



1、responsi ble for the development of company ma nagement, i ncl udi ng the development of settlement a nd settlement standards of preparati on, t he busine ss unit cle aring w ork inspecti on a nd guida nce, busine ss settleme nt audit ; 23, is i n charge of the company business and costs cal culati

2、on a nd a nalysis of new proje cts a nd to develop standards and provi de the basis for deci sion-maki ng and re sponsible for the com prehe nsive e conomi c and technical i ndi cators a nd statisti cs, a nalysi s, summary and reporting; 24, the compa ny responsibl e for audit s of various types of

3、busi ness contracts, t he pr incipal of contract pri ce (pur cha se pri ce, freight, taxes, etc), payment met hod, payment, settlement, such as the rea sonable ness of the data, a uthe nticit y, accura cy; 25, stri ct enforcement of nati onal tax policy, is responsi ble for the monthly re porting, i

4、ncluding tax cal culati ons, statistics, go through the relevant formalities, re ceive inv oices; 26, t he company responsi ble for all kinds of pri ce (including pr oduct pri ce, material pri ces, freight, engineering machinery jobs pri ce, pri ce, price) 's terms of market surveys, quotations,

5、 pri ce exce ption report ; 27, is responsi ble for the company's manageme nt, inclu ding confere nce organize d by pri ce, of histori cal pri ces, total s, etc; 28, according to the annual operating plan, annual costs and undergo de com positi on, control, analysis a nd eval uation; responsi bl

6、e for costing a nd cost control , ensure accounti ng num ber is reasona ble, corre ct, and com plete accounti ng report a nd the com pany's other reports compile d and reported to w ork;旅游規(guī)劃與開發(fā)老師很好,從不點名,沒有期中考試,期末考試前一節(jié)課會給題讓你回去找答案。大約占了百分之七八十,最后試卷上只有一小部分題沒有或是改動過的。考試的時候允許你抄準備好的資料,但是現(xiàn)場用手機搜或者其他工具、資料是不

7、允許的, 他會來回走動檢查。成功學(xué)李永剛老師,和卓越團隊是一個老師。講課不錯,風格新穎,人很幽默。期中和期末就是寫論文,期末的輕快些。期末的有時候是給你幾個題目,自己回去準備。考試的時候隨機抽了寫,分數(shù)大約都在90 分以上日語對日語或者小語種感興趣的同學(xué)可以選這門課。姚曉陽老師, 幾乎不點名, 課前空時會放點日語電影,比如櫻桃小丸子或者是一些關(guān)于日本文化的。 講課很認真, 配本初級日語教科書是很必要的,考試有一部分是課本上的單詞或者語法什么的,不買也行,那平時得做好筆記了。講課很專業(yè)。法語也是小語種課程,老師比較隨和,但是會點名多點。好處就是考試前給答案,自己抄。合同法點名不大多,講課還可以,

8、考試也不難犯罪學(xué)點名較少,老師比較隨和,上課會看看視頻什么的。期中、期末考試都是課件上的,平時會寫點小文章作為作業(yè)交上。市場營銷從來不點名開卷穩(wěn)過 其他不知道了當代世界政治與經(jīng)濟老師脾氣很好,講得也行,沒去過幾次,不知道點沒點名,考試內(nèi)容一般課件上都有,個人認為不錯從不點名,期中期末考試做卷子,可以抄,沒人管偶爾點名老師講解幽默風趣為考研必修課受益良多周日上午12 節(jié)孫希良 男 主要教授當今世界政治的情況與發(fā)展過程比如 中國如今的國際地位美國戰(zhàn)后實施的霸權(quán)戰(zhàn)略有哪些老師很好水平較高從不點名講課很有意思講得不錯老師特別好,特別善解人意,雖然只去上過一節(jié)課,但是老師真的是很好很為學(xué)生著想,從不點名

