6、X段材料,Ml答第II至13題。11. What did Susan do right before the conversation?A. She isiicd her brother.B. Slic called John Rcc cs.12. Wliat docs Susan think of the place0A, Itrs big.B. Its famous.13. Who is Michael?C. Slic loured (he coinpain C. It's crowdedA. Johifs boss.B T;ira*s husband.聽第9段材料,冋答第14至1
7、6題.14. Wlial did I lie Aoinan do Iasi niglil?A. She went to school.B Slie listened lo a talk.C. Susaifsbrollier.C. She decorated l)er home.15. Wliat docs the onuin suggest the man do with lus big tabic?A. Replace it.B. Have it painted.C. Make good use of it.16. Wlial is a benefit of decorating <i
8、 house by oneselP( Strengthening family ties.A, Saving money.B. Suiting |>ersonal taste.聽第10段材料冋絵第17至2017. Wlial is special about a live concert0A. The whole experience is uniqueB. Tl)e sound quality is oulstaiidingC. Tlic perlbriULUicc can be recorded.18. Wlial docs tlic spcakci sa about concert
9、s b、mu crsit) pciloriiiuig groups?A. The) are expensive.B. Tlicy arc often of high quality.C. Thev arc covered b ihc local media.19. What does the speaker suggest doing before the co nee n?A. Listening to tlie works to be performed.B. Checking niforinalioii at the box office.C. Reading soinctlung ab
10、out the concert lull.20. What is the speaker?A. A iieus reporter.B. A (healer designer.C. A college leaclier.第二部分閱讀(共兩節(jié),滿分50分)第一節(jié)(共15小題;每小題2.5分,滿分37.5分)閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的A、B、C、DI川個選項中選出最佳選頂ANon-Credit CoursesTlic PcCollege Progiajn offers non-crcdit courses. Students will c|Kricnc collcgc-lc cl courses g
11、iven by some of our college's leading eKperls and ill receiveriiien feedbackc 反 t龍)on iheir work al (he end of die course. Pre-Coliege students will also recetse a grade of Satislacton/Uns“l(fā)is(hclor> and a certificate of coniplelion al the conclusion of the programAll Don-credit courses meet
12、from 9: ()0 :i. in.-11: 30 a. in. daik and may Ime addiHonai rcquiremeiils in the ariernoons or evenings.COURSE: Case Studies in Neuroscience June 12 Leah RoeschUsing smdent-centered. adive-leaniing methods and real-world examples, this course is designed to provide a fiiller understanding of how th
13、e human brain works.COURSE: Psychologj of Crcatisih June I5-Junc28 Marshall DukeWin arc certain people so crcati c? Is it genetic(逍 ft II勺) a result of childhood experience? Arc llicx dillcrciH Iroin ccronc else? This popular ps chologj course higlilights lhe diflcrcnl(hcorics of crcaliv ihCOURSE: C
14、reative Story tel ling June2l-Julv3 Edith FrciiiTins college-level course in creative ston kllmg ftinctions as an introduction to a v;inet of ston tellmg techniques that appear in different forms of creative writing. such as short fiction and pkiywnting.COURSE: Sports Economics July 19-Aiigusll Chri
15、stina DePasqualeIn iliis course ue will analyze main inicresiing aspects of the sports industrx: sports leagues, ticket pricing. salan iiegotialioils. discriniiiuilioii. oikI NCAA policies lo name a few.21. Who is the text intended for?()A, The general public,B. College frcshnieiLC. Educational expe
16、rts.D High school skidcnls,22. Which course can ou take ifon arc free onlv in June? ()A. Sports Economics.B. Crca(ic Ston tclliug.C. Psychology of Creativiiy.D. Case Sludies in Neuroscience.23. Whose course should on choose if you are i me rested in creative 狀 riting? ()A. Lcali Roc selfs.B. Edith F
17、reni's,C. Marshall Diike's.D Clirislina DePasquale.BIn in)even da) life. 1 am on an ongoing joumc) to figure out different ways to reduce m carbon footprint on the planet. A carbon iootpriiit is the measure of influence our actix itics have on (lie cm ironment. in particular cliiniiteclumge【
18、I is calcukued by tlie aiwuni of greenliouse gas we produce in our dmK lixes Foiwnaiel、.nounds's it is inucli easier to make eco friendlv lifeslx le choices thaik lets sax. 2() xears auo. Bui one question has been on my iiinid a lot lately: is w belter to buy uev eco-friendly products or used tn
