1、45個基本介詞的用法1、about【原始含義】a-b-out “A在B外面”【引申含義】prep (1)在到處,在各處 here and there eg: We wandered about the town for an hour or so. He looked about the room.(2)在附近 next to a place eg. She lives about the office. (3)關于 in connection witheg: a book about English studyI dont know what you are talking about. a
2、dv (1)大約 close to eg: We left there about 10 oclock. It costs about 500 dollars. (2)到處,各處 eg: The children were rushing about in the garden.(3)在附近 eg : There is no food about. 【常見搭配】作介詞時的搭配:一.動詞+(about+名詞)(1)arrange (about sth) 安排關于某事 (2)argue (about sth) 討論某事 (3)ask (about sth) 詢問關于某事(4)boast (abou
3、t sb/sth) 吹噓.(5)care (about sb/sth) 關心,對感興趣 (6)chat (about sth) 談論某事(7)complain (about sb/sth) 抱怨(8)dream (about sb/sth) 夢見某人/某物(9)go (about sth) 著手做.;從事.(10)hear (about sth) 聽說. (11)know (about sth) 了解.(12)learn (about sth) 得知某事(13)put (about sth) 散布(謠言等)(14)quarrel (about sth) 為.爭吵(15)see (about s
4、th) 負責處理.(16)talk (about sth) 談論.(17)think (about sth) 考慮. (18)warn sb (about sth) 告誡某人關于某事 (19)wonder (about sb/sth) 對. 好奇(20)worry (about sb/sth) 對.擔心二、名詞+(about+名詞)(1)concern (about sb/sth) 對的關心/關懷(2)curiosity (about sb/sth) 對的好奇(3)doubt (about sb/sth) 對的懷疑(4)ethusiasm (about sth) 對的熱情(5)informat
5、ion (about sb/sth) 關于的信息(6)remark (about sth) 對的評論(7)opinion (about sth) 對的意見(8)view (about sb/sth) 對.的觀點三、be+adj+(about+名詞)(1)be angry (about sth) 為而生氣(2)be anxious (about sth) 為憂慮 (3)be careful (about sth) 當心(4)be cautious (about sth) 謹防.;對.持謹慎態(tài)度(5)be certain (about sth) 確信關于某事(6)be curious (about
6、 sth) 對感到好奇(7)be disappointed (about sth)對感到失望(8)be excited (about sth)對感到興奮(9)be glad/happy (about sth)對感到高興 (10)be hopeful (about sth)對抱有希望(11)be crazy/mad/wild (about sth) 對癡狂;酷愛某事(12) be nervous (about sth) 為感到不安/因.感到緊張(13)be optimistic/positive (about sth) 對.是積極樂觀的(14)be particular (about sb/st
7、h) 對. 講究,挑剔(15)be sad (about sth)為而難過(16)be serious (about sth)對認真(17)be sorry (about sth) 對.抱歉 作副詞時的搭配: 名詞+動詞+about(1)sth come about 某事發(fā)生(2)sth get about 某事(尤指消息等)傳開(3)sb turn about 某人轉身(4)sb wander about 某人徘徊,游蕩(5)sb walk about某人走來走去2、above【原始含義】a-b-over “A在B上方” 【引申含義】prep. (1)在上方 at or to a highe
8、r place than sth/sbeg: The sun rose above the horizon.(2)數(shù)目大于/重量超過/價格(能力、地位)高于 more than sth.; greater in number, level or age than sb./sth. eg: There is nothing in the store above 50 cents.(3) 重要性或質量超過、勝過 of greater importance or of higher quality than sb/sth eg. I rate her above most other players
9、 of her age. (4)聲音超過 louder or clearer than another sound eg: I couldnt hear her above the noise of the traffic. (5)不至于,不屑于做某事 too good or too honest to do sth eg. She is above suspicion. 【常見搭配】一、動詞+(above+名詞)(1)live ( above ones income) 入不敷出地生活(2)put A (above B) 把A看得比B更重要(3)rise (above sth) 克服.,不受.
