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1、精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上根據(jù)下列內(nèi)容寫一篇建立貿(mào)易合作關(guān)系的商務(wù)信函 篇一:外貿(mào)函電 建立業(yè)務(wù)關(guān)系 題目要求和說(shuō)明題目要求和說(shuō)明題目要求和說(shuō)明題目要求和說(shuō)明題目要求和說(shuō)明 題目要求和說(shuō)明 題目要求和說(shuō)明篇二:函電-實(shí)操商務(wù)英語(yǔ)教程exercise參考答案 函電 實(shí)操商務(wù)英語(yǔ)教程 Exercises Unit 2 the follow sentences We are willing to enter into business relations with your firm. 我們非常樂意與貴公司建立商務(wù)關(guān)系。 We have learned your name and address f

2、rom the Business World. 我們從商業(yè)世界得知貴公司的名稱和地址。 We have airmailed you some leaflets about our products. If you are interested in any of the items, please let us know. 我們給貴公司航空郵寄一些關(guān)于我們產(chǎn)品的傳單。如果貴公司對(duì)任何一個(gè)款項(xiàng)有興趣,請(qǐng)讓我們知道。 As an exporter of motor bicycle,we wish to express our desire to trade with you in this lin

3、e.作為摩托車的出口商,我們非常渴望在這一行業(yè)與貴公司建立業(yè)務(wù)關(guān)系。 We write to introduce ourselves as one of the leading exporters of a wide range of air conditioners. 我們致函介紹本公司是各種空調(diào)的最大出口商之一。 - 為了讓你們對(duì)表格中的產(chǎn)品有大致了解,特隨附小冊(cè)子及最新的價(jià)格單各一份。In order to give you a general idea of the items in the sheet,we are enclosing a brochure and a latest

4、price list. 我們是一家國(guó)有公司,專營(yíng)電器產(chǎn)品的出口業(yè)務(wù)。 We are a state-owned corporation, specializing in the export of electric goods. 借此機(jī)會(huì)致函,希望與貴方建立友好的業(yè)務(wù)關(guān)系。 We take this opportunity to write to you with a new to establishing friendly business relations with you. 我們有一客戶想要購(gòu)買中國(guó)紅茶。 One of our clients is in the market for

5、Chinese Black Tea. 我們另函給貴方航空郵寄一份最新商品目錄。 We send you under separate cover by airmail a copy of our latest catalogue . the follow sentences 請(qǐng)?zhí)峁└鞣N真絲手帕樣品。 Please provide us with various kinds of sample of pure silk handkerchiefs. 目錄冊(cè)中所列全部商品都有現(xiàn)貨,可以即期裝運(yùn)。 All the items listed in our catalogue are now in st

6、ock and ready for prompt shipment. 盼早日收到你方的詢盤。 We are looking forward to receiving your inquiry at an early date. 由于質(zhì)地柔軟、耐用,我們的棉質(zhì)床單和枕套備受歡迎。 Owing to their softness and durability,our cotton bed sheets and pillow cases are rapidly becoming popular. 我方一客戶對(duì)貴方B12型產(chǎn)品感興趣,希望寄送樣品并報(bào)價(jià)。 Since one of our custom

7、ers is interested in the model B12,we are looking forward to your sample and quotation. - We allow 10% discount for cash payment. 現(xiàn)金支付將獲得10%的折扣。 In compliance with your request,we are sending you under separate cover two sample books of our printed cotton. 依從貴公司的請(qǐng)求,我們將隨函寄送兩本關(guān)于我們棉質(zhì)的樣品書。 We are glad t

8、o know that there is a good demand for colour TV sets in your market,and take this opportunity of enclosing our Quotation for your consideration. 我們非常高興知道TV顏色套在貴方市場(chǎng)的好需求,借此機(jī)會(huì)附上我們11型號(hào)的報(bào)價(jià)表以供貴方參詳。 We are pleased to receive your letter dated May 15 asking for a catalogue. 我們非常高興在5月15日收到貴公司請(qǐng)求目錄冊(cè)。 As we ar

