08財務(wù)管理 財經(jīng)英語補(bǔ)充資料_第1頁
08財務(wù)管理 財經(jīng)英語補(bǔ)充資料_第2頁
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08財務(wù)管理 財經(jīng)英語補(bǔ)充資料_第5頁
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1、暗Chapt霸er On瓣e Eco捌nomic敖 Basi癌cs扒I Key翱 word八s拜Group阿 A稗 巴econo按mic 百 傲econo拌my 案 哎econo啊mist 按 藹marke哀t eco哎nomy唉 安produ八ce/pr拜oduct襖ion柏/prod罷ucer版 man扳ufact哎ure 霸outpu扒t pr安oduct辦ion c扒apaci般ty pr辦oduct礙 疤 八goods襖 cos氨t 骯 翱capit昂al 骯 敗labor澳 骯 澳stock伴 笆indus吧try 奧secto敗r im把port 捌 expo懊rt 案 暗ret

2、ai案l wh奧olesa邦le 版 耙surpl阿us/de擺ficit壩 bud佰get 熬 芭suppl艾y/dem壩and 跋 捌profi搬t(yī) (ma般rgin) 隘retur白n 絆 絆reven胺ue ea班rning瓣s ga岸in吧 辦reces拔sion 氨 infl鞍ation傲 案defla隘tion 藹 板boom 阿 slow艾down 翱 reco吧ver/recove柏ry 襖 靶downt按urn 扳overh班eat啊 敖consu昂mer 扳 爸consu般mptio跋n 澳 奧house岸hold背 啊consu啊mer s八pendi擺ng昂 矮con

3、su絆mer c柏onfid絆ence 奧 surv跋ey f扳igure矮 霸 罷poll 阿 岸stati襖stics熬 une巴mploy稗ment 半rate 岸 lay 埃off c罷apita拌l mar凹ket 礙money癌 mark暗et e把mergi柏ng ma爸rket艾 for班ecast挨 笆expec岸t/exp哀ectat稗ion 艾predi阿ct/pr敗edict哎ion 埃 啊prosp氨ect 礙 扳outlo半ok頒 挨sign 癌 sign辦al 矮 班conce挨rn挨 背measu傲re伴 皚quart百er fi百scal 扒year 把 扳a

4、nnua盎l搬 扒finan絆cial 癌year 澳 over扒 the 叭same 拌perio佰d las骯t yea哀r霸 案compa按red w暗ith t搬he sa絆me pe哀riod 骯of la叭st ye扒ar靶 笆 鞍year 稗on ye辦ar伴 懊for t芭he 5t凹h str艾aight哀 mont板h拔 瓣for t挨he fi斑fth c澳onsec壩utive板 mont扮h阿 鞍in th班e fir矮st tw霸o mon扒ths o艾f the擺 year靶slide愛 sli懊p s埃urge 阿 tum壩ble 盎shrin氨k ju白mp

5、艾 拔slump笆 rai鞍se s傲oar 扒 drop版 fal背l de邦cline案 hik爸e唉 e扮xceed靶 拔promp敖t扒 暗curb翱 敗promo半te扮 疤boost俺 胺drive骯 爸inclu壩de 捌 襖exclu艾de 扒 頒trigg吧er耙 翱tight襖en l俺oosen哎 板set a岸 targ皚et扮 岸oil 按 fuel背 拌raw m頒ateri哎als叭 傲autom稗obile搬 ene哎rgy 隘Group奧 B背 p瓣essim岸ist/p拜essim骯ism/p把essim柏istic op白timis巴t/opt靶imism

6、斑/opti吧misti澳c b哎uoyan藹t / s拜luggi扒sh s懊treng把th w啊eaken凹 wor扳sen 絆quick巴en a罷ccele熬rate 胺 dete奧riora矮te es昂timat捌e st耙imulu哎s in八centi暗ves 佰maint背ain 百 sust哀ain 拌relea隘se a拜cquis扒ition奧 me頒rger 扳 bill稗ion/ 壩trill埃ion 搬marke挨t sha拜re i班ndica扒te v笆olume愛 ove啊rheat佰 rel阿ease 柏 item氨produ耙ctivi安ty l俺au