10、的影響(4)talk (above ones head) 高深莫測地談論二、be+(above+名詞)(1)be (above oneself ) 興高采烈= be in ones high spirit(2)be (above ones head)難以理解/超出某人理解能力3、across 【原始含義】a-grass “一片草坪”,across指在平面上經(jīng)過,就像人走過一片草坪那樣?!疽旰x】prep. (1)穿過from one side to the other sideeg: She walked across the road.(2)在.對面 on the other side o
11、f sth.eg: The bar is just across the street.(3)交叉 crosseg: He sat with his arms across his chest.(4)在.各處,遍及. everywhere eg. The opinion is common across the university. 【常見搭配】動詞+(across+名詞)(1)A come (across B) A偶遇B(2)A cut (across B)A走B捷徑;A打斷B(3)A go (across B) A穿過B(4)A put (across B)A 解釋清楚B;A把B送到對岸
12、(5)A run (across B) A橫穿B;A偶然碰到B 4、after【原始含義】“A在B之后(強調順序)” 【引申含義】prep(1)在之后 (時間順序、空間順序) later than sth; following sth in time eg: After dinner, they went out for a walk.(1) 在后面,僅次于(按重要性)next to the following eg. Your name comes after mine in the list. (2) 與對照、對比 in contrast to sth eg. It was cool af
13、ter the heat outside. (3) 照著的樣子 following the example of sb/sth eg: Read the sentence after me, please.adv 后來、以后 later in time, afterwordseg:Soon after, she came back to her hometown. The prince and princess lived happily ever after. 【常見搭配】作介詞時的搭配一、 名詞+動詞+(after+名詞)(1)A chase (after B) A追趕/追求B(2)A g
14、o (after B) A追逐B(yǎng).(3)A look (after B) A照顧B.(4)A model (after B) A 以B為榜樣、原型;A效仿B(5)A name (after B) A用B作名字.(6)A run (after B) A追求/追趕/追逐B(yǎng).(7)A search (after B)A研究B.(8)A see (after B)A照顧B(9)A seek (after B)A尋找B.(10)A take (after B)A與B相像.二、(after+名詞)(1)(after a while)過了
15、一會,不久(2)(after all) 畢竟;終究(3)(after ones own heart) 正合.的心意;5、against【原始含義】a-g-a“相對”【引申含義】 prep(1)碰著、靠著 touching, close to or hitting sb/stheg: She was leaning against a tree.(2)反對 opposing or disagreeing with sb./stheg: We should fight against crimes.(3)預防 in order to prevent sth from happeningeg: Sa
16、ve money against a rainy day. 未雨綢繆(4)違反(違反法律、制度) eg: It is against the law to hunt tigers.(5)不利于 not to the advantage or favor of sb./stheg: What he said is against him.(6)映襯 with sth in the background as a contrast Eg. The red flag stood out clearly against the blue sky. (7)和相比 in contrast to sth e
17、g. You must weigh the benefits against the cost. 【常見搭配】一、動詞+(against+名詞)(1) act (against sth) 違反.(2) argue (against sth) 為.而爭辯/據(jù)理反對(3) compete (against sb) 與某人比賽/競爭/對抗(4) decide (against sth/doing sth) 考慮后不做某事/聲明反對某事(5) declare (against sb/sth) 表態(tài)反對. (6) fight (against sth) 反對;與.做斗爭(7) go (against s
18、th) 違反(8) inform (against sb) 告發(fā)、檢舉某人(9) lean (against sth) 靠著某物/斜靠某物(10)offend (against sth)違犯(11)press (against sth) 壓在上(12)protect (against sth) 保護免受的傷害(13)prepare (against sth) 防備(14)strike (against sth) 罷工抗議.(15)struggle (against sb/sth) 與.搏斗/反抗(16)turn (against st
