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1、LESSON ONEAN INTRODUCTION OF H. D. SHIPYARD (1H.D.船廠的介紹(1H. D. Shipyard, situated on the eastern bank of the Huang Pu River in Shanghai, is a comprehensive enterprise specialized in the manufacture of ocean-going vessels as well as marine diesel engines of medium and low speed with full capability i

2、n casting, forging and mechanical processing. Two slipways, with one for ships under40,000 tonnage and another for ships under 70,000 tonnage, and eight berths for ships of 5,000 T dwt have been constructed in the yard. The outfitting quay, some 700 meters in length, is well equipped with about 3,60

3、0 kinds of various equipments. The shipyard is noted for its high comprehensive productivity and facile adaptability.H.D.船廠位于上海黃浦江的東岸,是一個綜合性企業(yè),尤其是在遠洋輪的建造,和船用中低速柴油機的鑄造,鍛造和機加工方面具有很強的實力。該船廠建有兩個傾斜船臺,一個4萬噸,另一個7萬噸,和八個5千噸水平船臺。舾裝順岸式碼頭,有700米長,裝備了大約有3600種不同的設備。該船廠以其高綜合生產能力和靈活的適應能力而著名。Up to now, more than 1,20

4、0 vessels of different types have been completed, among which were the self-designed 25,000 T ocean-going bulk-cargo carriers that have been serving the ocean-going fleet around the world for years. Starting from 1981, it has accepted orders from foreign customers for bulk-cargo carriers of the clas

5、s of 36,000 T dwt which were jointly designed with Japan, anchor handling supply vessels for offshore services of joint design with England which took the lead in the world in 1980s, 62,000 T dwt oil tankers for Chile , 52,000 T dwt oil storage tankers which act as an oil refinery at sea , 2,700 con

6、tainer vessels of the future type in the nineties to the design of which West Germany made her part of contribution, and guided-missile frigates of self-design which have been exported to the Royal Thai navy and the Egyptian navy.到目前為止,該船廠已建造完成1200條不同類型的船舶。在這些建造完成的船舶中,有其自行設計的25000噸遠洋散裝貨輪,而且該船已為遠洋艦隊服

7、役多年。從1981年起,他們接到的定單有:與日本聯合設計的36000噸遠洋散裝貨輪;與英格蘭聯合設計的近海作業(yè)的錨操縱工作船(這條船在二十世紀八十年代居于世界領先地位;為智利建造的62000噸油船;52000噸儲油船(可在海上進行原油加工;西德方面協助設計的,具有九十年代先進水平的未來型2700箱集裝箱船;還有自行設計的已在泰國海軍和埃及海軍服役的導彈護衛(wèi)艦。H. D. Shipyard has a history of over 40 years in marine diesel engine making with an independent product ion system. In

8、 addition to specified technology and pro ducts of its own, the yard has signed license agreements with SEMT of France and B&W Co. of Denmark to make PC2-5 medium-speed diesel engines and B&W low-speed diesel engines, the actual production of which the yard hassuccessfully made a reality.H.D

9、.船廠有一個獨立的柴油機生產系統(tǒng),生產的船用柴油機已有超過四十年的歷史。除了擁有自己的專有技術和產品,還與法國熱機協會和丹麥的B&W柴油機公司簽約制造PC2-5的中速柴油機,及B&W低速柴油機。并已成功的生產出這些產品。H. D. Shipyard has a technical force of distinguished engineers coupled with advanced techniques in scientific research. An engineering and technical team of more than 2,000 persons

10、engaged in new technology research and physical-chemical experiments shares the responsibility of the research and design of the vessels and diesel engines. To most the development of shipping and the need of modern management, the shipyard is equipped with general-purpose electronic computers, Larg

11、e NC drawing instruments and imported image display systems. Computer techniques have been applied and developed effectively in research, design and production.H.D.船廠的技術力量雄厚,擁有在科學研究領域具有從事高新技術研究能力的工程師。擁有一支超過2000人的技術團隊,他們正在進行新技術研究以及理化實驗,共同肩負著研究和設計輪船與柴油機的責任。為了造船行業(yè)的最大發(fā)展和適應現代生產管理的需要,船廠裝備了通用的電子計算機,大型的數控繪圖

