1、position-related consumption of civil servants has been swept by finance, consumer, regardless of cost, extravagance and waste in the civil service position-related consumption, abuse, corruption and embezzlement, corruption is important. Then, under the conditions of market economy, how to reform t
2、he existing civil duty consumption management, explores a source to prevent and curb the post consumption corruption way, is currently a major issue faced by honest work. Recently, I conducted research on this issue, this problem on some humble opinions. First, the existing public servants ' dut
3、y consumption the main problems seen from the investigation and reasons, in recent years, public servants ' duty consumption caused by the abuses and not a person of integrity, is one of the major problems in the party in Government, its operation order have a negative effect on the party and Go
4、vernment organs, seriously damaging the image of the party and the Government, undermining the relationship between party and the masses, effect, opening up and economic construction. From I County in recent years of governance situation see, positions consumption in the produced of "two not&qu
5、ot; phenomenon rendering four a features: a is positions consumption system lost has due of binding, right is greater than rules, and right is greater than method of phenomenon more highlight; II is in positions consumption in the Camera Obscura operation, using terms, will positions consumption int
6、o has personal consumption, will corporate points to into personal points to, makes positions consumption in some aspects has into positions enjoy and self-dealing of means; three is to positions consumption for name, fraud, false impersonator, Trend of negative corruption phenomena such as corrupti
7、on and misappropriation; four palaces, follow the fashion, rivalries, wasteful, and post consumption became a symbol of showing off their individual capacities. Caused by public servants ' duty consumption of many "two" phenomenon in which people reflect the biggest problems are: (a) t
8、he official car problems. Mainly in three aspects: one is the larger buses cost expenditure. According to statistics, until November 2003, XX County township Department bus 159 cars, which department owns the bus 145 vehicles, and showed an increasing trend. Financial expenses cost per bus per year
9、to 35,000 yuan, and in fact every cost up to 50,000 yuan. Some units also hiring temporary drivers and expenditure on wages and subsidies. Necessary to "keep a car", but also "dependants", leading to larger expenses. Second, gongchesiyong breed unhealthy tendencies. Some people b
10、elieve that now some bus drivers use one-third, one-third leading private one-third used for official purposes. Some public servants, especially leading officials motoring, cars for private purposes, violating the self-discipline regulations, and even lead to traffic accidents. According to statisti