7、nch罷 eff案icien隘t/eff傲icien罷cy a芭sset 胺 temp礙orary傲 dev凹elopi把ng ec白o(hù)nomy擺 dom案estic版II. 般News 疤Readi皚ng.靶 敖(伴A柏) 搬China敖 Part拜ly Li跋fts V懊eil o芭n GDP稗 Data搬The W岸all S拌treet矮 Jour吧nal A敖pril 挨16, 2百011吧 哀By HYPERLINK /search/term.html?KEYWORDS=TOM+ORLIK&bylinesearch=true 稗TOM O矮RLIK懊 扳BEIJI百NGCh哀ina

8、s擺 publ捌icati鞍on of埃 a ne岸w kin胺d of 班econo隘mic d耙ata b隘rings扮 it c佰loser盎 in l鞍ine w哎ith t叭he wa癌y oth艾er ma捌jor e笆conom板ies r跋eport挨 grow拜th, b稗ut al扒so ex搬poses霸 cont拜inuin隘g pro安blems辦 with懊 the 凹quali扮ty of拌 its 擺stati罷stics八, ana唉lysts絆 said傲.跋The h耙eadli扳ne fi阿gure 巴when 熬China稗 repo扳rted 敗it

9、s e阿conom唉ic da埃ta fo霸r the邦 firs扒t qua扮rter 爸of th敖is ye耙ar on襖 Frid絆ay wa敗s the熬 9.7%骯 grow霸th ra罷te in疤 gros斑s dom案estic霸 prod搬uct. 稗That 版figur拔e, as巴 with敗 all 氨of Ch笆inas頒 quar跋terly巴 GDP 埃numbe唉rs in柏 the 啊past,白 comp般ared 安outpu疤t in 翱the r把eport澳 peri巴od wi俺th ou俺tput 艾in th熬e sam埃e thr疤ee

10、mo襖nths 絆of la盎st ye板ar.阿But t拌he Na盎tiona扒l Bur疤eau o阿f Sta奧tisti拜cs on芭 Frid絆ay al敗so pu俺blish邦ed, f隘or th骯e fir唉st ti吧me, d巴ata o熬n how叭 econ半omic 凹o(jì)utpu把t com隘pared with鞍 the 按previ背ous q埃uarte敗r. Th昂is qu伴arter跋-on-q拜uarte敗r num霸ber, 暗which柏 is a頒djust邦ed to埃 acco胺unt f骯or se芭asona背l dif按feren矮

11、ces a艾nd mu巴ltipl襖ied a班ccord背ing t礙o a c罷ompou板nd gr稗owth 八formu跋la to愛 give翱 an 背annua澳lized埃 rat拜e, is奧 how 擺the U扒.S. a皚nd mo盎st ot版her m捌ajor 案econo八mies 八repor艾t the斑ir qu癌arter矮ly GD稗P dat愛a. By拔 this安 meas懊ure, 唉the s吧tatis敗tics 壩burea哎u sai板d, GD哀P in 吧the f擺irst quart熬er gr吧ew 2.愛1%, o唉r 8

12、.7奧% on 靶an an敗nuali奧zed b柏asis 熬accor背ding 捌to Wa案ll St擺reet 斑Journ百al ca百lcula頒tions埃sign骯ifica礙ntly 拜slowe扒r tha耙n the癌 year愛-on-y阿ear f捌igure拌sugg班estin柏g the頒 curr半ent m靶oment暗um of昂 the 板world叭s se絆cond-愛large唉st ec盎onomy昂 is m百arked挨ly sl愛ower 白than 拜the y皚ear-o絆n-yea霸r fig斑ure i敖ndica罷tes. 柏

13、Big e拌conom班ies u岸se ad俺juste熬d qua稗r(nóng)ter-胺on-qu靶arter扒 data敗 beca襖use t捌hey p藹rovid笆e a m霸ore r艾eal-t辦ime p敗ictur案e of 白the c啊urren哀t tra稗jecto案ry of哀 grow擺th. A案 stat芭ement巴 on t矮he bu胺reau暗s web奧site 版April襖 8 sa叭id: 癌Year-辦on-ye背ar da埃ta do胺es no佰t pro百vide 芭up-to拌-date藹 info奧rmati般on on昂 chan擺ge

14、s i板n the笆 econ霸omy.俺The d拔evelo胺pment胺 of q熬uarte愛r-on-凹quart班er in巴dicat盎ors w鞍ill m鞍ake u胺p for靶 that疤 shor敖tcomi絆ng an板d pro班vide 暗bette半r inf伴ormat跋ion t敖o pol哎icy m罷akers暗 and 唉analy皚sts.矮Econo叭mists愛 who 皚watch岸 Chin氨a gen懊erall昂y agr耙ee th矮at th板e mov凹e rep捌resen奧ts pr鞍ogres半s. Bu捌t the奧 pro

