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1、九年級新目標英語短語和重要句型歸納(Unit 1-10)Unit1.How do you study for a test?1.聽磁帶listen to tapes 2.向老師請求幫助ask the teacher for help3.制作抽認卡.make flashcards 4.觀看英語錄象watch English-language videos5.朗讀read aloud 6.練習語音.practice pronunciation 7.說的技能speaking skills8.太而不能.too to 9. 詢問有關ask about10.學英語的最好方法the best way to

2、learn English11.具體的建議specific suggestions12.觀看演員說話watch the actors say the words13.發(fā)現(xiàn)看電影令人沮喪find watching movies frustrating14.得到大量的寫作練習.get lots of writing practice15.一點也不.not at all 16.變得興奮get excited 17.結束做end up doing sth.18.英語口語spoken English19.練習說英語.practice speaking English20.加入英語俱樂部.join an

3、English club_21.嘲笑某人.laugh at22.編對話.make up conversations23.首先first of all24 .一開始to begin with25.寫下.write down26.后來.later on27.寫我自己創(chuàng)造的句子write my own original sentence28.做調查do a survey29.做某事對某人來說困難Its difficult for sb to do30.在語法方面犯錯make mistakes in grammar31.發(fā)音正確get the pronunciation right32.沒關系It d

4、oesnt matter.33.害怕做.be afraid to do sth/be afraid of doing sth/ be terrified to do sth /be sth. terrified of doing34.造完整的句子make complete sentences35.幫助很大help a lot36.有點幫助.help a little37.秘訣之一.one of the secrets38.記筆記take notes39.一個好的語言學習者a good language learner 40.開始做start doing /start to doing 41.喜

5、愛做enjoy doing sth42.被感動be impressed43.做有困難.have difficulty doingsth/have problems doing sth/have trouble doing sth44.查字典look up in a dictionary45.獲獎.win a prize46.處理deal with /do with47.擔心worry about48.對生氣be angry with /be mad at49.持續(xù)生氣stay angry50.時間流逝Time goes by51.看見某人在做某事see sb doing sth52.意見不同.

6、have disagreements53.解決問題solve a problem54.把問題看作挑戰(zhàn).regard problems as challenges55.抱怨.complain about56.把變成.change sth into /turn into57.做某事是我們的責任.Its our duty to do sth58.盡力做try ones best to do /do ones best to59.在老師的幫助下.with the help of sb./with ones help60.把和進行比較compare to 61.盡責.do ones duty62.畫水彩

7、畫.paint pictures Unit2.I used to be afraid of the dark.1.過去常常used to do 2.習慣于做.be used to doing 3.被用來做.be used to do 4.被某人使用.be used by sb5.他長什么樣?What does he look like?6.他過去長什么樣?.What did he use to look like?7.開始上學start school8.在擔心be worried about9.一直. all the time /always10.走到學校walk to school11.乘公

8、共汽車.take the bus12.我最大的問題my biggest problem13.現(xiàn)在these days /at present /now /at the moment14.起床早.get up early15.整天呆在學校stay at school all day16.直接回家.go right home17.某人花時間或錢做某事.sb. spend time doing sth18.不再not any more/no longer19.同某人聊天.chat with sb.20.帶某人去聽音樂會take sb. to concerts21.幾乎沒有hardly ever22.

9、我的變化真大.How Ive changed!23.時間如飛How time flies!24.在過去的幾年時間里in the last few years25.我的日常生活my daily life/my everyday life26.使你緊張make you stressed out27.加入某人.join sb28.參加(活動)take part in /join in29.移居到.move to 30.留長發(fā).grow hair long31.他似乎很累He seems tired./He seems to be tired./It seems that he is tired.32

