八年級上UNIT2學(xué)案 2_第1頁
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1、 好學(xué)友教育 進步熱線,82662833 Oral language1.Don't give me any excuses.2, To tell the truth, I don't like disco.Topic:1) Do you prefer cool weather or warm weather? why?2) Does keeping pets bring people any trouble?( infected )Article: A:Weather PredictA film crew was on location deep

2、in the desert. One day an old Indian went up to the director and said, "Tomorrow rain." The next day it rained.A week later, the Indian went up to the director and said, "Tomorrow storm." The next day there was a hailstorm."This Indian is incredible," said the director.

3、 He told his secretary to hire the Indian to predict the weather.However, after several successful predictions, the old Indian didn't show up for two weeks.Finally the director sent for him. "I have to shoot a big scene tomorrow," said the director, "and I'm depending on you.

4、What will the weather be like?"The Indian shrugged his shoulders. "Don't know," he said. "Radio is broken." BA friend of mine named Paul received an expensive car from his brother as a Christmas present. On Christmas Eve when Paul came out of his office, a street urchin

5、was walking around the shining car. “Is this your car, Paul?” he asked.Paul answered, “Yes, my brother gave it to me for Christmas.” The boy was surprised. “You mean your brother gave it to you and it didnt cost you nothing? Boy, I wish”He hesitated.Of course Paul knew what he was going to wish for.

6、 He was going to wish he had a brother like that. But what the boy said surprised Paul greatly.“I wish,” the boy went on, “that I could be a brother like that.” Paul looked at the boy in surprise, then he said again, “Would you like to take a ride in my car?”“Oh yes, Id love that.”After a short ride

7、, the boy turned and with his eyes shining, said, “Paul, would you mind driving in front of my house?”Paul smiled a little. He thought he knew what the boy wanted. He wanted to show his neighbours that he could ride home in a big car. But Paul was wrong again. “Will you stop where those two steps ar

8、e?” the boy asked.He ran up to the steps. Then in a short while Paul heard him coming back, but he was not coming fast. He was carrying his little crippled brother. He sat him down on the step and pointed to the car.“There she is, Buddy, just like I told you upstairs. His brother gave it to him for

9、Christmas and it didnt cost him a cent. And some day Im going to give you one just like it then you can see for yourself all the nice things in the Christmas window that Ive been trying to tell you about.”Paul got out and lifted the boy to the front seat of his car. The shining-eyed older brother cl

10、imbed in beside him and the three of them began an unforgettable holiday ride.( ) 1. The street urchin was very surprised when _A. Paul received an expensive car B. Paul told him about the carC. he saw the shining car D. he was walking around the car( ) 2. From the story we can see the urchin _ A. w

11、ished to give his brother a car B. wanted Pauls brother to give him a carC. wished he could have a brother like PaulsD. wished Paul could be a brother like that( ) 3. The urchin asked Paul to stop his car in front of his house _ A. to show his neighbours the big car B. to show he had a rich friendC.

12、 to let his brother ride in the carD. to tell his brother about his wish( ) 4. We can infer(推斷) from the story that_ A. Paul couldnt understand the urchin B. the urchin had a deep love for his brotherC. the urchin wished to have a rich brotherD. the urchins wish came true in the end( ) 5. The best n

13、ame of the story is _ A. A Christmas Present B. A Street Urchin C. A Brother Like That D. An Unforgettable Holiday RideUnit 8 Ill help clean up the city parks. 重點、難點、考點及疑點注釋 1. Id like to help homeless people. (P60)我想幫助無家可歸的人。 homeless是形容詞,意為“無家可歸的”,由home+后綴-less構(gòu)成。 特別提示 less后綴通常加在名詞的后面,構(gòu)成形容詞,表示與原來名

14、詞意思相反的形容詞,如groundless 無根據(jù)的, odorless 無氣味的, careless粗心的,useless無用的。 2. You could help clean up the city parks. (P60)你可以幫著打掃城市公園。 clean up是“清除、除去(垃圾、污物)”等,使地方干凈。 Please clean up the room after the party. 聚會后把房間打掃干凈。 We should clean up the dirty parts of the sea. 我們應(yīng)該清除海里的污染部分。 clean up還可以表示“掙得,贏得(多少錢)

