【創(chuàng)新設(shè)計】2011年高考英語一輪復習 高一部分 15-16精品課件 人教大綱版_第1頁
【創(chuàng)新設(shè)計】2011年高考英語一輪復習 高一部分 15-16精品課件 人教大綱版_第2頁
【創(chuàng)新設(shè)計】2011年高考英語一輪復習 高一部分 15-16精品課件 人教大綱版_第3頁
【創(chuàng)新設(shè)計】2011年高考英語一輪復習 高一部分 15-16精品課件 人教大綱版_第4頁
【創(chuàng)新設(shè)計】2011年高考英語一輪復習 高一部分 15-16精品課件 人教大綱版_第5頁
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1、Units 1516The necklace Scientists at work 漫畫欣賞漫畫欣賞 畫面描述畫面描述 寓意理解寓意理解 你能否對此加以擴展,寫一篇你能否對此加以擴展,寫一篇120詞的小短文?詞的小短文? A boy is trying hard to push forward the hour hand of the clock while an old man is making a great effort to push backward the minute hand of the same clock. Obviously, the boy wants time t

2、o speed up while the old man wishes that time could slow down. When people are young, they dont realize how important time is. Only when they become old are they aware of the value of time. As the saying goes, “Time and tide wait for no man.” As young people, we should make the best of our present t

3、ime to fulfill our dreams or we will regret it in the future. 1“_ the shoes _ before you buy them,” her mother emphasized.2It would _ his principles to borrow money,as he thinks it wrong to be in debt.3I _ the people of this country to work hard for national unity.4I think we should let her go on ho

4、liday alone._,she is fifteen;shes not a child any more.Try on go against call on After all 5Well fully he fine weather to enjoy the sunshine on the beach.6Her room looks beautiful,with a lot of pictures the wall.7The repairs to your car will cost _ 35,I suppose.8You cant _ people _ saying what they

5、think.make use of fastened to at most stop from .詞組翻譯詞組翻譯1短暫的休息短暫的休息_2日日夜夜日日夜夜_3償還償還_4運氣不好運氣不好_5哭泣,掉淚哭泣,掉淚_6以平局結(jié)束以平局結(jié)束_7用自己的話用自己的話_8大量的大量的_a moments rest/a moment of rest day and night pay back without luck (be) in tears end in a tie in your own words a great deal of.完成句子完成句子1We asked everyone there

6、 if they had found a necklace, _ (但運氣不好但運氣不好)(luck)2Some computer games are a bit like playsyou have characters (扮演不同角色扮演不同角色) and acting out a story.(play)3This ribbon, 一定不能弄濕一定不能弄濕),will protect you from electricity.(get)4Animal testing has helped to develop medicines (治療許多疾病治療許多疾病)(disease)but wi

7、thout luck playing different roles which must not get wet against many diseases.短文填空短文填空 Have you ever dreamt of becoming an actor? is different from other jobs,because many of the skills (need) cannot easily be learnt.The first thing an actor must _ is the desire to become an actor and the that he

8、or she can act well.There are basic _ every actor must learn, how to use ones voice and how to move on stage,but becoming a good actor is often a of personal development.If you want to become an actor,you must _ up your selfconfidence and learn to notice people around you.Acting needed have belief s

9、kills such as matter build 復復 現(xiàn)現(xiàn) 辨辨 析析 記記 憶憶1The police have been investigating for months but the wealthy womans death remains a _. Asecret Bfairy Cmystery Dconfusion 正確選項正確選項_;意思是:;意思是: .Cmystery mistri n謎;神秘的事物謎;神秘的事物2It was a really _ moment when the girl jumped off the roof of the 12storeyed bu