10、.制造許多麻煩.make lots of trouble/cause lots of trouble33.得低分get bad grades34.一個15歲的孩子a 15-year-old kid/a kid of 15 years old35.問題兒童a problem child36.最近的一次談話a recent conversation37.負擔不起cant afford sth/cant afford to do sth38.支付,付款.pay for39.照顧某人take care of sb/look after sb40.照顧好某人take good care of sb /l

11、ook after sb well41.對學習感興趣_.be interested in studying 42.闖禍進警局get into trouble with the police43.對有耐心be patient with44.放棄做某事give up doing sth/stop doing sth45.最后.at last /in the end /finally46.做決定make a decision to do sth /decide to do sth 47.送某人去.send stb to 48.某人有必要做某事.Its necessary for sb to do s

12、th49.令某人驚奇的是to ones surprise50.即使even though /even if51.以為自豪be proud of /take pride in52.迫使某人做make sb do53.對注意.pay attention to54.全神貫注于pay full attention to55.父母的存在對孩子來說非常重要Its very important for parents to be there for their children .56.對自己有信心feel good about oneself57.男子寄宿學校a boys boarding schoolU

13、nit3.Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes 1.16歲的孩子.a sixteen-year-old child2.上課遲到get to class late3.對某人要求嚴格.be strict with sb.3.對某事要求嚴格be strict in sth4.考試沒通過.fail a test5.目前at present6.周五放假.have Fridays off7.養(yǎng)老院an old peoples home8.通過考試pass a test9.前不久,幾天前the other day10.注意力集中con

14、centrate on11.回復.reply to12.穿耳孔get ears pierced13.兼職工作a part-time job14.去商場.go to the mall15.駕駛執(zhí)照drivers license16.不夠認真.not serious enough17.代替,而不是.instead of18.在上學期間的晚上on school nights19.去看電影go to the movies20.熬夜stay up /sit up21.打掃干凈clean up22.參加考試take a test23.校服.school uniforms24.看起來漂亮.look smar

15、t25.想做某事would like to do sth26.對有好處.be good for 27.使某人快樂keep sb. happy28.開辦英語俱樂部.start an English club29.英英字典an English-English dictionary30.英漢字典an English-Chinese dictionary31.籃球練習basketball practice32.一團亂麻a real mess33.這件外套穿在你的身上好看。The coat looks good on you./You look nice in the coat.34.至少.at lea

16、st35.8個小時的睡眠eight hours sleep/eight-hour sleep36.走10分鐘的路程.ten minutes walk/ten-minute walk37.表演節(jié)目.perform a play38.小學a primary school39.為報社寫作write for a newspaper40.在報社做自愿者工作.volunteer at the newspaper office41.一周一次once a week42.困倦的.be sleepy43.在簡報里in the newsletter44.自己做主,自己做決定make my own decisions

17、 /make decisions for myself45.妨礙get in the way of46.賽跑明星a running star47.在學校的賽跑隊里.on the school running team48.專業(yè)的運動員.a professional athlete49.實現(xiàn)某人的夢想achieve ones dreams50.有機會做某事.have an opportunity to do sth51.努力學習的重要性.the importance of working hard52.對某人來說極為重要.be of great importance to sb.53.對認真be

18、 serious about 54.極少數(shù)人very few people55.一個難以實現(xiàn)的夢想.a very difficult dream to achieve56.關心,擔心care abou57.只有那樣我才有實現(xiàn)自己夢想的機會Only then will I have a chance of achieving my dream.58.在花費時間spend time on sth59.對某人不滿意.be unhappy with sb60 .對某人滿意be pleased with sbUnit4. What would you do ?1.和某人分享.sharewith sb2.

