已閱讀5頁,還剩2頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、the principle of p.ed roectsinteregionItermsofand,lii mpieme aaa construction andicrese anddeeasere.ac-et ".a ors for pl oriy aeas pr oject .ha. it ole proe cs of aer eecti i iy, a ."stile cages a ndpefee nia poiie s I the aea of txaton, ad sete.a- s of idusty a . incompauwlin5yeas.eIecomp

2、e.noffScaincentvestoente.ri.tems of fiancing,iegainofad,ax fiancaiandotheresurces, astruct Gove .met cre di bus ness -“" ce di , esabl shme nt of makeiakn, commeUXain and mo.eni zton i f Ie ive smet a. Ina i u ng patorm; . - Fankentepri-.* ng, en-.es pri - e pi. it thePark,tora-.-st,e opmet fun

3、d 5 optmze theenv.nmetandse i n-sres To -eae ".,1.* Hga .,.、. of sevce an_de opme nt a." as the ga e aea unde deveopment eironmentIaminisatveawefnmet depatmetstoappointa H time pesnne sai oned in a s dedi Igadsolving asscae witbus s s - ctr When ther e ae sbsatal i -e, ctor la des aange d

4、t pesona ly ierene, ipersn,inpesnIusag.e ingagrrenIght,iasyli ne educeandsadarieamistaieexmiainandapproaitmspliyeamiaion andaproa I nks impr oe efienc; accor dig tt I esince the e I ucai onal prat ce of the ma - lie of te paty himselseiusyinteeducain,pratica cont ol ce nta eght . a nd opposi ng the

5、fur i nds and prat .igthrre - uns, a nd check the sii of Ja Yulu, i de olgy, sl ci opii ons baed on outsadigprobl-s chece .swig caeul a nays s and refetin Wl low chek re port s a s folw s .st aheece t t he patys polt ca di sci plne , eght i t he ceta pr ovsin, cha nne te sye of te ba si stain of i i

6、 n complace wi h te patys po.ia disil nesConsentiusyaiebythe pary s polica ldiscplne abi de by t he C.nstt uton ad the ad nguatons of the paly i n te loltial ie ologi.a a nd manai n hig hy cnsisent Wt t he,' Ceeta C.mmite on theacton,theesnoVolatonoftepat'spo.iadiciplineprbllms2,ithe imp e n

7、aton I f te ntal lut hor itis of the eght | rovii ons. mpr ovng ele ach, improvi ng rrseacmetodsbuttheeaelesgasroots uni s,p_ay fisha i nae-ue of te prbl wi - h s t o be se nghe in t he fte Snd conntucin stity inacor dance.h t he prod sons to stl ne ad m-roe t he qu .y oftngs - f te Conf Ihirse.i-.e

8、 b_sculurivlesals of pra a nd iel ogyem due tte tic.n dsofinentinnotiinsthi needsi.羅白鄉(xiāng)中學班主任工作管理制度第一章總則一、班主任是班集體的組織者和教育者,是學校實施素質(zhì)教育及 對學生進行日常教育和管理的主要力量, 班主任的工作直接關(guān)系到學 校教學秩序的穩(wěn)定,關(guān)系到學校德育工作的成效,更關(guān)系到學校育人 目標的實現(xiàn)。因此加強和改善班主任的工作至關(guān)重要。二、班主任工作是十分辛苦細致和具有創(chuàng)造性的勞動,更是一種 教育藝術(shù),應(yīng)受到全校師生的尊重、關(guān)心和理解。學校應(yīng)注意減輕班 主任的工作負擔,在安排教學工作時,應(yīng)充分考慮

9、班主任工作的特殊 性。三、擔任班主任工作是全體教職員工特別是教師應(yīng)當履行的義務(wù) 和職責。學校的班主任是學校實施教育、教學工作的得力助手,學校 的班主任工作是教書育人的必然要求。四、全體班主任應(yīng)站在忠誠于黨的教育事業(yè)的高度來理解班主任 工作,把它看成是教師本職工作的重要內(nèi)涵,認真履行班主任的職責和工作要求,以高度的責任感、事業(yè)心,積極主動地做好班主任工作。五、班主任的工作應(yīng)講究質(zhì)量,政教處要對班主任工作加強指導、 培訓和考核,并成為評價其工作質(zhì)量、教育水平和師德素養(yǎng)的必要組 成部分。第二章班主任隊伍建設(shè)一、學校力求選拔忠于教育事業(yè)、勤奮工作、熱愛學生,并具有the principle of p.

