1、中醫(yī)英文詞匯溫補脾陽, warmly invigorating spleen yang 溫補腎陽, warming and recuperating kidney yang 溫補心肺, warmly invigorating heart and lung 溫補脾胃, warmly invigorating spleen and stomach 溫陽行氣, warming yang for activating qi flowing 補氣養(yǎng)血,benefiting qi and nourishing blood 補益肝脾, invigorating liver and spleen 補益心脾,i
2、nvigorating heart and spleen 補益心肺, invigorating heart and lung 補益脾腎,invigorating spleen and kidney 補益心肝,invigorating heart and liver 滋陰補陽, nourishing yin and tonifying yang 溫陽益氣, warming yang and benefiting qi 益氣滋陰, benefiting qi and nourishing yin 補益精髓, strengthening and nourishing marrow and essen
3、ce 補腎調精, invigorating kidney for regulating menstruation 滋補腎精, replenishing kidney essence 補益心腎 invigorating heart and kidney 滋陰補血, nourishing yin and supplementing blood 溫里法, method of warming interior 回陽救逆, restoring yang and rescuing the patient from collapse! 溫陽散寒, warmins vans for dispelling co
4、ld 溫陽散寒, warming yang for dispelling cold 溫中散寒, warming spleen and stomach for dispelling cold 溫肺散寒, warming lung for dispelling cold 溫腎散寒, warming kidney for dispelling cold 溫肝散寒, warming liver for dispelling cold 溫胃散寒, warming stomach for dispelling cold 溫通小腸, warmly dredging small intestine 溫經(jīng)散寒,
5、 warming channel for dispelling cold 暖宮散寒, warming uterus for dispelling cold 溫經(jīng)活血, warming channel and activating blood circulation 溫經(jīng)止血, warming the channel for stopping bleeding 治風法, method of expelling wind 疏散風邪, dispelling wind pathogens 袪風解肌, dispelling pathogenic wind from muscles 平肝息風, suppr
6、essing hyperactive liver for calming endogenous wind 清熱息風, clearing heat for calming endogenous wind 涼血息風, cooling blood for calming endogenous wind 清肝息風, clearing liver-fire for calming endogenous wind 解毒息風, removing toxic substance and calming endogenous wind 柔肝息風, softening liver for calming endo
7、genous wind 滋陰息風, nourishing yin for calming endogenous wind 養(yǎng)血息風, nourishing blood for calming endogenous wind溫中散寒,warming spleen and stomach for dispelling cold 溫肺散寒,warming lung for dispelling cold 溫腎散寒,warming kidney for dispelling cold 暖肝散寒,warming liver for dispelling cold 溫胃散寒,warming stomach
8、 for dispelling cold 溫通小腸,warmly dredging small intestine 溫經(jīng)散寒,warming channel for dispelling cold 暖宮散寒,warming uterus for dispelling cold 溫經(jīng)活血,warming channel and activating blood circulation 溫經(jīng)止血,warming the channel for stopping bleeding 治風法,method of expelling wind 疏散風邪,dispelling wind pathogens
9、祛風解痙,dispelling pathogenic wind from muscles 平肝熄風,suppressing hyperactive liver for calming endogenous wind 清熱熄風,clearing heat for calming endogenous wind cooling blood for calming endogenous wind 清肝息風,clearing liver-fire for calming endogenous wind 解毒祛風,removing toxic substance and calming endogeno
10、us wind 柔肝息風,softening liver for calming endogenous wind 滋陰熄風,nourishing yin for calming endogenous wind 養(yǎng)血息風,nourishing blood for calming endogenous wind 豁痰熄風,eliminating phlegm for calming endogenous wind 平肝潛陽,suppressing hyperactive liver and subsiding yang 息風解痙,relieving spasm by calming endogen