19、uluionally produced goods?After doing some research. 1 hnc decided tluit some tlungs arc better iicw and others arc better used Let inc tn to explain.A carbon footprint is made tip of hvo pans, the priinan fbotprinl ;ind the seconder footprint. The priman lbotprint is a incasurc of our direct ciiiis
20、sions(扌 I hl)of carbon dioxide < CO2)from the bunung of fuels, including liouscliold energy coiisiiiiipiion and trausportation. The sccondan footprint is a measure of the indirect CO2 emissions from the 、hole lifecycle of producis xe use-those related to their production and breakdow n.Based on t
21、his unclerstanding. c lun e i good deal of control and res|X)nsibility over our carbon footprint. Tlungs like dishes, c lol lies and furniture (all into the *'sccondarx lootprinl' group, so less is more and c can locus on finding used goods to avoid the added production. However, for the air
22、 and the other appliances( i殳備)that we need we can go with new. energ) -saving models. I heard somewhere that electronics and appliances give off 9(Wi> of ilieircartx>n Ibolprim after (hey leave I lie lacton. So it seems most reasonable io go for the energy, saving models. The iikuu conccm her
23、e is Llic iiiLioiini of energy lhai goes into lhe making of new products and w licllicr or not that extra carLx)n is worth the footprint the product will make once it gets to you.2丄 Wlial is llie lexl maiiilv abom?()A. Whai appliaiiccs lo bu (o snc cncrg、B. What <i c<iiix)n foot卩rint means in
24、our life.C. How to identify different cnrlx)n footpiints.D. Hou lo make eco-friendly lilesh le choices. 25. What do c know about the secondary c<it>on footprint? <)A. 1( is rekited to om consuniptioii of fiiels.B. 1( is made hen ue are buxing (he products.C. Il is less hannful lhan (lie pni
25、nan carbon fool prim.D. It is counted as ours though not dircctlv madebv us.26. Which of the following helps reduce our carbon footprint(iccordito the author? (>A. Usin呂 sccoiid-liiind textbooks.B. Using old and cxpcnsix c cars.C. Billing new bul cheap clothes.D. Buying new wooden fiirniture.27.
26、"The foo(prinr, undcrliikcd in the Iasi sentence refers lo llic CO2 produced in.(>A, using ilie productC. making (lie productB. recycling |he productD. transporting tlie productCMagic is a form of cntcilainnicnt tlint is based on pretending to do things tlKit arc impossible. The magician is
27、a specialh trained actor. He tries to nuike the audience beliex e that lie lias the |x)wer to do things which are against llic lau s of lunurc.Magic shows arc cnlertaiiiing as long as (he niidicncc docs not discover how the(ricks arc done The magician usually depends on his skill ilh his hands, on h
28、is know ledge o psycholog、;ii】d. sometimes, on inecluinical devices(機械 / 艸) Since magic |x?rfbrniance is meant to trick peoples. (he use of psychology is ini|x)rtan( The liiagiciiui iiiust keep people from noticing all (lie niovcincius of liis hands and from tlmikiiig aboiK lhe secret parts of his e
29、quipment. He nnist also lead the audieiice to draw fiilse conclusions. The magiciaifs success depends on the fact that many things seen by the ee arc not the things that matter.Two basic magic tricks ar< making objects seem (o appear and making objects seem to disappear. A coLiibinatioii of these
30、 (o tricks nuikcs for sonic interesting effects. For example, the magician puls a small ball under one of sexeral cups. The ball tlien seems to jump from one cup lo another or to change colour. Wluit actiialh liappcns is ilial (he magician, cmplox ing quick luuid aio eineut$ or a mecluuiical dc icc.
31、 hides one ball. Wlulc doing tliis he talks (o (he audience and uaves a brighth coloured cloth with one hand. The audience is too bus、 watching the cloth and listening to the inagiciaifs words to notice that his other kind is hiding the ball.Another fiivonritc trick is to cut or burn something, and
32、then make it appear whole again. What acmally liappcns is ihai lhe magician makes (he cut or burned object dis<ippcar b quickly hiding it hilc I he audience watches something else. Then he magically makes it appear whole again by displaying( ")anol her object thatlias not been cut or burned.