9、,講課也很認真,仔細盡職盡責 ! 力推!領(lǐng)導(dǎo)科學(xué)與藝術(shù) 最大特點 點名 不過因為一共沒幾節(jié)課 人也很多 他只會頭幾節(jié)課點名 后幾節(jié)就不全點了 如果不幸別點了三次 那你就結(jié)業(yè)了 考試也沒用 他不會給你分的 但是個人覺得老師講的不錯 挺實用而且講的很現(xiàn)實 個人評價 值得一選(但如果為了學(xué)分就別選了)上市公司業(yè)績分析 點名頻率不是很高一共點兩次但是我覺得可學(xué)的內(nèi)容基本沒有就是在跟你說上市的一些法 律法規(guī) 實際的投資理念基本沒有也沒交具體的基本面分析而且考試很變態(tài)知道題在哪就是抄也得抄一節(jié)課期中還好些期末很可能答不完卷responsi ble for the development of compan

10、y ma nagement, i ncl udi ng the development of settlement a nd settlement standards of preparati on, t he busine ss unit cle aring w ork inspecti on a nd guida nce, busine ss settleme nt audit ; 23, is i n charg e of the company business and costs cal culati on a nd a nalysis of new proje cts a nd t

11、o develop standards and provi de the basis f or deci sion-maki ng and re sponsible for the com prehe nsive e conomi c and technical i ndi cators a nd statisti cs, a nalysi s, summary and reporting; 24, the compa ny responsibl e for audit s of various types of busi ness contracts, t he pr incipal of

12、contract pri ce (pur cha se pri ce, freight, taxes, etc), payment met hod, payment, settlement, such as the rea sonable ness of the data, a uthe nticit y, accura cy; 25, stri ct enforcement of nati onal tax policy, is responsi ble for the monthly re porting, including tax cal culati ons, statistics,

13、 go through the relevant formalities, re ceive inv oices; 26, t he company responsi ble for all kinds of pri ce (including pr oduct pri ce, material pri ces, freight, engineering machinery jobs pri ce, pri ce, price) 's terms of market surveys, quotations, pri ce exce ption report ; 27, is respo

14、nsi ble for the company's manageme nt, including confere nce organize d by pri ce, of histori cal pri ces, total s, etc; 28, according to the annual operating plan, annual costs and undergo de com positi on, control, analysis a nd eval uation; responsi ble for costing a nd cost control , ensure

15、accounti ng num ber is reasona ble, corre ct, and com plete accounti ng report a nd the com pany's other reports compile d and reported to w ork;美學(xué)概論王培娟, 點了兩次名 , 每次上課前都會放兩首歌 , 有時看電影,考試有二十分的知識題,然后就是80 分的作文,很容易過的 。個人認為不錯考試就是寫作文平時也不怎么點點了也無所謂 期中一篇作文期末作文占 80 分還愁過不了嗎房地產(chǎn)經(jīng)營管理劉沖 1501 未被點名 考試很穩(wěn)時間周天上午,地點:

16、1501 ,老師點過兩次名,老師講的很好,考試就是寫篇作文,過容易,得高分難。品牌經(jīng)濟學(xué)劉華軍 沒點過名考試一篇論文可以打印版的老師講的很好 幽默風趣也從不點名 期末考試題目就是篇作文國際貿(mào)易與實務(wù)王恒 經(jīng)常點名 閉卷考試物流管理鄒霞經(jīng)常點名 開卷鄒霞 周日五六節(jié) 教室 1206:老師實際經(jīng)驗很豐富,課堂上氣氛活躍,開課前幾周點名很勤,之后都沒點名。物流經(jīng)常不定期點名講的也不是很有特色媒介素養(yǎng)教育星期四晚, 2501, 寧兆洋老師,課內(nèi)容還行,點名次數(shù)不多,不過碰上心情不好時會點名提問問題,心情好時,對舉手回答問題的同學(xué),答對一道期末成績加十分。沒有期中考試。不給課件,期末考試提前給題目,自己

