1、百度文庫(kù)1PartVThe 17thcenturyThe Period of Revoluti on and Restorati onJohn Donne1 What are the characteristics and represe ntatives of the En glish literature of the revolutionperiod, the metaphysical period and restoration period?A. The revolution period, Puritans believed in simplicity of life and di
2、sapproved ofthe sonn ets and the love poetry, and they in flue nee in gen eral ten ded to suppressedliterary art.Represe ntatives Joh n Milt on , Joh n Bunyanmetaphysical (玄學(xué)派) period, the style became spiritual gloom.Represe ntatives Donne and Herber; Joh n Milt onC. The restoration period,the lite
3、rary was often witty and clever, but on the whole immoraland cyni cal.Representatives John Dryden2 In “ A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning告別:莫憂傷” ,why does the speaker forbidmour ning when his going to pass away and leave his lover? Why and what are the twoconceits (比喻)that he uses to describe their
4、 perfect love?they may leave each other, yet they love is firm and forever, and soul lovers cannot beseparated by dista nee and death. Besid,esdeath is n atural just like earthquake.B. First conceit( like gold to airy thinness bea), their souls are like gold, it can expa nd andtheir love still exit.
5、Sec ond con cei (as stiff tein com, they are like compasses are two) , one movi ng and an therstay and wait for the compa nion.3 In “ Death be not proud 死神莫驕妄),what will happen to us when we die ?why does the speaker say that“ death should not be When will deathdie?A. It will be rest and sleep flow
6、with much pleasure when we die and our souls will bereleased.it is a slave of fate, chanee, kings and desperate man and death is together withpoison,war,sickness and opium or charms. And these things can make us sleep like thedeath, and the effect is better than death. Death fqneople is a soul s del
7、ivery, and afterdeath people will feel free and pleased. Although people die, yet they wake eternally, andtheir souls are exiting forever.people s short sleep past, people wake eter nally, and death no Ion ger exist and deathwill die.John Milt on1 In what way is Joh n Milt on a sta un ch( 堅(jiān)定的)revolu
8、tio n fighter and a great poet?he was in Italy, he heard the trouble sprung up in En gla nd, and he gave up his pla n fortravelli ng and went back to En gla nd. After he retur n to En gla nd, he opposed themonarchic party and gave all his energy to the writing of pamphlets、冊(cè)子 dedicated to thepeople
9、s liberties.百度文庫(kù)2finishing the university course, he thought he was born to be a for five years he百度文庫(kù)3lived at home in his fathercountry house at Horton about 20 miles from London,writingpoetry and studying hard,in order better to fit himself for his worked for 7years upon Paradisehe also wrote Par
10、adise Regained and Samson three works made him a great poet.2What is the theme of Paradise Lost ?What is the basic idea of Paradise Lost? Theme?The basic ideathe exposure of react ionary forces of his time and passi on ate appeal forfreedom.3 In Paradise Lost, why was Sata n puni shed by God drive n
11、 out of heave n and at last intohell? What did he want to do for reve nge? And what was his reas on? What is the allegoricalmeaning of the poem?A. Because Sata n led the muti nou 反叛的)an gels to rise aga inst God himself but in thebattle with the hosts of an gels that rema ined true to God, they were
12、 fin ally defeated.B. Sata n wan ted to rui n Godsprecious creati on (ma n).C. So he wan ted to tear Adam and Eve away from the in flue nee of God and to make theminstrumental in his struggle againsGocTauthority.D. God represents authority and tyranny on earth,he has strong rights to control anythin
13、g .Sata n represe nts the power of revolt ing aga inst authority and desire for freedom. 3 Inthe Sonnet On His Bli ndn ess , what is the double meaning of“ tale ntis “ mine” question? And what is the answer given by patienee? What the theme of theSonn et?exact day-labor,light deni ed?)C. Patience an
14、swers that God does not need gift, and go and climb without rest or sta ndand wait is also a service.God doth not n eed either ma work or his own gifts;who bestbear his mild yoke,they serve him best)D. Theme:If you have talents,you should make full use of it. and your pain will be dimini shedand you
15、 will be peaceful and can use your tale nt to live a meanin gful life.Joh n Banyan1 What is “ allegory ” ? In what way is Banyan The Pilgrim_ is asePoyrbssWhat are the literal meaning and symbolic meaning of the work?A. Allegory is a tale in verse or prose in which the characters, actions or setting
16、sreprese nt abstract ideas gen eral truth or moral qualities, and a story that has twomeanin gs, literal and symbolic.B. The literal mea ning: Christia npilgrimage from the city of Destructio n to the Holy CityThe symbolic meanin greligious people,people should follow Christia n it reflects thesocie
17、ty and culture.2 In the part Vanity Fair, what is the Vanity Fair? What are sold and brought at the VF? Whatdo Christian and his companion Faithful want to buy? How are they treated as a fair? What isthe meaning of this excerpt?A. Vanity fair is a name of a town and there is a fiar kept.B. Everythin
18、g in vanity is can be sold and brought,such asWhatA.B.The “ talentm:eafiliiy and a kind of currency unitQuestion is that God does not give us light, and why I will bear it?(Doth God百度文庫(kù)4jouses,lad ns,trades,placesC. Christian and his companion want to buy“truth ”D. They was mocked and taunted,and we
19、re taken and beaten by the people in the thepeople in fair besmeares 玷污)them with dirt,and put them with dirt,and put them into thecage.E. “Vanity” means emptiness or worthlessness,and hence the fair is an allegory of theworldli ness(俗氣)and the corrupti on of the religious life through theattract io