12、儀和進口的圖象顯示系統(tǒng)。計算機已廣泛的應用于船舶的研究,設計,生產,并得到有效的發(fā)展。H. D. Shipyard has possessed great industrial potentialities and is ready to serve customers all over the word.H.D.船廠已具備了大型工業(yè)產品的生產建造能力,并已準備好為來自世界各地的客戶服務。New Words and Expressions1.shipyard (yard n. 船廠2.shipbuilding n. 造船3.manufacture n. & v. 生產,制造4.ocea

13、n-going vessel 遠洋船5.marine diesel engine 船用柴油機6.medium speed 中速7.low speed 低速8.casting n. 鑄造9.mechanical processing 機加工10.forging n. 鍛造11.slipway n.(傾斜船臺12.tonnage n. 噸位13.berth n.(水平船臺14.deadweight (dwt n. 載重量15.outfitting n. 舾裝16.quay n.(順岸式碼頭17.equipment n. 設備prehensive productivity 綜合生產能力19.faci

14、le adaptability 靈活的適應能力20.self-designed a. 自行設計的21.bulk-cargo carrier 散裝貨輪22.ocean-going fleet 遠洋船隊23.order n. 訂單,定貨24.class n. 船級25.anchor handling 錨操縱26.supply vessel 工作船27.offshore service 近海作業(yè)28.joint design 聯合設計29.oil tanker 油船30.oil refinery 煉油廠31.oil storage tanker 儲油船32.container vessel 集裝箱船

15、33.the future type 未來型34.guided-missile frigate 導彈護衛(wèi)艦35.navy n. 海軍36.license n. 專利廠37.SEMT of France 法國熱機協會38.B. & W. Co. 丹麥柴油機公司39.technical force 技術力量40.physical-chemical experiment 理化實驗41.shipping n. 航運42.management n. 生產管理43.general-purpose a. 通用的44.electronic computer 電子計算機45.NC, numerical

16、control 數控46.drawing instrument 圖像顯示系統(tǒng)Notes1.(be situated at 位于2.(be specialized in 專攻,專門從事3.as well as conj. 以及4.with one for ships under 40,000tonnage, and another for ships under70,000 tonnage, 獨立主格,其中one (slipway和another為邏輯主語5.be equipped with 裝備有6.be noted (famous for以. . 聞名7.among which were t

17、he self-designed 25,000 T ocean-going bulk-cargocarriers非限制性定語從句,由于受到的影響,句子到裝,其中充當表語8.for years 等于9.be jointly designed with與. . 聯合設計10.take the lead居于領先地位11.act as充當,擔當12.make contribution to對作出貢獻13.in addition to除. . 之外14.sign an agreement with 與. . 簽約15.make something a reality付諸實施16.(be coupled

18、with與. . 結合17.(be engaged in 從事18.share (shoulder the responsibility of肩負. . 的責任19.be ready to 準備好,樂意20.COSCO中國遠洋公司LESSON TWOAN INTRODUCTION OF H. D. SHOPYARD (2H.D.船廠的簡介(2Ships船舶H. D. Shipyard is capable of building not only bulk-cargo carriers, passenger-cargo vessels, oil tankers, supply vessels,

19、 container vessels and guided-missile frigates but also various kinds of engineering vessels, such as multi-purpose oceanographic research vessels, geo-physical prospecting vessels and marine geological research vessels.The two oceanographic research vessels, Xiangyanghong 09 and Shijian, which ente

20、red for the United Nations atmospheric survey in the name of P. R. China, has accomplished the assignment with great success.H.D.船廠不僅有能力建造散裝貨船,客貨船,油船,儲油船,補給船,集裝箱船和導彈護衛(wèi)艦,而且可以建造各種各樣的工程船,例如,象多用途的海洋調查船,地質物理調查船,海洋地質調查船。“向陽紅09”和“時間”這兩艘海洋調查船,代表中華人民共和國參加了聯合國的大氣環(huán)流調查,并且圓滿的完成了任務。In hull lines, structure and pi

21、ping system, mathematical lofting skill is widely adopted, and accurate and effective management is carried out in shipbuilding. Steel plate pretreatment by shot-blasting and painting has been put into service. NC cutting machine is applied to a great extent. Imported 3-roller bending machine and 7-

