1、漢譯英難點解析第一篇 形形色色的人1 一根筋兒 one track-minded.別跟他較勁了。他一根筋,你還不知道?Stop reasoning with him. Dont you know he is one track-minded?2.出眾的人 a lulu要說漂亮,我們公司新來的秘書可算是個相貌出眾的女孩子了。Talking about being pretty, our companys new secretary is indeed a lulu.3.兩面派 two-faced我知道怎樣對付兩面派,而且一眼就能看出誰是一貫兩面討好的人。I know how to handle
2、two-faced people and can even tell at the first glance who are in the habit of running with the hare and hunting with the hounds.(注:run with the hare and hunt with the hounds指人兩面討好,不得罪任何一方的做法。)4傻大個兒 a lummox聽說那個傻大個兒把他們公司的買賣搞得一團糟。It is said that the lummox has loused up their companys whole business.
3、5.收破爛兒的人 a rag man 那些收破爛兒的人走街串戶,有時也能掙不少錢。Those rag men going from door to door sometimes may also earn quite a handsome sum of money.6.鄉(xiāng)巴佬 a hayseed她說她決不會嫁給一個鄉(xiāng)巴佬,不管他多有錢。She insisted that she would not marry herself off to a hayseed, no matter how rich he was.7.不三不四的人riff-raffs老張的家里總來些不三不四的人,可想而知老張不是
4、什么好東西。There are always riff-raffs hanging around in LaoZhangs home, which gives you the feeling that Lao Zhang is not a good guy.8.受氣包兒 doormat她天生就是個受氣包兒,什么事都不敢說個不字Shes born doormat ,afraid of going against anything.9.面無表情的人 a deadpan和那些面無表情的人在一起工作真讓人憋氣。You feel choked to work with those deadpans.10
5、.掃帚星 a jinx有人說那個女人是個掃帚星,誰跟她結婚誰倒霉。Shes said to be a jinx, who would bring bad luck to whoever she marries. 第二篇 能力與智慧1 海量 have a hollow leg你像灌醉他?他可是海量,從來沒有醉過。Want to drink him under the table? Wellyou can never do. He got a hollow leg, you know.2.略勝一籌 be a notch above論油畫,張先生比劉先生畫得好。但是,談到水彩畫,劉先生可就比張先生略
6、勝一籌了。In oil painting, Mr.Zhang paints better than Mr.Li.But when it comes to water colors,Mr.Liu appears to be a notch above Mr.Zhang.3.有頭腦 be a brain他可是個有頭腦德人,決不會相信你的那一套。Hes a brain, who wouldnt be fooled into believing your babbling.4.很能干 to have a lot on the ball我知道李明很能干,但我懷疑他是否真的愿意到我們這兒來工作。I kno
7、w Li Ming has a lot on the ball. But Im not sure if he likes to work here.5.有名無實 a poor apology你剛才提到的那個作家不過是個有名無實的人。他的作品太沒意思了。The man youve just mentioned is but a poor apology for a writer. His writings are tedious.6.絞盡腦汁 to rack ones brain他已經絞盡腦汁了,可是仍未找到問題的答案。He had racked his brain, but hadnt bee
8、n able to work out the answer to the problem.7.沒骨氣 have no guts.真沒想到小高那么沒骨氣,竟然嫁給了坑害過她父親的人。Im surprised to learn that XiaoGao had married the man who had once done her father in. She rally has no guts.8.真了不起really something 他真了不起,竟然一個人對付了那么多的對手。He overwhelmed so many of his opponents alone. Hes reall
9、y something.9.曇花一現(xiàn) a flash in the pan那個歌星也只是曇花一現(xiàn),出了幾張唱片就銷聲匿跡了。That singer was only a flash in the pan. He disappeared into the air after having made one or two records.10.寡不敵眾 be outnumbered 她很勇敢,但終因寡不敵眾,被那幫人打暈過去The girl was brave enough, but as being outnumbered, she was finally knocked into the mi