15、”。 He cleaned up a small fortune. 他發(fā)了一筆小財。 特別提示 clean oneself up意為“洗干凈”。 Your hands are dirty, youd better clean yourself up. 你的手臟了,你應(yīng)該洗洗它們。 3. You could give out food at a food bank. (P60)你可以在食品供應(yīng)站分發(fā)食品。 give out在這里是“分發(fā)”,“散發(fā)”的意思。 Our English teacher gave out the examination papers when the bell rang

16、. 我們的英語老師在鈴響的時候分發(fā)試卷。 另外一個意思為“用完”,“消耗盡”。 After a week their food supplies gave out. 一周之后,他們的食物供應(yīng)用完了。 還有一個意思為“發(fā)出”,“送出”。 The sun gives out a lot of heat. 太陽能發(fā)出熱量。 4. He looks sad. Lets cheer him up.(P61)他看上去很傷心。我們?nèi)退褡髌饋戆伞?cheer up sb或cheer sb up意為“(使某人)高興起來,振作起來”。如果是代詞做賓語,則將代詞放在中間。 Cheer up! The news

17、isnt too bad. 不要發(fā)愁啦,這消息不錯嘛! He took her to the ballet to cheer her up. 他為了使她高興起來,便帶她去看芭蕾舞。 5. This volunteer work takes each of them several hours a week, so it is a major commitment. (P62)這份義工每周花了他們每個人好幾個小時的時間,所以這是一個重大的貢獻。 (1)each of them是指“他們中的每一個”。如果做主語,則謂語動詞用第三人稱單數(shù)形式。 知識拓展 each與every的用法 each指一個整

18、體中的每一個,強調(diào)個體;every著重于全體的總和,強調(diào)整體。試比較: Each has a different book. (強調(diào)各有不同。) Here every child at the age of six can go to school. (側(cè)重整體,無一例外。) each可作形容詞及代詞,而every只能作形容詞,但可與-one,-body,-thing等構(gòu)成復(fù)合代詞。 each用在代詞或復(fù)數(shù)名詞前要用介詞of連接,如each of them, each of the boys; every不能直接跟of連接,如不可以說every of them,而要說every one of

19、them或each of them。 every還可以表示“每隔”,后接基數(shù)詞加名詞,如every four weeks, every three months等,此種結(jié)構(gòu)中的every不能用each代替。 She had a rest every fives minutes. 她每隔5分鐘就休息一會兒。 魔力糾錯 街道兩旁有許多商店。 誤:There are many shops on every side of the street. 正:There are many shops on each side of the street. 魔力解析 each可以用來指兩個或兩個以上的人或物,但

20、是every卻總是指三個或三個以上的人或物,不能指兩者。 6. Not only do I feel good about helping other people, but I get to spend time doing what I love to do. (P62)我不僅對幫助別人感到很滿足,而且我還漸漸地花時間做自己喜愛做的事情。 (1)not only . but also (also可省略)是“不但而且”的意思,當置于句首時,not only后面從句的主謂要倒裝,但but (also)后面的主謂不用倒裝。 Not only has he been to Canada, but

21、(also) he knows some Canadians. 他不僅去過加拿大,而且還認識許多加拿大人。 Not only did he teach at school, but (also) he wrote novels. 他不僅在學(xué)校里教書,而且還寫小說。 7. “Dont put it off,” says HuiPing. “Become a volunteer today!” (P62) “別猶豫”,慧萍說,“今天就來當一名自愿者吧!” (1)put off 意思是“推遲,拖延”。 Never put off till tomorrow what may be done toda

22、y. 今日事今日畢。 They put off the soccer game because of the rain. 因為下雨,他們把球賽推遲了。 You should not put off going to see the doctor. 你不應(yīng)該拖延去看醫(yī)生。 put off還可意為“關(guān)掉”,相當于turn off。 Please put off the lights before you leave the classroom. 在你離開教室之前,請關(guān)掉燈。 (2)become是系動詞,表示“變成,成為”,后面接名詞、形容詞、過去分詞等。 She became famous in

23、her city. 她在她所在城市的成為名人了。 知識拓展 become后可接介詞of,構(gòu)成what becomes of sb/sth 表示“某人/某事進展如何”。 What became of the dreams of our youth? 我們年輕時的理想何在? 特別提示 系動詞get, turn , grow和become都可表示“變得,感到”,其區(qū)別是: get用于日常用語,后面常跟比較級。 The weather gets colder, and the days get shorter. 天氣變冷了,白天變短了。 turn指在顏色和性質(zhì)等方面變得與原來不同。 His face