19、h) 背叛 (17)vote (against sth) 投票反對(18)warn sb (against sth) 提醒某人提防某事二、be+adj+(against+名詞)(1)be prejudiced (against sb/sth) 對. 持有偏見(2)be proof (against sth) 可防止的(3)be set (against sth) 堅決反對.6、around【原始含義】a+round“A在一個圓里面(在一定范圍內)” 【引申含義】prep(1)在周圍,圍繞 surrounding sb
20、/stheg: There are many bars around the town.(2)在附近,到處 in or to many placeseg: I showed him around our campus.adv(1)大約approximately eg: There are around 1000 people watching the game.(2)在周圍 eg : How can you make the wheel go around? (3)在附近、到處 eg: I ran around to find him. 【常見搭配】作介詞時一、動詞+(around+名詞)(1
21、)center (around sth) 以.為中心,集中于.(2)look (around sth) 環(huán)顧.;游覽.;(3)wrap (around sth) 纏繞??;環(huán)繞.;二、around +名詞(1)(around the corner) .靠近、臨近、快來了;(2)(around the clock) 日夜不停地;夜以繼日地作副詞時名詞+動詞+around(1) sb gaze around 某人向四周看,環(huán)視(2)sth get around 某事(尤指消息、謠言等)走動、流傳(3) sb/sth turn around 某人或某物轉身7、at【原始含義】“在場所,時間上的一點”【
22、引申含義】prep. (1)小地點,或小時間點 used to say where sb/sth is or when sth happens eg: Usually, he is (at his office) (in the morning). She went to school (at 8 oclock) (in the morning). (2)在幾歲時 the age (at which sb does sth) eg: She was married (at 23). (3)向,朝某人或某物 in the direction towards sb/sth eg: Dont poi
23、nt at me. knock at the door, shoot at the tiger, aim at the enemy (4)從相隔遠的地方 the distance away from sth eg: Can you read that poster (at fifty miles)? Youd better keep him (at a distance). (5) 處于某種狀態(tài) the situation sb/sth is in eg: Mr. Smith is (at lunch). The country is (at war). Bill was (at his be
24、st) in college. (at ones best: 某人的輝煌時期)(6) 在某方面 in terms ofeg: I am not good (at football). (7) 表示引發(fā)某種情緒或動作的原因 to show the cause of sth eg: He showed no sign of pleasure (at seeing her). I was delighted (at the result)+. 【常見搭配】一、動詞+(at+名詞) (1)aim (at sth) 以為目標;瞄準;針對;(2)arrive (at sth) 到達某地或某種程度(3)bl
25、ush (at sth) 對.感到臉紅;(4)come (at sb/sth) 攻擊某人;發(fā)現(xiàn)某事(5)fire (at sth) 向.開火(6)gaze (at sb/sth) 凝視, 注視.(7)get (at sth ) 到達, 接近.;著手.;暗指.;意知.;(8)glance (at sb/sth) 一瞥,掃視.(9)glare (at sb/sth) 對.怒目而視(10)grab/grasp (at sb/sth) 抓住. (11)knock (at sth) 敲 (12)laugh (at sb) 嘲笑某人(13)look (at sb/sth) 看(14)point (at s
26、b/sth) 指向/ 瞄準 / 針對(15)run (at sb/sth) 向某人沖去; 達到某種水平(16)shoot (at sth) 朝射擊(17)shout (at sb) 朝某人喊叫(18)smile (at sb) 向某人微笑(19)target (at sb/sth) 瞄準,以為目標(20)wonder (at sth) 對好奇/對感到吃驚(21)yell (at sb) 對某人大喊大叫二、(at+名詞)(1)(at the age) (of some number) 在幾歲(2)(at an altitude) (of some number) 在某個高度(3)(at the
27、cost/expense)(of sth) 以.為代價(4)(at the end) (of sth) 在.的結尾(5)(at the request) (of sb) 應某人的請求(6)(at the risk) (of sth/doing sth) 冒著.的風險(7)(at the sight)(of sb/sth) 一看見.(8)(at a speed)(of some number) 以.的速度(9)(at the thought)(of sb/sth) 一想到.(10)(at birth) 出生時(11)(at bottom) 其實,實際上(12)(at ones command)