33、28. Wlial is the aulhofs main purpose in writing ilie text9 <)A. To promote a magic sliou.B. To leacli people lo be magicians.C. To explain the art of magic.D. To praise the talents of magicians29. Which of the follow ing is important for a successful magic I rick? (>A Moving stage equipinenl:
34、R Di reel ing the audience altent ion.C. Applying high technology.D. Keeping lhe |)erfbnnance in secret.30. Wliat docs die amlior focus oil in llic last t o paragntplis? ()A. Pro iding examples.B Making a siiiniii;irC Driving comparisons,31. Wlial can we infer Doni the text?D. Expkiiinng a concept)A
35、. Mechanical dc ices arc cxpciishc.B Mosl magiciahis cinplox assistants.C. 11 takes practice to pciform magic.D Small objects arc magLciaiis, fin ouritc.DThe a ci age bear it seem© is getting ever smarter. First. it mined oul tliat at least one can use a comb. Now it appears dull some can comiL
36、(oo.Jennifer Vonk. of Oakland University, in Nfichian. and Michael Beniiu from Georgia Stute University. sei three American black lK;irs the (ask of distinguishing behx een mimerically larger and snui Iler groups of dots « Ji) on a couipuler screen. In return lor a food reward one bear Brulus.
37、woukl touch die more kea ih dotted paKem with liis nose. The others. Bella and Dusty, would touch the screen with theii claws(爪了)As the researchers report in Animal Behavior the bears did best with patterns where the coloured dots did not mo c and where more of iliem also look up a larger coloured a
38、rea This could be explained b、 lhe bears1 distiiiguisliiug the different areas of colour radicr Ilian Imh counting (he dots. How c ci I he tlircc bears managed to pick out the bigger mnnber of dots even in p;iirsof patterns where fewer dots took up a larger aie:LMo ing pailcms. here each dol followe
39、d its ou n paili around the screen, were more of a challenge. Bm Brulus. a( least, uas not defeated. He seemed to be counting mobile dots ccil ulien the scientists tried to mislead him b ino ing tlie total coloured arca of the dots at the same (imeIt is not entirely surprising that bears should hae
40、a liigli degree of intelligence. The、 fiice :i lot of challenges when ining to get food. They arc. hoxc'cr. alna)s alone, and so do not liac (lie complex social s stems dial contribute to aninvil smarts. Perhaps, tlicik then maths skill dc eloped because they cannot count on tlicir friends for h
41、elp.32. Wiiat task did the scientists set for (lie three bears? <)A. Disiinguisliiiig diHerent dol pauerns.B. Figuring out different colours of dots.C. 卩idling the dots into diHerenth coloured groups.D. Picking oul (he group with a larger number of dots.33. For the bears. (Ik task was easier w he
42、n.()A. the coloured dots were moving slow 1B. ihc dot palter ns were regular in shapeC. the dots followed a path on the screenD. more dots covered a larger coloured area34. Wliat max explain th<? bears1 liiglidegree of intelligence? ()A. The、learn skills from oilier aiumals.B. Tl)ey fiice life ch
43、allenges on I heir on 11.C. The、 feed on a di erse uuige of hood.D. The、lun e complex social networks.35. What can be a suitable title for the text? <)A. Bears Taught to Distinguish ColoursB. New E idcncc of Bear Intelligence FoundC. Three Bears Learned How to CountD. The Smartest American Bkick
44、Bear Bmtus第二節(jié)(共5小題;每小題2.5分,滿分12.5分) 閱讀2面短I、從;I后的選項申選出口Jf以填入空H處的最佳選項。選項中占兩項為多余選項。Apps( short for applications )arc becoming increasingly popular nowadass. and for good reason. The、can help ou otil in |usl about exen area of >our life. 、helhei ilfs keeping lit. conuniinicaling uilli friends, or e c
45、n learning a language._36_Hercfs w hal ou should llnnk aboul before dou nloading an app lor language leaniing. Lea rn from diverse son rccs ( not just apps)Any seasoned language learner will tell you fhaf the bcann of nuistering ;i foreign hmgimge is The world which ii opens up lo ou. This is a w or