11、ous wind 熄風定癇,arresting epilepsy by calming endogenous wind 祛風解痙,dispelling pathogenic wind for resolving convulsion 祛痰法, method of expelling phlegm 宣肺化痰,dispersing lung qi and dissipating phlegm 燥濕化痰,eliminating dampness and phlegm 滲濕化痰,eliminating dampness and resolving phlegm 祛痰化濁,eliminating phl
12、egm and resolving turbidity 清熱化痰,removing heat-phlegm 潤燥化痰,moistening dryness for removing phlegm 溫化寒痰,warming for resolving cold-phlegm 祛風化痰,dispelling pathogenic wind and eliminating phlegm 滌痰熄風,clearing phlegm for calming endogenous wind 理氣化痰,regulating qi-flowing for eliminating phlegm 散寒化飲,disp
13、elling cold and resolving fluid-retention 瀉肺逐飲,eliminating pathogens from lung for expelling fluid-retention 溫陽化飲,warming yang for resolving fluid-retention 化痰消瘀,dissipating phlegm and eliminating blood stasis 化痰散結,dissipating phlegm and resolving masses化痰消癭,dissipating phlegm for eliminating goiter
14、 祛痰宣痹,eliminating phlegm and dredging blockage of channel 開竅法, method of inducing resuscitation 清熱開竅,clearing away for resuscitation 寧心開竅,calming heart for resuscitation 芳香開竅,causing resuscitation with aromatics 化痰開竅,eliminating phlegm for resuscitation 辛溫開竅,resuscitation with pungent and warm drug
15、驅蟲法, method of expelling intestinal parasites 驅蛔殺蟲, expelling and killing ascarid 溫臟安蛔, calming intestinal ascaris by warming method 驅蟲攻下,expelling intestinal parasites by purgation 健脾驅蟲,strengthening spleen for expelling intestinal parasites 殺蟲消疳,destroying parasites for curing malnutrition 安神法 , t
16、ranquillization 重鎮(zhèn)安神,tranquillization with heavy prescription 養(yǎng)心安神,nourishing blood for tranquillization 益氣安神,benefiting qi for tranquillizing 滋陰安神,nourishing yin for tranquillization 解郁安神,resolving stagnation for tranquilization 消導法,method of promoting digestion 消食化滯,resolving food-stagnancy 消熱導滯,c
17、learing heat and removing stagnation of food 消痞化積,relieving oppression and masses 軟堅散結,softening and resolving hard mass 固澀法, astringing method 固表止汗,consolidating exterior for arresting sweating 益氣固表,invigorating qi and consolidation of superficies 斂陰固表, astringing yin and consolidation of superfici
18、es 斂肺止咳, astringing lung for relieving cough 澀腸止咳, relieving diarrhea with astringents 益氣攝精, benefiting qi for protecting semen 補腎攝精, invigorating kidney for protecting semen 固經(jīng)止血, consolidating channel for hemostasis 固澀止血,astringing for hemostasis 固沖止帶,consolidating Chong Vessel for stopping leukor
19、rhagia 補腎安胎,tonifying kidney for preventing miscarriage 固澀斂乳,astringing for arresting lactation 縮尿止遺,reducing urination for preventing enuresis 治癰瘍法,method for treating sores and carbuncles 瘡瘍消法,resolving method for ulcer and sore 瘡瘍托法,method of expelling pathogens by strengthening vital qi 瘡瘍補法,ben
20、efiting method for sore and ulcer解毒消癰,removing toxic substance for eliminating carbuncles 活血解毒,promoting blood circulation and detoxication 解毒護陰,removing toxic substance for protecting yin 解毒消腫,removing toxic substance for detumescence 清熱排膿,clearing heat and discharging pus 通腑排膿,catharsis and expell