15、g敖ress 鞍is li按mited皚, bec背ause 皚the s搬t(yī)atis愛tics 般burea翱u fai埃led t翱o pub愛lish 挨any h擺istor壩ical 安data 吧for t吧he qu皚arter班l(xiāng)y me扒asure哀whic八h is 昂impor拌tant 哀for u邦nders稗tandi擺ng wh般ere t佰he cu傲rrent澳 numb百er fi跋ts in隘to pa凹st tr啊ends.白 Arth鞍ur Kr唉oeber白, man笆aging頒 dire辦ctor 阿of Be半ijing骯-base俺d res

16、艾earch埃 firm爸 Drag版onomi板cs, s哎aid, 斑The 懊revis懊ions 背aim t斑o create a俺 seri笆es th伴at ha版s a c昂loser鞍 rela背tion 阿to re板ality敖, but八 the 隘failu邦re of罷 the 疤N(yùn)BS t版o pro絆duce 拜compa版rable板 hist絆orical dat俺a, or敗 to c把learl擺y exp壩lain 白their把 meth挨odolo柏gy, d疤etrac版t fro礙m pro擺gress俺 that襖 is m搬ade.背The

17、 s懊tatis藹tics 班burea班u did佰nt e礙xplai暗n the俺 omis俺sion.氨 Anal半ysts 安said 般it li案kely 壩arose骯 at l昂east 按partl背y bec疤ause 傲such 爸data 翱would扳 reve昂al a 鞍much 案sharp岸er sl跋owdow凹n dur愛ing t安he re懊cent 巴globa靶l(wèi) rec岸essio懊n tha唉n the芭 gove百rnmen岸t has吧 ever啊 ackn按owled俺gedp捌artic叭ularl襖y in 盎the f隘ourth

18、靶 quar捌ter o伴f 200哀8. In疤 a Wa埃ll St翱reet 安Journ版al po隘ll of版 Chin八a eco敗nomis俺ts in芭 earl礙y 200柏9, th盎e med白ian e絆stima扒te fo瓣r qua百rter-拌on-qu耙arter辦 annu百alize稗d gro挨wth i鞍n the熬 fina愛l qua班rter 昂of 20拔08 wa壩s 1.5熬%, co矮mpare拌d wit胺h an 俺offic伴ial growth礙 rate靶 of 6拌.8% i芭n the百 offi阿cial 岸year-罷

19、on-ye版ar da巴ta.哎The s暗tatis矮tics 昂burea襖u had澳 sugg暗ested矮 that捌 the 爸quart挨er-on笆-quar懊ter d八ata w藹ould 拌be av盎ailab笆le st唉artin八g in 鞍2010.拔 Diff柏icult唉ies i絆n adj案ustin拌g the奧 grow俺th ra岸te to埃 acco笆unt f芭or se艾asona啊l var凹iatio藹nsin邦 part案icula氨r the佰 week骯long 霸New Y矮ear h拜olida氨y tha擺t fal擺ls

20、in癌 Janu盎ary s版ome y傲ears 艾and F骯ebrua皚ry in唉 othe把rs d暗elaye案d the柏 proc霸ess.白(暗B奧) 般China柏 infl皚ation把 surg熬es to耙 25-m頒onth 絆high半By Ge百off D捌yer 安 俺Finan壩cial 稗Times矮 氨Novem藹ber 1哀1 201懊0 八Chinese in搬flati啊on ju艾mped 瓣to it按s hig跋hest 埃level伴 in j柏ust o壩ver t骯wo ye哎ars i啊n Oct襖ober,俺 prom敖pting岸

21、 new 啊fears百 that懊 the 班econo佰my co礙uld b澳e ove白rheat按ing a吧s a r澳esult半 of t壩he go伴vernm芭ents礙 huge癌 stim班ulus 熬measu扒res. 捌Consu班mer p阿rice 耙infla八tion 矮surge般d to 按4.4 p把er ce霸nt in扒 Octo凹ber f伴rom 3搬.6 pe半r cen礙t the骯 mont稗h before, 半well 傲above阿 the 辦gover岸nment礙s ta癌rget 皚of 3 傲per c矮ent a藹nd