11、cs from related departments, since 2004, the correct investigation in our County serves nearly 30 cars for private purposes, only the first half of this year, cars for private purposes or2013年全國中級導(dǎo)游員等級考試大綱(試行)漢語言文學(xué)知識總體要求通過本書的學(xué)習(xí),要求考生了解與導(dǎo)游工作相關(guān)的漢語言文學(xué)知識,熟悉常用的漢字、導(dǎo)游語言及旅游文學(xué)的特點(diǎn)和作用,并能結(jié)合導(dǎo)游工作實(shí)際予以應(yīng)用,豐富導(dǎo)游講解的文化內(nèi)涵
12、,增強(qiáng)導(dǎo)游語言表達(dá)的形象性、藝術(shù)性,力求導(dǎo)游語言形象生動、引人入勝??荚嚪绞脚c題型題量考試為閉卷、筆試;考試時間為120分鐘。包括單選(4項(xiàng)選1)44題(每題1分)、多選(5項(xiàng)選2、3或4)20題(每題1分)、填空20題(每題1分)、論述2題(每題8分)。第一編 漢字與導(dǎo)游語言第一章 漢字文化導(dǎo)游知識考試目的:通過本章的考試,檢查考生對漢字文化導(dǎo)游知識了解、熟悉與掌握的程度??荚噧?nèi)容:第一節(jié) 漢字與旅游的關(guān)系了解漢字的歷史、漢字文化在旅游中的作用;熟悉漢字的種類,能識別不同種類漢字的形體特點(diǎn),熟悉漢字特點(diǎn)產(chǎn)生的修辭技巧;掌握說文解字(許慎著)劃分的漢字六種造字方法。第二節(jié) 漢字在導(dǎo)游中的作用了
13、解漢字形體的藝術(shù)變化和漢字結(jié)構(gòu)的文化功能,掌握在導(dǎo)游中常見的難讀易錯漢字的讀音。第二章 導(dǎo)游語言考試目的:通過本章的考試,檢查考生對導(dǎo)游語言相關(guān)知識了解、熟悉與掌握的程度??荚噧?nèi)容:第一節(jié) 導(dǎo)游詞概述熟悉導(dǎo)游詞的含義、分類方法及其特點(diǎn),掌握導(dǎo)游詞不同語體的表達(dá)風(fēng)格和導(dǎo)游詞不同的表現(xiàn)形式。第二節(jié) 導(dǎo)游詞的表達(dá)藝術(shù)熟悉導(dǎo)游詞表達(dá)的特點(diǎn),掌握導(dǎo)游詞表達(dá)的基本要求。第二編 旅游文學(xué)知識旅游與旅游文學(xué)概述考試目的:通過本章的考試,檢查考生對旅游文學(xué)了解、熟悉和掌握的程度??荚噧?nèi)容:了解旅游文學(xué)的含義與淵源,熟悉旅游文學(xué)的特征和作用,以及導(dǎo)游人員應(yīng)具備的旅游文學(xué)知識。第一章至第八章考試目的:檢查考生對旅游
14、景點(diǎn)詩文了解、熟悉和掌握的程度。考試內(nèi)容:了解選篇的作者、朝代、篇名、景點(diǎn)。理解選篇的內(nèi)容,會講解,會翻譯。掌握重點(diǎn)篇目,記識精彩語句。了解篇目:1、 頤和園銅牛銘(愛新覺羅·弘歷)2、 盤山道中(朱之蕃)3、 孟姜女廟聯(lián)(文天祥)4、 題云岡石窟寺(宋昱)5、 游懸空寺(鄧克劭)6、 青冢(王循)7、 內(nèi)蒙古呼和浩特長白書院聯(lián)(薛慰農(nóng))8、 長相思(魯歌)9、 題太陽島、松花江聯(lián)(門奎)10、 寒山寺聯(lián)(鄒福保)11、 泰山刻石(李斯)12、 望廬山瀑布(李白)13、 少林寺寺外門石柱聯(lián)(佚名)14、 黃山獅子林聯(lián)(毛大周)15、 廬山五老峰聯(lián)(佚名)16、 廬山簡寂觀聯(lián)(李漁)1
15、7、 游肇慶七星巖(葉劍英)18、 廣州陶陶居酒家聯(lián)(佚名)19、 桂林獨(dú)秀峰聯(lián)(廖鴻熙)20、 鄭成功紀(jì)念館聯(lián)(郭沫若)21、 武夷山覽臺聯(lián)(佚名)22、 人月圓、泛大理海子(楊慎)23、 甲秀樓(江東之)24、 貴陽甲秀樓聯(lián)(劉蘊(yùn)泉)25、 自巴東舟行經(jīng)瞿塘峽登巫山最高峰晚還題壁(李白)26、 華山(寇準(zhǔn))27、 天水麥積山石窟聯(lián)(葉昌熾)28、 青海湖擬日月山石碑聯(lián)(佚名)29、 說園聯(lián)(王樹楠)30、 波密窮多宗衙門聯(lián)(裕綱)熟悉篇目:1、 天壇松月(戴梓)2、 題寫長城聯(lián)(羅哲文)3、 盛京舊宮再依皇祖原韻(愛新覺羅·弘歷)4、 題千山景物聯(lián)(尚文化)5、 泊秦淮(杜牧)6
16、、 莫愁湖聯(lián)(彭玉麟)7、 題南京長江大橋聯(lián)(竇天語)8、 靈隱寺(宋之問)9、 錢塘觀潮(施閏章)10、 大明湖(曾鞏)11、 孔府大門聯(lián)(紀(jì)昀)12、 嵩山(顧炎武)13、 龍門山色(呂維祺)14、 山行(杜牧)15、 衡陽南天門牌坊聯(lián)(佚名)16、 題武陵源聯(lián)(劉新明)17、 海角天涯勝跡聯(lián)(李求真)18、 滇海曲(其一)(楊慎)19、 滇池大觀樓聯(lián)(孫髯)20、 都江堰聯(lián)(佚名)21、 題九寨溝聯(lián)(侯正榮)22、 夜入瞿塘峽(白居易)23、 題長江三峽聯(lián)(魏建國)24、 華山玉泉院聯(lián)(嚴(yán)長明)25、 月牙泉聯(lián)(佚名)26、 題敦煌鳴沙山月牙泉聯(lián)(宗學(xué)義)27、 蘇幕遮·青海湖
17、(時樂鳴)28、 青山禪院聯(lián)(佚名)29、 新界長山古寺聯(lián)(佚名)30、 媽祖閣聯(lián)(佚名)31、 松山風(fēng)雨亭聯(lián)(佚名)32、 臺北市武圣廟聯(lián)(王凱泰)33、 鄭成功廟聯(lián)(佚名)掌握篇目:1、 御花園花朝(愛新覺羅·弘歷)2、 頤和園(愛新覺羅·溥杰)3、 登萬里長城(康有為)4、 題天安門廣場人民英雄紀(jì)念碑聯(lián)(陳謙)5、 故宮太和門聯(lián)(佚名)6、 頤和園仁壽殿聯(lián)(愛新覺羅·弘歷)7、 長城居庸關(guān)聯(lián)(蕭詩)8、 天安門廣場人民英雄紀(jì)念碑碑文(毛澤東)9、 步出夏門行·觀滄海(曹操)10、 浪淘沙·北戴河(毛澤東)11、 長城山海關(guān)聯(lián)(佚名)12、
18、 避暑山莊后序 (第二自然段)(愛新覺羅·弘歷)13、 晉祠門聯(lián)(劉大鵬)14、 應(yīng)縣木塔聯(lián)(佚名)15、 長白山(吳兆騫)16、 沈陽故宮衍慶宮聯(lián)(阮元)17、 吉林北山玉皇閣聯(lián)(成多祿)18、 鏡泊湖望湖亭聯(lián)(佚名)19、 豫園新詠(陳詔)20、 豫園卷雨樓聯(lián)(佚名)21、 登金陵鳳凰臺(李白)22、 寄揚(yáng)州韓綽判官(杜牧)23、 楓橋夜泊(張繼)24、 中山陵聯(lián)(汪爾駒)25、 春題湖上(白居易)26、 西湖三潭印月聯(lián)(程云)27、 杭州靈隱寺聯(lián)(趙孟兆 頁 )28、 望岳(杜甫)29、 大明湖小滄浪園聯(lián)(劉鳳誥)30、 泰山南天門聯(lián)(佚名)31、 黃鶴樓(崔顥)32、 念奴嬌