10、ddle of next week by the gang.11.單槍匹馬 play a lone hand在投資時,他總喜歡單槍匹馬的去干When investing in a business, he always likes to play a lone hand.12.出師不利 get off one the wrong foot他的主意不錯,可一開始就出師不利。His idea was good, but he got off on the wrong foot when he started doing it.13.口才 the gift of gab我?guī)缀鯖]見過像莉莉這樣有口才的
11、女孩子。Seldom have I met a girl whos had such a gift of gab like Lee Lees.14.還嫩點兒 still wet behind the ears想陷害我?你還嫩點兒Attempt to do me in? You are still wet behind the ears.(be wet behind the ears 的字面意思是“像剛生下來的嬰兒一樣,耳朵后的根毛還是濕的那)15.糊涂蟲 a nitwit 你真是個糊涂蟲,怎么能當他的面講他女朋友的壞話那?Youre a real nitwit. Why should you
12、badmouth his girlfriend in his face?16.飯量小 eat like a bird她的飯量特別小,有一小塊面包就足夠了。She eats like a bird. A small piece of bread will be enough for her.17.痛失良機 Let something slip through ones fingers你真蠢!這樣一個發(fā)大財?shù)臋C會千載難逢,你怎能眼睜睜的讓他跑掉那?You cant be more stupid! How could you let such a golden opportunity to make
13、 big money slip through your fingers? It was an opportunity that comes once in a blue moon.18.抓住機會 jump at the chance這樣的好機會,你應該抓住You should have jump at such a good chance.19.嘴硬 never say uncle那個孩子的嘴特別硬,打死他都不肯認錯That boy never says uncle. He wouldnt admit hes wrong for the life of him.20.有門道 have the
14、 means of 在掙錢方面,張先生可有門道了Mr.Zhang has always had the means of making money.21.找到竅門get the hang of 我已經找到學習英語動詞的竅門了。Ive now got the hang of learning English verbs.22.占上風 gain the upper hand比賽一開始,我們隊占上風??傻阶詈髤s失利了At the beginning of the game our team gained the upper hand. But by and by, we lost our stren
15、gth.23.有資格 be in a position.你沒有資格對他那樣講話,他是那兒的老板Youre not in a position to talk to him like that; Hes the boss there.24.恭維話 blarney只有傻瓜才會相信你的花言巧語。Only a fool will believe your blarney.25.上圈套 rise to a bait趙先生又上了那幫人的圈套了Mr.Zhao again rose to the bait set by the guys.26.頭腦有點不正常 have a few buttons missin
16、g 能說那種話的人頭腦肯定有點不正常。Anyone who says that must have a few buttons missing.27.見機行事 play to the score到那兒,你要見機行事,千萬不要由性子來。When you are there with them, play to the score. Never act on impulse.28唆使 put somebody up to 肯定有人唆使他去干那件事There must be someone who had put him up to that.29.心有余而力不足 The spirit is wil
17、ling, but the flesh is week.不是他不愿意幫你,而是他心有余而力不足30.轟動全世界set the world on fire 他吹噓果找到這個問題的答案,其成果就會轟動全世界He boasted that if he could find the solution to the problem, the result of it would set the world on fire.31.盲從 follow like sheep她們根本不知道什么是時尚,只不過是在盲從而已They actually know nothing about what fashion i
18、s. Theyre only following others like sheep.32.聽其自然 let things slide事到如今,我們也只好聽其自然了With things as such, well have to let things slide.第三篇 脾氣和性格1 偷懶?;^ goof-off小王總是偷懶?;^。上班時不是去打電話就是跑到醫(yī)務室去看病。XiaoWangs always goofing-off-either making phone calls or going to the clinic to see doctors during office hours