9、e in the market for .,we should be pleased if you would send us your best quotations. 我們想購(gòu)買.,如果貴公司能把你們最好的報(bào)價(jià)單寄來(lái),我們將非常高興。 the follow sentences .我們?cè)敢庖源藘r(jià)格為你抱實(shí)盤。 We are willing to make you a firm offer at this price. .我們的報(bào)價(jià)是每臺(tái)錄音機(jī)70美元,天津離岸價(jià)。 Our quotation is $70 per set of tape-recorder,FOB Tianjin. .盡管你方

10、價(jià)格低于我方水平,但為了達(dá)成第一筆交易,我們破例接受這一訂單。 Although your price is below our level,we accept this order as an exception in order to initiate business with you. .如果你公司能將7月5日?qǐng)?bào)價(jià)降低2%,我們將樂意接受。 We are pleased to accept your quotation of July 5th,if you can reduce it by 2%. .對(duì)于貴方超過500打的訂單,我方將給予15%的折扣。 We are ready to

11、give you a 15% discount for order exceeding 500 dozen. Unit 5 the follow sentences 我們向你方保證,我們貨物的質(zhì)量一定與樣品的質(zhì)量一致。 We assure you that the quality of our goods will be in accordance with that of the samples. 如上述條款貴方可以接受,我方將大量訂購(gòu)。 If the above clauses are acceptance to you ,we will place a large order with

12、you. 請(qǐng)放心,我們將嚴(yán)格按照合同規(guī)定履行貴方訂單。 Please rest assured that we shall carry out your order in strict accordance with the contract stipulations. 茲寄送第129號(hào)購(gòu)貨合同一式兩份,請(qǐng)簽退一份以備存檔。 We are sending you our purchase contract in duplicate for your sign and return one copy for our files. 我們確認(rèn)向你方供應(yīng)10噸綠豆,每噸3000歐元成本加運(yùn)費(fèi)鹿特丹,9

13、月份裝運(yùn)。 We confirm supply of 10 tons green beans at EUR3,000 per ton CFR Rotterdam for shipment in September. the follow sentences 綠茶100克裝一聽,50聽裝一紙箱,2紙箱一板條箱。 Green tea is packed in tins of 100 grams each,50 tins to one carton,2 carton to one crate. 我們希望貨物抵達(dá)時(shí)狀況完好并令你方完全滿意。 We hope the goods will reach y

14、ou in perfect condition and to your satisfaction. 因水晶花瓶是貴重物品,請(qǐng)嚴(yán)格按照我方指示包裝以免運(yùn)輸途中受損。 As crystal vases are expensive,please pack them in strict accordance with our instruction to avoid damage in transit. 我們已收到你方關(guān)于10000打純棉床單的包裝要求,現(xiàn)正照此辦理。 We are in receipt of your packing requirements regarding 10,000 doz

15、en cotton bed sheets and we are now arranging packing accordingly. 請(qǐng)?jiān)陂L(zhǎng)方形內(nèi)標(biāo)明我公司名稱縮寫,長(zhǎng)方形下注明數(shù)量和目的港。 Please mark our initials in a rectangle,under which come the quantity and port of destination. Unit 7 the follow sentences 請(qǐng)貴方裝運(yùn)下列貨物,交貨期不遲于5月31日。 Please ship the under mentioned goods for delivery not la

16、ter than May 31st. 我們?cè)诎b和搬運(yùn)時(shí)格外小心,所以貨物抵達(dá)貴處時(shí)將肯定完好無(wú)損。 The goods will surely reach you in perfect condition as we were packing and handle with great care. 裝運(yùn)應(yīng)從五月份開始,分四次平均裝。 Shipment is to be made in four equal lots beginning form May. 由于銷售季節(jié)很快來(lái)臨,買方急需這筆貨物。 As the sales season is rapidly approaching ,our