10、ilding. Ascared Bscary Cfright Dfrightened 正確選項正確選項_;意思是:;意思是: . .3Your friendship is most _ to me.Ill treasure it all my life. Aexpensive Bloyal Cfantastic Dprecious 正確選項正確選項_;意思是:;意思是: . .Bscary skri adj.引起驚慌的;引起驚慌的;嚇人的嚇人的Dprecious pres adj.寶貴的;寶貴的;貴重的;珍愛的貴重的;珍愛的4If you take a(n) _ attitude toward

11、s life you will live happily and longer. Asensitive Bpositive Cresponsible Dfashionable 正確選項正確選項_;意思是:;意思是: . 5He gave us a brief _ of his plan and then ordered us to do as he instructed. Asurface Bdesign Cframe Doutline 正確選項正確選項_;意思是:;意思是: . .Bpositive pztiv adj.肯定的;積極的肯定的;積極的Doutline autlain n輪廓;要

12、點;輪廓;要點;概要概要6The detergent (洗滌劑洗滌劑) comes in powder or _ form.Which do you prefer? Aliquid Bflowing Csteam Dflour 正確選項正確選項_;意思是:;意思是: .7The _ he has over his colleagues is that he has received formal training concerning this project. Aeffect Badvantage Cbenefit Dhonour 正確選項正確選項_;意思是:;意思是: . .Aliquid

13、 likwid n液體;液態(tài)物液體;液態(tài)物Badvantage dvntid n有利條有利條件;優(yōu)點件;優(yōu)點8The _ of new scientific discoveries to industrial production methods usually makes jobs easier to do. Aoperation Bappreciation Cconservation Dapplication 正確選項正確選項_;意思是:;意思是: . .9The survey _ last week is aimed at finding out how many people pref

14、er western food. Acommitted Bperformed Cproduced Dconducted 正確選項正確選項_;意思是:;意思是: . .Dapplication plikein n應(yīng)用;應(yīng)用;實施;用途實施;用途Dconduct kndkt vt.實施;管理;實施;管理;指揮;引導指揮;引導kndkt n行為;操行行為;操行10The house he now lives in is a(n) _ contrast to the one where he lived six years ago. Aextreme Bbright Cfresh Dsharp 正確選

15、項正確選項_;意思是:;意思是: . .11Although I liked the appearance of the house,what really made me decide to buy it was the beautiful _ from the window. Aview Blook Csight Dnature 正確選項正確選項_; .Dsharp p adj.銳利的;輪廓清銳利的;輪廓清晰的;靈敏的晰的;靈敏的Aview vju n觀點;風景觀點;風景意思是:意思是:12After a full discussion,we came to the _ that the

16、sentence was incorrect. Aagreement Bconclusion Cunderstanding Dstatement 正確選項正確選項_;意思是:;意思是: . .13His victories in the war _ him the title of “The Great” Aearned Bmade Caccepted Drealized 正確選項正確選項_;意思是:;意思是: .Bconclusion knklun n結(jié)束;結(jié)論結(jié)束;結(jié)論Aearn n vt.賺得;掙得賺得;掙得14The news that their children were invo

17、lved in the crime came as a great _ to them. Adefeat Btrouble Cshock Dpanic 正確選項正確選項_;意思是:;意思是: . .15When I miss my family,my friends are a great _ to me. Acomfort Beffort Cinfluence Daccess 正確選項正確選項_;意思是:;意思是: . .Cshock k n&vt.電擊;打擊;電擊;打擊;震動震動Acomfort kmft n舒適;安慰舒適;安慰vt.安慰安慰核核 心心 詞詞 匯匯 梳梳 理理1re

18、cognize v. . 認出;確認;承認;認定認出;確認;承認;認定 Saleha came home so thin and weak her own children hardly recognized her. 賽莉婭回家時又瘦又弱,連她自己的孩子都幾乎認不出她來賽莉婭回家時又瘦又弱,連她自己的孩子都幾乎認不出她來 了。了。 朗文當代朗文當代 They recognized the need to take the problem seriously. 他們承認需要嚴肅對待這個問題。他們承認需要嚴肅對待這個問題。 牛津高階牛津高階句型句型 recognize sb./sth.as/to