19、.2.大動肝火 be up in arms 由于公司最近幾個月銷售業(yè)績不佳,老板正在大動肝火The boss is up in arms about the companys poor sales record in the past few months.3.保持冷靜keep cool即使在十分氣憤的情況下她也能保持冷靜She can keep cool even under heavy pressure of anger.4.說話兜圈子 beat about the bush5.心懷叵測 have an ax to grind她總是心懷叵測,對她說的話你得多留神 。She always h
20、as an ax to grind. You should take whatever she says with a pinch of salt.6.心數(shù)不正 not have ones heart in the right place 他的心數(shù)不正,動不動就在別人的背后捅刀子。He doesnt have his heart in the right place. He would find every opportunity to stab in the back of others.7.背后捅刀子 stab in the back我萬萬沒想到張某會在背后捅我一刀。我過去太信任她了。I
21、was taken aback and didnt think Zhang would stab me in the back. I placed too much trust in her.8.說某人的壞話 badmouth somebody我從來沒說過任何人的壞話。Ive never badmouthed anyone.9.傻笑 grin like a Cheshire cat她真是個傻帽,時常無緣無故的就傻笑起來。Shes a real nitwit. She would now and then burst out grinning like a Cheshire car for no
22、 reason at all.(Cheshire是英國的郡名:柴郡。據(jù)說此地有一種貓,常常會無緣無故地咧開嘴對主人笑。后來人們便以此來形容傻笑地的人10厚著臉皮去干 have the gall to do 你怎么能厚著臉皮去抱怨說別人不勤快?How can you have the gall to complaint about other peoples being lazy?11.大獻殷勤dance attendance小李在老板面前可會獻殷勤了。Xiao li is so good at dancing attendance on her boss.12.血口噴人 smite with
23、the tongue千萬別得罪她,她經常血口噴人。Take care not to offend her. She always smites with the tongue.13.假惺惺的說speak with ones tongue in ones cheek我特別討厭她。她說話總是假惺惺地。I feel sick of her. She always speaks with her tongue in her cheek.14.這山望著那山高 The grass is always greener on the other hill.人都是這山望著那山高,對自己的狀況沒有滿意的時候。Al
24、most all people see that the grass is greener on the other hill. They never feel satisfied with what theyve already got.15.上癮get into ones blood 說來也怪,很多不好的事往往會使人上癮。Its astoundingly funny that many harmful things usually get into our blood.16.特別愛生氣 be quick to take offense17.發(fā)牢騷 beef他坐在那里什么事也不干,總是發(fā)牢騷
25、,真煩死人。Im really bored stiff with his sitting there doing nothing but beefing.18.等不及了 champ at the bit咱們快點吧,孩子們都等不及了。Lets shake the leg. The kids are champing at the bit.19.點頭哈腰bow and scrape從她在老板前點頭哈腰地那個模樣,你就知道她是個什么人了。From the way shes bowing and scraping in front of the boss, youll know what sort o
26、f person she is.20.瘋瘋癲癲go gaga對他的話不要太在意了,他總是瘋瘋癲癲的。Dont take what he says so seriously. Hes always going gaga.21.說話不算數(shù)go back on ones words他那個人說話從不算數(shù),我們可不能依靠他。We cannot account on him. He always goes back on his words.22.廢話連篇beat ones gums誰喜歡坐在那里聽你的廢話連篇?Who would enjoy sitting there listening to your
27、 beating your gums?23.恩將仇報 bite the hand that feeds one 你難道不知道她是個恩將仇報的人? Dont you know shes the one that would bite the hand that feeds her?24.不忍心not have the heart to do如果我是你,我可不忍心把孩子們就在家里沒人照看If I were you, I wouldnt have the heart tot leave the kids at home uncared for.25.勤快an eager beaver他特別勤快,從來
28、沒有閑著的時候。Hes an eager beaver, never staying idle.26.太不象話了The idea of somebodys doing你太不象話了,竟然罵自己的母親The idea of your calling your mum damned!27.懶透了be bone-idle她懶透的了,連自己的襪子都不洗。Shes bone-idle. Shes even tired of washing her own socks.28.好客 keep open house我們的鄰居特別好客Our neighbor keeps open house.29.待客周到kee
