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1、航次租船合同標(biāo)準(zhǔn)格式 干散貨船Gencon 1974/1994 金康格式 油船ASBATANKVOYBPVOYSHELLVOY航次租船合同的主要法律問題航次租船合同的主要法律問題(一)(一)預(yù)備航次預(yù)備航次Preliminary Voyage航次租船合同的四個(gè)階段卸貨Discharging履行航次Performance裝貨Loading 預(yù)備航次Preliminary Voyage預(yù)備航次 實(shí)務(wù)中,航次租船合同訂立之后船舶即在裝貨港準(zhǔn)備裝貨的情況幾乎沒有。 承租人一般都面臨著買賣合同下裝貨的截止日期的壓力 承租人希望清楚的知道什么時(shí)候可以裝貨預(yù)備航次 如果船舶比承租人預(yù)期的時(shí)間延遲抵達(dá),則承租

2、人可能需要支付額外的儲藏貨物的費(fèi)用(Storage Cost)可能錯(cuò)過買賣合同約定的裝貨日期預(yù)備航次 在絕大多數(shù)的航次租船合同中都會(huì)約定船東應(yīng)該給承租人一個(gè)可預(yù)期裝船時(shí)間(Expected Ready to Load Date)船舶必須合理盡速前往裝貨港(合理速遣Reasonable Despatch)如果船舶在約定的時(shí)間不能抵達(dá),承租人有權(quán)取消合同(Cancel the Contract) 受載期LAYCAN: Layday and Cancelling Day 船舶在受載期內(nèi)抵達(dá)裝貨港,承租人無權(quán)取消合同;船舶在銷約日屆滿還未抵達(dá),承租人有權(quán)取消合同承租人在取消合同的同時(shí),還有可能有可能(

3、may)可以索賠損失(Claim Damages)預(yù)備航次Clause 5 of ASBATANKVOY“Should the vessel not be ready to load by 4 oclock p.m. (local time) on the cancelling date stipulated in Part I, the charterer shall have the option of cancelling this charter by giving owner notice of such cancellation within twenty-four (24) ho

4、urs after such cancellation date; otherwise the charter to remain in full force and effect.” 預(yù)備航次Clause 9(a) of GENCON 1994 “Should the vessel not be ready to load (whether in berth or not) on or before the date indicated in Box 21, the Charterers have the option of cancelling this Charterparty.”預(yù)備航

5、次銷約權(quán)的行使 只要船舶沒有在約定的時(shí)間抵達(dá),承租人就有權(quán)取消合同,不論船舶無法抵達(dá)的原不論船舶無法抵達(dá)的原因是什么因是什么 即使船舶不能按時(shí)抵達(dá)已經(jīng)是明顯的事實(shí),但是承租人依舊不能在約定的銷約期前取消合同,除非合同中另有約定。預(yù)備航次銷約權(quán)的行使 SHELLVOY 6, Clause 11 (c) “As soon as Owners become aware that the vessel will not be ready to load by noon on the termination date Owners will give notice to the Charterers d

6、eclaring a new readiness to load date and ask Charterers to elect whether to or not to terminate this Charter.Within 4 days after such notice Charterers shall either:(i) declare this Charter terminated: or(ii) confirm a revised set of laydays.: or(iii) agree a new set of laydays or an extension to t

7、he laydays mutually acceptable to Owners and Charterers.預(yù)備航次銷約權(quán)的行使GENCON 94, Clause 9 (b) “Should the Owners anticipate that, despite the exercise of due diligence, the Vessel will not be ready to load by the cancelling date, they shall notify the Charterers thereof without delay stating the expecte

8、d date of the Vessels readiness to load and asking whether the Charterers will exercise their option of cancelling the Charterparty, or agree to a new cancelling date. Such option must be declared by the Charterers within 48 running hours after the receipt of the Owners notice, if the Charterers do

9、not exercise their option of cancelling, then this Charterparty shall be deemed to be amended such that the seventh day after the new readiness date stated in the Owners notification to the Charterers shall be the new cancelling date. The provisions of sub-clauses (b) of this clause shall operate on

10、ly once, and in case of the Vessels further delay, the Charterers shall have the option of cancelling the Charterparty as per sub-clause (a) of this Clause.預(yù)備航次銷約權(quán)的行使 銷約權(quán)必須在合同約定的時(shí)間內(nèi)行使,如果沒有約定,則必須在合理時(shí)間內(nèi)行使。如果不行使,銷約權(quán)即告喪失。 如果承租人不行使銷約權(quán),或者銷約權(quán)喪失,那么租船合同效力不受影響,承租人必須履行合同義務(wù),例如,裝貨(The obligation to have a cargo