21、ing pus 祛瘀排膿,removing blood stasis and expelling pus 托里排膿,expelling pathogens by strengthening vital qi and expelling pus 提膿拔毒,elminating pus and toxin 提膿去腐,eliminating pus and slough 活血去腐,promoting blood circulation and eliminating necrosis 去腐消腫,eliminating slough and detumescence 去腐生肌,eliminating
22、slough and promoting granulation 透膿生肌,promoting pus-drainage and granulation 生肌收口,promoting granulation and wound healing 養(yǎng)陰生肌,nourishing yin and promoting granulation 益氣生肌,benefiting qi and promoting granulation 養(yǎng)血生肌,nourishing blood and promoting granulation 回陽生肌,restoring yang and promoting granu
23、lation 去毒生肌,detoxication and promoting granulation 消腫生肌,detumescence and promoting granulation 生肌定痛,promoting granulation and relieving pain 消癰散癤,resolving carbuncle and expulsing boil 通乳消腫,promoting lactation for resolving carbuncle 燥濕斂瘡,eliminating dampness and astringing sores 消解余毒,expelling reta
24、ined toxin 斂瘡止痛,healing sore and rlieving pain 明目,improving eyesight 祛風明目,dispelling pathogenic wind for improving eyesight 清肝明目,removing liver-fire for improving eyesight 涼血明目,cooling blood for improving eyesight 化瘀明目,expelling blood stasis for improving eyesight 補腎明目,tonifying kidney for improving
25、 eyesight 滋肝明目,nourishing liver for improving eyesight 養(yǎng)血明目,nourishing blood for improving eyesight 補氣明目,benefiting qi for improving eyesight 退翳明目,removing nebula for improving eyesight 通耳,improving hearing 通鼻,relieving stuffy nose 利咽,relieving sore throat 清咽,clearing heat from throat 開音,sound produ
26、cing 固齒,strengthening teeth 壯水制陽,strengthening governor of water for restraining hyperactivity of yang益火消陰,boosting source of fire for eliminating abundance of yin 引火歸原,conducting fire back to its origin 交通心腎,restoring normal coordination between heart and kidney 續(xù)經(jīng)接骨,reunion of fractured tendons an
27、d bones 強筋壯骨,strengthening tendons and bones 通絡下乳,dredging collateral for promoting lactation 外治法,external tretment 摻藥法,method of dusting powder drug 吹藥法,method of blowing drug 導藥法,guiding medicinal method 滴藥法,dripping method 割治法,cutting method 藥熨療法,therapy of hot medicinal compress 熱敷療法,hot compres
28、s therapy 敷貼療法,application therapy 膏藥療法,plaster therapy 藥膏療法,ointment therapy 發(fā)皰療法,vesiculation therapy 箍圍療法,therapy of encircling lesion with drugs 濕敷療法,moisten-compress therapy 敷臍療法,umbilical compress therapy 藥浴療法,medicinal bath therapy 熏洗療法,fumigation and wash therapy 熏蒸療法,fumigation and steaming
29、 therapy 沖洗療法,irrigation therapy 腐蝕療法,immersion and wash therapy 纏縛療法,eroding method binding therapy 切開療法,incision therapy 引流療法,drainage therapy 放血療法,blood letting therapy 活烙療法,cauterization threapy 燒蝕療法,burning-eroding therapy 刮痧療法,scrapping therapy 神燈照療法,lamp lighting up therapy 點眼法,eye dripping t
30、herapy 敷眼療法,eye compress therapy 金針拔障療法,therapy of cataractopiesis with mental needle 勾割療法,hook-cutting therapy 滴耳療法,ear-dripping therapy 吹耳療法,Ear insufflation therapy 塞耳療法,ear-plugging therapy 洗耳療法,ear-washing therapy 鼻嗅療法,smelling therapy塞鼻法,nostril plugging therapy 吹鼻療法,nasal insufflation therapy