24、turned red. 他的臉變紅了。 grow著重變化過程。 Its growing dark. 天漸漸地變黑了。 become是指身份、職位的變化,作瞬間動詞時,指狀態(tài)的變化。 He became an artist. 他成為了一名藝術(shù)家。 8. Jimmy takes after his mother. (P63)吉米的言行舉止像他媽媽。 本句中的take after sb 表示“長相或舉止像(某個長輩)”,不能用于被動語態(tài)。 To my surprise, Jack doesnt take after his father at all. 令我驚奇的是,杰克和他爸爸長的一點兒也不像。

25、Mary really takes after her mother, she has the same eyes, nose, and hair. 瑪麗長得真像她媽媽,眼睛、鼻子和頭發(fā)一個樣。 9. Jimmy has run out of money. (P63)吉米把錢花光了。 run out of意為“用完”,其主語通常是人,表示主動含義,后面跟賓語。 He has run out of ink.他用完了墨水。 Im afraid were run out of petrol.我們的汽油怕是已用完了。 特別提示 run out也是“用完”的意思,其主語通常是被使用的事物,如時間、金錢、

26、食物等,但不用于被動語態(tài),同時其后也不能跟賓語。 His money soon ran out. 他的錢很快就花完了。 Have you nearly finished? Time is running out. 你快做完了嗎?時間快到了。 10. I fix up bikes and give them away. (P63)我修理好自行車,然后捐贈出去。 (1)fix up相當于to repair,表示“修理,修補,整理”,其后跟物件名詞作賓語。 My watch sometimes gains and sometimes loses. Can you fix it up for me?

27、我的表有時快,有時慢,你能幫我修修嗎? My mother is too old to live on her own, so were fixing up the spare room for her. 我母親年齡太大了,不能自己生活,所以我們正收拾這個多出的房間讓她住。 特別提示 如果fix up的賓語是“人”的話,則構(gòu)成fix sb up with sth句型,表示“為某人安排某件事,向某人提供某物”。 Ill fix you up with a place to stay. 我來給你安排住處。 (2)give sth away 意思是“捐贈,贈送”。 The rich man gave

28、 away most of his money to charity. 那個富人把他的大部分錢都捐給了慈善事業(yè)。 知識拓展 give away還可以表示“分發(fā)或贈與某物,由于大意而未利用或抓?。〞r機,機會等)”。 The headmaster gave away the prizes at the school sports day. 校長在學(xué)校運動會上頒發(fā)了獎品。 give away還可以表示“有意或無意地泄露某事情或出賣某人”。 The woman gave away state secrets to the enemy. 那個婦女把國家機密泄露給了敵人。 11. He even hand

29、ed out advertisements at a local supermarket. (P64)他甚至在當?shù)氐囊患页猩l(fā)廣告。 hand out意為“散發(fā)”,其中hand是動詞。 The teacher is handing out the maths papers. 老師在發(fā)數(shù)學(xué)試卷。 短語鏈語 hand in“面交”,“上交”。 The students are handing their papers in.學(xué)生們在交試卷。 12. Then he told the teachers at school about his problem . (P64)然后他告訴老師自己的問題

30、tell sb about sth是“把某事告訴某人”的意思,有時表示“囑咐或語氣較輕的命令”,常用于tell sb to do sth結(jié)構(gòu)。 The teacher told us about his story. 老師給我們講了他的故事。 My mother usually tells me to be careful on my way to school. 媽媽常常告訴我在去上學(xué)的路上一定要小心。 13. The strategies that he came up with worked out fine. (P64)他想到的那些辦法獲得了成功。 (1)這是一個由that引導(dǎo)的定語從

31、句,先行詞是前面的strategies。動詞短語worked out在這里作主語the strategies的謂語,意為“產(chǎn)生結(jié)果,發(fā)展為,結(jié)果是”,后面不可接賓語,主語也不用“人”來充當。 I wonder how their ideas worked out in practice. 我很想知道他們的想法在實踐中取得了什么結(jié)果。 We didnt plan it like that but it worked out very well. 我們原不是那樣計劃的,但結(jié)果卻很好。 知識拓展 work out的其它用法 It was the best solution that he was a