19、 be.認出認出是是;承認;承認是是 Lawrences novel was eventually recognized as a work of genius.勞倫斯的小說最終被公認為天才之作。勞倫斯的小說最終被公認為天才之作。 朗文當代朗文當代He is recognized to be their natural leader.人們承認他是他們的當然領(lǐng)袖。人們承認他是他們的當然領(lǐng)袖。 牛津高階牛津高階鏈接鏈接 accept.as.承認承認是是acknowledge.as.承認承認是是admit.to be.承認承認是是 【應(yīng)用應(yīng)用1】 My uncle had changed so mu

20、ch over the years that I could hardly _ him at the airport. Aunderstand Brealize Cknow DrecognizeD2attend vt. 到場;出席;參加到場;出席;參加 識記識記 attend school去上學去上學 attend church去做禮拜去做禮拜 attend a meeting參加會議參加會議 attend ones class聽課聽課 v. 看護;照顧看護;照顧 The nurse was attending her patient. 護士正在護理病人。護士正在護理病人。韋氏高階韋氏高階 搭

21、配搭配:attend to處理;照顧;接待處理;照顧;接待I have some urgent business to attend to.我有一些急事要處理。我有一些急事要處理。 牛津高階牛津高階The salespeople couldnt attend to all the customers at once.銷售人員無法同時招呼所有的顧客。銷售人員無法同時招呼所有的顧客。 韋氏高階韋氏高階【應(yīng)用應(yīng)用2】 Would you like to _ my birthday party tomorrow?Sorry,but I have something important to _.Aat

22、tend;attend Battend to;attend toCattend;attend to Dattend to;attendC3charge vt. 充電;裝填;索要;要價;控訴;告發(fā);指示充電;裝填;索要;要價;控訴;告發(fā);指示 句型句型 charge sb.some money for sth.為某東西向某人索要多少錢為某東西向某人索要多少錢 charge sb.with sth./doing sth.控告某人做了某事控告某人做了某事 be charged with充滿充滿 The restaurant charged us 40 for the wine. 飯店收了我們飯店收了

23、我們40英鎊的酒水錢。英鎊的酒水錢。 朗文當代朗文當代 The man they arrested last night has been charged with murder. 昨晚他們逮捕的那人被控犯有謀殺罪。昨晚他們逮捕的那人被控犯有謀殺罪。 朗文當代朗文當代The air was charged with excitement.空氣中充滿了興奮的氣息??諝庵谐錆M了興奮的氣息。 韋氏高階韋氏高階n. 費用;索價;掌管;管理費用;索價;掌管;管理識記識記 free of charge免費地免費地(的的),in charge of管理;負責管理;負責in the charge of sb.

24、/in ones charge由某人管理由某人管理take charge of管理管理 Your order will be delivered free of charge within a tenmile limit.在在10英里范圍之內(nèi),您的定貨將免費送貨上門。英里范圍之內(nèi),您的定貨將免費送貨上門。 朗文當代朗文當代Im leaving the school in your charge.我這就把學校交給你掌管。我這就把學校交給你掌管。 牛津高階牛津高階He took charge of the farm after his fathers death.父親去世后他掌管了農(nóng)場。父親去世后

25、他掌管了農(nóng)場。 牛津高階牛津高階【應(yīng)用【應(yīng)用3 3】 A new director is appointed to take _ charge of this research center,which was in _ charge of an old scientist. Athe;the B不填;不填不填;不填 Cthe;不填;不填 D不填;不填;theD4prove vt. 證明;證實證明;證實 句型句型 prove sth.(to sb.)( (向某人向某人) )證明證明 prove sb.(to be).證明某人是證明某人是 Evidence has been found that

