1、實用標準文案考研英語歷年真題中最實用的 結(配例句)300個熟詞生義大總文檔大全above 超越 His argument is above comprehension absorb 著迷 One should be totally absorbed in his work to get what he wants.abuse:虐待 Two of the major concerns to day are child abuse and drug abuse.by accident:偶然 He went into my life by accident.account for 解釋 What
2、may account for the burst of inventions in the US? ack no wledge感謝 I would like to ack no wledgeto you for your assista nee.Oblige 感謝 I am so obliged to you ? acquire 并購 Bus in ess acquisiti on can be a good way to get large.Agree 宜人 I am finding the climate here quite agreeable.? air 發(fā)布:His new wor
3、k has been aired, but the feed back is still in the air.? attachment 依戀:A man living abroad may have strong attachment to his homeland.? balanee 盈禾 :New man ageme nt does not p lace too much concern on bala nee of acco unt.beari ng 態(tài)度:His heari ngs always annoys people around him.Put 解釋 put it in th
4、is wayProperty 屬性Secure 獲得Better 大部分 You need to persuade the better part of our group.To be better off. 幸福Brief 匯報 You will be briefed when they are back with up-dates.Buy 相信 I wont buy your story.Cap 瓶頸 A black politician may reach his cap earlier than his white peers.Capacity全速 He drove the car a
5、t capacity.Car 車廂 The car of the train.Case 案例 Case study can be applied in that case.Cast 啟發(fā) His argument cast light on our puzzle.Ceiling 瓶頸 Glass ceilingsCause 理想 Follow you cause with persistenee.are com mon in multi-nati onal corpo ratio ns.Cement 加強 His visit willceme nt our relatio nship.Chai
6、r 主持 It is a groupChance 幾率 Chances arechaired by a well known scie ntist.that he may join us in the end.Check 制約 Check and balanee is the core value of modern politics.Choice 優(yōu)秀的 Our team is a choice team for this target.Claim 奪取生命 The accident last night claimed 6.commercial 廣告 TV commercials are
7、com mon.Commissio n傭金 Due commissi on will be p aid after close of con tract.Company 陪同 Con fide nee grows in company with success.Consume占領 He is totally consumed with inner terror.Contain 限制 Self-doubt and timidity should be contained.Corner 逼迫 She felt cornered by his request.Count 說話算數 His word
8、does not count.Curse 厄運 Aids is a curse to human being.Damage 賠償 In the court he asked for damage.disci pline 學科:The school p rovides a variety of disci plin es.drain 流失:Brain drain caused serious con seque nces.duty 關稅:The bag I bought is duty free.execute 處決:Prisoners are executed without due p ro
9、cess.exclusive 優(yōu)異的 This shop provides exclusive stuff.faculty 天資:Faculty p lays an imp orta nt part in lear ning Ian guage.fashi on 方式:He walks in a stra nge fashi on.file 起訴:Clie nts are planning to file a com plain.film 薄膜:A cell is covered with film.ground 條件:New p rograms are p ermitted on the g