28、聽候的差遣(13)(at the corner) 在拐角處(14)(at dawn/daybreak) 在黎明, 在拂曉(15)(at a discount) 減價、折扣(16)(at first) 最初,開始時(17)(at hand) 在手邊,即將發(fā)生(18)(at home) 在家/國內 (19)(at large) 自由,逍遙法外(20)(at length) 詳細地(21)(at last) 最后,終于(22)(at least) 至少,起碼(23)(at leisure) 有空,閑暇時(24)(at the moment) 現(xiàn)在,眼下.(25)(at any price) 不惜任何
29、代價,無論如何(26)(at one time) 過去,曾經(jīng),一度(27)(at the same time) 同時(28)(at work)在工作三、be+adj+(at+名詞)(1)be angry (at sb/sth) 對.生氣(2)be competent (at sth) 在.方面有能力(3)be delighted (at sth) 對.感到非常高興(4)be disappointed (at sb/sth)對.感到失望(5)be dissatisfied (at sb/sth) 對.不滿意(6)be expert (at sth/doing sth) 專長,擅長于,精通(7)b
30、e skilled (at sth/doing sth) 在.方面有技能,熟練(8)be gifted (at sth/doing sth) 在.有天賦(9)be good (at sth/doing sth) 擅長.(10)be hopeless (at sth/doing sth) 對.感到絕望;對.一籌莫展(11)be mad (at sb/sth) 對.憤怒(12)be surprised (at sb/sth) 對.感到吃驚(13)be terrfied (at sth/doing sth) 被. 驚嚇(14)be weak (at sth/doing sth) 在.方面欠缺,差8、
31、before 【原始含義】be+fore“在之前“(時間、空間、順序)”【引申含義】prep.(1)時間上 earlier in timeeg: Please come back (before 10:00pm).(2)空間上earlier in positioneg: Dont put the cart (before the horse).(3)順序上earlier in order or arrangementeg: Health should come (before wealth).(4) 當(某人)面 in the presence of sb eg : She charged h
32、im of murder (before the jury). 【常見搭配】:一、動詞+(before+名詞)(1)A come (before B) A在B之上,比B更重要(2)complain (before sb) 在某人面前控訴(3)go (before sb) 出現(xiàn)在某人面前(4)put/set A (before B) 把A看的比B重要(5)stand (before sb/sth) 站立在前面二、(before +名詞)(1)(before day) 破曉之前(2)(before long) 不久以后(3)(before one's eyes) 當著某人的面(4)(bef
33、ore time) 提前(5)(before the wind) 順風(6)(before the world) 在眾人面前9、behind【原始含義】be + hide “在之后”【引申含義】prep (1)空間上,在后面 at the back of sb/sth eg: A dog is running (behind us).A dog is running (after us).(2) 是產(chǎn)生的原因 responsible for stating or developing stheg: There must be someone (behind it). Whats (behind
34、 that happy smile)? (3)時間上,在之后 sth is in the pasteg: New York is 12 hours (behind Beijing) (in time).(4)能力上,在之后 making less progress than sb./sth eg: Hes (behind the rest of others) (in reading). (5)支持,贊成 giving approval of sth eg : My mother is always (behind me) (whatever decision I make). adv在后面,
35、在遠處eg: She rode (along the street) (with her dog) (running behind). 作介詞時:一、動詞+(behind+名詞)(1)fall/ lag (behind sb/sth) 落在后面(2)go (behind sth) 進一步斟酌They will go behind the decision.二、(behind +名詞)(1)(behind bars) 在獄中(2)(behind sbs back) 在背后(3)(behind the schedule/time) 晚點、推遲(4)(behind the times) 過
36、時、落伍作副詞時:(1)sb stay/ remain behind 某人(在他人走后)逗留,留下(2)sb wait behind 某人(在別人走后)留下(3)leave sth/sb behind忘帶,留下某物;超越某人10、beside【原始含義】be+side “在邊上”【引申含義】prep.(1)在.旁邊 next to; by the side of eg: a town (beside the sea) She sat (beside the teacher).(2)與.相比 compared with eg: My work is so poor (beside yours).