31、 滴鼻療法,nasal dripping therapy 鼻腔填塞療法,therapy of plugging into nasal cavity 取嚏療法,sneezing therapy 噴霧療法,spraying therapy 蒸汽吸入療法,steam-inhaling therapy 吹喉療法,lanynx-blowing therapy 藥栓療法,medicinal suppository therapy 藥線療法,medicated thread therapy 掛線療法,ligation therapy 結扎療法,ligating therapy 灌腸了法,enema ther
32、apy 包扎固定療法,bandage-fixing therapy 夾板固定療法,splint-fixing therapy 整復療法,reduction therapy 泥療法,mud therapy 蠟療法,wax therapy 食療,dietetic therapy 藥枕療法,medicinal pillow therapy 藥兜療法,medicinal bag therapy 蜂毒療法,bee-toxin therapy 鱔血療法,eel-blood therapy 草藥,medicinal herb 藥材,medicinal material: crude medicinal 地道
33、藥材,famous-region drug 鮮藥,fresh medicine 天然藥物,natural medicine 采制,collection and manufacturing 采收期,collection period 產地加工,processing in situ 萌發(fā)期,germination period 枯萎期,withering period 貯藏,storage 干燥,drying 晾干,drying in the sun 陰干,drying in the shade 烘干,drying by baking 蟲蛀,bitten by insect 霉變,milden a
34、nd rot 泛油,oily 調制,compounding 霉變, milden and rot 泛油,oily調制,compounding 原植物鑒定,identification of original plant 原動物鑒定,identification of original animal 原礦物鑒定,identification of original mineral 基源鑒定,identification of original 根,root 根莖, rhizome 皮, bark, peel 葉,leaf 花,flower 果實,fruit 種子,seed 全草, whole h
35、erb 性狀鑒定,macroscopical identification 形狀,shape,form 大小,size 外表特征,surface character 色澤,color and luster 質地, texture 折斷面, fracture surface 斷面特征,cut surface character 菊花心,radial striations 朱砂點,spot of oil cavity 氣嗅odor,smell 味,taste 顯微鑒定,microscopical identification 理化鑒定,physical and chemical identific
36、ation 生化鑒定,biological identification 質量分析,quality analysis 質量標準,quality standard 質量控制,quality control 炮制,processing 飲片,decoction pieces 凈制,cleansing 挑選,selection 篩選,screening 風選, selection in the wind 水選,selection in the water 洗漂,washing and blanching 潤, moistening 浸潤,immersion 洗潤, rinsing moistenin
37、g 淋潤,showering moistening 泡潤,soaking moistening切制 ,cutting 切片,slice 切段,section 切片,piece 切絲, sliver 炒制,stir-frying 清炒, simple stir-frying 加輔料炒,fried with adjuvant material 輔料,adjuvant material 麩炒,stir-frying with bran 土炒,fried with earth 燙,scalding 燙制,scalding 砂燙, heated with sand 鍛制,calcining 明煅,cal
38、cining openly 煅淬,calcining and quenching 制碳,carbonizing 炒碳,carbonizing by stir-frying 煅碳,carbonizing by calcining 制炭存性,burn as charcoal with nature 煨制,roasting in ashes 蒸制,steaming 煮制,boiling 燉制,stewing 酒制,processing with wine 酒炙,stir-frying with wine 酒燉,stewing with wine 酒蒸,steaming with wine 醋制,pr
39、ocessing with vinegar 醋灸,stir-frying with vinegar 醋煮,boiling with vinegar 醋蒸,steaming with vinegar 鹽制,processing with salt-water 鹽灸,stir-frying with salt-water 鹽蒸,steaming with salt-water 姜汁制,stir-frying with ginger juice 蜜制,stir-frying with honey 油制,processed with oil 制霜,frost-like powder 水飛,leviga
40、ting 性味,nature and flavour 四氣,four nature of drugs寒 cold 熱 hot 溫 warm 涼 cool 平,calm, plain 五味,five flavours 辛,pungent 甘 sweet 酸,sour 苦,bitter 咸,salty 淡,tasteless 澀, astringent 升降浮沉,ascending and descending,floating and sinking 歸經(jīng),channel entry 引經(jīng),channel affinity,channel ushering 配伍, concerted appli