11、available at the place of loading is of fundamental importance)。預(yù)備航次銷約權(quán)的行使 行使銷約權(quán)和行使損害賠償權(quán)可以并行 但是,擁有銷約權(quán)并不能夠使承租人自動(dòng)獲得索賠損失的權(quán)利,如額外支付的倉庫儲藏費(fèi)。 只有在承租人能夠證明船東同時(shí)也違反了合同中其他義務(wù)之時(shí),承租人才有權(quán)索賠損失。預(yù)備航次損失索賠 只有在以下兩種情況下,承租人可以索賠損失1. 船東沒有誠信給予可預(yù)計(jì)裝船時(shí)間2. 船東沒有盡到合理速遣的義務(wù)預(yù)備航次可預(yù)計(jì)裝船時(shí)間 可預(yù)計(jì)裝船時(shí)間Expected Ready to Load DateSHELLVOY 6, Part 1

12、 (B)“Position/ReadinessNow (trading) Expected ready to load”GENCON 94, Clause 1“The Vessel now in position as stated in Box 8 and expected ready to load under this Charterparty about the date indicated in Box 9”預(yù)備航次可預(yù)計(jì)裝船時(shí)間 船東在合同中填寫可預(yù)計(jì)裝船時(shí)間時(shí),必須誠信善意(in good faith)基于合理基礎(chǔ)(on reasonable grounds) 可預(yù)計(jì)裝船時(shí)間條款

13、是航次租船合同中的條件條款!條件條款!預(yù)備航次可預(yù)計(jì)裝船時(shí)間 案例 航次租船合同簽訂于1965年5月25日,約定的裝貨港口是越南海防港。船東給出的可預(yù)計(jì)裝船時(shí)間是7月1日,銷約期是7月20日。后來承租人發(fā)現(xiàn),訂約時(shí)船舶正處于太平洋中部,期間還要去一趟香港卸貨,無論如何也不可能在7月1日抵達(dá)海防。船東給出這個(gè)日期是為了誘使承租人簽訂合同。 法院判決:承租人有權(quán)取消合同。預(yù)備航次合理速遣船東有義務(wù)合理盡快前往裝貨港裝貨,該義務(wù)通常會(huì)由合同條款明示(即使沒有明示,法律也會(huì)將該義務(wù)默示與合同中)GENCON 94, Clause 1“The said Vessel shall, as soon as

14、her prior commitments have been completed, proceed to the loading port(s) or place(s) stated in Box 10”AMWELSH 93: Clause 1“That the said vessel.shall, with all convenient speed, proceed to.and there load”預(yù)備航次合理速遣 案例 航次租船合同約定船舶從樸茨茅斯出發(fā),前往亞速爾群島裝水果,然后運(yùn)往倫敦。但是船舶繞航去了葡萄牙波爾圖,然后又返回了樸茨茅斯,最后才前往亞述爾群島。雖然船舶在銷約期之前

15、抵達(dá)(這意味著承租人不能取消合同),但是由于船舶最終比預(yù)期時(shí)間延遲抵達(dá)倫敦,水果市場價(jià)格下跌。 法院判決:船東違反合理速遣義務(wù),承租人有權(quán)索賠水果市場價(jià)格下跌導(dǎo)致的損失。預(yù)備航次合理速遣與免責(zé)條款 預(yù)備航次開始后,合同中的免責(zé)條款可以保護(hù)船東。由于免責(zé)原因?qū)е麓把舆t抵達(dá)時(shí),承租人無權(quán)索賠損失(但是仍然可以取消合同)。 但免責(zé)條款只有在預(yù)備航次開始時(shí)才起作用。開始前發(fā)生的原因?qū)е碌难舆t,船東不能免責(zé)。 所以,船東應(yīng)明確規(guī)定預(yù)備航次開始的時(shí)間。GENCON 94, Clause 1“as soon as her prior commitments have been completed”預(yù)備航次