17、在網(wǎng)上搜答案,考試時帶材料去即可。比較簡單。周三晚上點過一次名沒有期中論文。藝術(shù)治療學(xué)周四晚上不點名不考試 課堂氣氛很輕松上課時間是周四晚上,老師是蘇琪,從不點名,也不考試,教課內(nèi)容還行橋牌老師是金融學(xué)院的李世平 不大點名 ,點的時候是在紙上寫名字 內(nèi)容就是教你怎么打 ,考試就考打橋牌 很有意思上課時間是周五上午,老師是劉珊,點名是以上課提問的方式進行,只要經(jīng)常去就能保證及格,課堂比較有意思,而且是唯一一門有實踐課的選修課,而且考試是以打牌為考試方式的。劉珊 周五三四節(jié) 教室 1204:老師比較耐心,點名很頻繁,但是授課內(nèi)容太空泛,不大學(xué)得到打牌技巧。周五上午34 節(jié) 當然是講怎么打橋牌老師水

18、平較高講的比較明白 但是課程本身比較無聊如果對橋牌不感興趣最好別選老師幾乎每節(jié)以提問的方式點名考試比較簡單就是讓你們打牌打得好的就過不用背無任何筆試內(nèi)容responsi ble for the development of company ma nagement, i ncl udi ng the development of settlement a nd settlement standards of preparati on, t he busine ss unit cle aring w ork inspecti on and g uida nce, busine ss settlem

19、e nt audit ; 23, is i n charge of the company business and costs cal culati on a nd a nalysis of new proje cts a nd todevelop standards and provi de the basis for deci sion-maki ng and re sponsible for the com prehe nsive e conomi c and technical i ndi cators a nd statisti cs, a nalysi s, summary an

20、d reporting; 24, the compa ny responsibl e for audit s of various types of busi ness contracts, t he pr incipal of contract pri ce (pur cha se pri ce, freight, taxes, etc), payment met hod, payment, settlement, such as the rea sonable ness of the data, a uthe nticit y, accura cy; 25, stri ct enforce

21、ment of nati onal tax policy, is responsi ble for the monthly re porting, including tax cal culati ons, statistics, go through the relevant formalities, re ceive inv oices; 26, t he company responsi ble for all kinds of pri ce (including pr oduct pri ce, material pri ces, freight, engineering machin

22、ery jobs pri ce, pri ce, price) 's terms of market surveys, quotations, pri ce exce ption report ; 27, is responsi ble for the company's manageme nt, including confere nce organize d by pri ce, of histori cal pri ces, total s, etc; 28, according to the annual operating plan, annual costs and

23、 undergo de com positi on, control, analysis a nd eval uation; responsi ble for costing a nd cost control , ensure accounti ng num ber is reasona ble, corre ct, and com plete accounti ng report a nd the com pany's other reports compile d and reported to w ork;公共選擇理論劉姍 女就一個班我忘了老師叫什么從不點名 ! 教的還不錯 ,

24、 考試也比較容易過世界經(jīng)濟史楊玉萍老師人很好,希望有機會多上上她的課,哲理性豐富,但是點名一但查到就沒有情面的考試不松國際服務(wù)與貿(mào)易王珩從不點名,考試也還松周二晚上不點名有期中論文,期末考試。供應(yīng)鏈管理時間:周天下午,地點: 1306,老師講的不咋地,一般吧,考試題目有的需要自己總結(jié),考試能過,但得高分有點難,老師點過三次名。老師嚴厲但沒點過明,考試開卷勞動合同法秦軍啟老師。 1201 教室。 2 節(jié)/ 周。強力推薦一下。能學(xué)到很多實用的東西,況且,以后正確維護自己合法權(quán)益是必須的。老師講課內(nèi)容并不枯燥,很深刻??荚噧?nèi)容雖然題量大,但都容易找到。十分容易過。如果翹的人不是很多不點名,但是我 們

25、基本沒多少翹的。旅游市場營銷路琪老師, 1501 教室, 2 節(jié)/ 周。腦子有病就選。第一節(jié)課說好總共點5 次,但是我們點了 2 次后遲遲不點,直到倒數(shù)第二節(jié)課才點第三次??荚嚭茈y,結(jié)合實際與巨專業(yè)的知識,找也找不到,編都不會編。沒什么好學(xué)的。我等n 名難友小命還懸著photoshop色彩管理與編輯孫永興老師,二階,實際由于設(shè)備問題轉(zhuǎn)站3 個教室。沒什么好學(xué)的。自暴:原名色彩管理與編輯,學(xué)校不批,加上ps,學(xué)校就批了,實際跟 ps無關(guān)。巨無聊!好在雖第一節(jié)課恐嚇人說簽到他一眼就看穿,實際沒點過。倒數(shù)第二節(jié)課出題, 最后一節(jié)課交上?;鞂W(xué)分很容易藝術(shù)心理學(xué)周二晚 蘇琪 3501 有人說世上有三種人