19、把它存進銀行put it in the bank3.把他給慈善機構give it to charity4.醫(yī)學研究.medical research5.如果我是你的話,我就穿襯衣打領帶.If I were you ,I would wear a shirt and tie6.提有關的建議give advice on7.如果怎么辦呢?.what if8.別的每一個人everyone else9.如果你有一百萬美圓你會做什么?What would you do if you had a million dollars?10.我希望我能飛到月球上去。I hope I could fly to the

20、 moon.11.長粉刺get pimpels12.參加一次大的考試take a big exam13.幫助解決這個問題help with this problem14.長時間散步take a long walk15.在公眾場合.in public/in a public place16.做性格調查do a personality survey17.作演講,發(fā)表演說give a speech /make a speech18.在全校師生面前.in front of the whole school19.未經允許.without permission20.拍電影be in a movie21.和

21、某人成為朋友.be friends with sb22.感冒.have a cold23.向作自我介紹introduce oneself to24.等某人做某事wait for sb. to do sth.25.邀請某人做某事.invite sb. to do sth26.一點也不.not in the slightest/not at all 27.令某人生氣annoy sb.28.來到某人身邊come to sb.29.勝過,而不是rather than30.寧愿而不愿would rather do than do31.整天.all day32.對某人有信心.have confidence

22、 in sb32.對做某事有信心be confident of doing sth33.在午餐時間at lunch time34.英語演講比賽an English speech contest35.代表班級參加學校的比賽.represent the class in the school contest36.在學校的考試中名列前茅.come top in the school exams37.讓失望let down38.想出,想到come up with /think of/think up39.解決問題的辦法the solution to the problem40.知道有,聽說know o

23、f 41.面臨,面對be faced with,face sth42.一本急救的書a first-aid book43.在附近的書架上.on the nearby shelf44.有許多關于處理青少年問題的經驗have a lot of experience dealing with teenagers45.在某方面有經驗have experience in sth.46.出版.come out47.偶然.by accident /by chance48.用把蓋住cover sth. With sth.49.被覆蓋.be covered with 50.摔下樓梯fall downstairs5

24、1.急忙去hurry to52.醫(yī)學救助medical help53.查明,找出find out54.把燒傷部位放在涼的流動的水下沖put the burned area under cold running water。55.與某人相處.get along (well) with/get on (well) with56.很多的,足夠的plenty of 57.歷史上.in history58隱藏某物不要某人看見hide sth. from sb.59.向某人尋求意見ask sb.for adviceUnit 5 1.這本雜志是屬于Carla 的。The magazine belongs t

25、o Carla./The magazine is Carlas.2。海明威是她最喜歡的作家。Hemingwei is her favorite author.3.古典音樂classical music4.他可能知道去醫(yī)院的路。He might know the way to the hospital./Its possible that he knows the way to the hospital5.杰克肯定在買小車。Jack must be selling cars./Its certain that Jack is selling cars.6.這座房子不可能是那個婦女的The hou

26、se cant belong to that woman. /It is certain that the house isnt that womans.7.門上的鎖The house cant belong to that woman. /It is certain that the house isnt that womans.8.這道門的鑰匙.the key to the door 9.一串鑰匙a set of keys10.去聽音樂會go to the concert11.聽音樂會have a concert/take a concert /listen to a concert12.

27、舉辦音樂會. give a concert/hold a concert13.在音樂會期間during the concert14.在音樂大廳in the symphony hall15.在和某人約會.be at ones appointment16.和某人有約have an appointment with sb17.占期末考試的30% make up 30% of the final exam /count 30% to the final exam18.擔心某人.worry about sb/be worried about sb/be anxious about sb19.“anxio

28、us”是什么意思?.What does “anxious” mean?/Whats the meaning of “anxious”?/What do you mean by “anxious”20.因為,由于. .because of /thanks to 21.拍電影.make a movie/be in a movie22.奇怪的生物a strange creature23.在鐘塔一帶.in Bell Tower neighborhood24.在我們四鄰in our neighborhood25.這個女孩剛才發(fā)生了什么事?她出了車禍What happened to the girl ju

29、st now? She had a traffic accident.26.開玩笑.have fun27.當?shù)貙W校的老師the local school teacher28.在走廊上in the hallway29.我們學校有一家商店在賣學習用具There is a shop selling school things in our school.。30.那邊有個女孩在哭。There is a girl crying over there.31.進窗里來get in the window32.在她的屋前in front of her house33.當?shù)貏游飯@的主管the director o