16、可預(yù)計(jì)裝船時(shí)間和合理速遣條款 當(dāng)合同中同時(shí)出現(xiàn)了可預(yù)計(jì)裝船時(shí)間條款和合理速遣條款,那么船東有絕對的義務(wù)(absolute obligation)保證預(yù)備航次及時(shí)開始。 船東不能及時(shí)開始預(yù)備航次,則承租人有權(quán)索賠因此導(dǎo)致的任何損失 不能開始預(yù)備航次的原因通常是船東不能完成上一個(gè)航次。航次沖突(clashing engagements)的風(fēng)險(xiǎn)完全由船東承擔(dān)。航次租船合同的主要法律問題航次租船合同的主要法律問題(二)(二)管貨管貨裝貨裝貨/卸貨卸貨/交付交付Caring for CargoLoading/Discharging/Delivery船東的管貨義務(wù) 普通法下,船東有義務(wù)小心謹(jǐn)慎適當(dāng)?shù)匮b載、

17、搬運(yùn)、堆放、運(yùn)輸、保管、照看、卸載和交付貨物。 貨物損壞或滅失只有在三種情況下船東可以免責(zé)Act of the God,Queens enemies Inherent vice of the cargo船東的管貨義務(wù) 如果貨物所有人能夠證明貨物裝船時(shí)處于良好狀態(tài)(如何證明?),那么船東就必須證明造成貨物損失的原因?qū)儆诜擅庳?zé)事項(xiàng)或合同約定的免責(zé)事項(xiàng)。 船東如無法證明,就必須承擔(dān)損害賠償責(zé)任。船東的管貨義務(wù) 國際海上貨物運(yùn)輸合同通常都會(huì)被海上貨物運(yùn)輸國際公約所管轄。 這些國際公約不強(qiáng)制適用于租船合同,但是船東和承運(yùn)人可以選擇適用。 一旦公約適用,船東在普通法下的管貨義務(wù)將被公約的規(guī)定所替代。船東

18、的管貨義務(wù)海牙維斯比規(guī)則的規(guī)定 Article III Rule 2Subject to the provisions of Article IV, the carrier shall properly and carefully load, handle, stow, carry, keep, care for, and discharge the goods carried.除第四條另有規(guī)定外,承運(yùn)人應(yīng)適當(dāng)和謹(jǐn)慎地裝載、搬運(yùn)、堆放、運(yùn)輸、保管、照看和卸載所運(yùn)貨物。Article III Rule 1& Rule 2是兩個(gè)相互獨(dú)立的條款,也就是說,即使船東履行了Rule 1謹(jǐn)慎處理使

19、船舶適航的義務(wù),船東也可能違反了Rule 2 管貨義務(wù)。船東的管貨義務(wù)海牙維斯比規(guī)則的規(guī)定 Rule 2和Rule 1有兩個(gè)最主要的區(qū)別: Rule 1 確立的是與船舶有關(guān)的義務(wù);Rule 2確立的是與貨物有關(guān)的義務(wù); Rule 1 確立的義務(wù)履行時(shí)間是開航前和開航當(dāng)時(shí),而Rule 2確立的義務(wù)貫穿于承運(yùn)人照看貨物的整個(gè)期間內(nèi)船東的管貨義務(wù)海牙維斯比規(guī)則的規(guī)定 “適當(dāng)?shù)豍roperly” 主要是對照看貨物的系統(tǒng)的要求(硬件設(shè)備,管理制度等)。個(gè)案標(biāo)準(zhǔn),根據(jù)不同的航程,不同的船舶情況和不同的貨物,要做出不同的判斷。 In accordance with a sound system under

20、all the circumstances in relation to the general practice of carriage of goods by sea and in the light of all the knowledge which the Carrier has or ought to have about the nature of the goods船東的管貨義務(wù)海牙維斯比規(guī)則的規(guī)定 承運(yùn)人是否必須履行Rule 2規(guī)定的所有義務(wù)? 裝載、搬運(yùn)、堆放、運(yùn)輸、保管、照看、卸載(load, handle, stow, carry, keep, care for, an

21、d discharge)船東的管貨義務(wù)FIOSFIOS/FIOST條款(Free in and out stowed/trimmed): 在裝貨港或者卸貨港的裝卸工人是由貨方任命的情況下,堆裝貨物的費(fèi)用(和風(fēng)險(xiǎn))是由貨方承擔(dān)的。 這意味著在堆裝的時(shí)候造成的貨物損壞,承運(yùn)人可能是不需要負(fù)責(zé)的,因?yàn)樗麤]有同意履行堆裝這一個(gè)義務(wù)。 注意FIOS條款的措辭:可能只轉(zhuǎn)移費(fèi)用,可能費(fèi)用和風(fēng)險(xiǎn)都轉(zhuǎn)移船東的管貨義務(wù)FIOSFIOS條款(Free in and out stowed)只轉(zhuǎn)移了費(fèi)用的條款“Shippers being allowed to appoint a head stevedore at t