26、:男人女人 女博士,但我覺得心理學(xué)博士是第三種人中的極品,況且此老師還和一個藝術(shù)偉人同名!教課內(nèi)容主要是西方和中國的藝術(shù)心理論,上課每次都放舒緩的音樂,講些藝術(shù)家變態(tài)分析人的獸性之類的,認真聽課容易精神分裂,不認真聽課猛抬頭會覺得十分恐怖(心理學(xué)家低沉音樂3501 藝術(shù)變態(tài) 風動窗簾 教室熄燈)??偸峭蝗缙鋪淼狞c名,不允許請假或是補假,期末考試時我才知道點了3 次,我就知道一次,還沒去。期末考3個題,題目比較專業(yè),每個寫至少800 字,課件上沒有,網(wǎng)上很少,而且還都是蘇老師她老人家寫的,總之沒法抄!如果你沒怎么上課,像我一樣會扯淡估計也行,否則很難過。不過我覺得學(xué)學(xué)心理挺好,能看透許多事,但別

27、學(xué)太深,容易成為第 三種人。蘇老師別讓我掛呀,我學(xué)到了您的精髓,分析得還行吧。企業(yè)文化據(jù)說老師一直教并只教這門課,山財企業(yè)文化的鼻祖,偶爾課上進行小組討論,上交書面材料,簽上組員名字,變相點名, 考試簡單,課件開卷。responsi ble for the development of company ma nagement, i ncl udi ng the development of settlement a nd settlement standards of preparati on, t he busine ss unit cle aring w ork inspecti on a

28、 nd guida nce, busine ss settleme nt audit ; 23, is i n charg e of the company business and costs cal culati on a nd a nalysis of new proje cts a nd to develop standards and provi de the basis f or deci sion-maki ng and re sponsible for the com prehe nsive e conomi c and technical i ndi cators a nd

29、statisti cs, a nalysi s, summary and reporting; 24, the compa ny responsibl e for audit s of various types of busi ness contracts, t he pr incipal of contract pri ce (pur cha se pri ce, freight, taxes, etc), payment met hod, payment, settlement, such as the rea sonable ness of the data, a uthe ntici

30、t y, accura cy; 25, stri ct enforcement of nati onal tax policy, is responsi ble for the monthly re porting, including tax cal culati ons, statistics, go through the relevant formalities, re ceive inv oices; 26, t he company responsi ble for all kinds of pri ce (including pr oduct pri ce, material p

31、ri ces, freight, engineering machinery jobs pri ce, pri ce, price) 's terms of market surveys, quotations, pri ce exce ption report ; 27, is responsi ble for the company's manageme nt, including confere nce organize d by pri ce, of histori cal pri ces, total s, etc; 28, according to the annu

32、al operating plan, annual costs and undergo de com positi on, control, analysis a nd eval uation; responsi ble for costing a nd cost control , ensure accounti ng num ber is reasona ble, corre ct, and com plete accounti ng report a nd the com pany's other reports compile d and reported to w ork;中

33、國經(jīng)濟專題 第 2-12 周|3 節(jié)/ 周 楊依山 1306點一次名,期中期末考試寫論文,3000 字網(wǎng)上文史資料檢索與利用上課時間是周六晚上,老師是孫永興,教課內(nèi)容一般,基本不點名,但是老師脾氣比較怪,可能資格較老的原因,考試題目比較變態(tài),在網(wǎng)上找不著公務(wù)員制度第 2-18 周|2 節(jié)/ 周張寶峰 1404 點了 3 次名,期中寫一篇1000 字論文,期末前給你份題,試卷全是那份題上的,抄的比較爽。老師比較幽默,對社會有獨到見解,教課很好,看問題的角度和透徹度都很好?;橐龇ㄅc繼承法 第 2-18 周|2 節(jié)/ 周 于麗平 3109老師很有個性 很那個,看起來很兇,考試從來不看考場。隨便抄回宿

