人教版高中英語必修2 Unit2 Workbook-Listening 精品課件_第1頁
人教版高中英語必修2 Unit2 Workbook-Listening 精品課件_第2頁
人教版高中英語必修2 Unit2 Workbook-Listening 精品課件_第3頁
人教版高中英語必修2 Unit2 Workbook-Listening 精品課件_第4頁
人教版高中英語必修2 Unit2 Workbook-Listening 精品課件_第5頁
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1、人教課標(biāo)人教課標(biāo)高一高一 必修必修 2Unit 2on Page 48Before listening to the story look at the pictures below. Write underneath each picture what is happening. In what ways can messages be sent to people far away? Smoke signals on the Great Wall to warn of invasion.A message in a bottle in the ocean.A man sending a h

2、oming pigeon to its home with a message tied to its leg. 1. Do you know there is an event called “Marathon”? 2. Do you think there was such an event in ancient Olympics? The Marathon was a modern event that was first introduced in the 1896 Olympic Games.The distance is 26 miles 385 yards or 42, 195

3、kilometres. Its a race in honor of Phidippides, an ancient runner. In the 5th century B.C, the Persians attacked Greece at Marathon near Athens. PhidippidesThe Greeks were very worried and didnt know what to do. They sent Phidippides to Sparta to ask for help for the battle Listen and write down in

4、one sentence how the hero of the story sent his message miles away.Phidippides sent his message miles away all by himself on foot.1. What was Phidippides job as well as running? Phidippides job was a soldier as well as a great runner. He fought in the Battle of Marathon against the Persians. He also

5、 sent messages miles away by running. 2. Why did the Greek army go to Marathon? Their city was going to be attacked, so the Greek army went to Marathon to fight their enemy. 3. Did Phidippides do what he was asked? How do you know? Phidippides did what he was asked. We know it because he died giving

6、 his message.Why did the Marathon become an event in the modern Olympic Games?on Page 51For each Olympics, a new flame is started in the ancient Olympic stadium in Olympia, Elis, Greece, using a parabolic mirror to focus the rays of the Sun. This flame begins its Olympic Torch Relay (奧運奧運火炬接力火炬接力) b

7、y touring Greece. The flame is normally taken to the country where the games will be held (usually by airplane). The flame is then carried around thecountry where the games are to be held, using a series of torches carried by people running, walking, riding horses and camels, scuba diving, and using

8、 other means of human conveyance. The last runner uses a torch to light the large Olympic torch which burns throughout the games. The flame is extinguished during the closing ceremony. A new Olympic torch is designed for each of the games. 友誼友誼 光明光明 公正公正 和平和平 團(tuán)結(jié)團(tuán)結(jié)Before listening, try to put these s

9、entences in order. Then listen to the tape and make any corrections to your list. The first one is done for you._ I start the Olympic Games when the fire in the stadium is lit._ I am happy when new countries get Olympic medals._ I travel through many countries carried by many runners._ The sun light

10、s me._ I will burn till the end of the Olympic Games._ The last country I visit is the one with the host city for the Olympics._ I am proud to be a bridge between the ancient and modern Olympic Games._ The greatest honour is for the last athlete to carry me into the stadium.Answers:5 7 2 1 6 3 8 4Li

11、sten to the tape again and discuss the questions with your partner.1. Why does the torch begin its journey in Greece? Ancient Greece was the birthplace of the Olympic Games so it is appropriate to light the flame there.2. Why are there Special Olympic Games? The modern Olympic Games considers everyone should have their chance to take part in the Games. If you are mentally or physically disabled, it would obviously be unfair for you to take part against other able


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