30、f the local zoo34.從逃跑escape fromUnit 6. 1.喜歡勝過.preferto/like better than2提醒.remind of3.黃河Yellow River4.很合某人的意,對某人很合適suit sb fine5.老實說,說實在的to be honest6.對有害be bad for7.對有好處.be good for 8.與保持距離.keep away from/stay away from9.意見一致be in agreement10.附加疑問句.tag question11.隨著音樂跳舞.dance to music12.跟著音樂唱歌.sin

31、g along with music13.我喜歡我能跟著跳舞的音樂。.I like music that I can dance to14.我喜歡我能跟著唱歌的音樂。I prefer music that I can sing along with15.我更喜歡演奏各種音樂的音樂家。I prefer musicians who play different kinds of music16.你喜歡那種音樂?What kind of music do you like?17.你最喜歡的CD的名字是什么?.Whats the name of your favorite CD?18.你不喜歡這張CD

32、的什么?.What do you dislike about this CD?19.你覺得這張CD怎么樣?What do you think of this CD?/How do you like this CD ?20.巴西舞蹈音樂Brazilian dance music21.那對我來說真的不是很重要。Thats not really important to me22.這些年來,很多年來over the years23.尋求娛樂,找樂子.look for entertainment24.它的確有些特色。It does have a few good features.25.務必做,記住做

33、.be sure to do26.在Lido展館.at the Lido Gallery27.當今世界上.in the world today/in the modern world28.最著名的中國攝影師之一one of the best-known Chinese photographers29.在這次展覽中in this exhibition30.展覽on show/on display/on exhibition31.人物照.photos of people32.鄉(xiāng)村照.photos of the countryside33.吸引某人的注意.interest sb34.世界水準,世界級

34、world class35.無論什么/無論怎樣、無論誰、無論哪里.whatever, however, whoever ,wherever36.有十分奇怪的名字的音樂組合.musical groups with pretty strange names37.看見某人來來去去see sb come and go38.使我們高興make us happy39.去度假.go on vacation40.沒有什么比這更好的了。Theres nothing better.41.無法忍受.cant stand42.使我感到惡心make me feel sick43.寫一封回信給.write a reply

35、 to sb44.必須坦白的說.have to be honest and say45.游覽的好地方.a good place to visit 4646.民樂音樂會Chinese music concert47.傳統(tǒng)音樂.tradinional music48.去吃意大利食物.go for Italian food49.許多不同種類的食物.many different kinds of food50.我的房東一家.my host family51.帶某人參加印度電影節(jié)take sb to an Indian film festival52.我只吃味道好的食物。. I only eat foo

36、d that tastes good.53.保持健康.keep healthy/stay healthy54.一群年輕人a group of young people55.聚會,碰頭(v.).get together56.聚會(n.) .get-together57.快餐fast food58.垃圾食品.junk food59.炸薯條,炸土豆條French fries60.健康食品.healthy food61.實驗證明its been found in laboratory testing that62.幾種類型的油some types of oil63.致癌cause cancer64.增

37、加得癌癥的風險.increase the risk of cancer65.增加了.increase by 66.增加到increase to 67.人口已增加了20萬,達到了5千萬的總和。The population has increased by 200000 to 50000000.68.烤透了的well cooked69.均衡的飲食a balanced diet70.重要的是要吃得均衡。The main thing is to have a good balance.71.感嘆句an exclamation72.縮略詞.a contraction73.味道好的食物.tasty foo

38、d74.嚴格的素食主義者.a strict vegetarian75.油炸食品. fried food76.在熱天on a hot dayUnit 6短語1、Yellow River 黃河2、on display展覽;陳列3、remind of 提醒4、to be honest 老實說;說實在的5、be bad for 對有害6、stay away from 與保持距離7、be in agreement 意見一致的8、barbecued meat烤肉9、tag question 反意疑問句10、dance to the music 隨著音樂翩翩起舞11、have great lyrics 有好