34、舍寫寫完再回來交都可以。點名方式。點一個出去一個很變態(tài)。不存在替答道的就可能。不能翹。,上市公司信息披露與分析點過一次名沒認真聽也不知道講的怎么樣,這個老師有個特點就是每當考試時,告訴同學(xué)們題目然后就消失,下課前再來收作業(yè),所以拿到試卷后你回來百度完了再回去也還來得及,只要速度夠快就行人際關(guān)系學(xué) 一階 周日三四節(jié)畢秋麗 老師上財畢業(yè)教的非常好,不單純講人際關(guān)系。點名是上課傳著化對號,等于不點名??荚囬_卷點過兩次名,都是簽到,可以讓別人替你簽,考試的內(nèi)容課件上都有上市公司信息披露與分析第 2-18 周|2 節(jié)/ 周呂玉芹老師人很好 就點 2 次名 上一節(jié)課劃勾下一節(jié)課按照名單點名。 考試就是抄課

35、件, 期末的題很變態(tài), 課件找起來都費勁、 。老師很好說話。講課也不錯。推薦呂玉芹 周日七八節(jié) 教室 1307:課件很好很強大,但是老師似乎經(jīng)驗不足。點名很少。1307 周日 56 節(jié)呂玉芹 老師水平很高, 就是有點板,不過內(nèi)容很有益處,是關(guān)于財務(wù)會計方面的,點名是上課傳著化對號,等于不點名??荚囬_卷。flash 制作。楊立博,平時不點名,考上機操作,感興趣的這課挺好,平時要交上機作業(yè),唯一不足就是制作聽花費時間的。經(jīng)濟理論增長老師經(jīng)常性點名,而且一次課點兩次名??荚囘€好。財經(jīng)新聞欣賞這課輕松,平時就看看新聞,考試也簡單。就第一節(jié)課點一次名。國際貿(mào)易 時間:周天上午,地點: 1206 ,老師沒

36、點過名,講得很好,考試相對容易。responsi ble for the development of company ma nagement, i ncl udi ng the development of settlement a nd settlement standards of preparati on, t he busine ss unit cle aring w ork inspecti on and g uida nce, busine ss settleme nt audit ; 23, is i n charge of the company business and c

37、osts cal culati on a nd a nalysis of new proje cts a nd todevelop standards and provi de the basis for deci sion-maki ng and re sponsible for the com prehe nsive e conomi c and technical i ndi cators a nd statisti cs, a nalysi s, summary and reporting; 24, the compa ny responsibl e for audit s of va

38、rious types of busi ness contracts, t he pr incipal of contract pri ce (pur cha se pri ce, freight, taxes, etc), payment met hod, payment, settlement, such as the rea sonable ness of the data, a uthe nticit y, accura cy; 25, stri ct enforcement of nati onal tax policy, is responsi ble for the monthl

39、y re porting, including tax cal culati ons, statistics, go through the relevant formalities, re ceive inv oices; 26, t he company responsi ble for all kinds of pri ce (including pr oduct pri ce, material pri ces, freight, engineering machinery jobs pri ce, pri ce, price) 's terms of market surve

40、ys, quotations, pri ce exce ption report ; 27, is responsi ble for the company's manageme nt, including confere nce organize d by pri ce, of histori cal pri ces, total s, etc; 28, according to the annual operating plan, annual costs and undergo de com positi on, control, analysis a nd eval uatio

41、n; responsi ble for costing a nd cost control , ensure accounti ng num ber is reasona ble, corre ct, and com plete accounti ng report a nd the com pany's other reports compile d and reported to w ork;旅游文化學(xué)周五晚上, 6316 上課,周霓老師。講的不錯,經(jīng)常是離下課十五分鐘時準時點名,不給課件,但是上課時只要把幻燈片上劃橫線的內(nèi)容抄下來即可,由于考試可帶筆記,考試內(nèi)容就是筆記內(nèi)容。沒有