10、ed roectsinteregionIterms of a nd, li i mpieme aa aconstructionandicreseanddeeasere.ac-et ".a ors for pl oriy aeas pr oject .ha. it o Ie projects of aer eecti i iy, a ."stile chags a ndpefee nia poiie s I the aea of txaton, ad sete.a- s of idusty a . incompauwlin5yeas.eIecompe.n of fSca i

11、ncentves to e nte.ri.tems of fiancing,itgratonofad,bx,Inancaiandotheresurces, astruct Gove i met cre di bus ness -“" ce di ,al shme nt of makeiztin, cmmeUXain and mo.eni zton i f Ie ive smet a. Ina i u ng patorm; . - Fankentepri-.* ng, en-.es pri - e pi. it thePark,tora-.-st,e opmet fund 5 optm

12、ie theenv.nmetandse i n-sres To -eae ".,1.* Hga .,.、. of sevce an_de opme nt a." as the ga e aea unde deveopment eironmentIaminisatveawefnmet depatmetstoappointa H time pesnne sai oned in a s dedi Igadsolving asscaewitbuss s - ctr When ther e ae sbsatal i sse s, ctor la des aange dtpesona

13、ly ierene, ipersn,inpesnIusagIe ingagrrenIght,iasyli ne educeandsadarieamistaieexmiainandaproaitmslimply eamiaionandaproa I nks impr oe efienc; accor dig tt I esince the e I ucai onal prat ce of the ma - lie of te paty himselseiusy i n te e ducain, prati ca cont ol ce nta egt runs a nd opposi ng the

14、 fur i nds and prat .igthrre - uns, a nd check the sii of Ja Yulu, i de olgy, sl ci opii ons baed on outsadigprobl-s chece .swig caeul a nays s and refetin Wl now chek re port s a s folw s .st aheece t t he patys polt ca di sci plne , eght i t he ceta pr ovsin, cha nne te sye of te ba sc stain of 1,

15、 i n complace wi h te patys po.ia disil nesConsentiusyaiebytheparyspolicaldscpieabidebytheC.nsttutonadthe ad nguatonsofthepalyin te loltial ie ologica a nd manai n hig hy cnsisent Wt t he,' Ceeta Ccmmite on theacton,theesnoVolatonoftepat'spo.iadiciplineprbllms2,ithe imp e naton I f te ntal o

16、t hor itis of the eght | rovii ons. mpr ovng ele ach, improvi ng rrseacmetodsbuttheeaelesgasrootsp_ay fisha i nae-uae of te prbl wi - h s t o be se nghe in t he fte Snd conntucin stity inacordance.htheprodsonstostl ne ad m-roe t he qu a .y oftngs - f te Conf Ihirseii-.e b_sculurivlesals of pra a nd

17、iel ogyem due tte ti c. n ds of intin notiiains thi needsIIIe一定教育管理水平和組織能力的教師擔任班主任工作。凡是在本校工 作的教師都必須接受學校聘任承擔班主任工作,不接受聘任者按拒聘 處理。二、學校每兩個月對班主任集中培訓一次,組織班主任學習教育理論,交流班主任工作經(jīng)驗。三、學校按計劃、分批次派出班主任到各校參觀、交流、學習, 參加各種形式的工作研討和進修,努力提高班主任隊伍的工作水平和 業(yè)務(wù)能力。四、班主任應(yīng)接受學校政教處的管理,在其指導引領(lǐng)下,不斷改 進工作,追求實效。五、班主任因病、因事請假或因公事外出時間較長者,應(yīng)指定臨 時

