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1、PAGE PAGE 76B知識目標【四會單詞】young 年輕的(cousin,country) glad高興的(tired,thirsty,hungry,excited,fine,bad) than比(stamp,hand,carry,grasshopper,back,lamp,have,family) tall高的(all,ball,wall) strong強壯的(swing,sing,dumpling,building) heavy重的(many,every,hobby,busy,usually,quietly,beautifully,really) short矮的(long,tall,

2、high,low) 【詞組】1. as fat as 與.一樣胖 2. look the same 看起來一樣3. younger than me比我年輕 4. a twin sister 雙胞胎姐姐/雙胞胎妹妹5. the only child 僅有的一個孩子 6. the girl in red 穿紅衣服的女孩 7. have a chat 聊天、閑談 8. yours or mine 你的還是我的9. on Sunday morning 在星期天早晨 10. go for a walk 去散步11. one day某一天 12. twenty minutes younger小二十分鐘13

3、. sit down under a big tree 坐在大樹下 14. be glad to do 非常高興做某事 15. my classmate/deskmate我的同學/同桌 16. a cute little dog一只可愛的小狗 17. Youve got你得到./你有. 18. look young 看起來年輕 19. ask some questions問一些問題 【知識點】形容詞的比較級本單元是關(guān)于形容詞的比較級。形容詞是修飾名詞的,放在be動詞后面,如:My friend is lighter than Sally.2. 比較級的構(gòu)成:1)直接加er/rtall - ta

4、ller light - lighter young - younger old - olderstrong - stronger small - smaller late - later long - longer2)雙寫加er: big - bigger fat - fatter thin thinner hot-hotter3)去y改i加er: heavy heavier angry-angrier busy-busiercloudy-cloudier dirty-dirtier early-earlier easy-easier happy-happier 4)不規(guī)則:good - b

5、etter many / much - more bad - worse little less如:螞蟻比老鼠多 Ants are more than mice.3. 比較級句型的構(gòu)成:A is (比較級) than B ( 賓格)如:Su Hai is younger than me. 蘇海比我小。如果要明確“小多少”,可以在形容詞前上具體數(shù)字,如:Su Hai is two years younger than me. 蘇海比我小兩歲。4. 表示A與B一樣:A is as(原形) as B (賓格). 如:He is as tall as me.5. 表示A與B不一樣:A is not a

6、s(原形) as B (賓格). He isnt as tall as me.6. 注意比較的對象在進行比較時,比較的對象必須是同類事物,不是同類的事物不能進行比較。如: 誤:His bike is newer than his father.正:His bike is newer than his fathers.7. 注意than后面人稱代詞的格 8. 比較級的特殊疑問句:1) Whos twenty minutes younger than me?2) Whose school bag is heavier, yours or mine? Unit 2【四會單詞】 more(before

7、) 更多的 low低的(rowing,tomorrow,know,show,follow,grow,glow) slow 慢的(fast) far遠的(near) 【詞組】1. be good at 擅長 2.do well in 在方面做得好(do better in在方面做得更好)3. long jump跳遠 4. do some exercise 做一些鍛煉5.the other children 其他的孩子all the other children 所有其他的孩子6. as strong as 和一樣強壯 7. want to do better 想做得更好8. run faster

8、 than me 跑得比我快 9. run as fast as him 跑得和他一樣快 10. a good football player一個好的足球運動員11. jump very high跳得很高 jump higher than 跳得比高12. high jump跳高13. play ball games玩球類運動 like playing ball games喜歡做球類運動14. some of the boys 某些男孩 15. Dont worry.別擔心。 16. get stronger變得更強壯 17. a good idea一個好主意18. jog to school慢

9、跑去學校 walk to school/ go to school on foot步行去學校19. get up earlier 起得更早 20. every day 每天 21. after school 放學后【知識點】副詞的比較級本單元是關(guān)于副詞的比較級。副詞是修飾動詞的,放在動詞后面,如:My friend swims faster than me. 比較一下形容詞和副詞,試著翻譯這個句子:他比我大2歲,但我跑得比他快。2. 副詞比較級的構(gòu)成與形容詞比較級的構(gòu)成相同:1)直接加er/r:low - lower slow - slower fast - faster late - lat

10、er2)去y改i加er:early-earlier3)不規(guī)則變化:far-farther/further, well/good - better , bad-worse3.比較級句型的構(gòu)成:A (比較級) than B ( 賓格)如:Su Hai jumps higher than me. 蘇海比我跳得高4.表示A與B一樣:A as(原形) as B (賓格). 如:He runs as fast as me.5. A does well in = A is good at 表示A在方面做得好,如:Tom does well in English. = Tom is good at Engli

11、sh.否定句:Tom doesnt do well in English. = Tom isnt good at English. 6. Ill (I will) 我將 Youll (You will)你將如:I ll get up early in the morning. Unit 3【四會單詞】way 路,道路 (say,away,May) get 得到 (second,when,lesson,collect)along沿著 (ago, around, banana) street大街 stop停車站(not, on, hobby, October) road街道、路 take 乘坐 (

12、table, tape, taste)【詞組】e from 來自于 2.live in China 住在中國3.be on holiday 度假 4.get there 到達那里get to your home到達你家5.turn right / left 向右/左轉(zhuǎn) 6.go to the city post office 去市郵局7.tell me the way to 告訴我去的路 8.let me see 讓我想想 9.go along 沿著走 10. at the third crossing 在第三個十字路口11. Bank of China中國銀行 12. on your lef