32、ble to work out at this time. 這是他這時能想出的最好的解決辦法了。(想出) I cant work out the meaning of this poem. 我理解不了這首詩的意思。(理解) 短語鏈語 work on意為“從事”。 Professor Green is working on a new book. 格林教授正在寫一本新書。 He is working on a maths problem. 他正在算一道數(shù)學(xué)難題。 work on后面無賓語時,表示繼續(xù)工作。 Its very late, but they were still working on

33、. 時間很晚了,但他們?nèi)匀辉诶^續(xù)工作。 (2)fine在這里是副詞,可與well替換,意思是“好,順利”。 The machine works fine. 這臺機器運行很好。 Sam is doing fine in his new business. 薩姆在他的新業(yè)務(wù)中一切進展順利。 14. .Who has filled my life with pleasure. (P66)使我生活充滿快樂的人。 (1)本句中的fill.with.表示一個動作,意為“用裝滿”,其主語通常是人。 He filled the bag with books. 他在書包里裝滿了書。 Please fill th

34、e bottle with milk. 請將瓶子裝滿牛奶。 知識拓展 be filled with表示一個狀態(tài),意為“裝滿了”,相當于be full of,其主語通常是人或物。 The room was filled with smoke. 房間里濃煙彌漫。 Her eyes were filled with tears. 她眼睛里充滿了淚水。 (2)pleasure意為“高興,快樂”,是不可數(shù)名詞;表示“樂趣,高興的事”時是可數(shù)名詞。 Reading gives me great pleasure. 讀書給了我很多快樂。 It is one of my greatest pleasures.

35、 它是我最大樂趣之一。 在口語中Its pleasure. 是回答感謝的客套語。 Thank you for your help. 感謝你的幫助。 Its a pleasure. 不用謝。 特別提示 pleased是形容詞,意為“自己感到高興的,欣喜的,滿意的”,指以任何方式表現(xiàn)出來或未表現(xiàn)出來的滿足與快樂,在句中常用作表語,其主語為人。 The two friends were very pleased to see each other again. 這兩個朋友非常高興再次見面。 I was pleased that the manager had decided not to be an

36、gry with me. 使我高興的是經(jīng)理已經(jīng)不再生我的氣了。 pleasant也是形容詞,表示“使人感到愉快滿意”,一般用作定語,如主語是物,也可以用作表語。 Its pleasant weather today. 今天的天氣令人愉快。 Its very pleasant to sit down after standing for hours. 站了幾小時后坐下來很舒服。 please是動詞,表示“(使)高興,滿意,愉快”。 Does the cloth please you? 這布料合你的意嗎? 15. Because I cant use my arms or legs well, n

37、ormal things like answering the telephone, opening and shutting doors, or carrying things have always been difficult for me. (P66)因為我不能靈活地使用我的手和腳,像接電話、開關(guān)門、拿東西這樣的事情對于我來說都很難。 (1)本句中的shut意為“關(guān)”,在許多情況下可以與close互換,只是后者語氣較弱,如close the door關(guān)門(也可能指半開半閉),shut the door關(guān)門(指把門關(guān)緊)。 That shop shuts at eight pm. 那家商

38、店八點鐘關(guān)門。 He closed his speech with a funny joke. 他用一個有趣的笑話結(jié)束了演說。 當表示“關(guān)閉公路,鐵路或交通工具”或作“結(jié)束”講時,只用close。 They have closed the road for thick fog. 由于大霧,那條公路被關(guān)閉。 特別提示 turn off用來表示“關(guān)閉”有開關(guān)的東西,如收音機、電視、煤氣、水龍頭等。 Please turn off the light when you leave the lab. 在你離開實驗室前關(guān)掉燈。 Make sure the gas is turned off before

39、 you go to bed. 確保上床前把煤氣關(guān)掉。 (2)本句中的carry意為“搬運,攜帶”,不表示帶到什么地方,而攜帶的方式可以是提、扛、背、抱、抬等。 She carried a baby in her arms. 她懷里抱了一個孩子。 He was carrying a wooden box on his shoulder.他扛著一個木箱。 特別提示 在后面“Lucky! Fetch my book.”一句中出現(xiàn)的fetch相當于go and bring back,意為“取來,接來”,表示一往一返。 Lets fetch some water. 咱們?nèi)ゴ螯c水來。 People ha