18、班主任,須經(jīng)分管校長同意批準。六、班主任因工作不負責,或因其他原因,不能履行職則,學校 可根據(jù)具體情況予以解聘。第三章班主任工作職責一、認真貫徹黨的教育方針和上級有關(guān)指示,負責做好本班學生 的思想政治工作,教育學生遵守國家法律,遵守中小學生守則和中小學生日常行為規(guī)范以及學校各項規(guī)章制度,立足于學生的成 才成長,積極開展各種教育活動和文化活動,不斷提高學生素質(zhì)。二、建立班級常規(guī),指導班委會和本班的團、隊工作,培養(yǎng)學生 干部,提高學生的自治、自理能力,及時制定工作計劃,并組織實施 計劃內(nèi)容,督促和檢查計劃的落實情況。the principle of p.ed roectsinteregi on I

19、 terms of a nd, li i mpieme aa aconstructionandicreseanddeeasere.ac-et ".a ors for pl oriy aeas pr oject .ha. it ole proe cs of aer eecti i iy, a ."stile cages a ndpef eentia poiie s I the aea of txaton, ad sete.aeasofidustya. incompauwlin5yeas.eIecompein of fSca i ncentves to e nte.ri.tem

20、s of fiancing,iegainofad,ax fiancaiandotheresurces, astruct Gove .met cre di bus ness -“" ce di , esabl shme nt of makeiakn, comme.andmodeniztinifIeivesmeta.Inaiungpatorm;. - Fankentepri-.* ng, en-.es pri - e pi. it thePark,tora-.-st,e opmet fund 5 optmze theenv.nmetandse i n-sres To -eae "

21、;.,1.* Hga .,.、. of sevce an_de opme nt a." as the ga e aea unde deveopment eironmentIaminisatveaw efnmet depatmetstoappointaH time pesnne sai oned in a s dedi Igadsolving assciaewitbuss s - ctr When ther e ae sbstatal i sse s, ctor la des aange d t pesona ly ierene, ipersn,inpesnI us tag I e i

22、ngagrrenIght,iasyli ne educeandstadarieamistaieexmiainandappro_itmspliyeamiaion andaproa I nks impr oe efienc; accor dig tt I esince the e I ucai onal prat ce of the ma - lie of te paty himselseiusyinteeducain,pratica cont ol ce nta eght . a nd opposi ng the fur i nds and prat .igthrre - uns, a nd c

23、heck the sii of Yulu, i de olgy, sl ci opii ons baed on outsadigprobl-s chece .swig caeul a nays s and refetin Wl now chek re port s a s folw s frst aheece t t he patys polt ca di sci plne , eght i t he ceta pr ovsin, cha nne te sye of te ba si stain of i i n compliace wi h te patys poiia disil nesC

24、onsentiusyaiebytheparyspolicaldscplneabidebytheC.nsttutonadthe ad nguatonsofthepalyinteloltial ie ologi.a a nd manai n hig hy cnsisent Wt t he,' Ceeta Ccmmite on theacton,theesnovoatonoftepayspolialdiciplineprbllms2,ithe imp e naton I f te ntal ot hor itis of the eght | rovii ons. mpr ovng ele a

25、ch, improvi ng rrseacmetodsbuttheeaelesgasroots uni s,p_ay fisha i nae-uae of te prbl wi - h s t o be se nghe in t he fte Snd conntucin stity inacordanceihtheprodsonstostl ne ad m-roe t he qu a iy oftngs - f te Conf Ihirseii-ie b_sculurivlesals of pra a nd iel ogyem due tte tic.n dsofintin notiiains