29、p a good house.She keeps a good house and always makes her guests feel content and satisfied.30.正直be on the up and up 她是個正直的姑娘,因此我相信她不會干出那種事。Shes always been on the up and up and I dont think she would have done such a thing.31.偷雞摸狗be on the sly我們這兒的人都知道他是個愛偷雞摸狗的人Everyone around here knows that hes
30、a man on the sly.32. 與不合be at odds with不要把他們兩個分在一個組里,他倆不合Dont put them in the same group. The two of them are at odds with each other.33.巴結buddy up她可會巴結當官的了。Shes so good at budding up to shoes in authorities34.裝傻 play possum我知道你當時只不過是裝傻而已I know you were only playing possum.35.省吃儉用 pinch and scrape她一
31、向省吃儉用,從未浪費過一分錢Shes always been pinching and scraping without ever wasting a single cent.36. 花言巧語do a snow job他花言巧語的哄騙那個女孩,說自己是某個部長的兒子。He did a snow job on the girl by saying that he is the son of a minister .37. 哪壺不開提哪壺 touch the tender spot你真是哪壺不開提哪壺。她就怕別人提起第三者插足的話題You were plain touching the tende
32、r spot. She was most sensitive to the topic of “ the third person”, who cut in between a couple.38.腳踩兩條船 serve two masters我可不想腳踩兩條船,也不樂意兩面討好。I dont want to serve two masers at the same time nor do I like to run with the hare and hunt with the hounds.39.吃醋 be jealous40.不當一回事 as soon do as look at 他根本
33、就不把得罪人當回事He would just as soon offend other people as look at them.41.說到做到 be the equal of ones words他說到做到,從不食言Hes the equal of his words, never going back on them.42.不依不饒 take off the gloves to 你不必對他如此的不依不饒 You dont need to take off your gloves to him like that.43.貪吃 gluttonous我從來沒有見過像他那樣貪吃的人 Ive n
34、ever met a man as gluttonous as him.44.很乖 as good as gold他的小女兒很乖,從不像別的孩子那樣不聽話。His little daughter is as good as gold. Shes never been as rebellious as other children.45.十分嫉妒 be green with envy王先生的成功使得周圍很多人都嫉妒Mr. Wangs success has made many people around him green with envy.46.滿口臟話 swear like a troop
35、er那個家伙的嘴特別臟,整天滿口臟話罵罵咧咧的。That guy has a foul mouth. He always swears like a trooper.47.神經過敏thin-skinned我看這些人都有點神經過敏In my eyes theyre all sort of thin-skinned.48.性子過急be too quick on the trigger要不是因為你的性子過急,你也不至于失去那筆買賣If you were not too quick on the trigger you wouldnt have lost the deal.49.撒嬌 play the
36、 woman她可會在男人面前撒嬌了。She s so good at playing the woman before men.50.占人便宜 load the dice against你最好別和她打交道,她總愛占別人的便宜Youd better not to get involved with her. she always loads the dice against others.51.為自己撈油水 be on the take 近幾年來,很多官員都在為自己撈油水。有誰會把國家的利益當回事哪?In recent years many officials are readily on th
37、e take .Who would give much heed to the interest of the country?第四篇 情感和態(tài)度1 猶豫不定be of two minds我打算買輛汽車,可心里一直猶豫不定,不知道買那個牌子的好。Im thinking of buying a car, but Im still of two minds .I can hardly decide as to which brand I should take.2.心事重重 some thing weighs heavily on ones mind老板這幾天沉默寡言,看起來好像是心事重重的The
