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1、deliver argue institute refer respect nest shade support crowd intend audience organization outspoken worthwhile specialist inspire inspiring inspiration entertain considerate achieve modest modesty entertainment achievement off lead live in upon/on to across with into by happen on out to to to for

2、designed of on is taking off Learning to drive Only then did she realize Once you start Why not ask him?C B One day,I found a book which was for teachers in a bookstore.It was worthwhile to read because itintroduced a great endedWhen he was a child,he liked to ask hisfather to explain s

3、ome questions about theenvironment to him.After finishing his high school,he arguedhis father into agreeing on his beingadmitted into his dreamed university.A few years later,he became anthe environment,devotingenvironmental protection. expertonhimself toobservation the rules under making an exact o

4、bservation of intended intention by with had intended to catch is intended for over to a speech give was delivered of argument for/against into/out of beyond they argue that arguing with each other aboutmoney argued for argued with argue into argued against beyond argument respectful respectable sho

5、w win/earn/gain in with respects respectful respect for is respected as intention observe delivered respect argument C B B D C reference as in/with referred him to look up refer to 偶然遇到偶然遇到 with happen to by chance/accident came across ran across away back through carried out others just enjoy watch

6、ing them.whilewhat I aminside what is called referring to came across carry on carried through While I understand what you say what is called America now C B B A C On the one hand on the other hand Besides For one thing For another (thing) On the contrary Therefore To begin with Then On the contrary However Moreover In a word therefore then,he went toAmericabut in he was for it To make matters worse,he had lost his wallet the endIn other words,he didnt


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