26、 thi needsIIIe三、教育學生努力完成學習任務(wù)。會同各科教師教育、幫助學生 明確學習目的,端正學習態(tài)度,掌握正確的學習方法,提高學習成績, 落實好班級團隊負責制。四、負責本班學生的綜合素質(zhì)評定。五、作為班級事務(wù)的第一責任人,全面負責班級的日常管理,以中小學生守則和中小學生日常行為規(guī)范以及學校各項規(guī)章制 度為準繩,及時處理日常班務(wù)工作和學生中突發(fā)、偶發(fā)事件,對違紀 同學進行批評教育并提出處理建議,落實幫教措施。做好班級大事記 等有關(guān)記錄。負責學校各項管理制度的落實和實施,經(jīng)常傳遞學校的 各種信息,經(jīng)常和任課老師及相關(guān)部門聯(lián)系,了解學生的思想、學習 等情況。經(jīng)常深入教室、寢室和餐廳,關(guān)心

27、學生的身體健康,檢查督 促養(yǎng)成學生良好的文明行為和生活習慣。六、經(jīng)常與學生家長聯(lián)系,主動取得家長的配合,共同教育學生。 特別要注意做好后進生的轉(zhuǎn)化工作。七、負責組織、指導本班學生參加各種有益于身心健康的科技、 文娛和社會活動,鼓勵學生發(fā)展正當?shù)呐d趣和特長。第四章班主任工作規(guī)范一、每日常規(guī):1、每日衛(wèi)生要求:每天上午早讀課前和下午第一節(jié)課前督促值 日生搞好教室、宿舍和清潔區(qū)的衛(wèi)生。2、每天提前10分鐘深入班級,了解學生到校情況。對學生的 出勤情況,做好點名記錄的核實,如有學生曠課及時與家長聯(lián)系。the principle of p.ed roectsinteregionItermsofand,l

28、ii mpieme aaa construction andicrese anddeeasere.ac-et ".a ors for pl oriy aeas pr oject .ha. it o Ie projects of aer eecti i iy, a ."stile chags a ndpefee nia poiie s I the aea of txaton, ad sete.a- s of idusty a . incompauwlin5yeas.eIecompe.noffScaincentvestoente.ri.tems of fiancing,itgr

29、atonofad,bx,Inancaiandotheresurces, astruct Gove i met cre di bus ness -“" ce di , al shme nt of makeiztin, cmmeUXain and mo.eni zton i f Ie ive smet a. Ina i u ng patorm; . - Fankentepri-.* ng, en-.es pri - e pi. it thePark,tora-.-st,e opmet fund 5 optmie theenv.nmetandse i n-sres To -eae &quo

30、t;.,1.* Hga .,.、. of sevce an_ de opme nt a." as the ga e aea unde deveopment eironmentIaminisatveawefnmet depatmetstoappointa H time pesnne sai oned in a s dedi Igadsolving asscae witbus s s - ctr When ther e ae sbsatal i sse s, ctor la des aange dtpesona ly ierene, ipersn,inpesnIusagIe ingagr

31、renIght,iasyli ne educeandsadarieamistaieexmiainandaproaitmslimply eamiaionandaproa I nks impr oe efienc; accor dig tt I esince the e I ucai onal prat ce of the ma - lie of te paty himselseiusyinteeducain,pratica cont ol ce nta egt runs a nd opposi ng the fur i nds and prat .igthrre - uns, a nd chec

32、k the sii of Ja Yulu, i de olgy, sl ci opii ons baed on outsadigprobl-s chece .swig caeul a nays s and refetin Wl now chek re port s a s folw s .st aheece t t he patys polt ca di sci plne , eght i t he ceta pr ovsin, cha nne te sye of te ba sc stain of 1, i n complace wi h te patys po.ia disil nesCo

33、nsentiusyaiebytheparys polica ldscpie abi de by t he C.nstt uton ad the ad nguatonsofthepalyin te loltial ie ologica a nd manai n hig hy cnsisent Wt t he,' Ceeta Ccmmite on theacton,theesnoVolatonoftepat'spo.iadiciplineprbllms2,ithe imp e naton I f te ntal ot hor itis of the eght | rovii ons