10、round of in dividual freedom.gut 勇氣:They do not have the guts to offend her.hearing 聽證會:Public hearings are called for.hit 大事 Great hits and celebrities often attract attention.Might 力量 He thinks himself as all-mighty.Odd 幾率 What is the odds?Office 職務 The new p reside nt took office after oath.Organ
11、ic 有機的 Organic food are considered harmless.Be particular about 挑剔 The lady is particular about coffee.Pop 提出 His words pop up without con siderati on.Practice 慣例 Bribery is consideredpractice in our country.Press 媒體 His ignorance annoyed the press.Project 提出 Worries are projected by them.Promise 有希
12、望 Our future is quite promising.Ready 輕易 Don 'tex pect the en emies to be take n readily.Reduce 淪落 The family is reduced to one meal a day now.Resort 救援 Turning to parents are their last resorts.Respect 關于 With respect to teachers, we believe there should be some reform.Rest 基于 The whole company
13、 rests on a scientific system.School 不中群 a new school is found in un derwater rep tile com mun ities in Amaz on river.Screen 搜索 The school took rigid measures to screen plagiarism and secured reward.Sentence 判決 A life long imprisonment was sentenced.Sound 合理的 That seems to be a sound reason.實用標準文案Sp
14、are 原諒 His mistake was spared.Start 驚嚇 He is stared a lot.Term 關于 In terms of money, we still need funding.His choice seems better in terms of money.Virtual 虛擬的 In ternet created a virtual world.want 缺乏In many poorer coun tries, people still suffer for want of basic food and shelterYield 產出 Factory
15、yields are growing.be rude about: 挑剔,對很苛刻”? rule:動詞和名詞都有統(tǒng)治”的意思。run:操作控制”或者是 經營管理”? sack: 口語中這個詞是動詞,表示 解雇”? be saddled with someth in g:承受的負擔” ? be safe from / be saved from:最新的 Oxford Adva need Lear ner's Dictio nary 對這 兩個詞組的解釋為“p rotected from any dan ger or harm ”也就是不必擔心有的危險”? sanction:這個詞的兩個含
16、義相差甚遠,一個是批準”另外一個是制裁”這也體現出英語詞匯含 義的特點,就是詞匯的含義具有任意性。? scale:規(guī)?!? school:學術界指 流派”生物學中是 水生動物種群”scope:范圍,范疇”或者是眼界,見識”score:成功”? service:日常生活用語中是動詞,表示維修保養(yǎng)汽車”? setti ng:名詞,背景,環(huán)境”? settle:動詞,搭配能力非常強,比如“settle the account”表示 結帳”“ settle the problem”則是解決問題”? shame:英文解釋為“ used when you wish a situation was diff
17、erent, and you feel sad or disappointed”中文可以說成是 不象話,過不去,很遺憾”? shot:名詞,口語有 注射”的意思,美式英語中還專門指 注射毒品”文檔大全? shoulder:動詞,擔負” ? shuttle:動詞往來于,穿梭于”? signal:動詞,向示意? sink:名詞,日常生活中是水池,水槽”的含義。? sizeup:動詞詞組估計,揣度”? skirt:名詞,邊緣(地帶)”? slim:形容機會等很微小”? smooth:形容詞,順利,正?!? stake:這個詞最原始的含義是 火刑柱”或者是 賭注”但是在考試的時候,通常都以詞組形式出現
18、, “ at stake ”表示處于危險 ”“ have a stake in這個詞很新。someth ing”則表示 在某件事務中得到利益”? start:動詞,驚嚇,吃驚”通常用被動語態(tài)“bestarted ”? state of mi nd:思維方式”? stay:系動詞,保持”? story: “情況”如果是新聞用語,則是“報道? stress:名詞 壓力”動詞是 強調”。詞組“be stressed out”表示筋疲力盡”? striking:形容詞 明顯,顯著的”? be stripped:遭到掠奪和搶劫”相當于中文中的俗語 挨宰”? subject:科技用語中是接受實驗的對象”?