26、 proves his innocence. 證明他無罪的證據(jù)已經(jīng)找到。證明他無罪的證據(jù)已經(jīng)找到。 朗文當代朗文當代 Just give me a chance and Ill prove it to you. 只要給我個機會,我會證明給你看。只要給我個機會,我會證明給你看。 牛津高階牛津高階 It would give me great pleasure to prove Sam wrong. 證明薩姆錯了我將感到非常高興。證明薩姆錯了我將感到非常高興。 朗文當代朗文當代句型句型 prove (to be)adj./n.被證明是被證明是;最后結(jié)果是最后結(jié)果是Your computing ex

27、perience should prove to be useful.你的計算機運用經(jīng)驗表明是有用的。你的計算機運用經(jīng)驗表明是有用的。 朗文當代朗文當代The promotion proved to be a turning point in his career.這次提升最后成了他職業(yè)生涯的一個轉(zhuǎn)折點。這次提升最后成了他職業(yè)生涯的一個轉(zhuǎn)折點。牛津高階牛津高階提示提示:此時此時prove是系動詞,相當于是系動詞,相當于turn out,后接后接“(to be)名詞或形容詞等名詞或形容詞等”,不能用被動語態(tài)。,不能用被動語態(tài)。What he said proved/turned out to b

28、e true.他說的被證明是真實的。他說的被證明是真實的?!緫?yīng)用應(yīng)用4】 The news,which brought about a panic,finally _ to be false.Awas proved Bproved Cwas proving Dhad provedB5control n. 控制;支配;管理控制;支配;管理 搭配搭配:have control over sb.控制住某人;管住某人控制住某人;管住某人 Babies are born with very little control over their movements. 嬰兒生下來時幾乎無法控制自己的動作。嬰兒

29、生下來時幾乎無法控制自己的動作。 朗文當代朗文當代 I prefer living alone because I feel I have more control over my life. 我寧愿一個人生活,因為我覺得這樣更能支配自己的生活。我寧愿一個人生活,因為我覺得這樣更能支配自己的生活。 朗文當代朗文當代識記識記 in control of管理;掌握管理;掌握in the control of被被控制;被控制;被管理管理out of control不受管制;失去控制不受管制;失去控制beyond control無法掌握;無法控制無法掌握;無法控制bring.under control

30、控制住控制住take control of控制;管理控制;管理lose control of無法控制;對無法控制;對失去控制失去控制 There has been some violence after the match,but the police are now in control of the situation.比賽后發(fā)生了一些暴力事件,但是現(xiàn)在警方已控制了局勢。比賽后發(fā)生了一些暴力事件,但是現(xiàn)在警方已控制了局勢。 牛津高階牛津高階Students are encouraged to take control of their own learning,rather than ju

31、st depending on the teacher.學生被鼓勵要自主學學生被鼓勵要自主學習,而不是只依靠老師。習,而不是只依靠老師。 朗文當代朗文當代vt. 控制;支配;管理控制;支配;管理I was so furious I couldnt control myself and I hit him.我氣得無我氣得無法自制,就打了他。法自制,就打了他。 牛津高階牛津高階搭配搭配:fasten.to.把把拴到拴到上上Someone fastened a notice to my door.有人將一張通知貼在我的門上。有人將一張通知貼在我的門上。朗文當代朗文當代識記識記:fasten ones

32、 eyes on眼睛盯著眼睛盯著He rose,his eyes still fastened on the piece of paper.他站起來,眼睛仍緊盯著那張紙。他站起來,眼睛仍緊盯著那張紙。朗文當代朗文當代鏈接鏈接 tie.to.把把系在系在上上attach.to.把把縛在縛在上上link.to.把把連在連在上上join.to.把把接在接在上上 7sense n. 感覺;意識;明智;常識;意義感覺;意識;明智;常識;意義 識記識記 common sense常識常識 business sense商業(yè)頭腦商業(yè)頭腦 the sense of sight/hearing/smell/tast