41、cation of drugs 七情,seven relations 單行,drug used singly 相使, mutual enhancement 相須,mutual promotion 相畏,incompatibility 相殺,counteract the toxicity of another drug 相惡,mutual inhibition 相反,clashing,antagonism 十八反,eighteen clashes 十九畏,nineteen fears 禁忌,contraindications 配伍禁忌,incompatibility of drugs in a
42、prescription 證候禁忌,incompatibility of drugs in pattern 妊娠禁忌藥 , contraindications during pregnanacy 服藥食忌,food taboo (dietetic restraint) in drug application 劑量, dosage 克, gram 毫升,millilitre 丁公藤,Caulis Erycibes(拉); obtuseleaf erycibe stem 丁香,F(xiàn)los Caryophylli(拉); clove 八角茴香,F(xiàn)ructus Anisi Stellati(拉); Ch
43、inese star anise 人參,Radix Ginseng(拉); ginseng 野山參,Radix Ginseng Indici (拉); wild ginseng 紅參,Radix Ginseng Rubra(拉); red ginseng 生曬參,Radix Ginseng拉 fresh ginseng 人參葉,F(xiàn)olium Ginseng(拉); ginseng leaf兒茶,Catechu(拉); cutch,black catechu 九里香,F(xiàn)olium et Cacumen Murrayae(拉); murraya jasminorage 九香蟲,Aspongopus
44、(拉); stink-bug 刀豆,Semen Canavaliae(拉); jack bean 三七,Radix Notoginseng(拉); sanchi 三棱,Rhizoma Sparganii(拉): common burreed rubber 生姜,Rhizoma Zingiberis Recens(拉); fresh ginger 干姜,Rhizoma Zingiberis(拉); zingiber(dried ginger) 干漆,ResinaToxicodendri(拉); dried lacquer 土木香,Radix Inulac(拉): inula root 土貝母,R
45、hizoma Bolbostematis拉; paniculate bolbostemma 土荊皮,Cortex Pseudolaricis(拉); golden larch bark 土茯苓, Rhizoma Smilacis Glabrae拉; glabrous greenbrier rhizome 土鱉蟲,Eupolyphaga Seu Steleophaga(拉); ground beetle 大血藤,Caulis Sargentodoxae(拉); sargentgloryvine stem 大青葉, Folium Isatidis拉; dyers woad leaf 大棗,F(xiàn)ruc
46、tus Jujubae拉; Chinese date 紅大戟, Radix Knoxiae拉; knoxia root 京大戟,Radix Euphorbiae Pekinensis拉; peking euphorbia root 大黃,Radix et Rhizoma Rhei拉; rhubarb 大薊, Herba seu Radix Cirsii Japonici拉 ; Japanese thistle herb Japanese 大腹皮,Pericarpium Arecae拉: areca peel 山麥冬,Radix Liriopes拉: liriope roottuber 山豆根,
47、Radix Sophorae Tonkinensis拉; Vietnamese sophora root 北豆根,Rhizoma Menispermi拉: asiatic moonseed rhizome 北沙參,Radix Glehniae拉; coastal glehnia root 山茱萸,F(xiàn)ructus Corni拉; asiatic cornelian cherry fruit 山藥,Rhizoma Dioscoreae拉; common yam rhizome 山柰,Rhizoma Kaempferiae拉: galanga resurrectionlily rhizome 山楂,
48、Fructus Crataegi拉: hawthorn fruit 山慈菇, Pseudobulbus Cremastrae seu Pleiones拉: appendiculate cremastra pseudobulb or common pleiine pseudobulb 千年健,Rhizoma Homalomenae拉; obscured homalomena rhizome 千金子,Semen Euphorbiae拉; caper euphorbia seed 川烏,Radix Aconiti拉: common monkshood mother root 制川烏, Radix A
49、coniti Preparata拉: prepared common monkshood mother 川芎, Rhizoma Ligustici Chuanxiong拉; szechwan lovage rhizome 川楝子,F(xiàn)ructus Meliae Toosendan拉; szechwan chinaberry fruit 廣藿香,Herba Pogostemonis拉: cablin patchouli herb 小茴香, Fructus Ligustri Lucidi拉: glossy privet fruit 女貞子,F(xiàn)ructus Foeniculi拉; fennel 小薊
50、HerbaCirsii拉; field thistle herb 馬齒莧,Herba Portulacae拉; purslane herb馬勃,Lasiosphaera seu Calvatiae拉; puff-ball 馬錢子,Semen Strychni拉; nux vomica 馬兜鈴,, Fructus Aristolochiae拉; dutohmanspipe fruit 馬鞭草,Herba Verbenae拉; european verbena herb 土牛膝,Radix et Rhizome Achyranthes拉; native achyranthes 王不留行, Seme