22、roller planning machine and other large-size equipments increase their capability in mechanical processing.船體型線、結構及管系的設計工作,廣泛采用了數學放樣技術,因此精細有效的生產管理,在船廠得以實現。目前正采用噴丸和涂漆對鋼板進行預處理。數控切割機也被廣泛的應用。同時,引進了三輥彎機,七輥校平機和其他的大型設備,提高了機加工能力。Diesel Engines柴油機H. D. Shipyard can design and make low-speed marine diesel eng

23、ines of up to 30,000 BHP and medium-speed marine diesel engines of up to 12,000 BHP. The excellent power plants supplied by the yard are now widely taken on freighters, passenger-cargo vessels, oil tankers, container vessels and a variety of engineering vessels. It is also worth mentioning that in t

24、he last few years H.D. has been involved in land-based diesel engine making.H.D.船廠能夠設計生產軸功率最高可達到30000 軸馬力的低速船用柴油機和軸功率最高可達到12000軸馬力的中速船用柴油機。船廠提供的優(yōu)越的動力裝置正被廣泛的用在貨船,客貨船,油船,集裝箱船及各種工程船上。另外值得一提的是,在近幾年,H.D.船廠開始制造陸用柴油機。H. D. Shipyard has applied advanced technology, superior testing facilities and precision

25、testing instruments to the making of diesel engines. With highcapability in forging, casting and mechanical processing, they utilize their own machining workshops in making diesel engines ranging from blank forging and casting to finished products of elements and parts which are serialized on their

26、own efforts.H.D. 船廠采用先進的技術,先進的測試設備,精準的測試儀器進行柴油機的制造。他們在鍛造,鑄造及機加工方面具有很高的能力,他們利用自己的機加工車間就能完成從鍛造、鑄造毛坯到零部件成品的整個加工過程。Affiliated Factories附屬工廠Apart from the shipbuilding and diesel engine making systems, there are three affiliated factories under the shipyard, namely, the steel casting factory, the valve p

27、lant and the electrical appliance factory, specializing respectively in the manufacture of casting products, valves and marine electrical equipments.除了造船、柴油機制造系統(tǒng)外,船廠旗下還有三家附屬工廠,即鋼鐵鑄造廠,閥門廠和電器設備廠,他們分別專門從事鑄件,閥門和船用電器設備的生產。Technology技術The shipyard owns a technical staff of over 2,000 members, among whom s

28、ome 300 have won the title of senior engineers equal to professors and vice-professors and more than 800 have obtained the title of engineers equal to lecturers. And, a shipbuilding technology research institute an electronic computer institute, a marine engineering research institute, a welding lab

29、oratory a physical-chemical experiments have been established.船廠擁有一個超過2000人的技術團體,這其中已經有大約300人獲得了高級工程師的職稱,有800多人獲得了工程師的職稱。此外,他還建立了造船工藝研究所,電子計算機中心,造機研究所,焊接實驗室,理化中心實驗室,計量實驗室和其他的技術部門。H. D. Shipyard is independently capable of designing vessels and diesel engines. It is resourceful in new technology rese

30、arch and physical-chemical experiments. Furthermore, the yard has rich practical experiences in the application of computer techniques to scientific research production and management.BusinessWith their ships sailing across the four oceans and their friends all over the world, they wish for genuine

31、cooperation and universal progress. Emphasizing on mutual benefit and dealing in both export and import business they are keen in learning advanced foreign techniques to ensure high quality products and to promote foreign trade as well as international cooperation.New Words and Expressions1.passenge

32、r-cargo vessel 客貨船2.engineering vessel 工程船3.multi-purpose a. 多用途的,綜合的,4.oceanographic research vessel 海洋調查船5.geo-physical prospecting vessel 地質物理調查船6.marine geological research vessel 海洋地質調查船7.atmospheric survey 大氣環(huán)流調查8.hull lines 船體線形9.structure n. 結構10.piping system 管系11.mathematical lofting skill