33、e/touch 視覺、聽覺、嗅覺、味覺、觸覺視覺、聽覺、嗅覺、味覺、觸覺 a sense of direction/humour/responsibility 方向感、幽默感、責任感方向感、幽默感、責任感 Dogs have a better sense of hearing than humans do.狗的聽覺比人的好。狗的聽覺比人的好。 韋氏高階韋氏高階Ill probably get lostI havent got a very good sense of direction.我可能會迷路我可能會迷路我的方向感不太好。我的方向感不太好。 朗文當代朗文當代識記識記 make sense

34、講得通;有意義講得通;有意義make sense of明白;理解明白;理解in a sense從某種意義上說從某種意義上說 Read this and tell me if it makes sense.讀讀這篇東西,告訴我它的意思是否明確。讀讀這篇東西,告訴我它的意思是否明確。朗文當代朗文當代Weve been trying to make sense of our dreams.我們一直試圖理解夢的含義。我們一直試圖理解夢的含義。 麥克米倫麥克米倫In a sense,the book was entertaining.在某種意義上,這本書是能消愁解悶的。在某種意義上,這本書是能消愁解悶的

35、。 韋氏高階韋氏高階句型句型:it makes sense to do sth.做某事是明智的做某事是明智的It makes sense to save money while you can.能省錢時就節(jié)省,這是明智的。能省錢時就節(jié)省,這是明智的。 朗文當代朗文當代It made good sense to continue with the reforms.繼續(xù)改革是非常明智的。繼續(xù)改革是非常明智的。 麥克米倫麥克米倫句型句型 there is no sense (in) doing sth.做某事沒道理;做某事沒用做某事沒道理;做某事沒用 There is no sense in get

36、ting upset about it now.現(xiàn)在為這件事苦惱是沒有意義的?,F(xiàn)在為這件事苦惱是沒有意義的。 朗文當代朗文當代Theres no sense in worrying about it now.現(xiàn)在大可不必為那件事憂慮。現(xiàn)在大可不必為那件事憂慮。 牛津高階牛津高階鏈接鏈接 there is no point in doing sth.做某事沒用做某事沒用there is no use in doing sth.做某事沒用做某事沒用it is no good/no use doing sth.做某事沒用做某事沒用 【應(yīng)用應(yīng)用5】 As we all know,dogs have a

37、 keen _ of smell. Asense Bfeeling Cscene DideaA8.doubt n. 懷疑;疑惑懷疑;疑惑 識記識記 beyond/out of doubtdoubt毫無疑問地;確實地毫無疑問地;確實地 in doubt不肯定;不確定;拿不準不肯定;不確定;拿不準 no doubt無疑;很可能;確實地無疑;很可能;確實地 without doubt無疑地;必定地無疑地;必定地 The research showed beyond doubt that smoking contributes to heart disease. 這項研究確實表明吸煙會導致心臟疾病。這

38、項研究確實表明吸煙會導致心臟疾病。牛津高階牛津高階The success of the system is not in doubt.這種制度的成功確定無疑。這種制度的成功確定無疑。 牛津高階牛津高階No doubt shell call us when she gets there.她到達那兒必定會給我們打電話。她到達那兒必定會給我們打電話。 牛津高階牛津高階This meeting has been,without doubt,one of the most useful we have had so far.這無疑是我們迄今為止最有用的一次會議。這無疑是我們迄今為止最有用的一次會議。 牛

39、津高階牛津高階句型句型:there is no/little doubt that.毫無疑問毫無疑問Theres little doubt that the measures will be extremely unpopular.毫無疑問,這些措施會很不得人心。毫無疑問,這些措施會很不得人心。 麥克米倫麥克米倫v. 懷疑;疑惑;不相信懷疑;疑惑;不相信提示提示:在肯定句中,在肯定句中,doubt后面的賓語從句要用后面的賓語從句要用whether/if引導;但引導;但在否定句或疑問句中,在否定句或疑問句中,doubt后面的賓語從句則要用后面的賓語從句則要用that引導。引導。 You can