46、ld of diverse sources (來:原)of infonnatioih from new spars and books (o TV. radio, music and even real people Would you limit yourself to one mcdiuin in your native h11iguagc?>7 Establish your puipose “nd plan your habitsDo、oii uam io be Hueiil in weeks or are you in ii (or the brain (raining? The
47、 good apps are designed lo help ou lh oiir studies around our limetable. 3X These apps encourage habit building, because the successful formation of a habit ensures your sifc and regular return. Make it social39 I mean social for real. I owe llie speed of progress I made in Italian lo (lie support r
48、rom Jim. ni partner in study (inie. Find a friend to accompanv you. Take an evening class. Borrou a book. Buy a book. Book a ucck away mid attend a language school. Just doiVi forget >our phone!If 1111a)spedk sincerely. I lie combi mH ion of app. language school Jun exenings out. and a choice boo
49、k orI wo proved extremely effeciixe. 40A. 1 rccoimiiciid it.B. Remember tlut an app is just a tool.C. No. 1 donrl mean posting your progress onlineD. 1 encourage ou(o use apps as oflcn as you can,E. Probably not. so 、k <lo so in our new language?F. The best apps ackipl themselves based upon your
50、beliax iorG. However, you need to knov Ik>u (o use (hem properly to really benefit.第上部分語言運用(共兩節(jié),滿分30分)第節(jié)(共15小題:每小題1分,滿分15分)閱讀下而短文,從每題所給的A、B、c、DUH個選項屮選出可以填入空口處的報佳選項Tlus happened when I iis (cn. Ona normal Sunda). I ncnl (o lhe barber shop where I aw a>s ucnl. Thai dii、. along with (lie barber I
51、 here u as an assistant ho had recenth 41 tlic shop.So I sat for the haircut. The uncle asked me how 42 T wanted it. I answered. "Just do as mv dad had43 ou I he last linic/'He smiled. Before starting tlie 44 he added. eAVhai if 1 keep i( long? *I 45 lie was joking. So I joked too. I said.
52、"I can't 46 wluit would happen to your shop (lien!*Tlic monicnt I said it. the assistant 4" from behind. "How dare do vou s<n tluit! Who arc on to take us down, eh?”I admit I was too 4S at that nioincnt and the uncle standing beside inc was giving me an 49 look,From dun day on.
53、 I 5(1 stop|x?d joki ng about anyone profession and works It is oik of the most 51incidenis in mx life, which laugh! me (o 52I he profession and works of a person, no inalter how 53lhe arc.rin 54(licit ilie assistaiH responded in a Aa that made inc rciliink tlic power of n) words. Words domake a 55(
54、)4L A. leftB openedC. joinedD. isited()42. A. muchB. longC oftenD soon()4 v. A. instnictcdB, invitedC promisedD, convinced()44. A. discussionB. journeyC. tniiningD. haircut()45 A agreedB heardC. hopedD. klKW()46. A. fbrgelB. tolerateC. guaranteeD. understaiKl()47. A. urgedB. shoutedC. laughedD. help
55、ed()48. A. alignB proudC. searedD. curious()49. A. anxiousB ap|)e;ilingC. encouragingD awhA ard()50. A. siiddcnhB complcichC. (cniporarilyD rcgularly()51. A. importaiuB excitingC. siningcD. iiilcrcsling()52. A. learnB.C changeD. respect()53. A. hardB smallC goodD complex()54. A. sorrB. coiilidciilC.
56、 gratcftilD cmbamisscd()55. A. differenceB. mistakeC. choiceD. joke第一屮(共10小題;每小題15分,滿分15分)閱讀MRi短文,在空門處填入1個適當?shù)膯魏踊蚶ㄌ杻葐卧~的疋確形兒Like man) oilier studciils. you nun hac arious people. 56( include)famih incinbcrs and friends.gi ing input on your college decision.While inan of our misled rekui es :ii>d pe
57、ers;( |門際 人)ma> hae er 52(zhie)ad ice thal can help ou lo make Ihc decision fiiuilh (he choice is vours and ours alone Onh cu can fulh rcali乙c hich nspccls of oJkcollege will make you tmly happy and 5S ( satisfy). so keep that at the front of your mind.Moreover, ftilh consider wch option.1( can be c:is 59
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