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1、2021-2022年深圳高一外研必修三短語背誦250個1.react to 對.作出反應(yīng)/應(yīng)答2. in the face of 在面前3.pick up 撿起,拿起pared to/with與相比5.next to 靠近,接近,鄰近6. look through 瀏覽7.due to 由于,因為.8.after all 畢竟,終究plain about 抱怨.10.the danger of.的危險11. prepare for 為做準(zhǔn)備12. a crowd of 一群.,一幫.13. think about 考慮14.cool down 使冷卻下來15.be known as 作為而出名

2、16.in charge 掌管;負(fù)責(zé)17.ahead of 提前;在前面18.be adapted from 由改編19.look back on/upon 回首;回顧20. leaveimpression on/upon sb.給某人留下的印象21.leave out 遺漏,省略,忽視,不理會22.next time 下一次23.head for 走向24.in history歷史上25.consist of由組成26.up to 達(dá)到27.result in=lead to 造成,導(dǎo)致28.measure temperature 測量溫度29.be sure to do 一定要做30. a

3、ll of a sudden 突然31.at first起初32. in time 及時,最終33.turn into變成34.the first thing to do 要做的第一件事35.based on以為依據(jù)36.account for對作出解釋37. in broad daylight 在大白天38. make sense 講得通,有意義39.the reason for.的原因41. be famous for 以著名42.make an impression on.給.留下印象43.get a load of注意,仔細(xì)看44.the result of.的結(jié)果45.be made

4、 of 由組成46.move on繼續(xù)前行e up 發(fā)生,出現(xiàn)48. look into ones eyes 看著某人的眼睛49.a way of doing sth.做的方法50.pay for付的款51.instead of 而不是,代替52.an exhibition of的展覽53.in the shape of 以的形狀54. next to 緊挨著,幾乎55.raise questions提出問題56.throw away 扔掉,拋棄掉57.lie in在于,處于58.recommend sth.to sb.向推薦59.be fond of 喜歡60.plenty_of充足的,豐富

5、的,大量的61.day after day 一天又一天,一天天地62.sing high praise for 高度贊揚63.mean.對意味著64、range from.to.從.變化到.65.at different stages 在不同的階段66.in what order 以順序67.ask about 詢問關(guān)于.的情況68.virtual reality虛擬現(xiàn)實69.wearable tech 可穿戴技術(shù)70.as well as 也,又,和71.in addition 此外72.thanks to 幸虧,由于73.in terms of 就.而言,從.方面來說74.be capab

6、le of 能夠,可以75.whats more 此外,另外76.work as 充當(dāng),起 作用,做.工作77.start with 從開始78.lead to 導(dǎo)致79.never say never 別輕易說決不80.right down to 甚至;包括81.for instance 例如82.to date 迄今為止83.be named after 以命名84.be well known for 以而聞名85.due to 由于;因為86.be regarded as 被看作.87.the majority of 大多數(shù)88.be recognised as 被公認(rèn)為89.a cur

7、e for.的治愈方法90.apart from 除了91.be well known as 作為聞名92.introduceto 把.介紹給93.instead of 而是94.at that time 那時95.be attached to 附于e up with 提出97.hit sb on the head 擊中某人頭部98.along with隨著;和一起99.die from 死于100.o 倒入101.contribute to 對有貢獻(xiàn)102.in a total mess 一糟103.help out 幫一把104.be crazy about 對.瘋狂105.let dow

8、n 使失望,辜負(fù)106.point guard 控球后衛(wèi)107.key player 核心隊員108.let off steam 宣泄情緒109.be angry with 對.生氣110.concentrate on doing 集中注意力于111.There is an old American saying 有一句古老的美國諺語112.loose lips sink ships 禍從口出113.loose lips 大嘴巴114.cause trouble 造成麻煩115.be sure to do 一定做某事116.in that situation 在那種情況下117.apologi

9、se to 向.道歉118.mean to do 打算做某事119.mean doing sth 意味著120.resolve conflicts 解決沖突121.have a chat with sb 與某人聊天122.make the situation worse 讓情況更糟糕123move on 對.采取行動124.be filled with 充滿,擠滿125.tend to 趨向于e to ones mind 突然想起127.take a deep breath 深呼吸128.calm down 冷靜129.pull ones weight 盡責(zé),做好分內(nèi)的事130.in a pr