22、he expense and under the inspection and responsibility of the master for proper stowage” “Cargo to be loaded stowed and discharged free of expense of steamer, with use of steamers winch or winchmen if required”同時(shí)轉(zhuǎn)移費(fèi)用和風(fēng)險(xiǎn)的條款:“Shippers/charterers/receivers to put the cargo on board, trim and discharge

23、the cargo free of expense to the vessel.” “Charterers are to load stow and trim the cargo at their expense under the supervision of the captain.”船東的管貨義務(wù)FIOS FIOS條款(Free in and out stowed)適用的五個(gè)原則: 一般而言,裝卸貨是應(yīng)該由船東負(fù)責(zé)的,所以,如果船東想要把裝卸貨的責(zé)任轉(zhuǎn)移給發(fā)貨人/收貨人/承租人,他必須在合同中清楚寫明。 如果一個(gè)條款僅僅賦予了發(fā)貨人/收貨人/承租人雇傭裝卸工的權(quán)利,這并不代表裝卸貨的責(zé)任

24、和風(fēng)險(xiǎn)也隨之轉(zhuǎn)移給發(fā)貨人/收貨人/承租人 如果一個(gè)條款僅僅說明發(fā)貨人或者收貨人要為雇傭裝卸工的費(fèi)用負(fù)責(zé),并不代表裝卸貨的責(zé)任和風(fēng)險(xiǎn)也隨之轉(zhuǎn)移給發(fā)貨人或者收貨人船東的管貨義務(wù)FIOS FIOS條款(Free in and out stowed)如果一個(gè)條款說明發(fā)貨人/收貨人/承租人應(yīng)該履行裝卸貨的工作(perform loading, stowage and discharge),那么裝卸貨的責(zé)任和風(fēng)險(xiǎn)就轉(zhuǎn)移給了發(fā)貨人/收貨人“under the supervision of captain” 并沒有要求船長或者船東要盡到監(jiān)督的義務(wù),除非發(fā)貨人/承租人的工作影響到了船舶的適航性。但是如果船長積極

25、地介入到發(fā)貨人的裝運(yùn)工作,船東就要為船長的行為導(dǎo)致的損失負(fù)責(zé)。船東的管貨義務(wù)海牙維斯比規(guī)則的規(guī)定:結(jié)論在認(rèn)定船東在Rule 2下責(zé)任的時(shí)候必須經(jīng)過兩個(gè)步驟(普通法下法律地位相同): (1)確定Rule 2例舉的義務(wù)里,哪些是船東根據(jù)雙方協(xié)議應(yīng)該履行的?(2)然后再看船東是否適當(dāng)和謹(jǐn)慎地履行了這些義務(wù)。裝貨時(shí)承租人的責(zé)任承租人有義務(wù)安排裝卸貨并支付費(fèi)用,并不一定意味著承租人需要為裝卸工造成的船舶損壞負(fù)責(zé),除非合同另有約定Gencon 1994, Clause 5 (c) (Gencon 1976里沒有這個(gè)條款在這一問題上,Gencon 94比Gencon76對船東更加有利)“The charte

26、rers shall be responsible for damage (beyond ordinary wear and tear) to any part of the Vessel caused by Stevedores. Such damage shall be notified as soon as reasonably possible by the Master to the Charterers or their agents and to their stevedores, failing which the charterers shall not be held re

27、sponsible. The Master shall endeavour to obtain the Stevedores written acknowledgement of liability. The Charterers are obliged to repair any stevedore damage prior to completion of the voyage, but must repair stevedore damage affecting the Vessels seaworthiness or class before the Vessel sails from

28、 the port where such damage was caused or found. All additional expenses incurred shall be for the account of the Charterers and any time lost shall be for the account of and shall be paid to the Owners by the Charterers at the demurrage rate.”船東的交付義務(wù)船東如何知道在卸貨港將貨物交給誰? 提單(bill of lading) 海運(yùn)單(seaway b