40、complain,but I doubt if itll make any difference.你可以抱怨,但是我看抱怨也未必有用。你可以抱怨,但是我看抱怨也未必有用。 朗文當代朗文當代I dont doubt that hes a brilliant scientist,but can he teach?我不懷疑他是個出色的科學家,但他會教書嗎?我不懷疑他是個出色的科學家,但他會教書嗎? 朗文當代朗文當代重重 點點 短短 語語 例例 釋釋1call on 訪問某人;請求;要求;號召;呼吁訪問某人;請求;要求;號召;呼吁 The human rights group has called o

41、n the US to end the death penalty. 人權(quán)組織要求美國終止死刑。人權(quán)組織要求美國終止死刑。 麥克米倫麥克米倫 We could call on my parents if we have time. 如果有時間,我們可以去探望我父母。如果有時間,我們可以去探望我父母。 麥克米倫麥克米倫 We called upon the President to do something for them. 我們請求總統(tǒng)為他們做點什么。我們請求總統(tǒng)為他們做點什么。 韋氏高階韋氏高階鏈接鏈接 drop in on訪問訪問( (某人某人) )drop in at訪問訪問 ( (某

42、地某地) )call at訪問訪問( (某地某地) ) 2bring back 拿回來;歸還;使恢復;使記起拿回來;歸還;使恢復;使記起 Do these stories bring back any memories? 這些故事喚起你什么回憶了嗎?這些故事喚起你什么回憶了嗎? 麥克米倫麥克米倫 Travelers brought back news of the outside world. 旅行者帶回了外面世界的消息。旅行者帶回了外面世界的消息。 麥克米倫麥克米倫鏈接鏈接: :take back取回;帶回;退還取回;帶回;退還get back回來;退后;拿回來回來;退后;拿回來put ba

43、ck放回;撥回放回;撥回give back歸還;恢復歸還;恢復answer back頂嘴;還口頂嘴;還口call back召回;回電話召回;回電話look back回頭看;回顧回頭看;回顧set back撥回;延遲撥回;延遲keep back后退;阻止;抑制;扣留后退;阻止;抑制;扣留 3pay off 還清還清( (債務(wù)等債務(wù)等) );付清;得到回報;取得成功;付清;得到回報;取得成功 Only another six months and the house will be paid off. 只要再過只要再過6個月,房款就能全部還清。個月,房款就能全部還清。 麥克米倫麥克米倫 The c

44、ompany paid him off and he left. 公司付清他的工資后他就離開了。公司付清他的工資后他就離開了。 韋氏高階韋氏高階 All those weeks of studying will pay off when you take the exam. 所有那幾周的學習都會在考試的時候見成效。所有那幾周的學習都會在考試的時候見成效。麥克米倫麥克米倫 鏈接鏈接 pay back償還;報復償還;報復 pay for付付的款;受到的款;受到的報應(yīng)的報應(yīng) 4come up with 提出;想出提出;想出 Were in big trouble if we dont come up

45、 with the money by 6 oclock. 如果我們?nèi)绻覀?點之前拿不出錢來,麻煩就大了。點之前拿不出錢來,麻煩就大了。麥克米倫麥克米倫 What new plan did you come up with?你想出什么新計劃了嗎?你想出什么新計劃了嗎? 韋氏高階韋氏高階 鏈接鏈接 put up with忍受忍受 keep up with跟上跟上 catch up with趕上趕上 fit in with適合,符合適合,符合go on with繼續(xù)繼續(xù)get along/on with進展;與進展;與相處相處go ahead with進行;繼續(xù)進行;繼續(xù)go along with

46、和和一起去;贊成一起去;贊成do away with廢除廢除 【應(yīng)用應(yīng)用6】 At the meeting he _ a very good suggestion that each member of the group write about a section of this topic. Awent along with Bkept up with Ccame up with Dput up withC5pick out 挑出;選好;辨別出;認出;看清楚挑出;選好;辨別出;認出;看清楚 You can pick out a liar by the nervous way they ac