22、in爸creas柏ing t稗he pr班essur懊e on 拌the a把uthor白ities八 to i扮ntrod拔uce new ti拜ghten壩ing m笆easur熬es. 爸The c頒ountr半ys 搬banks are 吧also 安on tr凹ack t襖o exc敖eed t頒his y扳ears拔 quot俺a for稗 bank按 lend鞍ing a爸fter 版new l辦oans 俺reach艾ed Rm捌b587.伴7bn (疤$88.7胺bn, 胺55bn,笆 64.澳7bn) 藹in Oc礙tober巴. Eco艾nomis按ts sa疤id th

23、跋at to絆 meet跋 the 扮full-笆year 埃targe氨t of 奧Rmb7,拌500bn壩, the邦re wo芭uld n翱eed t稗o be 扮a sha壩rp co跋ntrac佰tion 柏in ne暗w氨 bank懊 lend拌ing i襖n the版 past埃 two 按month巴s of 扳the y按ear. 捌Altho安u盎gh in敖flati埃on in安 Chin奧a has稗 been版 inch矮ing u敖p for藹 some辦 mont癌hs, t襖he bi襖g jum矮p in 笆Octob搬er su白rpris按ed ma柏n

24、y ec傲onomi安sts a捌nd ra壩ises 邦the c佰hance案s of 稗furth案er in皚teres擺t rat搬e ris百es th昂is ye白ar to骯 foll扳ow th百e inc襖rease安 last霸 mont哀h and背 the 胺incre奧ase i佰n ban懊k res愛erve 癌requi按remen澳ts an笆nounc奧ed on隘 Wedn疤esday啊. 佰Beiji扒ng is扮 also柏 unde鞍r pre阿ssure襖 from敖 othe澳r gov斑ernme把nts t隘o acc敗elera版te t

25、h案e app哎recia隘tion 敗of it昂s cur百rency班 a 瓣topic芭 that靶 will骯 be p艾romin凹ent a柏t Fri笆days班 G20 拔summi芭t w扮hich 壩cou安ld he鞍l(fā)p da扮mp in藹flati靶onary敗 pres骯sures笆. At 拌the c愛lose 敗of As把ian t版radin把g on 半Thurs胺day, 隘the C案hines伴e cur擺rency邦 had 絆gaine白d alm拜ost 1搬 per 班cent 拜again柏st th扮e dol凹lar o辦ver t

26、凹hree 班days.耙 般Li We拔i and佰 Step岸hen G搬reen 佰at St奧andar白d Cha稗r(nóng)tere瓣d in 半Shang靶hai s埃aid t半hat o把n a s矮eason芭ally 翱adjus靶ted b挨asis,拜 cons凹umer 跋price班 infl壩ation芭 incr哀eased芭 at a扮n ann阿ualis把ed ra哎te of胺 12.1班 per 阿cent 板in Oc版tober芭, up 隘from 邦5.2 p擺er ce耙nt th絆e mon盎th be骯fore.愛 “Thi凹s is 班wor

27、ry板ing a柏s inf拌latio敖n is 拌now h般eadin半g tow板ards 懊its l把evel 擺in mi背d-200百7, wh艾ich w案as a 擺time 暗of ov俺erhea稗ting,翱” the擺y sai芭d in 般a not凹e. 百Earli板er th翱is we佰ek, Z骯hang Ping,暗 head啊 of t凹he Na敗tiona扳l Dev礙elopm隘ent a傲nd Re唉form 艾Commi安ssion氨, the盎 main跋 econ壩omic 敗plann叭ing b耙ody, 笆ackno阿wledg哎

28、ed in熬flati霸on wo敖uld e埃xceed氨 the 暗3 per白 cent矮 targ白et th拜is ye皚ar. H暗e bla佰med t啊he we班aker 翱US do白llar,版 spec把ulati敗on in笆 comm八oditi拌es m百arket襖s and搬 loos版e mon敗etary頒 cond疤ition艾s. HYPERLINK /cms/s/3/8df5ad54-ecb1-11df-88eb-00144feab49a.html o FT.com / Global insight - China may find US censu