20、ns of the Banyan described the world that lost truth and were full of selfish nessand corrupti on.PartWThe Age of Enlightenment in EnglandDaniel Defoe1 What does En lighte nments Moveme nt mean? What do you know about the En glishliterature of the En lighte nment?The En lighte nments Moveme nt on th
21、e whole, was an expressi on of struggle of the thenprogressive class of bourgeoisies aga inst feudalism.Nearly all writers freque nted the coffeehouses and matters discussed there becamesubjects of literature. And the literary leaders emphasized formality or correct ness of style.The reig n of class
22、icism is Addis on, Steele, and Pope, and their verse became the ambiti onof aspiri ng young authors. Beside, the moder n no vels became popular: realist,psychological, satirical and sen time ntal no vels. And the revival of roma nticism or pre-romanticism.2 What story does the no vel Robinson Crusoe
23、 tell? What is the theme and style? Why dowe say that Robinson Crusoe is the representative of the raising bourgeois?The story is about Robinson was lost in an isla nd, and he was alone and fin ally survive.The theme: a man s struggle against nature for survival byeiieilnce and man s determ in ation
24、 to improve his livelihood by labor.The style: simple, direct, fact-based story and characterizatio n and smooth, easy andcolloquial la nguage.Robinson is fighting with difficulties and does not give in, and he struggles against nature forsurvival. Just like the enterprising Englishman fighting the
25、survivals of feudalism and developthe bourgeois relati ons.Jon atha n Swift1 What kind of writer is JS?What are his major works?A. JS is a supreme master of devastating satire.( He was a posthumou 遺腹子)child, andpeople looked upon him as a servant, he had a bitter, unhappy early life. After he entere
26、dthe strife(爭(zhēng)斗)of party politics, he soon became a veritable(名畐寸 其實(shí)的)dictator,and he was courted and flattered, and he was arroga nt. But whe n the Tories went out ofpower his positi on was un certa in, and the last years he was an guish and grief.)B. Major works:The tale of a Tub ,The battle of the
27、 Books, GulliversTravels2 How many past does Gulliver travelers consist of? What satirize in the novel?In clude four parts, the voyage, the Brobd ingn ag, the flying isla nd and the Houyh nhnms.The story is an immortal classic of satire, a pen etrati ng an atomy of huma n n atu 揭露 人性丑惡,and a satiric
28、al description of the vices of his age.百度文庫(kù)52What are the structure ,the significanee and the style of it?見(jiàn)筆記3 What are Gulliver s expcsiein Lilliput and Brobdingnag described in the select ing read ings?A.In Lilliput, Gulliver is shipwrecked, and the Lilliputians bind the sleeping Gulliver handand
29、foot. Gulliver has to convince them, the n he goes to the war but the officials conspire aga inst him and charge him with high treas on. Fi nally, Gulliver escapes in a boatand goes back to En gla nd.B.In Brobd ingn ag, people are good-n atured and they treat Gulliver kin dly, they look himas a play
30、thi ng. And the ki ng ofte n in terrogates Gulliver on Europea n affairs. At last, thetravelli ng-box takes him to the seashore, and he was picked up by a En glish trip.Part VD The Age of EnlightenmentJoseph Addis on1 What is the Addis on s con tributio n to the two papehe Tatler and TheSpectator?Ad
31、dis on was a better writer tha n Steele and he made The Tatler a great success, and healso helped with the an ther n ewspaper. Addis on gave many ideas and thoughts to the twopapers and made the paper become very and in terest ing and popular.2 What are the poems contain form and style on the two pa
32、pers?The form is little and familiar essays.The style is clean, wholesome, gentle humor, courtesy and good breeding.Henry Fielding1 What are the major features of Henry Fielding s no vels?Criticism of social relations, hypocrisy and lack of spirituality, and vivid positive and negativecharacters, be
33、sides, direct, vigorous, hilarious, coarse and realistic style.2 What good quality does Tom Jones display in chapter 20 of book4 and chapter 14 of book12?Tom was brave and kind, whe n Sophia was in dan gerous, Tom saved her and got hurt, buthe cared aboutiothing but Sophia s health, although he was
34、hurt, he also thought aboutothers not himself. And in another story, Tom was clever and friendly, he would like to helpother people, eve n it may be put him in dan ger.Thomas Gray1 In the poem Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard墓畔哀歌,what are thecontents of the poem?what are the poet thoughts and f
35、eeli ngs about the dead buried in thechurchyard? How does he describe grooms in the poem?A.見(jiàn)筆記本shows his respect praise and symapthy for the poor and the ordinary,but mocks the greatones who despise 鄙視)the poor and bring havoc (騷亂)on them.author selects natural phenomena to reflect the mood and disp
36、lay the emotion of man 借情抒景,寓情于景 P250William Blake1 In the poem The Tiger, what is the Blake feeling about the tiger? What is his feeling aboutthe Maker of tiger? What does he want to say by asking the questiddid he who made the百度文庫(kù)6lamb made th does he ask about God and about the order of n ature a
37、nd the social order inreality?A. To the poet, the tiger means power and strength, and it makes people scared and frightened.B. He is praising the skill and courage of the maker of the the Marker is ,Blake is prais ingthe French Revoluti n and the viole nt revoluti onary forces.C. The poet is con fused, the Marker have made tiger already, why the n created the lamb.The tiger id ferocious ,viole nt and powerful,but the lamb idpeaceful,innocent and the maker create them both,which sy
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