39、歌詞12、sing along with 跟唱13、play different /all/some/many kinds of music彈奏不同/各種/一些/種類的音樂14、write ones own songs /lyrics 寫自己的歌/自寫作詞15、loud and energetic 大聲并且有活力16、be full of energy 充滿活力be full of = be filled with 充滿17、play quiet and gentle songs 彈奏輕柔典雅的歌曲18、(1)like sth/ dislike sth 喜歡/不喜歡某物(2)prefer A

40、to B 比起B(yǎng)來更喜歡A(3)prefer to do A (rather than do B) =would rather do A than do B比起B(yǎng)來寧愿作A19、take sth/ sb to+地點 帶某人/某物去某地20、remind sb of sth 使某人想起某物21、Brazilian dance music 巴西舞曲22、Heart String 心弦learn sth by heart 用心學某物23、latest movie /book 最近的電影/書24、over the years 多年來25、look for entertainments 尋找樂趣26、h

41、ave a few good features 有一些優(yōu)點27、be sure to do 確定做某事28、one of 之一29、best known =the most famous 最杰出的30、in the world today 在當今世界上31、the best loved sth/sb 最鐘愛的人/物32、photos of people and the countryside / a photo of people and the countryside 人物與鄉(xiāng)村風景照33、interest sb 使某人感興趣be interested in= take an interes

42、t in 對感興趣34、a world class sb/musician 世界級人物/音樂家35、miss this exhibition 錯過展覽36、musical group 樂隊37、pretty strange 十分奇怪38、come and go 來來去去39、have lots of energetic 充滿活力40、in the morning 在早上on Monday morning 在星期一早上41、have a great time 玩得愉快42、a good place to visit 一個參觀的好地方43、lucky to be here 很幸運能在這兒44、si

43、x-month English course 六個月的英語課程45、so much to see and do 許多可以看和可以做的事46、a Chinese music concert 一個中式音樂會47、most of 中大多數(shù)48、traditional music 傳統(tǒng)的音樂49、suit sb fine 非常適合某人50、go for+地點 去某地51、lots of 許多52、different kinds of 不同種類53、what to try 嘗試什么54、film festival 電影節(jié)55、go on a vacation 去度假56、feel sick 感到惡心57

44、、a movie poster 一張電影海報58、taste good/delicious/bad/sweet 嘗起來美味/難吃/甜59、keep healthy= stay healthy 保持健康60、a group of young people 一群年青人61、get together 聚在一起62、discuss this question 討論問題63、be good for 對有好處63、be good at=do well in 擅長于64、prefer(not)to do sth 更(不)喜歡做某事65、fast food 快餐66、take care of 照顧67、swe

45、et desserts 甜品68、actually=in fact 實際上69、in laboratory testing 實驗室測驗70、some types of oil 一些種類的油71、in oil 用油in ink 用墨水72、increase the risk of cancer 增大致癌機率73、the risk of doing sth 做某事的危害74、even if 即使75、eat nuts 吃堅果76、eat a balanced diet 飲食均衡77、eat biscuits and hamburgers 吃餅干和漢堡包78 have a good balance飲

46、食平衡Unit 7 Where would you like to visit? 1.繼續(xù) ,堅持,保持.hold on to2.將來某一天one day/some day3.別緊張.take it easy4.希望做某事.hope to do5.打算做某事.plan on doing sth6.有許多事情可做lots to do7.大體上,一般而言.in general8.數(shù)以千計的,許許多多的thousands of9.盡快地as soon as possible10.樂意做某事.be willing to do11.相當多,不少quite a few/not a few /a good

47、few 12.夢想,幻想.dream of /dream about13.(預言,期望)實現(xiàn),成為事實.come true14.在熱帶叢林中旅行trek through the jungle15. 在亞馬遜河熱帶叢林中in the Amazon jungle16.飛越太平洋,航空穿越太平洋fly over the Pacific17.一個筋疲力盡的人.a tired person18.一項累人的工作a tiring job19受過良好教育的well-educated20.迷人的愛情故事.a fanscinating love story21.去長途旅行go trekking22.有刺激的假期.