29、re backfires 笆Sever巴al Ch背inese按 offi稗cials板 have暗 warn靶ed in頒 rece板nt we百eks t巴hat t巴he ne唉w rou芭nd of絆 quan拌titat拌ive e板asing板 in t佰he US邦 will跋 lead挨 to h壩ot mo俺ney i斑nflow百s int哎o dev癌elopi霸ng ec阿onomi案es, a襖nd th皚e Chi吧nese 擺forei耙gn ex耙chang扮e reg挨ulato傲r has奧 take礙n ste壩ps th鞍is we暗ek to皚 red

30、u佰ce ca芭pital愛 infl按ows i敖n the敖 fina把ncial把 syst哎em. 安Howev瓣er, m奧any e叭conom襖ists 愛belie背ve th巴at it八 is r愛elaxe拔d mon襖etary拔 poli瓣cy in扳 Chin扳a whi埃ch is昂 addi翱ng to叭 the 叭domes氨tic i吧nflat哎ionar頒y pre唉ssure伴s, ra傲ther 岸than 藹capital in疤flows拜 from懊 over巴seas.扳 “The案re is笆 no t班rick 笆to ke芭eping埃

31、 grow哎th af襖loat 芭on a 瓣sea o澳f cre捌dit, 暗the q班uesti骯on is敗 what般 happ埃ens w哎hen t稗he le佰nding擺 taps阿 are 鞍turne白d off澳,” sa跋id To靶m Orl巴ik, a阿n eco昂nomis阿t at 襖Stone唉 & Mc把Carth凹y in 哎Beiji氨ng.埃Jun M隘a at 罷Deuts拌che B哎ank p敗redic霸ts th板at th案e aut稗horit佰ies w百ill r扳elabe懊l mon搬etary耙 poli瓣cy fr昂om

32、 “r瓣elaxe拜d” to跋 “pru瓣dent”辦 at a啊n eco半nomic埃 poli阿cymak埃ers c白o(hù)nfer胺ence 愛in De昂cembe鞍r, wh敖ich w邦ould 案signa般l a r跋educt皚ion i安n the扮 planned g靶rowth壩 of n凹ew lo爸ans f敗or ne奧xt ye擺ar. S跋ome e扳conom邦ists 敖predi板ct th壩e gov啊ernme扒nt mi叭ght i捌ntrod艾uce s邦ome f八orm o板f pri扮ce co傲ntrol唉s if 翱the i拔nfl

33、at板ion r笆ate r鞍emain敗s at 案this 胺level耙. 背“Chin岸a nee翱ds to扳 do more t襖o kee靶p thi扒s yea八rs i八nflat叭ion u安nder 罷the t稗arget案 ceil藹ing,”傲 Shen白g Lai柏yun, 凹spoke敗sman 擺for t襖he st柏atist伴ics b八ureau搬, sai埃d on 爸Thurs胺day. 吧Other懊 figu叭res r翱eleas吧ed on岸 Thur暗sday 傲sugge阿sted 皚the e搬conom半y continue百s t

34、o 敗expan藹d at 昂a str哀ong r疤ate. 奧Indus懊trial隘 prod敗uctio吧n inc白rease澳d 13.按1 per胺 cent芭 in O八ctobe芭r com耙pared唉 to t翱he ye邦ar be癌fore,挨 whil癌e ret擺ail s襖ales 吧expan拌ded b皚y 18.骯6 per扮 cent拜, yea凹r-on-埃year.頒Chapt敖er 熬Two 昂Banki安ng 班I Key柏 word扳s背savin阿gs ac哎count吧 che敖cking扳 acco艾unt 翱deman岸d/cur熬re

35、nt 瓣accou班nt 壩time/頒fixed皚 acco芭unt伴 拔depos熬it/wi哀thdra伴w癌depos傲it sl般ip襖 ban案k sta案temen敖t 昂matur耙ity昂 伴defau爸lt啊 按passb按ook 暗pass 敖card 稗/bank邦card 扳 爸passw稗ord 盎 啊princ巴ipal 隘i般ntere按st唉 跋Debit靶 Card版 奧Credi愛t car辦d癌 八accou懊nt板 皚to op伴en an挨 acco骯unt 捌to cl擺ose a愛n acc皚ount 安 depo爸sit骯 啊withd骯raw

36、 半 邦overd敗raft/愛overd柏raw版 岸charg唉e for哀 (fre藹e of 哀charg熬e )ch八eque,矮check擺 耙 瓣write翱 a ch懊eck俺 懊chque擺book/唉che巴ckboo板k岸to ho辦nor a哀 cheq隘ue t鞍o dis挨honor哀 a ch版eque 搬 fill埃 out/瓣in哎 伴denom暗inati扳on=fa罷ce va半lue 隘 礙bill,拌 note疤 扮chang拜e邦 岸coin般cash 哎 按amoun艾t in 阿figur安es般 巴amoun扮t in 氨words疤 芭bal

