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1、高三二輪復習句子翻譯Mar. 16th 建于1924年的那座橋上周被洪水沖垮了。(過分作定語) 出色地完成任務(wù),所以他得到了公司的獎勵。(分詞作狀語) 因為上個月遭受雷(thunder)擊,這棟樓房需要修繕。(分詞作狀語) 那位正在臺上發(fā)言的先生是我們學校新來的校長。(分詞作定語) 為了提前完成任務(wù),他不得不在晚上加班。(不定式作狀語) The bridge built in 1924 was washed away by the flood last week. Having completed the work wonderfully, he received a reward from

2、his company. Struck by the thunder last month, the building needs repairing. The man speaking on the stage is our new headmaster. He had to work extra hours in the evening so as to complete the work in advance.Mar. 17th 他匆匆忙忙趕到車站,卻發(fā)現(xiàn)朋友們已經(jīng)離開了。(only to do) 我一到家就開始下雨了。(hardlywhen) 街道上有太多的汽車,因此市民都認為應當控制

3、汽車的數(shù)量。(sothat) 這位老師講話很大聲,以便所有的同學都能夠聽得見。(so that)1. 老師直到我父母來到醫(yī)院才離開。(not until) He hurried to the station, only to find that his friends had left. Hardly had I got home when it began to rain. There are so many cars in the street that citizens think the number of cars should be limited. The teacher spo

4、ke loudly so that all students could hear him. My teacher didnt leave the hospital until my parents arrived.Mar.20th-21st 1. 我不明白他是從哪里得到消息的。(賓從)2. 我萬萬沒想到他只身一人步行到西藏。(it occurred to sb that )3. 問題發(fā)現(xiàn)得越早,解決起來就越容易。(the+比較級+主謂, the+比較級+主謂)4. 任何一個考試作弊的學生都要受到懲罰。(whoever引導的主從)5. 只要彼此都有這種愿望,短暫的交流也能發(fā)展成友誼。(Only

5、 if)6. 她英語說得這么好,以至于老師們都以為她是在英國長大的。(sothat)7. 大多數(shù)學生都支持他提出的意見。(定從)8. 在倫敦停車一個小時要花費3.6美元。(cost/spend) I dont understand where he got the information. It never occurred to me that he walked to Tibet alone/by myself. The earlier the problem is found, the easier it will be solved. Whoever cheats in the exa

6、m will be punished. Only if both have the wish, will short-term communication develop into friendship. She spoke English so well that her teachers thought that she grew up in UK. Most students were in favour of the opinion he had put forward. It will spend you 3.6 dollars in parking your car an hour

7、 in London.Parking a car an hour in London will cost you 3.6 dollars.Mar. 22nd 人各有所見,你最好不要設(shè)法說服別人。 人的一生不可能永遠一帆風順的,你應該勇敢地面對一個又一個的挑戰(zhàn)。 鼓勵學生在小組討論中自由地表達自己的想法。(被動語態(tài)) 中國各大城市都在采取不同的措施解決交通堵塞問題。(被動語態(tài)) 因為有多種娛樂形式可供選擇,電影院沒有以前那樣受觀眾歡迎了。(popular) Each can have his own opinion, so youd better not persuade others. A p

8、ersons life can not be always successful. You should face the challenges one after another. Students should be encouraged to express themselves/ their own opinions freely. Different measures are being taken to solve the problem of heavy traffic in the big cities in China. Because there are many forms of entertainment (for people) to choose from,


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