33、 數學放樣技術12.management n. 生產管理13.steel plate pretreatment 鋼板預處理14.shot-blasting n. 噴丸處理15.painting n. 涂漆16.NC cutting machine 數控切割機17.3-roller bending machine 三輥彎機18.planning machine 校平機19.BHP-the brake horse power 軸馬力20.power plants 動力裝置21.freighter n. 貨船22.land-based a. 陸基的23.testing facilities 測試設備

34、24.testing instrument 測試儀器25.machining n. 機加工26.blank n. 毛坯27.finished product 成品28.element n. 機械零件29.part n. 部件30.serialize vt. 使。成系列31.affiliated factory 附屬工廠32.valve n. 閥件33.electrical appliance 電器附屬設備34.technical staff 全體技術人員35.senior engineer 高級工程師36.title n. 職稱37.shipbuilding technology resear

35、ch institute 造船工藝研究所38.marine engineering research institute 造機研究所39.welding laboratory 焊接實驗室40.physical-chemical experimental center 理化實驗室41.measurement laboratory 計量實驗室Notes1.be capable of 具有。的能力2.enter for 參加3.the United Nations 聯合國4.in the name of 以。的名義5.be widely adopted 廣泛采用6.be put into servi

36、ce 得到應用7.It is also worth mentioning that。It為形式主語;that為主從連詞,引出主語從句,worth充當表語形容詞,其后通常跟賓語8.be involved in 卷入9.range from 從。到。;范圍為10.apart from 除。之外11.namely 即,就是,12.specialize in 專門制造,專門從事13.(be equal to 等于14.be resourceful in 在。方面是強有力的15.with their ships sailing across four oceans and their friends a

37、ll over the world獨立主格16.wish for 需要,渴求17.deal in 經營,做買賣18.be keen on 喜愛,渴求19.foreign trade 外貿LESSON THREEPRINCIAL DIMENSIONSIf you turn up a technical specification which is regarded as the code of shipbuilding, you will always find that Main Group 1 in the index is Ship General. And contents under

38、Ship General will, generally speaking and in spite of some slight differences among individual specifications, include general description, materials, dimensions & tonnage, stability, classification, drawings, supervision, test & trials delivery, etc. But in this little passage we would like

39、 to concentrate on the sea keeping performances only. Performances of vessels have much to do with principal dimensions and ship forms. So it is quite necessary to discuss the principal dimensions and geometrical characteristics of hull at the very beginning.1.Elements of geometrical characteristics

40、.1.1.Three cross sections of hull vertical to one another: The middle longitudinal crosssectiona longitudinal vertical plane along the centerline of ship length and a symmetrical plane between port and starboard. The midship transverse cross section a transverse vertical plane at midship.The design

41、water plane a horizontal plane through design waterline.1.2. Principal dimensions.The length overall the max, horizontal distance from bow to stern.The length B.P. the horizontal distance between the two perpendiculars, i.e. stem and stern.The length W.L. the length of design waterline or the length

42、 of full-load waterline.The breadth moulded the max, breadth at design waterline.The depth moulded the vertical height from the upper surface of keel to the surface of upper deck within the midship transverse cross section.Draft(draught the vertical height from the upper surface of keel to design wa

43、terline.1.3. Coefficients of shop form.There are mainly four coefficients for ship form. They are the design water plane coefficient, the midship transverse cross section coefficient, the displacement coefficient (referred to as block coefficient as well and the longitudinal prismatic coefficient.Co

44、efficients of ship form will help you have a better understanding of the hull shape under water and the variation along ship length, and directly affect sea-keeping performances of vessels. Needless to say, a choice of appropriate coefficients has to be made in the light of the purpose, performance

45、and speed and the like of a ship.2.Deadweight and displacement2.1. DisplacementDisplacement falls roughly into light-ship displacement (light-load displacement and full-load displacement. The light-ship displacement refers to the displacement under which a ship is loaded with crew, crews personal be

46、longings, spare parts, spare gears and provisions in the absence of cargo, fuel and other consumables on board the ship; whereas the full-load onboard of cargo, complement, fuel and so on has reached to the fullest extent. Besides, for warships, another two concepts, normal displacement, and standar