38、 boss is quite down these days. He seems to have something weighing heavily on his mind.3.埋頭苦干 keep ones nose to the grindstone這年頭,只會埋頭苦干的人是掙不了大錢的These years those whore keeping their nose to the grindstone cant make bundles.4.心涼了半截 cool ones ardor莉莉深深愛上了公司的老板并打算嫁給他,但是當她聽說他玩弄過幾個女孩子之后,她的心都涼了半截。Lily w
39、as head over heels in love with their companys boss and was thinking of marrying him, but the news that he had taken several girls for a ride cooled her ardor.5.使人大為激動make ones spine tingle小李答應與他結婚使他大為激動XiaoLis promise to marry him made his spine tingle.6.懷恨在心 bear somebody a grudge千萬別得罪他,他會對你懷恨在心的T
40、ake care not to offend him, or hell bear you a grudge.7.感到四肢無力 feel wobbly and rough.8.受冷落feel left out在這樣的場合上,誰愿意受到冷落那?Who would like to feel left out at such a function?9.不容易 no cinch.我是掙了錢,但這錢掙得太不容易了I know Ive made some money, but it was no cinch to get it.10為難 be in a pickle我真的很為難,我本應該給他買件皮衣,可我沒
41、有那么多的錢Im really in a pickle. Im supposed to buy him a fur coat, but I dont have enough money for such an item.(pickle作“困境”解)11苦苦哀求 press ones suit她苦苦哀求丈夫再給她一次機會She pressed her suit and asked her husband to give her another chance.(苦苦哀求:press ones suit. suit 指“乞求或懇求”)12. 閑得無聊twiddle ones thumbs這些娘們兒都
42、閑得無聊,不是坐在那里說長道短,就是三五成群的談論別人家的“丑聞”These “old girls”network are twiddling their thumbs , sitting there either gossiping or forming into groups talking about other families “skeletons”13.推卸責任 pass the buck當老板問起是誰把消息說出去的時候,他們兩個人相互推卸責任。When the boss was asking who had disclosed the news ,the two of them
43、began to pass the buck to each other.14.承擔后果 face the music這件事是他們三個人一起干的,可是現(xiàn)在誰也不愿意承擔后果It was done by the three of them. But none of them want to face the music now.15.真煩人a pill她真煩人,整天嘮嘮叨叨的Shes really a pill, spending whole day harping and complaining.16.饒不了某人not put anything past somebody如果他膽敢給我使壞,我
44、就饒不了他。If he dare hit me below the belt, I wont put anything past him.17.一門心思have ones heart set on他的女兒一門心思想嫁給一個日本人His daughter has had her heart set on marrying a Japanese man.18.心煩意亂 nerves on edge這幾天不知是什么事把我搞得心煩意亂的I dont know what has set my nerves on edge these days.19.那可不行nothing doing 又要用我的車?那可
45、不行!Want to use my car again? Nothing doing.20.容易極了Nothing to it你能說服我爸爸么? Can you convince my father?說服你爸爸?那太容易了 Convince your dad? Nothing to it!21.到了極點one for the books他的表演簡直棒極了His performance was really one for the books.22.覺得可疑了smell a rat當他們同意把那批貨以那樣的價格賣給你的時候,你難道沒有感到有些可疑么?Didnt you smell a rat w
46、hen they agreed to sell you the goods at such a price?23.敬而遠之give a wide berth to對他那號人,你還是敬而遠之為好Youd better give a wide berth to a guy of his sort.24.稍微就行了give a onceover車子不很臟,稍微擦擦就行了The cars not very dirty, a once-over will do.25.無聊 be for the birds他特別無聊,不是講下流笑話,就是談論別人的婚姻。He s plain for the birds.