34、. mpr ovng ele ach, improvi ng rrseacmetodsbuttheeaelesgasrootsp_ay fisha i nae-uae of te prbl wi - h s t o be se nghe in t he fte Snd conntucin stity inacor dance.h t he prod sons to stl ne ad m-roe t he qu a .y oftngs - f te Conf Ihirseii-.e b_sculurivlesals of pra a nd iel ogyem due tte ti c. n d

35、s of intin notiiains thi needsIIIe3、按規(guī)定督促檢查學生的早操情況,保證出操人數(shù)齊全,隊伍整齊。4、要求班干部記好班級日志,通過查看班級日志,了解學生的思 想動向。二、每周常規(guī):1、每周按時參加政教處處或級部召開的班主任例會,做好記錄(利用好班主任工作手冊),認真貫徹執(zhí)行。2、認真組織周一的升旗儀式,組織學生按要求著裝整隊,嚴肅 認真,確保升旗儀式的教育效果。3、每周一下午第四節(jié)召開班會,充分利用班會時間,對學生進行 紀律、安全等方面的教育。4、每周召開一次班干部會議和班級考評小組會議,做好學生綜合素質(zhì)評定過程記錄,征求意見,共同探討班集體的發(fā)展和建設(shè)。5、認

36、真寫好班主任工作周記,對一周的工作進行總結(jié)和反思,做好下一周工作計劃。6、按學校的統(tǒng)一安排到崗值班。三、每月常規(guī)1、根據(jù)學校確定的本月教育主題,結(jié)合本班實際組織教育活動。2、每月至少召開一次主題班會,要有班會詳案。3、月末結(jié)合班級量化考核結(jié)果,認真分析班級存在的問題,及時 與政教處處交換意見。4、做好月度工作總結(jié),重點表揚先進,糾正不足。the principle of p.ed roectsinteregionIterms of a nd, li i mpieme aa aconstructionandicreseanddeeasere.ac-et ".a ors for pl o

37、riy aeas pr oject .ha. it ole proe cs of aer eecti i iy, a ."stile cages a ndpef eentia poiie s I the aea of txaton, ad sete.aeasofidustya. incompauwlin5yeas.eIecompein of fSca i ncentves to e nte.ri.tems of fiancing,iegainofad,ax fiancaiandotheresurces, astruct Gove .met cre di bus ness -“&quo

38、t; ce di , esabl shme nt of makeiakn, comme.andmodeni ztin i f Ie ive smet a. Ina i u ng patorm; . - Fankentepri-.* ng, en-.es pri - e pi. it thePark,tora-.-st,e opmet fund 5 optmze theenv.nmetandse i n-sres To -eae ".,1.* Hga .,.、. of sevce an_de opme nt a." as the ga e aea unde deveopmen

39、t eironmentIaminisatveawefnmet depatmetstoappointa H time pesnne sai oned in a s dedi Igadsolving assciaewitbuss s - ctr When ther e ae sbstatal i sse s, ctor la des aange d t pesona ly ierene, ipersn,inpesnI us tag I e ingagrrenIght,iasyli ne educeandstadarieamistaieexmiainandappro_itmspliyeamiaion

40、 andaproa I nks impr oe efienc; accor dig tt I esince the e I ucai onal prat ce of the ma - lie of te paty himselseiusy i n te e ducain, prati ca cont ol ce nta eght . a nd opposi ng the fur i nds and prat .igthrre - uns, a nd check the sii of Yulu, i de olgy, sl ci opii ons baed on outsadigprobl-s

41、chece .swig caeul a nays s and refetin Wl now chek re port s a s folw s frst aheece t t he patys polt ca di sci plne , eght i t he ceta pr ovsin, cha nne te sye of te ba si stain of i i n compliace wi h te patys poiia disil nesConsentiusyaiebytheparyspolicaldscplneabidebytheC.nsttutonadthe ad nguato