37、an埃ce 般 疤trave扒lers捌 chec澳k/chq癌ue 扳 柏loan 奧 八apply巴 for/昂grant氨 a lo愛an挨debt 岸 疤mortg芭age耙 for搬eclos澳ure 矮subpr按ime 傲colla耙teral頒 白by in翱stalm把ent 搬 拌cashi哀er稗 柏telle哀r罷II. S靶enten哎ces愛1.鞍A: 請問辦我到哪里可澳以存錢? 襖 B:請到氨那邊的3號背窗口。耙2. 靶A: 請問捌你們什么時昂候營業(yè)?半B: 我們耙在工作日營凹業(yè)時間是早澳8點(diǎn)到晚8辦點(diǎn)。但我們白的取款機(jī)每跋天24小時熬都工作,您盎可以從取款藹機(jī)中

38、取款。柏3. A:柏 對不起,傲我10年期奧的定期存款翱還沒有到期懊,請問我現(xiàn)壩在能取走里搬面的錢嗎?藹B:對不起癌,不可以。阿您至少要提班前3天通知班我們。懊4礙. A: 傲你打算怎么白處理你們的皚余額資金?按B: 我想捌把剩余的一盎半資金提出吧來,把剩余罷的另一半資半金轉(zhuǎn)到我們案客戶在匯豐爸銀行的賬戶扒中。邦5. A:百 您想在這靶個2年期的昂定期存款賬版戶中存多少版錢?爸B耙: 我想想扒,我的儲蓄斑賬戶中還有八5千元,我唉手頭上還有邦2千元。我拔打算在這個隘賬戶中寸7擺千元。啊6. A:斑 今天早上岸我接到貴銀拌行的電話。胺在電話中告氨知我的匯款阿已經(jīng)到了,把讓我去取錢搬。瓣B: 我看背

39、看版壩是不是從美辦國的4千美版元的電匯?般7. A:扳 愛請問,兌換辦支票你們收哎手續(xù)費(fèi)嗎?板 B: 岸是的,我們爸收手續(xù)費(fèi)。鞍您每開一張柏支票就要花伴人民幣皚2澳元。藹您在開支票伴前請搞清楚襖您存款的金矮額,否則,骯如果透支,鞍每張支票將捌罰款5元。埃8. A:頒 我丈夫和跋我計劃買一疤個房子。我靶們在下個星背期要付首付邦,我們需要岸獲得一個抵骯押貸款來融伴資。罷B:你是否耙介意告訴我跋房子多少錢阿,首付是多哎少錢,你想跋從我們銀行昂獲得多少錢皚?癌9. A:柏我們已收到扳貴行的催款稗單。但我們熬現(xiàn)在還款有扳困難。我們扮還需要點(diǎn)時案間才能售完把我們的貨物鞍,償還貸款斑。白B:我懂了敗。在這種

40、情啊況下,你可矮以申請延期把貸款,但是絆,恐怕您得拜繼續(xù)交納利愛息了。按10. A般:你想怎樣氨要這些錢?唉 B:5張襖100的,疤10張50靶的,10張骯10塊的。癌正好,你能芭幫我破一下把這張100半的嗎?把C按hapte唉r Thr拌ee Fi八nanci哀al Ma昂rkets靶I Key芭 word懊s柏Finan癌cial 班marke愛t mo懊ney m頒arket矮 霸 capi斑tal m胺arket霸 T-b壩ill(T壩reasu佰ry Bi擺ll) 笆 T-no懊te 敖T-bon扳d Ce哀rtifi艾cate 拌of de盎posit半(CD) 唉 Com板mer

41、ci鞍al Pa唉per 鞍 Bank扳ers 白accep邦tance霸 拔Repos隘 and 唉Rever挨ses 把Eurod百ollar俺 Tre盎asury背 Infl扳ation辦-Prot爸ected稗 Secu暗ritie搬s (TI凹PS) 百aucti罷on f奧ace/p搬ar va凹lue 皚coupo扮n 愛munic頒ipal 稗bond矮 gov哀ernme捌nt bo壩nd c把orpor俺ate b骯ond 襖 shor扮t-ter八m fin唉ancin安g 哀Londo斑n Int耙erban懊k Off俺ered 稗Rate吧(稗LIBOR頒) dis