51、n Vaccariae拉; cowherb seed 天仙子,Semen Hyoscyami拉: henbane seed 天仙藤, Herba Aristolochiae拉: dutchmanspipe vine 天冬,Radix Asparagi拉; cochinchinese asparagus root 天花粉,Radix Trichosanthis拉; snakegourd root 天竹黃,Concretio Silicea Bambusae拉; tabasheer 天南星,Rhizoma Arisaematis拉; jackinthepulpit tuber 膽南星, Rhizo
52、ma Arisaematis Cum bile拉; bile arisaema 天麻,Rhizoma Gastrodiae拉; tall gastrodia tuber 天葵子,Radix Semiaquilegiae拉: muskroot-like semiaquilgia root 木瓜,F(xiàn)ructus Chaenomelis拉; common floweringqince fruit 木香,Radix Aucklandiae拉; common aucklandia root 木賊,Herba Equiseti Hiemalis拉: common scouring rush herb 木通
53、,Caulis Akebiae拉 ,akebia stem 川木通,Caulis Clematis armanoii拉; armand clematis stem 關木通,Caulis Aristolochiae Manshuriensis拉; manchurian dutchmanspipe stem 木蝴蝶,Semen Oroxyli拉; indian trumpetflower seed 木鱉子,Semen Momordicae拉; cochinchina momordica seed 五加皮,Corlex Acanthopanax Radicis 拉 ,acanthopanax roo
54、t bark 香加皮,Cortex Periplocae拉; Chinese silkvine root-bark 五味子,F(xiàn)ructus Schisandrae Chinensis拉; Chinese magnoliavine fruit 五倍子,Galla Chinensis拉; Chinese gall 五靈脂,F(xiàn)aeces Togopteri拉; flying squirrels droppings 太子參,Radix Pseudostellariae拉; heterophylly lalsestarwort root 車前子,Semen Plantaginis拉: plantain
55、seed 車前草,Herba Plantaginis拉; plantain herb 瓦楞子,ConchaArcae拉; are shell 牛黃,Calculus Bovis拉; cow-bezor 牛蒡子,F(xiàn)ructus Arctii拉; great burdock achene 牛膝, Radix Achyranthis Bidentatae拉; twotoothed achyranthes root 川牛膝,Radix Cyathulae 拉; medicinal cyathula toot 貝母,Bulbus Fritillaria 拉; fritillaria bulb, 川貝母,
56、Bulbus Fritillariae Cirrhosae拉; tendrilleaf fritillary bulb 浙貝母, Bulbus Fritillariae Thunbergii拉; thunberb fritillary bulb 升麻, Rhizoma Cimicifugae拉; largetrifoliolious bugbane rhizome 化橘紅, Exocarpium Citri Grandis拉; pummelo peel 月季花,F(xiàn)los Rosae Chinensis拉; Chinese rose flower 烏藥,Radix Linderae拉 ,comb
57、ined spicebush root烏梢蛇,Zaocys拉; black-tail snake 烏梅,F(xiàn)ructus Mume拉; smoked plum 火麻仁,F(xiàn)ructus Cannabis拉; hemp seed 巴豆,F(xiàn)ructus Crotonis拉: croton fruit 巴戟天,Radix Morindae Officinalis拉; morinda root 水牛角,Cornu Bubali拉: buffalo horn 水紅花子,F(xiàn)ructus Polygoni Orientalis拉; pirnces-teather fruit 水蛭, Hirudo拉; leech
58、 玉竹,Rhizoma Polygonati Odorati拉; fragrant solomonseal rhizome 功績木,Caulis Mahoniae拉; Chinese mahonia stem 功績葉, Folium Ilex拉; mahonia leaf 甘松,Radix et Rhizoma Nardostachyos拉: nardostachys root 甘草, Radix Glycyrrhizae拉; liquorice root 甘遂,Radix Euphorbiae Kansui拉: gansui root 艾葉,F(xiàn)olium Artemisiae Argyi拉; argy wormwood leaf 石韋, Folium Pyrrosiae拉; shearers pyrrosia leaf 石決明, Concha Ha1iotidis拉; abalone shell 石菖蒲,Rhizoma Acori Tatarinowii拉; grassleaf sweetflag rhizome 石斛,Herba Dendrobii拉; dendrobiurn 石榴皮,Pericarpium Granati拉; pomegranate rind 石膏,Gypsum Fibrosum 拉: gypsum 龍膽,Radix Geniianae拉: Chines
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- 課題申報參考:教育家精神引領民族地區(qū)師范院校高質量教師隊伍建設的路徑研究
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- 2025版學生入學校園網(wǎng)絡安全與信息保護合同3篇
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