40、d to walk many kilometers in order to fetch wood. 為了取木料,人們不得不走許多公里路。二:詞匯1. cant stand ving sth表示不能容忍做某事。 2. risk doing sth : 冒險去做某事3. called / named :過去分詞作定語 4. suggest ving sth:建議去做某事5. sick / ill :生病 sick可作表、定語,ill 只能作表語。6. music muscian :音樂家 musical 音樂的 7.suggest :建議 suggestion ( N) 建議 8. althoug

41、h / though 雖然。但是,在英語中它們不與but 連用9. 復(fù)合結(jié)構(gòu)與復(fù)數(shù)名詞的所有格作定語。 10. whatever = no matter what : 不論什么三:同意句轉(zhuǎn)換1 prefer sth to sth 與like sth better than sth 進行同意句轉(zhuǎn)換。2 Look like = take after 3 Dont worry about sth = Dont be worried about sth4 To do 開頭的句子轉(zhuǎn)換成Its + adj ( for sb) to do sth5 People who dont have home = h

42、omeless people 一、根據(jù)句意和首字母,填寫所缺單詞。 1. I am very h_. Give me some food, please. 2. Its Friday today. Dont p_ off it any more. 3. He is a v_, and he often treats some animals. 4. My computer is broken. He is r_ it for me. 5. His father is able. He can s_ this problem by himself. 6. There is a s_. It sa

43、ys“No Smoking!”. 7. His grandfather cant walk and has to sit in a w_. 8. I love dogs because they never c_ and theyre grateful. 9. Lucy and Lily are twins, so they are s_ in many ways. 10. He is my best friend. We all t_ in him.二、試試你的判斷力,選擇正確答案。 1. Its your turn to _ the room, Wang Fang. A. clean up

44、 B. clean to C. clean-up D. clean off 2. Im thirsty. Id like _ a glass of water. A. drink B. to drink C. drinking D. drank 3. A: Must I go out for a walk now? B: No, you _. A. mustnt B. cant C. neednt D. may not 4. Ask him _ come to our party tomorrow. A. not B. not to C. doesnt D. isnt 5. Its twelv

45、e now. Lets have _ lunch together. A. a B. an C. the D. x 6. I am a League Member. I volunteer my time _ others. A. help B. to help C. helping D. helped 7. I dont know _ kind of work I can do. A. how B. what C. who D. why 8. A: Could you come here next week, please? B: _. A. Yes, you can. B. No, you

46、 couldnt. C. No, never. D. Yes, thats right 9. Did you _ much money on the car? A. cost B. pay C. spend D. take 10. The boss in the factory often makes the workers _ nine hours a day. A. work B. to work C. working D. worked三、按要求轉(zhuǎn)換下列句型。 1. To work in a school is very interesting. (同義句) _ _ very inter

47、esting to work in a school. 2. Dont worry too much about your exam. (同義句) Dont _ _too much about your exam. 3. We maybe make our friends and family unhappy. (對劃線部分提問) _ _ you maybe make your friends and family? 4. The headmaster saw the children playing on the playground. (變成復(fù)合句) The headmaster saw

48、the children _ _ on the playground. 5. Did he come up with a great idea? (同義句) _ you _ a great idea? 6. Jim looks like his elder brother. (同義句) Jim _ _ his elder brother. 7. He told the teachers at school about his problem. (對劃線部分提問) _ _he tell the teachers at school about? 8. I need to look up the

49、word in the dictionary. (變一般問句) _ you _ to look up the word in the dictionary? 9. They would like to help some homeless people. (變一般問句) _ you _ to help some homeless people? 10. This volunteer work takes each of them several hours a week. (對劃線部分提問) _ _does this volunteer work take each of them a wee

50、k? 四、根據(jù)漢語完成句子。 1.我準備領(lǐng)他去看電影,以便他會高興起來。 I am going to take him to the cinema _. 2.這些詞都很重要,請把它們記下來。 These words are all very important. _, please! 3.你知道誰在校門口分發(fā)廣告了嗎?Do you know who _ at the school gate? 4.他們的老師不但會講英語,而且還會講日語。 Their teacher can speak _ English _Japanese. 5.沒人想買這些大衣,甚至白送也不要。No one wants to b


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