37、【常見搭配】beside+名詞(1)(beside oneself) 高興的不得了(2)(beside the point) 離題,不中肯;與無關11、besides【原始含義】beside+s“除外,還有”in addition to sb/sth prep eg: There were two other students (in the classroom) (besides Tom).【常見搭配】besides+名詞/動名詞eg: We have a lot (in common) (besides music). (Besides working) (as a doctor), he
38、 also writes a lot of stories. 12、between【原始含義】be-two-in“在兩者之間”【引申含義】 prep. (1)空間、時間、順序、等級上,在兩者之間 in the middle of two things in terms of space, time, order, class etc. eg: (Between two strange buildings) stands a tree. His age is (between sixty and seventy).(2)表示兩者之間的某種關系 to show a connection or re
39、lationship eg: He has to decide (between life and death). There is a great difference (between the two articles). You should learn between lines(字里行間).(3)合用、共享 shared by two or more people or things eg: This is a secret (between you and me). (僅在我們倆之間). We drank a bottle of wine (between us). 【常見搭配】一
40、、動詞+(between+名詞) (1)draw a clear dividing line ( between sth) 明顯區(qū)分(2)make a difference (between sb/sth) 區(qū)別對待(3)read (between lines) 讀出字里行間的言外之意(4)stand (between sth/sb) 阻礙 二、名詞+(between+名詞)(1)balance (between A and B) A 和B的均衡We should always consider the balance (between cost and benefit).(2)connect
41、ion (between sth/sb) 某人或某物之間的聯(lián)系 13、beyond【原始含義】be+yond “(在彼處)“在之外”【引申含義】:prep. (1) 在較遠的一邊 on the further side of sth eg: The village is beyond the mountain. (2) 時間上晚于 later than a particular time eg: It wont go on (beyond midnight). (3) 超出某人的能力范圍,非所及 far too advanced for sb eg: The bag is (beyond my
42、 reach). (4) 表示是不可能的 to say that sth is impossible eg: The bicycle is (beyond repair). 【常見搭配】一、(beyond+名詞)(1)(beyond ones ability/strength/power) 超越某人的能力(2)(beyond belief) 難以置信(3)(beyond comparison) 無法比喻(4)(beyond cure) 無可救藥(5)(beyond control) 無法控制(6)(beyond doubt/suspicion) 不容置疑(7)(beyond ones wild
43、est dreams) 做夢也想不到 (8)(beyond ones endurance) 無法忍受(9)(beyond expression) 無法表達 (10)(beyond imagination) 超出想象(11)(beyond measure) 無法估量(12)(beyond praise) 贊美不完,稱贊不絕(13)(beyond price) 極其珍貴,無價的 (14)(beyond ones reach) 在某人夠不著的地方(15)(beyond reason) 不合理(16)(beyond recognition) 難以認出(17)(beyond repair) 無法修復(1
44、8)(beyond the seas) 到海外(19)(beyond understanding) 難以理解(20)(beyond words) 無法形容She is very beautiful.She is elegant.Her beauty is beyond words.(21)(beyond sb)為某人所不能理解 二、動詞+(beyond+名詞)(1)go (beyond sth) 超出., 超過.(3)see (beyond sth) 預料.;預見.14、by【原始含義】 “在旁邊”【引申含義】prep.(1)在旁邊 at the side of eg: We prefer a
45、 table (by the window).(2)不遲于,在之前 before eg: We have studied several prepositions (by now). I shall have finished the work (by the time you return).(3)表示方式 in which way sth is done eg: I go to school (by bus). (4)通過;根據(jù) according to sth eg: He can tell the direction (by the stars). Dont judge a perso
46、n (by his looks).(5)按計算 the degree or amount of sth eg: Eggs are usually sold (by dozen). The temperature has risen (by 5 degrees).(6)由于 as a result of eg: They met (by chance). I did it (by mistake). (7)被 used eg: He was shocked (by what he had seen).(8) )8 eg: show the part of sb that another pers
47、on catches表示觸及或抓住人物的部分 used to show the part of sb that another person catches eg: I seized her (by the hair). (9) 表示逐步推進; the rate sth happenseg: He is making progress (day by day). (10) 以的名義 in the name of eg: I swear (by Almighty God) (that I will never betray my country). adv. (1) 經(jīng)過 past eg: Ti
48、me goes by quickly. He hurried by (without speaking to me). (2) 短暫拜訪 eg: Please drop by (when it is convenient) (for you). 【常見搭配】作介詞時:一、by+名詞(1) (by accident/chance) 偶然地(2) (by coincidence) 巧合地(3) (by all means) 想盡一切辦法、一定要(4) (by means)(of sb/sth) 借助于(5) (by no means) 絕不,一點兒也不(6) (by appearance) 從外表
49、(7) (by comparison) 相比之下(8) (by contrast) 對比之下(9) (by definition) 根據(jù)定義,實質上(10)(by hand) 人工地(11)(by heart) 靠記憶,背誦(12)(by mistake) 錯誤地(13)(by nature) 天性上,本質上(14)(by turns) 輪流地(15)(by the way) 順便說一下二動詞+(by+名詞)(1)come (by sth) (尤指通過努力)獲得; 偶然得到(2)go (by sth) 順便走訪(3)judge sb/sth (by sth)通過判斷,斷定某物或某人(4)live (by sth) 以.為
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