17、buyers are in urgent need of the goods. 該貨物可以立即交付,準(zhǔn)備明天裝船。 The goods are being prepared for prompt shipment and will be ready for shipment tomorrow. the follow sentences 由于資金被許多業(yè)務(wù)占用,我們迫不得已要求較寬松的付款條件。 We have to ask for an easier payment ,for our-funds are being tied up in numerous transactions. 按你方要求

18、,我們破例接受即期付款交單,但只此一次,下不為例。 At your request,we exceptionally accept D/P at sight,but this should not be regarded as a precedent. 一收到你方匯款,你方所訂購(gòu)的所有貨物即可現(xiàn)貨供應(yīng),馬上進(jìn)行包裝和裝運(yùn)。 Upon receipt of your remittance,all items included in your order can be supplied from stock and will be packed and shipped immediately. 鑒

19、于雙方長(zhǎng)期友好關(guān)系,此次我們破例接受D/P60天付款。 In view of our long friendly relations,this time we exceptionally accept D/P at 60 days. 按照商定,對(duì)你方所購(gòu)樣貨我們開出即期匯票向你方索取。 As agreed,we are drawing on you a sight draft against your purchase of samples. an English letter according to the following details. 8月10日來(lái)函收悉,接到你方第206號(hào)100

20、噸的訂單,不勝感激。很抱歉,你方關(guān)于承兌交單付款的建議無(wú)法接受。我們必須堅(jiān)持即期信用證付款的我方一貫做法。但鑒于我們長(zhǎng)期的友好合作關(guān)系,這次我們破例接受付款交單的方式,如你方同意,請(qǐng)傳真告知,以便寄送銷售合同。請(qǐng)諒解我方并非不予以照顧。 Dear sirs, We have received your letter of Aug 10th .we very much appreciate your order for 100 regret to inform you that we couldnt accept your proposal for payment by D/A must adh

21、ere to our usual Payment by sight L/C. But in view of our long and friendly relations,this time we will exceptionally accept D/P payment you agree to the above proposal ,please fax us so that we can send you our sales understand our position and hope you will not think us unaccommodating. Best Regar

22、ds篇三:商務(wù)信函翻譯練習(xí) Dear Sirs, We are writing to you at the suggestion of our Commercial Counselors Office of the Embassy in your country. We take the liberty to introduce ourselves as exporters of silk piece goods, which we have been exporting to Europe and Japan. We are specialized in the above business

23、 and recall that many years ago, considerable business was done with your country on such items. Now that the diplomatic relation between our two countries has been established, we are desirous of establishing direct business relations with your corporation, knowing that you are the buyer of silk pi

24、ece goods. We shall be grateful if you will let us know whether you are interested in the above items. If so, please inform us of the quantity required. Yours faithfully, 先生,在我國(guó)駐貴國(guó)大使館商業(yè)顧問的指示下,我們給您寫了這封信。恕我們冒昧以綢緞出口國(guó)介紹自己,目前我們的綢緞銷往歐洲和日本。 在綢緞出口方面我們是很專業(yè)的,很多年前,我們針對(duì)一些項(xiàng)目與貴國(guó)進(jìn)行過關(guān)于這方面的較大的交易?,F(xiàn)在兩國(guó)的外交關(guān)系已經(jīng)確定了,我們了解到

25、貴國(guó)需要絲綢品,所以我們十分希望能與貴國(guó)的公司建立直接的貿(mào)易關(guān)系。 如果您能告訴我們是否對(duì)我們上述的項(xiàng)目感興趣,我們將萬(wàn)分感激。如果感興趣,請(qǐng)告訴我們你的需求量。 Dear Sirs, We have received with thanks your letter dated March 17, 2006 and wish to extend you our warm welcome for your desire to establish business contacts with us. We are a state-operated enterprise, and wish to carry on trade with manufactures and merchants of all countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit for the development of commercial relations with the people of different nations. In compliance with your request, we are enclosing herewith our catalog and a range of pamphl


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