42、岸count疤 rate扳 pri奧mary 伴marke岸t se挨conda芭ry ma擺rket 矮 rede岸em(re白dempt扒ion) 板 mat稗urity氨 頒II.敗 Rela般ted k百nowle笆dge暗Treas頒ury S瓣ecuri把ties 佰and B柏reak-襖even 耙Infla胺tion 吧Rate藹What 哀Does 跋Treas愛ury I笆nflat邦ion P半rotec哎ted S礙ecuri阿ties 傲- TIP癌S瓣 Mean傲?叭A tre斑asury扒secu扳rity 澳that 邦is in鞍dexed氨 to i敗nf

43、lat瓣ion i百n ord版er to耙 prot敖ect i胺nvest俺ors f霸rom t壩he ne皚gativ耙e eff伴ects 拌of in版flati佰on. T襖IPS a熬re conside啊red a跋n ext艾remel骯y low昂-risk礙 inve胺stmen頒t sin癌ce th挨ey ar稗e bac岸ked b捌y the白 U.S.阿 gove邦rnmen芭t and拌 sinc瓣e the凹ir pa瓣r val哎ue ri佰ses w愛ith i擺nflat奧ion, 唉as me柏asure凹d by 拌the C八onsum靶er

44、Pr擺ice I懊ndex,版 whil俺e the擺ir in翱teres靶t rat斑e rem絆ains 岸fixed凹. Int邦erest扳 on T凹IPS i笆s pai柏d sem靶iannu俺ally.稗 TIPS暗 can be pu皚rchas懊ed di扮rectl搬y fro版m the白 gove伴rnmen辦t thr按ough 藹the T澳reasu啊ryDir跋ect s耙ystem背 in $翱100 i耙ncrem氨ents 俺with 艾a min伴imum 懊inves凹tment辦 of $疤100 a埃nd ar襖e ava昂ilabl啊e wi

45、t半h 5-,芭 10-,凹 and 八20-ye隘ar ma凹turit奧ies. 拔To il跋lustr捌ate, 靶assum傲e a $按1,000翱-U.S.癌 TIPS was 班purch背ased 八with 頒a 3% 靶coupo拌n; al襖so as愛sume 疤infla耙tion 扳durin伴g the版 firs八t yea辦r was笆 10%.稗 If t搬his w氨ere t啊he ca捌se, t皚he fa安ce va班l(xiāng)ue o癌f the阿 TIPS艾 woul半d adj拔ust u版pward襖 by 1按0%, t埃o $1,拜100.

46、鞍Furth隘ermor敗e, th八e cou礙pon p把a(bǔ)ymen凹t (3%), wh搬ich i扮s als斑o bas搬ed on靶 face佰 valu傲e, wo愛uld b岸e $33霸 (in 耙actua矮lity 拜payme背nts a愛djust岸 and 熬are p拜aid s叭emi-a佰nnual愛ly). 凹The e吧nd of把 resu擺lt is捌 that暗 not 凹o(jì)nly 柏are i埃ntere澳st pa般yment矮s pro安tecte唉d aga翱inst 唉infla捌tion,稗 but 壩so is爸 face敗 valu氨

47、e of 伴the b頒ond, 敗which安 is r澳eturn八ed to懊 the 巴inves把tor a懊t mat扒urity安. Tra版ditio岸nal n板omina胺l bon熬ds of敖fer n唉eithe瓣r of 扒these疤 prot捌ectio扮ns.邦Becau懊se TI柏PS pr百otect半 inve敖stors半 agai氨nst i翱nflat安ionar斑y con芭cerns and 般nomin耙al bo傲nds d把o not笆, they beh骯ave d阿iffer鞍ently吧 from哀 one 稗anoth襖er.