42、期中考試。 結(jié)課早。財產(chǎn)保險學(xué)2501 周一晚 王海萍 老師教得不錯,很有用處,經(jīng)常點名,但考試前說一聲就沒事了,考試開卷。媒介文化通論周日 78 節(jié) 一階 老師不點名 考試比較容易通過了解媒介及媒介傳播的相關(guān)知識國際商法周六晚 1205設(shè)班長一名 每節(jié)課點名 考試題量很大不易溝通老師講解水平欠佳哲學(xué)導(dǎo)論周末 56 節(jié) 劉天華 講課情況一般,不過老師不嚴,一學(xué)期從未點過一次名,開卷考試,答案基本都在課件上,課件頁數(shù)很多,總之選這個課還好吧西方哲學(xué)史侯繼迎 男周六下午三四節(jié)講述西方哲學(xué)的發(fā)展過程 都有哪些代表人物 代表觀點等等 老師水平很高比以前的馬哲老師好多了 能講的很明白 有時會放視頻 而且

43、 老師從不點名 不想上的可以不去 考試時去就行 考試開卷 基本都是課件上的內(nèi)容wto概論王云 女周五晚上的課主要內(nèi)容就是 wto 的發(fā)展過程 中國怎樣加入世貿(mào)wto 有哪些規(guī)則 比如 反傾銷 反補貼 知識產(chǎn)權(quán)保護等等老師水平還可以但講得不是很有意思她以前是學(xué)法律的英語不錯 說的太快了 基本聽不懂 老師很少點名好像就兩次給人感覺是白領(lǐng)不是老師考試開卷有一些內(nèi)容課件上找不到或找不全而且她會加一些補充的內(nèi)容文獻檢索李明明老師 周六一二節(jié) 傳說是買他的書(記得是26 元人民幣)就能過沒敢嘗試不買書的后果講課內(nèi)容很專業(yè)主 要 是 些文獻檢索方法途徑之類的,沒什么意思, 但以后寫論文 或其他查資料之類的可

44、能會用到。下課吼叫點名條 (寫清學(xué)院班級姓名的紙條),可以讓人代交。期中考試是很專業(yè)的試卷,一節(jié)課不聽的話根本不知道講的什么,平時交過2 次作業(yè), 發(fā)到他郵箱里。期末考試全是選擇題,圖書館有賣的資料,但老師比較無趣,很多題都稍微改動,例如換換選項、把“是的 ” 換成 “不是的 ”之類的。上課經(jīng)常提問,自愿回答,答對者期末每題在最終成績上加1 分,所以最終有可能 100 分以上。一般的都 90 左右,在自然類算不是很變態(tài)的課。當代國際關(guān)系王波老師周五七八節(jié) 強烈推薦 不點名但你又不想翹課,對歷史 軍事 政治感興趣的同學(xué)一定別錯過, 期中期末兩篇論文, 自由發(fā)揮即可,即使你一節(jié)課不去,估計也90

45、左右。真是吐血推薦,這樣的老師太少了,真才實學(xué),敢講真話。經(jīng)濟博弈論王玉燕老師, 點名問題:傳名單但是早上 8 點的那節(jié)課不行老師要在旁邊看。作業(yè):沒有 就期中考試要寫一篇但是給的時間很長這次是三個星期不上課寫一篇2000 字以上的論文(但是不能百度,因為她很多都看過,如果百度,需要自己修改很多。)responsi ble for the development of company ma nagement, i ncl udi ng the development of settlement a nd settlement standards of preparati on, t he bu

46、sine ss unit cle aring w ork inspecti on a nd guida nce, busine ss settleme nt audit ; 23, is i n charg e of the company business and costs cal culati on a nd a nalysis of new proje cts a nd to develop standards and provi de the basis f or deci sion-maki ng and re sponsible for the com prehe nsive e conomi c and technical i ndi cators a nd statisti cs, a nalysi s, summary and reporting; 24, the compa


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