



1、投影 projection 投影中心center of projection 投影面projecting plane 投影線projecting line 中心投影法perspective projection 平行投影法parallel projection 斜投影oblique projection 正投影orthographic projection 正投影面frontal plane of projection 側面投影面profile plane of projection 投影圖projection drawing 三面投影圖three-plane projection drawi

2、ng 投影軸axis of projection 投影特性characteristic of projection 不變性characteristic of true 積聚性characteristic of concentration 類似性characteristic of similarity 視圖view 三視圖three-view drawing 正面frontal plane 正面投影frontal projection 水平面horizontal plane 水平投影horizontal projection 側面profile plane 側面投影profile project

3、ion 主視圖frontal view 俯視圖top view 左視圖left side view 立體solid 平面立體plane body 曲面立體body of curved surface 回轉面surface of revolution 棱柱prism 棱錐pyramid 邊side 頂點center vertex 棱edge 點point 直線line straight line 棱錐臺truncated pyramid frustum of pyramid 重影coincidence of projection 積聚concentrate 變形deformation 實長tru

4、e length 實形true shape 正平線frontal line 水平線horizontal line 側平線profile line 一般位置直線oblique line 鉛垂線vertical line, frontal-profile line 正垂線horizontal-profile line 側垂線frontal-horizontal line 一般位置平面oblique plane 相交intersection 平行parallel 垂直perpendicular 交線intersecting line, line of intersection 交點point of

5、intersection 平行線parallel line 垂直線perpendicular line 交叉線skew line 長度length 寬度width 高度height 組合體complex 基本幾何體basic body 相接built-up 相交inter section 相切tangent 相貫penetration 支架brace 底板bottom board 肋rib 支承板bearing plate 輪廓線outline, contour line 底圖traced drawing 截平面cutting plane 截交線line of section 二重性dual

6、nature 平面曲線plane curve 圓弧arc 橢圓ellipse 長軸major axis 短軸minor axis 雙曲線hyperbola 拋物線parabola 圓circle 圓錐頂conic apex 相貫體intersecting bodies 相貫線line of intersection 空間曲線space curve 截平面方法cutting plane method 輔助面auxiliary surface 輔助平面auxiliary plane 最高點culminating point 尺寸Size 定形尺寸size dimension 定位尺寸locatio

7、n dimension 左視圖right view 后視圖rear view, back view 仰視圖bottom view 輔助圖auxiliary view 局部視圖partial view, broken view 斜視圖oblique view 旋轉視圖revolved view, aligned view 剖視圖sectional view, section 全剖視full section 半剖視half section 局部剖視圖partial section, broken-out section 斜剖視圖oblique section 旋轉剖視圖aligned sectio

8、n 階梯剖視echelon section, offset section 復合剖視compound section 剖面圖section, sectional view 重合剖面coincid e section, revolved section 移出剖面removed section 剖面線section line 剖面符號symbols for section-lining 習慣畫法conventional drawing 局部放大圖 drawing of partial enlargement 零件圖detail drawing, working drawing 第三角投影third

9、 angle projection 粗實線continuous thick line, full line, visible line 細實線continuous thin line 虛線dot line, dashed line, hidden line 點劃線dash and dot line 雙點劃線double dots line 波浪線break line 斷裂線 剖切平面跡線cutting plane line 尺寸線dimension line 尺寸界線extension tine 尺寸dimension size 箭頭arrowhead 基準datum 基準線datum lin

10、e 基準面datum plane 中心孔central hole 中心距center distance 軸shaft, axle 孔hole 斜孔inclination 裝配圖assembly drawing 性能尺寸characteristic dimension 大小尺寸size dimension 總體尺寸outer dimension 外形尺寸 配合尺寸fit dimension 內圓角fillet 外圓角round 尖角sharp corner 倒角chamfer 輪緣flange of wheel 緣、邊、環(huán)rim 軸肩shoulder 凸臺boss 凹坑concave pit 軸

11、頸shaft neck 輪轂hub 輪輻spoke, spoke of wheel 直紋滾花straight knurling s 網紋滾花hatching knurling 鍵槽key-way 退刀槽escape 拔模斜度pattern draft 填料盒gland box 油槽oil groove 油封oil seal 標準件standard parts 螺紋thread 外螺紋external thread 內螺紋internal thread 大徑major diameter 小徑minor diameter 螺距pitch of thread 牙型form of thread 旋向d

12、irection of turning 右旋螺紋right-hand thread 左旋螺紋left-hand thread 頭數(shù)number of thread 導程lead 粗牙coarse thread 細牙fin thread 螺栓bolt 螺釘screw 螺柱stud 螺母nut 墊片washer 公差tolerance 公差帶tolerance zone 零線zero line 標準公差standard tolerance 公差等級tolerance grade 基本偏差fundamental deviation 配合fit 間隙配合clearance fit 過盈interfer

13、ence 過盈配合interference fit 過渡配合transition fit 基孔制hole-basic system of fits 基軸制shaft-basic system of fits 間隙clearance 形狀公差tolerance in form, form tolerance 直線度straightness 平面度flatness 圓度roundness 圓柱度cylindricity 線輪廓度profile of any line 面輪廓度profile of any plane 位置公差tolerance in position, position toler

14、ances 平行度 parallelism 齒輪gear 圓柱齒輪cylindrical gear 正齒輪spur gear 斜齒輪spiral gear 輪齒gear tooth 節(jié)圓pitch circle 齒頂圓addendum circle, outside circle 齒根圓root circle, addendum circle 模數(shù)modulus 齒數(shù)number of teeth 齒高tooth height 齒頂高height of addendum 齒根高height of addendum 齒厚circular thickness 齒間tooth space 齒寬too

15、th width 壓力角angle of pressure 彈簧spring 銷pin 圓柱銷round pin 圓錐銷taper pin 開口銷cotter pin, split 鍵key 平鍵flat key 半圓鍵half round key, woodruff key 軸承bearing 滾動軸承rolling bearing 向心鈾 承radial bearing 密封裝置sealing equipment 鎖緊裝置locking equipment 粗糙度roughness 基本尺寸basic size 實際尺寸actual size 極限尺寸limits size 最大極限尺寸m

16、aximum limit of size 最小極限尺寸minimum limit of size 偏差deviation 上偏差upper deviation 下偏差lower deviation 垂直度perpendicularity 傾斜度angularity 同軸度concentricity 對稱度symmetry 位置度true position 跳動run-out 圓跳動cycle run-out 全跳動total run-out 軸測投影axonometric projection 軸測投影面plane of axonometric projection 軸測圖axonometric drawing 正等軸測投影isometric projection 正二測bimetric projection 斜二測oblique bimetric projection 軸測軸axonometric axi


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