19、 subscribe to:議論文中經常遇到這個詞組,表示同意,贊成? succeed:動詞,接在后面發(fā)生或出現”? suck:美式俚語中是令人不快,討厭”的意思。? suit:單詞lawsuit的縮寫,“法律訴訟”的含義。? support:撫養(yǎng),贍養(yǎng)”? swell:動詞自高自大”? sympathy:同感”這個詞曾經在閱讀真題選項中出現過,當時干擾的手段是“show sympathy for ”表示 同情” 而 “in sympathy with ”則是 有同感”文檔大全? table:表格” ? take advantage of:利用”或者欺侮” ? tailor:動詞,使適合于”
20、? take care of:中性詞組,貶義概念表示 教訓,處置”。exp loit 。? tap:動詞“開發(fā)利用”,這個詞在報紙雜志中很常用,可以替代 ? tell:動詞含義中有 顯現”和區(qū)分”5個常用的含義。? tend to:“往往,通常情況是”。不要總是將這個詞組理解成為傾向于”。? term:這個詞的意思很多,在閱讀中經常用的是“名稱,說法”? in terms of: “以方式,以衡量,就而言”,這個詞的含義太靈活,因此在各 種考試中幾乎都是被選擇頻率最咼的詞組。? thick:煙霧稠密的”。? thirst for:渴望”。? tie:名詞,含義為“關系,聯系”,比如intern
21、ational tie 。? tip:提示,指點,內部消息” ? toast:動詞慶賀,慶?!?。? toilet:名詞洗漱化妝用品”。? by the same token:詞組 由于同樣原因”。? top:形容詞 最好的”。? treat:動詞,名詞 請客”。? touch:動詞感動” ? trace to:找到的根源”。? trim:少量削減”。? treasure:動詞重視” ? trust:動詞,委托”。? tube: 口語中是 電視”的意思,在英式英語中指 倫敦的地鐵系統(tǒng)”。un easy:不自在,憂慮擔心”? utter:形容詞純粹的,完全的”。 文檔大全實用標準文案? value
22、:動詞,重視”? virtual:首先,這個詞有實際上”的含義,此外,在科技英語中,含義為“ made, done, seen etc on the Internet or on a computer, rather than in the real world ”,中文翻譯成 網絡虛擬的,仿真的”這兩個含義相差也非常遠。如果想區(qū)分到底在上下文中 這個詞如何翻譯,其實就可以看上下文中有沒有諸如“ com puter, in ternet ”之類的詞匯,這就是我們說的詞的使用場合。? voice:用言語表達,吐露”wage:進行,從事”通常與戰(zhàn)爭,戰(zhàn)役,大型運動搭配使用。? want: Lang
23、man Dictionary of Contemporary English 對這個詞的解釋之一是 “to suffer because you do not have someth ing ”相對應的例句為 “In many po orer coun tries, people still want basic food and shelter 嚴重缺乏”,中文可以翻譯為wave:高潮,新趨勢”? weigh:權衡,認真掂量”? word:動詞,“譴詞造句,措辭 ”。over:與其他動詞連接使用時通常表示優(yōu)于,勝過”P ace:? pack:量詞是“(兇猛野獸的)一群”? paradox:自
24、相矛盾的說法”或者因為存在兩種截然相反的觀點而讓人無法理解? parallel: 與相比,與相當”? be P articular about: 挑易? P arty:含義之一是參與各方中的 一方”? passage:名詞“經過,遷移”指具體事物時是“走廊,通道”的意思。? path:途徑,路徑,方式方法”寫作時可以替代我們經常使用的 等詞。way, measure, method? pay:這個詞和其他一些詞可以搭配成詞組,本身沒有實際含義,比如“ 丄X”pay a visit to 。“ pay attention to ”或者? penetrate:彌漫,充滿”? P erform:這個
25、詞可以同其他詞搭配成詞組,翻譯時要整體考慮。比如 中文是做手術”“ perform a task ”中文是執(zhí)行任務”而“perform職責”“r”P erform a surgery ,one's duty ”則是履行文檔大全? Persist:“延續(xù)或存在至今”? perspective:含義是觀點,看法”,或者是前景,將來”。? philosophy:基本原理”,或者是做人原則”。? pick on somebody:挑某個人的毛病,找茬”。? pick up:不經意間學會”。? picture:情況”。? P lague:動詞,折磨,煩擾,肆虐”。? pla in:? P la
26、nt:(重工業(yè))工廠,電站十足,徹底”,有的時候也表示淺顯易懂”,或者太過普通”。? Plug away at something:埋頭苦干”。? plunge:急速下降,下跌”。? point:名詞目的,意義”。? p oke fun at some one: 拿 尋開心”。? P olicy:原則”。? polish:雕琢,完善”。? pop:比較熟悉的含義是 流行音樂”,但是作為動詞,它的含義是 爆炸,開槍”,詞組為“pop up ” 含義為突然出現”。pose:造成,形成”,通常表達消極的含義,比如“pose challenge ”或者“post threat ”等等。? post:名詞 崗位,職位”。? po wer:物理學或日常生活中指“電力,動力”。? P ractical:形容詞,實際上”。? P ractice:名詞慣例,(長期一貫的)做法? be prep ared for: “ to be willi ng to somethi ng that you do not usually do? Practise:動詞長期
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