29、ill) 海運(yùn)單是貨物收據(jù),是運(yùn)輸合同的證明,但是它不是物權(quán)憑證 卸貨港提貨不需要出示海運(yùn)單,只需要證明身份 記名提單(straight bill of lading) 記名提單也是物權(quán)憑證,它雖然不可以自由轉(zhuǎn)讓,但是它能在托運(yùn)人和收貨人之間轉(zhuǎn)讓一次,它在收貨人手中是物權(quán)憑證。提單上的記名收貨人在卸貨港必須出示提單才能提取貨物 船東的交付義務(wù) 法律: “It is clear law that where a bill of lading or order is issued in respect of the contract of carriage by sea, the shipowne

30、r is not bound to surrender possession of the goods to any person whether names as consignee or not, except on production of bills of lading. Until the bill of lading is produced to him, unless at any rate, its absence has been satisfactorily accounted for, he is entitled to retain possession of the

31、 goods and if he does part with possession he does so at his own risk if the person to whom he surrenders possession is not in fact entitled to the goods.” 船東的交付義務(wù)Lord Denning:“a shipowner who delivers without production of a bill of lading does so at his peril.” 丹寧勛爵:船東無單放貨,自擔(dān)風(fēng)險(xiǎn)! 船東的交付義務(wù)船東自擔(dān)的風(fēng)險(xiǎn)?如果出

32、現(xiàn)錯(cuò)誤交貨,船東要對貨物的真正貨主賠償貨物的全部價(jià)值,而且通常船東對無單放貨不能享有任何抗辯;曾經(jīng)在一個(gè)案子里,船東企圖用提單中的一條責(zé)任免除條款抗辯:“l(fā)oss or damage to the goodsafter dischargehowever caused”。法院判決這條免責(zé)條款不能保護(hù)船東,因?yàn)樨浳锊]有“l(fā)ost”,而是“misdelivered”通常也不可以限制責(zé)任而且會(huì)喪失船東互保協(xié)會(huì)的保險(xiǎn)。國際船東互保協(xié)會(huì)的所有成員的入會(huì)章程里面都有一條寫明“a member who delivers cargo other than against surrender of the or

33、iginal bill of lading does not have insurance cover for liabilities resulting from such act.”船東的交付義務(wù) 實(shí)務(wù)問題:提單經(jīng)常不能準(zhǔn)時(shí)到達(dá)! 解決方法:收貨人出示一份信譽(yù)良好的銀行的保函(letter of indemnity)替代提單 。保障船東在如果交貨錯(cuò)誤的情況下,銀行會(huì)賠償船東一切損失和費(fèi)用。 “In trades where it is difficult or impossible for the bills of lading to arrive at the discharge por

34、t in time the problem is met by including a contractual term requiring the master to deliver the cargo against a letter of indemnity or back guarantee.”船東的交付義務(wù) 關(guān)于保函的基本法律規(guī)則: 以保函取代提單要求承運(yùn)人交付貨物并不是航運(yùn)業(yè)的習(xí)慣做法。除非在運(yùn)輸合同中運(yùn)輸合同中有一個(gè)條款明確要求承運(yùn)人接收保函有一個(gè)條款明確要求承運(yùn)人接收保函,否則承運(yùn)人沒有義務(wù)接收保函并且有權(quán)利堅(jiān)持見到正本提單才交付貨物。船東的交付義務(wù)什么叫做“明確條款要求承運(yùn)人

35、無單放貨?”條款一:“The mastershall be under the orders and directions of charterers as regards employment of the vesseland shall sign bill of lading as charterers or their agents may directCharterers hereby indemnify owners against all consequences or liabilities that may arise from the masterotherwise comp

36、lying with charterers or their agents orders (including delivery of cargo without presentation of bill of lading”)條款二:“Should bills of lading not arrive at discharge port in time then owners agree to release the entire cargo without presentation of the original bill of lading against delivery by cha

37、rterers of letters of indemnity issued in accordance with owners P&I club wording. In case owner elects to wait for the presentation of original bill of lading before discharging the cargo, time lost thereby shall not count as laytime and/or as demurrage.”船東的交付義務(wù)條款一: 如果船東無單放貨,租船人愿意補(bǔ)償船東的損失,但是條款的措

38、辭并不足以讓船東有義務(wù)無單放貨:“They merely provide for a letter of indemnity if such discharge takes place. But I do not construe the clauses as imposing a contractual duty on the Owners.”條款二 這個(gè)條款的措辭已經(jīng)足以在船東身上強(qiáng)加了一個(gè)必須在卸貨港聽從指令以保函代替提單無單放貨的義務(wù)。 p.s.第二個(gè)條款在FOB貿(mào)易租船時(shí)一定要加入貨物交付義務(wù)的特殊規(guī)定以巴西為例 巴西2008年以前:巴西收貨人必須提交正本提單給承運(yùn)人或其代理人,以便