48、an exciting vacation23.緊張的stressed out 26.on beach24.在海灘上on the beach25.尼加拉瓜大瀑布.Niagara Falls26.埃菲爾鐵塔Eiffel Tower27.巴黎圣母院Notre Dame Cathedral28.在佛羅里達州in Florida29.在夏威夷.in Hawaii30.舊金山.in San Francisco31.我們?yōu)槭裁床灰黄鸲既ヅf金山呢?那里什么都有美麗的風景,友好的人們,還有可做令人刺激的事情Why dont we all go to San Francisco together? It has

49、everythingbeautiful views, friendly people, exciting things to do32.付款pay for33.旅游熱點,旅游勝地travel spotlight34.考慮做某事consider doing sth.35.對于你的下一次假期,為什么不考慮游覽巴黎呢?.For your next vacation, why not consider visiting Paris?36.法國的首都the capital of France37.最熱鬧的城市之一one of the liveliest cities38.最著名的教堂之一.one of

50、the most famous churches39.迷人的景.fantastic sights40.乘地鐵take the underground train41.消費相當高的地方quite an expensive place42.不加考慮地列出的清單.brainstorm a list of43.暑期工作a summer job44.在旅行社at a travel agency45.去暖和的地方go somewhere warm46.你想去參觀哪里?where would you like to visit?47.你想去哪里度假?.where would you like to go o

51、n vacation?48.我想去一個令人輕松的地方。Id love to somewhere relaxing.49.我希望有一天去法國。.I hope to go to France someday50.最好做.Its best to do/had better do sth.51.你能告訴我別的什么嗎?.What else can you tell me?52.旅行.take a trip53.提供某物給某人provide sb with sth./provide sth. for sb.54.有關的信息some information on/about58.你介意把門關上嗎?不,我馬上

52、關。Would you mind closing the door? Not at all. Ill do it right away55.你介意我在這里吸煙嗎?請不要吸煙,我在咳嗽Would you mind me/my smoking here? Please dont. Im having a cough56.做許多戶外活動do lots of outdoor activities57.有廚房的房間a room with a kitchen58.省錢,存錢save money59.請你給我一些建議,好嗎?.Could you please give me some suggestions

53、?60.一年的這時候.this time of year61.裝一些薄的衣服pack some light clothes62.裝一些暖和的衣服.pack some warm clothes63.我想坐船橫渡太平洋。Id love to sail across the Pacific.64.(人等)走過沙漠walk across the desert65.(河流)流過沙漠flow through the desert66.將來.in the future67.調查結果the findings of a survey68.全國各地的幾千學生.thousands of students acros

54、s China69.繼續(xù)做某事continue doing sth./continue to do sth.70.上大學go to university71.根據(jù)according to72.各種各樣的all kinds of73.在2008年奧運會上at the 2008 Olympics74.當導游work as tour guides75.不太實際的夢想less realistic dreams76.實現(xiàn)夢想achieve ones dream77.接受良好的教育.have a good education78.夢想是很重要的,堅持你的夢想,也許將來有一天你的夢想就實現(xiàn)了。.It is very important to dream, so hold on to your dream; one day they may just come true.Unit 7短語1.take it easy 從容,輕松2.Niagara Falls 尼亞加拉大瀑布3.Eiffel Tower 埃菲爾鐵塔4.Notre Dame Cathedral 巴黎圣母院5.in general 通常 6.amusement park 游樂園7.provide with 給.提供8.as s


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