19、·赤壁懷古(蘇軾)33、 黃鶴樓聯(lián)(薩迎阿)34、 登岳陽樓(杜甫)35、 望洞庭(劉禹錫)36、 岳陽樓聯(lián)(何紹基)37、 望九華山贈青陽韋仲堪(李白)38、 黃山九龍瀑聯(lián)(佚名)39、 登廬山(毛澤東)40、 廣州鎮(zhèn)海樓聯(lián)(彭玉麟)41、 送桂州嚴(yán)大夫(韓愈)42、 獨(dú)秀峰(張固)43、 龍隱洞聯(lián)(劉德宜)44、 游武夷(郁達(dá)夫)45、 五指參天(丘浚)46、 雷瓊道大堂聯(lián)(佚名)47、 滇海曲(其二)(楊慎)48、 石林(趙樸初)49、 洱海聯(lián)(趙藩)50、 蝴蝶泉聯(lián)(彭祜)51、 麗江玉泉公園得月樓聯(lián)(郭沫若)52、 黃果樹廟壁題詩(佚名)53、 黃果樹瀑布聯(lián)(佚名)54、
20、蜀相(杜甫)55、 樂山大佛(時樂鳴)56、 九寨溝風(fēng)景區(qū)(熊克威)57、 成都武侯祠聯(lián)(趙藩)58、 過始皇陵(王維)59、 過華清宮絕句(杜牧)60、 華清池聯(lián)(楊頤)61、 題黃帝陵聯(lián)(姜園憲)62、 敦煌二十詠(選一)(佚名)63、 訪莫高窟(吳丈蜀)64、 瑤池(李商隱)根據(jù)工程勘察報告揭露,本場地自地表至持力層深度范圍內(nèi)所揭露的土層主要由飽和粘土、砂土組成,具有成層分布的特點(diǎn)。leaders driving a vehicle accident caused by road accidents, 1, 1 people killed and direct economic loss
21、es amounting to more than 100,000 yuan. Third, high efficiency and low cost of the bus. Surveys show that, the operating costs of taxis for the 8200/. Is a fundamental priority of the reform, it is a difficult problem that must be solved in the reform process. Clearly, the post consumption averages
22、three years before as a base and fine-tuned on the basis of this single practices must be improved. Improvements to adhere to three principles: first, under the existing policy provisions approved for public servants ' duty consumption standards, calibration, is not contrary to policy. Second, a
23、ccording to the local financial situation and people's sustainability, public servants ' duty consumption standards approved, both financial reach, and people passing through. Third, according to the operational needs of civil servants responsible for authorized public servants ' duty co
24、nsumption standards, both high and low positions, but also the nature of the work and the workload. In reform of method Shang, approved civil servants positions consumption standard to "big unified, and small dispersed" suitable, that most positions consumption project should according to
25、policy provides proposed unified standard, consider to ranks, and units and the work task of differences sex, unified of standard should has elastic of and dynamic of, makes regions, and units in implementation unified standard Shi has must of flexible disposal right; but since set of standard must
26、after financial, and audit, sector audit approved Hou to implementation. (C) reform package. Public servants ' duty consumption elasticity of consumption to limit consumption, turning mess into kitchen after dinner, follow the civil servant with a how to use personal title subsidies, or how to m
27、anage a personal duty consumption use of subsidies. Therefore, we must establish and perfect with public servants ' duty consumption monetization reform support of the series of governance systems such as the civil service examination of responsibility, system, low fault investigation system, the report said. While other measures to keep up. Discipline
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