39、提取貨物2008年到2013年4月,巴西出臺法律,要求承運(yùn)人先放貨給海關(guān),然后收貨人向海關(guān)提交正本提單以提取貨物。但是在這段時(shí)間,出現(xiàn)了一些海關(guān)被假提單欺騙而錯(cuò)誤放貨的案例。 2013年4月,巴西對先前法律進(jìn)行修正,要求承運(yùn)人先放貨給海關(guān),然后收貨人向承運(yùn)人提交正本提單,承運(yùn)人在驗(yàn)證單據(jù)之后,通知海關(guān)放貨( “traffic light” control system )。航次租船合同的主要法律問題航次租船合同的主要法律問題(三)(三)履行航次履行航次: 繞航繞航Performance:Deviation繞航的法律概念 航次租船合同中,船東在履行航次應(yīng)遵守以下默默示示義務(wù) 按通常和習(xí)慣的路徑航

40、行(by usual and customary route) 合理速遣(reasonable despatch) 不換船(carrying the cargo in the same ship) 將貨物裝載在甲板下(carrying the cargo under deck) 如果船東在沒有正當(dāng)法律原因的情況下故意違反故意違反(deliberately)上述義務(wù)的一項(xiàng)或幾項(xiàng),那么可以認(rèn)定船東存在繞航行為。繞航的法律概念A(yù)GBCDEF散貨運(yùn)輸路徑散貨運(yùn)輸路徑集裝箱運(yùn)輸路徑集裝箱運(yùn)輸路徑繞航的法律概念 故意如果船東為了避免船舶/貨物/船員即將面臨的危險(xiǎn)而決定繞道,那么船東行為不構(gòu)成繞航。如果船東

41、為了其他原因而決定繞道,那么船東行為構(gòu)成繞航。繞航的法律概念 船舶適航與繞航的關(guān)系如果船舶不適航導(dǎo)致危險(xiǎn)而需要偏離正常和習(xí)慣航線,船東可能會(huì)違反適航義務(wù),但是不會(huì)違反不繞航的義務(wù)。如果船舶不適航在開航前就已經(jīng)存在和被知曉,且可以修正,但是船東無論如何都決定偏離正常和習(xí)慣航線(例如,前往一個(gè)中途港修船),那么船東行為構(gòu)成繞航。繞航的法律后果 歷史上,繞航的法律后果非常嚴(yán)重“It abrogates the special contract entirely”繞航的法律后果 歷史上,船東運(yùn)輸責(zé)任極重。船東被視為公共承運(yùn)人(Common Carrier),有絕對義務(wù)運(yùn)送貨物至卸貨港并保證貨物處于和裝

42、貨時(shí)同樣的狀態(tài)。只有三種情況船東可以免責(zé):天災(zāi)Acts of God女王的敵人 Queens enemies貨物的內(nèi)在缺陷/固有缺陷 inherent vice繞航的法律后果 如果船舶繞航,而貨物在卸載時(shí)又發(fā)現(xiàn)受損,那么船東只有在同時(shí)證明同時(shí)證明以下兩點(diǎn)才可以免責(zé):第一,損失由三項(xiàng)法定免責(zé)其中一項(xiàng)或多項(xiàng)造成第二,即使不繞航,損失也會(huì)發(fā)生繞航的法律后果 為了逃脫船東的嚴(yán)格責(zé)任,船東決定在運(yùn)輸合同中加入各類免責(zé)或責(zé)任限制條款來保護(hù)自己。 這類免責(zé)或責(zé)任限制條款就是“特殊合同”(Special Contract) 運(yùn)費(fèi)和滯期費(fèi)條款也被認(rèn)為是“特殊合同”的一部分繞航的法律后果 但是,歷史上,繞航通常被

43、認(rèn)為是一種“根本違約”(fundamental Breach)。一旦船舶繞航,承租人/貨方就有權(quán)選擇是否取消/解除“特殊合同”。 如果承租人/貨方選擇取消/解除“特殊合同”,那么船東不能要求承租人支付運(yùn)費(fèi)、滯期費(fèi)船東不能援引免責(zé)條款和責(zé)任限制條款船東只能享有法定的三大免責(zé)繞航的法律后果 繞航嚴(yán)厲的法律后果源自繞航屬于“根本違約” 但是,根本違約的概念在1980年被廢除 只要免責(zé)條款措辭清楚,嚴(yán)重違約也可免責(zé)繞航的法律后果 所以,在租船合同中,只要免責(zé)條款或責(zé)任限制條款措辭清楚,那么在繞航的情況下,船東同樣可以享有免責(zé)或責(zé)任限制。 措辭清楚:“在任何情況下”(in any event)繞航的法律