47、t. 從其緊張的行為中你就可以認出說謊者。從其緊張的行為中你就可以認出說謊者。 麥克米倫麥克米倫 She picked the best tomatoes out and left the rest. 她揀走了最好的西紅柿,把其余的剩下了。她揀走了最好的西紅柿,把其余的剩下了。韋氏高階韋氏高階 鏈接鏈接:pick up拾起;拾起;(用車用車)接;搭載;恢復;接;搭載;恢復;(偶然偶然)得到;得到; 學會;收聽;學會;收聽;(車輛車輛)加速加速疑疑 難難 語語 句句 細細 解解1Well,I would rather not.啊,我還是不說吧。啊,我還是不說吧。 【要點指南要點指南】 would

48、 rather “寧愿,更愿意寧愿,更愿意”,后接動詞原,后接動詞原 形,否定式在形,否定式在would rather后加后加not/never。 “Shall we dine out?” “Id rather stay at home.” “我們要不要出去吃飯?我們要不要出去吃飯?”“”“我寧愿留在家里。我寧愿留在家里。” Id rather not tell anybody about it.我不愿把這事告訴別人。我不愿把這事告訴別人。句型句型 would rather do sth.than do sth./would do sth.rather than do sth.意為意為“寧愿做

49、某事而不去做某事寧愿做某事而不去做某事” ” I would rather listen to others than talk myself.我愿意聽別人說,自己不愿意說。我愿意聽別人說,自己不愿意說。He would rather die than give in.他寧死不屈。他寧死不屈。句型句型 would rather have done sth.意為意為“要是做過某事就好了;要是做過某事就好了;寧愿做過某事寧愿做過某事”,表示后悔或遺憾等語氣。,表示后悔或遺憾等語氣。 I would rather have taken his advice yesterday.我昨日要是聽了他的建議

50、就好了。我昨日要是聽了他的建議就好了。My wife bought the blue carpet,but I would rather have bought the brown one.我妻子買了藍色的地毯,但我寧愿買的是棕色的。我妻子買了藍色的地毯,但我寧愿買的是棕色的。句型句型 would rather (that) sb.did.“寧愿某人做某事寧愿某人做某事”,that從從句中的謂語動詞用過去時態(tài)表示虛擬語氣。句中的謂語動詞用過去時態(tài)表示虛擬語氣。 I would rather (that) he didnt come.我寧愿他不來。我寧愿他不來。Id rather you tol

51、d me the truth.我更愿意你給我講實話。我更愿意你給我講實話。鏈接鏈接 would like to do sth.想做某事想做某事would like to have done sth.希望做過某事,要是做過某事就好了希望做過某事,要是做過某事就好了would prefer to do sth.rather than do sth.寧愿做某事而不去做某事寧愿做某事而不去做某事 【應(yīng)用應(yīng)用7】 John wants to see you today.I would rather he _ tomorrow.Acomes Bwill come Chas come DcameD2It w

52、as worth five hundred francs at most. 它最多值它最多值500500法郎。法郎。 【要點指南要點指南】 worth “有有的價值,值的價值,值;值得;值得”,后可,后可 接名詞、代詞或接名詞、代詞或what從句,其修飾語一般用從句,其修飾語一般用well,意為,意為“很很 值得值得”。 This stone is not worth its price/cost.這塊寶石不值這個價錢。這塊寶石不值這個價錢。 The book is well worth what you paid. 這本書很值你花的那些錢。這本書很值你花的那些錢。 Is it worth t

53、he effort we have made?那值我們付出的努力嗎?那值我們付出的努力嗎?句型句型:be worth doing“值得值得”,此時動名詞不能用被動式,此時動名詞不能用被動式。The book is well worth reading.這本書很值得一讀。這本書很值得一讀。His suggestion is worth considering.他的提議值得考慮。他的提議值得考慮。句型句型 it is worth (ones) while doing/to do sth.意為意為“值得值得(某人某人)做做;具有;具有(某人某人)做做的價值的價值”。 It is worth your