47、d displacement are also adopted for the weight calculation.2.2 DeadweightIt so happens that an owner will bargain with a yard to ask for as biggest deadweight as possible, because, in a sense, deadweight is a matter of money. For, you see, deadweight is the max, weight of cargo and personal a ship c

48、an carry under the condition of full-load displacement. Or, in other words, deadweight equals to full-load displacement minus the sum of light-load displacement and the weight of consumables onboard, such as water, oil, etc.As to the vessel volume, it is put as the total tonnage or the net registere

49、d tonnage, is calculated on the basis of the total volume of all compartments and spaces that can be enclosed; while the net registered tonnage id equal to the total tonnage minus the volume of the compartments and spaces that are not for cargoes or passengers.New words and Expressions1.principal di

50、mensions 主尺度2.technical specification (spec 技術規(guī)格書3.index n. 索引4.ship general 概況,總體5.tonnage n. 噸位6.stability n. 穩(wěn)性7.classification n. 船級8.drawing n. 圖紙9.supervision n. 監(jiān)造10.test & trials 試驗與試航11.delivery n. 交船,交貨12.sea-keeping performances 航海性能13.geometrical characteristics 幾何特性14.hull n. 船體15.c

51、ross section 剖面,截面16.vertical a. 垂直的,直立式的17.longitudinal a. 縱向的18.plane n. 平面19.centerline n. 中心線20.symmetrical a. 對稱的21.port n. 左舷22.starboard n. 右舷23.midship n. a. adv. 舯部24.transverse a. 橫向的25.design water plane 設計水線面26.horizontal a. 水平的,臥式的27.design waterline 設計水線28.the length overall 全長29.max.

52、(maximum a. 最大30.bow n. 船艏31.stern n. 船艉32.the length B.P. 兩柱間長33.perpendicular n. 垂線34.stem n. 艏柱35.the length W.L. 水線長36.full-load a. 滿載的37.the breadth moulded 型寬38.the depth moulded 型深39.keel n. 龍骨40.draft (draught n. 吃水41.freeboard n. 干舷42.coefficients of ship form 船型系數43.displacement n. 排水量44.b

53、lock coefficient 方形系數45.prismatic coefficient 菱形系數46.deadweight n. 載重量47.light-ship displacement (light-load displacement 輕載排水量48.full-load displacement 滿載排水量49.crew n. (全體船員50.spare parts 備件51.spare gears 備品52.cargo n. 船貨53.consumables n. 消耗品54.normal displacement 正常排水量55.standard displacement 標準排水

54、量56.owner n. 船東57.the total tonnage 總噸位58.the net registered tonnage 凈登記噸位partment n. 分隔艙60.space n. 艙室plement n. 定員Notes1.turn up 翻閱,查找2.code 法典3.Main Group 1 第一大部分4.index 索引,目錄5.generally speaking 一般來說6.in spite of 不管,任憑7.would like to 很想,愿意8.concentrate on 集中于9.have much to do with 與。有很大關系10.at t

55、he very beginning 從一開始英語中的強調,一般有強調謂語,強調句型和強調詞匯三種手段。此處的very即是強調詞匯。11.will help you have a better understanding 在動詞help之后充當賓語或賓語補足語的動詞不定式,均可省去不定式的標志“to”12.needless to say 不用說13.fall into 分成14.on board the ship 在船上15.under which a ship is loaded with crew 介詞+with引出賓語從句16.to the fullest extent 到達最大限度17.

56、under the condition of 在。條件下18.in other words 換句話說19.sum 兩數相加之和20.be put as 表達為21.in the absence of 缺少,缺乏22.in a sense 從某種意義上來說LESSON FOUROTHER SEA-KEEPING PERFORMANCES (1 Apart from principal dimensions, sea-keeping performances cover floatability, roll and pitch , fast speed, floodability and mane

57、uverability.FloatabilityOne of the important sea-keeping performances is floatability that indicates the ability of vessel floating positively on water under the condition of a certain amount of deadweight.When we deal with floatability, we must first be clear about the following two technical terms

58、, i.e. reserve buoyance and load-line mark.Then what is the reserve buoyance? You see, when a ship is sailing at sea, it has to obtain a certain amount of freeboard. That is to say, to give you a concrete idea, any vessel is to retain some volume above water for the sake of extra buoyance so that its d


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