47、He would either crack a blue joke or talk about other peoples marriages.26.合口味to ones taste這種音樂很符合他的口味This sort of music is quite to his taste.27.心里特別難受 be sick at heart看到她受到那般傷害我心里特別難受I felt sick at heart when I saw how much she was hurt.28.別往心里去not take to heart不要往心里去,她不是有意要傷害你的Dont take it too mu
48、ch to heart. She didnt mean to hurt you.29.死也不同意 over ones dead body她說她死也不會跟你結婚的She said that she would marry you over her dead body.30.頭痛得快炸了a splitting headache我的頭痛得快炸了I have a splitting headache.31.受到良心的譴責get ones conscience smitten如果你拋棄你的妻子和孩子,你遲早會受到良心的譴責的Youll get your conscience smitten sooner
49、 or later if you have the heart to abandon your wife and children.32.忐忑不安 have (a case of )the jitters自從那家人搬到我們這兒,我們就感到忐忑不安33.垂頭喪氣 sing the blues 我不知道為什么這幾天她總是垂頭喪氣的I dont know why shes singing the blues these days.34. 嚇得直打哆嗦tremble like a leaf聽到那個消息,他嚇得直打哆嗦He was trembling like a leaf at the news.35
50、.不再登某人家的門not darken the door of你放心把,我今后決不會再登你家的門了You can be assured that I will never darken your door again.36.美顛顛的walk on air當他聽說那個女孩子喜歡他時,他樂得美顛顛得37疼得難忍be killing我的牙疼得夠戧,我真受不了了。My tooth is killing me. I cant stand it.38.熱情得讓人受不了 kill someone with kingness她那熱情簡直讓人受不了Shed kill people with kindness.3
51、9.樂意take kindly to 看來她不樂意接受我們的建議She didnt seem to take kindly to our suggestions.40.頂牛be at loggerheads他們倆經常為某些事頂牛兒。The two of them are always at loggerheads.(此語源于中世紀得“潑柏油戰(zhàn)法”。據(jù)說loggerhead是中世紀人們用來熔解柏油的用具。在海戰(zhàn)中,敵對的兩只船相互用loggerhead潑柏油)41.無論怎么樣也不 not do for love or money無論怎么樣我也不能和她那號人合作I wouldnt do thing
52、s together with her sort for love or money.42.感到心里不好受 get a lump in ones throat我一看悲劇電影就不好受I get a lump in my throat whenever I see a tragic movie.43.感到不舒服feel under the weather別去打擾她。她這幾天感到身體有點不舒服Dont disturb her. Shes feeling under the weather these days.44.放下不管leave someone in the lurch你怎么能忍心放下兩個孩子
53、不管自己去旅游那?How could you have the heart to leave the kids in the lurch and went out traveling yourself?45.臨走時說的一句氣話 a parting shot他說了一句氣話就沖出了屋子。With a parting shot he stormed out of the house.(一個人和別人發(fā)生爭吵后,常會在臨走時說一句發(fā)泄憤怒的話,叫a parting shot)46讓過去的事過去吧let bygones be bygones別再提它了,讓過去的事過去吧Dont mention it. Le
54、t bygones be bygones.47.煩透了be sick and tired of 她沒完沒了的抱怨真把我給煩透了I got sick and tired of her endless complaints.48.欣然的with a good grace他欣然的接受了這項工作He accepted the job with a good grace.49.你好不好?Ill thank you to 閉上你的臭嘴好不好?Ill thank you to shut up your foul mouth?50.忙得脫不開身be tied up with我們經理忙得脫不開身 ,您還是明天再
55、來吧。Our managers tied up now. Will you come tomorrow?51.不要求特殊照顧ask no odds即使在特別困難得情況下,他也從未要求過特殊照顧。52感情不好be on the outs自從她從美國會來以后,她和丈夫的關系就一直不好。Shes been on the outs with her husband since she came back from the US.53.滿不在乎 like water off a ducks back老板在會上嚴厲的批評了他,可他卻滿不在乎The boss criticized him at the me
56、eting, but it was just like water off a ducks back.54.站在某人一邊side with someone但我和爸爸發(fā)生爭執(zhí)時,姐姐總是站在爸爸那一邊。My sister always sides with my father against me in my argument with him.55.不要聲張be hush-hush這件事可不要聲張,千萬別向任何人吐露一個字。 This business is hush-hush. Never breathe a word to anyone about it.56.置若罔聞turn a deaf ear to 他對老板的話置若罔聞,根本不把它當回事He turns a deaf ear to what the boss says, never taking it seriously.第五篇 工作,機會和運氣1 前途遠大 have the world before one
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