44、后果例如,如果租船合同適用海牙維斯比規(guī)則,那么船東即使繞航,也可以享受 一年訴訟時(shí)效的保護(hù)(Time Limit):the carrier and the ship shall in any event be discharged from all liability whatsoever in respect of the goods, unless suit is brought within one year of their delivery or of the date when they should have been delivered. 責(zé)任限制條款的保護(hù)Article IV

45、 Rule 5:Unless the nature and value of such goods have been declared by the shipper before shipment and inserted in the bill of lading, neither the carrier nor the ship shall in any event be or become liable for any loss or damage to or in connection with the goods in an amount exceeding 正當(dāng)繞航 航行習(xí)慣合理

46、確定廣為接受不與合同條款抵觸不與法律相悖正當(dāng)繞航 為了避開船舶/貨物/船員面臨的危險(xiǎn) 為了挽救生命 為了添加燃油 立法允許的繞航國際危險(xiǎn)貨物規(guī)則IMDG:某些貨物必須裝載在甲板上海牙維斯比規(guī)則 為挽救生命和財(cái)產(chǎn) 合理繞航正當(dāng)繞航Art IV Rule 4“Any deviation in saving or attempting to save life or property at sea, or any reasonable deviation shall not be deemed to be an infringement or breach of these Rules or of

47、a contract of carriage and the carrier should not be liable for any loss or damage resulting therefrom.”正當(dāng)繞航 合同明示條款自由航行條款(Liberty Clause)戰(zhàn)爭條款:Gencon 1994, Clause 17冰凍條款:Gencon 1994, Clause 18BIMCO海盜條款(請自行閱讀上述幾個(gè)條款) 自由航行條款允許船舶為了船貨共同利益而偏離習(xí)慣航線,法院對于此類條款通常都予以承認(rèn)。 但如果船舶僅為自己利益而偏離習(xí)慣航線,法院會(huì)認(rèn)定船舶繞航 自由航行條款規(guī)定越寬泛,法院

48、越不會(huì)執(zhí)行此類條款正當(dāng)繞航租船合同和提單的沖突船東船東承租人承租人收貨人收貨人B/LC/P正當(dāng)繞航租船合同和提單的沖突 案例船舶從克羅地亞里耶卡港到法國敦刻爾克,途徑格拉斯哥時(shí)遭遇海難貨物滅失。途徑格拉斯哥屬于繞航。在托運(yùn)人和承運(yùn)人達(dá)成的租船合同中,有一個(gè)允許繞航到格拉斯哥的條款,但是這樣的條款并沒有出現(xiàn)在提單中。當(dāng)提單轉(zhuǎn)讓到收貨人手中時(shí),收貨人以不正當(dāng)繞航為由起訴承運(yùn)人要求賠償損失。法院支持了收貨人的訴求。正當(dāng)繞航租船合同和提單的沖突 租船合同和提單是兩個(gè)相互獨(dú)立的運(yùn)輸合同,作為提單合同當(dāng)事人的船東不能援引租船合同中的自由航行條款對抗提單合同的另一當(dāng)事人收貨人,除非提單并入了租船合同條款提單

49、中也存在自由航行條款正當(dāng)繞航租船合同和提單的沖突 并入條款Congenbill 1994 (TO BE USED WITH CHARTER-PARTIES)All terms and conditions, liberties and exceptions of the charter party, dated as overleaf, including the Law and Arbitration clause, are herewith incorporated.正當(dāng)繞航指令變更條款 指令變更條款(Revised Order Clause)在油輪航次租船合同中,常見一類條款。該類條款允

50、許承租人在貨物已經(jīng)裝船之后,指定與原約定卸貨港不同的港口作為新的目的港。但如果提單已經(jīng)簽發(fā),則變更指令可能會(huì)使得船東面臨著提單持有人的繞航索賠,除非提單持有人同意新的目的港。正當(dāng)繞航指令變更條款效力對比 “After loading or discharging port(s) have been nominated, charterers may change such port(s) and/or vary their rotation consistent with Part I and bills of lading, if any, and owner shall issue ins