13、t 在你的左邊 13. how far 多遠 14. a kilometre away 一公里遠15.a long/short walk 一段很長/短的路 16.take bus No. 5乘5路車17.at the bus stop 公共汽車站 18.every five minutes 每隔五分鐘 19.on River Road 在大江路 20.in Shanghai Street 在上海街21.get on 上車 22. get off下車 23. get off at the third stop 在第三個車站下車 24.Youre welcome. 不客氣25. last Sund

14、ay afternoon 上個星期天下午 26.run out of 跑出27. look out of the window朝窗外看 28.Stop thief ! 抓賊 !29.a book about animals 一本有關(guān)動物的書 30. catch the thief抓住賊31.follow him along the street沿街跟著他 32. a map of the town小鎮(zhèn)地圖33.get my purse back 取回我的錢包 【知識點】問路:Excuse me, can you tell me the way to., please ?還可以問:Can you

15、 show me the way to ?Can you tell me how to get to. ? Can you tell me how I can get to?How can I get there? How can I get to?Wheres? Which is the way to? How many stops are there?回答:Go along this street, and then turn at the crossing. The is on your.Its over there./Its near the./Go down the street./

16、Its on.Road.Its in.Street./You can take bus No. .and get off at thestop./Go alongRoad, turn right/left at Road. Then go along.Road.The place is on your right/left. Well, to get there faster, you can2路程問答法:How far is it from here?Its aboutmetres/ kilometres away./Its about.minutes walk from here.Unit

17、 5【四會單詞】season 季節(jié)(year,month, week, day)next下一個(first, second, last) weather天氣 (windy, rainy, cloudy, snowy, cool, warm, cold, hot) summer夏季(number, Sundy, must, run) autumn秋季(daughter, August, Australia) best最好的 spring春季(interesting, reading, evening) winter冬季(window,windy)【詞組】1.go to New York 去紐約

18、2. next week 下一周 3.work there for one year 在那里工作一年 4. go to work去上班5.want to know about 想知道有關(guān) 6.the best season 最好的季節(jié)7.ask questions about 問有關(guān)的問題 8.in the countryside 在鄉(xiāng)下9.the weather in New York 紐約的天氣 10.pick apples 摘蘋果 11.Sounds great ! 聽起來太棒了! 12.most of the time 大部分時間 13.make snowmen 堆雪人 14. TV

19、program 電視節(jié)目15.some warm clothes 一些保暖的衣服 16.turn green(指植物)綠17.get longer變得更長 18.get shorter變得更短19.go walking去散步 20.go camping去野營 21.in other countries 在其他國家 22. TV programme 電視節(jié)目【知識點】詢問天氣情況:Whats the weather like ? Its A:Which season (in New York) do you like best? 你最喜歡(紐約)什么季節(jié)?B: I likebest.我最喜歡 A

20、: Why? 為什么?B: Because its I can 因為天氣 我能.sunny, cloudy, rainy,windy是形容詞,如:Sometimes its rainy.有時氣候是多雨的。但是去掉了詞尾的“y”之后,詞性就變了,成了動詞,如:It often rains in spring there.在那兒春天經(jīng)常會下雨。去掉了詞尾的“y”,有時還可作為名詞,如:Theres a lot of rain in New York.紐約雨水很多。4. 介詞at+具體時間;on+日期/星期; in+月份Unit 6【四會單詞】plan計劃;打算(planning) play(戲劇的

21、)演出 take part ( in )參加have school上課;有課【詞組】1. have school上課;有課 have no school 沒課 2. have a picnic野餐3. Id love to 我很愿意 4. go on an outing去遠足5. by the way順便地;附帶說說 6. see a play看戲劇演出7. of course當然 8. see a Beijing opera show看京劇演出9. on Saturday morning在周六上午 10.give a puppet show舉行木偶演出11. warm and sunny溫暖

22、晴朗 12. give a concert/ have a concert舉行音樂會13. callsb打電話給 14. take part in the sports meeting參加運動會15. take part in the singing contest參加歌唱比賽 16. by the window 在窗戶旁17. still in bed還在床上 18. join us參加我們19. with us和我們在一起 20. last year去年21. Music Club音樂俱樂部 22. in the school在學校23. come with Wang Bing 和Wang

23、 Bing一起來 24. at the concert在音樂會上25. buy some presents買一些禮物 26. have a class outing舉行班級遠足27. your class project 你的班級課題 28. a new zebra from Afica來自非洲的新斑馬29.meet at the bus stop at 10:3010:30在公交車站會面30. 8. talk about their plans for the weekend談?wù)撍麄兊闹苣┯媱潯局R點】1. be going to (do sth.)打算做某事。be 動詞應隨人稱變化,而to

24、 后面要用動詞原形。如:I am / he is / they are going to see a play this afternoon.2. 在第二單元我們學過will,表示“將要”, 這兩句都是將來時。be going to側(cè)重于:1)表示現(xiàn)在的意圖,即打算在最近或?qū)磉M行某事,例如:We are going to post the letter.2)表示現(xiàn)在已有跡象表明將要發(fā)生或即將發(fā)生某種事態(tài),例如:I must be hurry, Im going to be late.(常與tomorrow, next week, next year等將來時間連用)而will更多時候是指不可抗

25、拒的因素,如天氣等。3. be going to句型的特殊疑問句:What are you going to do ? Where are you going? What time are you going to ?4. 注意:We are going to go to the zoo tomorrow. We are going to the zoo tomorrow. Unit 7【四會單詞】letter信(leg, let, lesson) penfriend筆友(basketball, bookcase, cupboard, housework, housewife, supermarket, weekend) finish完成(start, stop, begin) everything每件事;一切(anything, nothing, something) number號碼(telephone, fax, mobile phone)【詞組】1. What for?為何目的;為什么? 2.ask for penfriends


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