10、ofessional way 以專業(yè)的方式131.think about 考慮132.think out 想出133.think of 想起134.work out 解決,實現(xiàn),弄懂135.good luck 祝你好運136.take it easy 別擔(dān)心137.be satisfied with 對.滿意138.enter into a writing competition 參加寫作比賽139.tell the truth 講事實,說實話140.find out 發(fā)現(xiàn)141.look down on/upon 輕視142.keep silent 保持沉默143.take the lead

11、 帶頭144.play a role in 在.起作用145.have a hard time (in) doing sth做某事有困難146.adjust to new surroundings 適應(yīng)新環(huán)境147.do ones duty 承擔(dān)責(zé)任148.by accident 偶然149.separate from 與.分離150.run away from 逃離151.deal with 處理152.settle down 定居153.cause embarrassment 造成尷尬154.it takes time to do sth 花費時間做某事plain about 抱怨156.

12、get along with 與某人相處157.fly away 飛走158.feel bad about 對.感到糟糕159.make a lot of noise 制造許多噪音160.emotional quotient 情商161.intelligence quotient 智商162.the ability to 做.的能力163.It is believed that 據(jù)說164.If possible 如果可能的話165.do well in 擅長166.white lies 善意的謊言167.honestly saying 誠實地說168.tell a lie 說謊fort.wi

13、th.用.安慰170.protect.from/against.保護(hù).免受171.even if/though 即使172.to what extent 在多大程度上173.give encouragement 給予鼓勵174.frank comments 坦誠的評論175.in advance 提前176.every time 每次177.expect to do sth 期盼做某事178.instead of 代替,而不是179.consist of 包含180.start with 以.開頭181.a series of 一系列182.a summary of 總結(jié)183.adapted

14、 from 改編自184.gather together 聚在一起185.move apart 分開186.做一件好事 do a good deed187.為做貢獻(xiàn) make a contribution to 188.賺錢,掙錢 earn money189.有錢上學(xué) have money for school190.使某人盡力維持下去 keep sb going191.騎三輪腳踏車 ride a tricycle192.的數(shù)量 the amount of193.病人 the sick194.進(jìn)行觀察 make an observation195.臨床 at a sick bed196.沒有人

15、受傷 There is nobody hurt197.處于控制之下 under control198.給某人提供某物 supplywith199.資助水利工程 fund water project200.配置凈水設(shè)施 set up purify water201.決心做某事 be determined to do202.向某人求助 ask for help from203.說服某人做某事 persuade sb to do sth204.與此同時 at the same time205.公開宣布 go public206.募捐 raise/collect money207.對感激 be gra

16、teful to208.邀請某人做某事 invite sb to do sth209.親眼看到了這口完工的井 see the finished well with ones own eyes210.出現(xiàn),到場,證明是 turn out211.有影響,有作用 make a difference212.突然笑起來 break into a smile 213.引導(dǎo)某人做某事 lead sb to do214.建立基金會 set up a foundation215.鼓勵某人做某事 encourage sb to do sth216.支持某人 give sb support217.得益于,因而得到好

17、處benefit from218.使夢想成真 make ones dream a reality219.來自/產(chǎn)生于這種堅定的態(tài)度grow from the determined attitude220.越多越好 the more the better221.幫助有需要的人 help people in need222.打井取水 dig wells for drinking water223.承擔(dān)了一項長期使命 take up an extended mission224顯得有點書生氣 appear to be a little bookish225.毫不猶豫做某事 never hesitat

18、e to do226.對有信心be confident about 227.提出,想出 come up with228.使高興/振奮起來 cheerup229.有點,有幾分 kind of230.自愿幫助經(jīng)營慈善機構(gòu) volunteer to help run charities231.偶遇/無意中發(fā)現(xiàn)人們籌集資金 come across people raising money232.發(fā)揮著越來越重要的作用 play an increasingly important role233.適合于 be suitable for234.打電話詢問 make a phone enquiry235.花點時間準(zhǔn)備問題take a moment to prepare your questions236.必要時做筆記 take notes if necessary237.盡管,不管,不顧in spite of238.卷入中,涉及,包含在中 be involved in239.受驚的孩子們 frightened children


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