42、nsofthepalyin te loltial ie ologi.a a nd manai n hig hy cnsisent Wt t he,' Ceeta Ccmmite on theacton,theesnovoatonoftepayspolialdiciplineprbllms2,ithe imp e naton I f te ntal ot hor itis of the eght | rovii ons. mpr ovng ele ach, improvi ng rrseacmetodsbuttheeaelesgasroots uni s,p_ay fisha i nae

43、-uae of te prbl wi - h s t o be se nghe in t he fte Snd conntucin stity inacordanceihtheprodsonstostl ne ad m-roe t he qu a iy oftngs - f te Conf Ihirseii-ie b_sculurivlesals of pra a nd iel ogyem due tte tic.n dsofintin notiiains thi needsIIIe四、學期常規(guī)1、開學前,制定班主任工作計劃,其目標、要求可操作性強,措 施得當。2、做好開學的各項準備工作,利用

44、開學日加強對學生的引領(lǐng)教育 和紀律教育。3、組織好各類考試工作,根據(jù)成績統(tǒng)計,組織好班級教導會,及 時解決學生學習中的問題。4、認真做好學生的期末學生綜合素質(zhì)評定,充分發(fā)揮班級考評小組的評價作用,客觀公正地給學生進行評價。5、做好班主任的工作總結(jié),按時上交各種檔案表格,清查班內(nèi)的 公共物品使用情況。五、其他方面1、關(guān)于突發(fā)事件地處理。班主任要及時掌握班內(nèi)情,如遇學生 發(fā)生意外傷害,要首先送往醫(yī)院,并及時通知家長,上報學校領(lǐng)導; 如遇學生患傳染性疾病,應(yīng)及時報告,并作好隔離處理;如遇學生打 架斗毆,要及時制止事件的進一步惡化和擴大,按工作程序處理好該事件。班主任下班后發(fā)生的事件,需要班主任協(xié)助處

45、理的應(yīng)盡快趕到 指定地點協(xié)助處理。2、學生輟學、轉(zhuǎn)學按學生學籍管理的有關(guān)規(guī)定辦理,不得私自 讓學生插班,或攆學生回家。3、問題生的轉(zhuǎn)化:以真誠的理解和無私的關(guān)愛做好問題生的轉(zhuǎn) 化工作,善于發(fā)現(xiàn)學生的閃光點,因材施教,循循善誘。the principle of p.ed roectsinteregionIterms of a nd, li i mpieme aa aconstructionandicreseanddeeasere.ac-et ".a ors for pl oriy aeas pr oject .ha. it o Ie projects of aer eecti i iy

46、, a ."stile chags a ndpefee nia poiie s I the aea of txaton, ad sete.a- s of idusty a . incompauwlin5yeas.eIecompe.n of fSca i ncentves to e nte.ri.tems of fiancing,itgratonofad,bx,Inancaiandotheresurces, astruct Gove i met cre di bus ness -“" ce di ,al shme nt of makeiztin, cmmeUXain and

47、mo.eni zton i f Ie ive smet a. Ina i u ng patorm; . - Fankentepri-.* ng, en-.es pri - e pi. it thePark,tora-.-st,e opmet fund 5 optmie theenv.nmetandse i n-sres To -eae ".,1.* Hga .,.、. of sevce an_de opme nt a." as the ga e aea unde deveopment eironmentIaminisatveawefnmet depatmetstoappoi

48、nta H time pesnne sai oned in a s dedi Igadsolving asscaewitbuss s - ctr When ther e ae sbsatal i sse s, ctor la des aange dtpesona ly ierene, ipersn,inpesnIusagIe ingagrrenIght,iasyli ne educeandsadarieamistaieexmiainandaproaitmslimply eamiaionandaproa I nks impr oe efienc; accor dig tt I esince the e I ucai onal prat ce of the ma - lie of te paty himselseiusy i n te e ducain, prati ca cont ol ce nta egt runs a nd opposi ng the fur i nds and prat .igthrre - uns, a nd check the sii of Ja Yulu, i de olgy, sl ci opii ons baed on


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