54、 while visiting that country.那個國家值得你一游。那個國家值得你一游。It would be worth her while to talk to the editor.她同編輯談一談還是有價值的。她同編輯談一談還是有價值的。辨析辨析:worthy adj. “值得值得的的”His deed is worthy of praise.他的行為值得稱贊。他的行為值得稱贊。His deed is worthy to be praised.His deed is worthy of being praised.【應(yīng)用應(yīng)用8】 I dont think these issue

55、s are _ discussing with the ministers. Aworthy Bworth Cworthy of Dworth ofB3Well,why dont we try writing a play of our own? 那么我們?yōu)槭裁床蛔约涸囍鴮懸徊吭拕∧??那么我們?yōu)槭裁床蛔约涸囍鴮懸徊吭拕∧兀?【要點指南要點指南】 try doing sth.意為意為“試著做某事試著做某事(看一看結(jié)果如看一看結(jié)果如 何何)”,而,而try to do sth.則意為則意為“試圖做某事;設(shè)法做某事;試圖做某事;設(shè)法做某事;努努 力去做某事力去做某事(以爭取成功或達到目的以爭取成功或

56、達到目的)”。 Have you tried sleeping on your back as a cure for snoring? 你試沒試過仰面睡覺來治打鼾的毛???你試沒試過仰面睡覺來治打鼾的毛??? You may try holding your breath to stop sneezing. 你可試著屏住呼吸以止住打噴嚏。你可試著屏住呼吸以止住打噴嚏。If nobody answers at the front door,try knocking at the back door.如果前門沒人應(yīng),你可試著敲一敲后門。如果前門沒人應(yīng),你可試著敲一敲后門。I tried to say

57、something,but my mouth was full of cottonwool.我試圖說些什么,但我嘴里塞滿了藥棉。我試圖說些什么,但我嘴里塞滿了藥棉。I will work as hard as I can,and try to improve my writing skill.我將努力學習,設(shè)法提高我的寫作能力。我將努力學習,設(shè)法提高我的寫作能力。鏈接鏈接 stop doing停止做停止做stop to do停下來去做停下來去做remember doing記得做過記得做過remember to do記住去做記住去做forget doing忘記曾經(jīng)做過忘記曾經(jīng)做過forget t

58、o do忘了去做忘了去做 【應(yīng)用應(yīng)用9】 If you cant turn the key,try _ some oil in the lock. Aputting Bto put Cto be putting Dhaving putA4Fly the kite when a thunderstorm appears to be coming on. 在雷雨似乎就要來的時候去放風箏在雷雨似乎就要來的時候去放風箏。 【要點指南要點指南】 appear常接動詞不定式作賓語,但不定式有三常接動詞不定式作賓語,但不定式有三 種基本形式:種基本形式:to do;to be doing;to have d

59、one,意義各不,意義各不 相同。相同。 Your mother appears to know everything about your plan. 你媽媽好像完全知道了你的計劃。你媽媽好像完全知道了你的計劃。 He appeared to be talking to himself.他像是在自言自語。他像是在自言自語。 You appear to have traveled a lot.你似乎到過很多地方。你似乎到過很多地方。 She appears to be angry with you.她好像生你的氣了。她好像生你的氣了。提示提示:上述句子還可用上述句子還可用it appears

60、that.句型表達。句型表達。It appeared that he was talking to himself.It appears that you have traveled a lot.高高 考考 真真 實實 案案 例例 簡簡 明明 分分 析析 Ann is in hospital.Oh,really? I _ know.I _ go and visit her.Adidnt; am going to Bdont; would Cdont; will Ddidnt; will(2009年高考江蘇卷年高考江蘇卷)【解題方法指導】【解題方法指導】本題考查動詞的時態(tài)。從對話內(nèi)容可知,說話本題考查動


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