51、tructions necessary to give effect to such change.” “Notwithstanding anything else to the contrary in this charter party and notwithstanding what loading and/or discharging ports may have been nominated and bills of lading issued, charterer shall have the right to change at any time its nomination o

52、f the loading and/or discharging ports in accordance with Part I of the charter party.”正當(dāng)繞航指令變更條款 BPVOY 4Clause 22.1: if at any time after the date of this charter, Charterers, notwithstanding that they may have nominated a loading or discharging port, wish to issue revised Charterers Voyage Orders

53、and instruct Owners to stop and/or divert the Vessel to an alternative port within any Ranges stated in Section E or F of Part 1, or cause her to await orders at one or more locations, Owners shall issue such revised instructions to the master as are necessary to give effect to such revised Chartere

54、rs Voyage Orders and the Master shall comply with such revised instructions as soon as the Vessel is free of any previous charter commitments. 正當(dāng)繞航指令變更條款 BPVOY 4Clause 30.1.2: Bills of Lading shall be signed as Charterers direct, without prejudice to this Charter, Charterers hereby indemnify Owners

55、against claims brought by holders of Bills of Lading against Owners by reason of any deviation required by Charterers under Clauses 22正當(dāng)繞航指令變更條款 BPVOY 4Clause 30.3.1: if Charterers require Owners to deliver cargo at a port other than as set out in the Bills of Lading, the Owners shall nevertheless d

56、ischarge such cargo in compliance with Charterers instructionsin consideration of Charterers undertaking to indemnify Ownersand to hold Owners harmless in respect of any liability, loss, damages, cost or expense of whatsoever nature which Owners may sustain by reason of delivering the cargo to the r

57、eceiver in accordance with Charterers instructions.正當(dāng)繞航指令變更條款 上述三個(gè)條款合起來解釋的結(jié)果就是: 承租人有權(quán)向船東發(fā)出變更目的港的指令,但是必須向船東提供保函以補(bǔ)償船東可能因?yàn)槔@航而需要承擔(dān)的責(zé)任和需要支出的費(fèi)用。航次租船合同的主要法律問題航次租船合同的主要法律問題(四)(四)運(yùn)費(fèi)運(yùn)費(fèi)Freight運(yùn)費(fèi) 運(yùn)費(fèi)是船東運(yùn)送貨物的對價(jià)(consideration) 船東和承租人有權(quán)約定運(yùn)費(fèi)計(jì)算的基礎(chǔ)基于卸貨港貨物重量計(jì)算(delivery quantity)基于裝貨港貨物重量計(jì)算(intake quantity)一筆計(jì)算(a lump-s

58、um of)運(yùn)費(fèi)計(jì)算方式 BPVOY 4Clause 31.4: “Freight shall be payable.on the gross quantity of cargo loaded by the Vessel as evidenced by the Bills of Lading furnished by the shippers.”GENCON Clause 1“.on being paid freight on delivered or intaken quantity as indicated in Box 13.”i.e. it is up to the parties t

59、o agree in advance on what basis freight is to be charged.虧艙費(fèi)(Deadfreight) 如果承租人沒有按照合同約定提供足夠的貨物裝船,導(dǎo)致船東因?yàn)樯傺b貨物而少賺取運(yùn)費(fèi),那么船東有權(quán)索賠承租人違約造成的損失。 該損失叫做虧艙費(fèi)。索賠計(jì)算基礎(chǔ)或按照合同損失索賠的一般原理,或按照合同條款的明確約定(議定賠償)虧艙費(fèi)(Deadfreight) 案例承租人承諾提供100噸貨物裝船,每噸貨物支付100美元運(yùn)費(fèi)。但是承租人實(shí)際上僅裝了90噸貨物。在合同沒有另行約定的情況下,船東能夠收取9000美元運(yùn)費(fèi),并索賠1000美元虧艙費(fèi)運(yùn)費(fèi)運(yùn)費(fèi) 除非合同另

60、有約定,法律默示認(rèn)為船東只有在卸貨港卸貨/交付貨物之后才能賺取運(yùn)費(fèi),而承租人也只有在此時(shí)需要支付運(yùn)費(fèi)。 部分航次租船合同條款會(huì)將法律默示地位明確SHELLVOY 5, Clause 5“Freight shall be earned concurrently with delivery of the cargo at the nominated discharging port(s) and shall be paid by charterers upon receipt of notice of completion of final discharge of cargo”運(yùn)費(fèi) 部分航次租船合同只規(guī)定了運(yùn)費(fèi)


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