48、M矮ore s拔pecif版icall矮y, as懊 infl白ation骯ary e佰xpect哎ation唉s inc半rease埃, nom唉inal 靶bonds敗 will叭 beco奧me le翱ss at敖tract耙ive a白s fut叭ure i瓣ntere辦st pa挨yment伴s are俺 erod稗ed by耙 infl埃ation叭. Sim壩ilarl佰y, as啊 infl絆ation爸ary c百oncer搬ns de靶creas矮e (wh哀ich i爸nclud盎es de疤flati敖on), 霸nomin奧al bo俺nds b唉ecome壩 mor

49、e安 attractiv百e rel叭ative襖 to T皚IPS a按s fut跋ure i半ntere阿st pa扳yment翱s bec傲ome m翱ore v把a(bǔ)luab胺le on爸 a re叭al (o般r aft扳er in藹flati霸on) b熬asis.哎 百Break爸-Even Infl百ation背Tradi癌tiona矮l fix敗ed-in骯come 哀inves按tment吧s may挨 not 霸provi般de th絆e rea般l ret氨urn i案nvest辦ors n捌eed d瓣uring熬 peri拔ods o般f hig拌h inf扒lati

50、o骯n. It俺s im岸porta暗nt to懊 know按 whet疤her y傲our t昂radit斑ional奧 fixe藹d-inc扮ome i罷nvest按ment 俺break拜s-eve敖n wit襖h inf凹latio笆n. 拌Break礙-even哎 infl案ation叭 is t愛he di澳ffere癌nce b安etwee跋n the癌 nomi柏nal y百ield 笆on a 白fixed俺-rate半 inve拜stmen岸t and邦 the 靶real 奧yield懊 on a靶n inf霸latio熬n-lin哎ked i笆nvest奧ment 邦o

51、f similar柏 matu芭rity 半and c把redit把 qual懊ity. 八If in癌flati拜on av艾erage把s mor疤e tha擺n the案 brea皚k-eve版n, th瓣e inf熬latio愛n-lin叭ked i絆nvest隘ment 隘will 敗outpe叭rform拜 the 叭fixed扳-rate靶. Con瓣verse靶l(wèi)y, i百f inf稗latio骯n ave襖rages班 belo拔w the澳 brea挨k-eve傲n, th懊e fix擺ed-ra澳te wi艾ll ou凹tperf瓣orm t鞍he in哀flati捌on

52、-li絆nked.邦Calcu叭latio佰n For搬mula:氨Compa靶rable凹 Fixe叭d-Rat隘e I啊nflat藹ion-L胺inked百 Real芭 Yiel叭d = B版reak-板Even 拜Infla笆tion拜Calcu俺latio哀n Exa半mple: = 4.00% 5-Year CD1.05% Inflation-Linked Real Yield 2.95% Break-Even Inflation 吧An in案flati俺on-li矮nked 靶inves白tment挨s co埃upon 罷is de按termi版ned b暗y add氨ing t

53、擺he cu哎rrent柏 rate罷 of i佰nflat安ion t扳o the氨 real罷 yiel癌d. In隘 the 笆examp阿le ab懊ove, 癌the a佰verag隘e rat疤e of 擺infla絆tion 安would靶 have啊 to b愛e mor癌e tha耙n 2.9背5% in斑 orde澳r for稗 the 巴infla伴tion-邦linke跋d inv搬estme俺nt to頒 outp柏erfor艾m the爸 fixe暗d-rat癌e inv皚estme案nt. A傲nd if按 infl氨ation罷 aver扳aged 捌lower

54、奧 than班 2.95稗%, th俺e fix斑ed-ra八te in胺vestm八ent w敖ould 扮outpe拌rform唉 the 骯infla拜tion-傲linke跋d.笆III. 把Advan絆ced R骯eadin扮g癌The p澳uzzle擺 of l芭ow Tr巴easur翱y-bon藹d yie藹lds頒May 2柏9th 2阿008版 辦From 扒The E澳conom拌ist拜 prin絆t edi俺tion礙THE y瓣ield 捌of Tr笆easur捌y bon鞍ds is柏 argu佰ably 頒the s背ingle伴 most背 impo叭rtant

55、柏 indi拌cator熬 in f八inanc阿ial m伴arket骯s. Si拜nce t叭he Am澳erica伴n gov絆ernme壩nt is稗 unli唉kely 矮to de壩fault哎, the傲 bond yiel骯d set癌s the把 risk版-free壩 rate凹 agai拜nst w柏hich 百other瓣 asse哀ts ar班e mea疤sured搬. It 礙also 搬serve霸s as 盎a bar半omete拔r of 矮inves矮tors暗 feel笆ings 盎about礙 econ扳omic 絆varia翱bles 懊like 拜i

56、nfla哎tion 百and r笆ecess骯ion.辦But p扳recis阿ely b叭ecaus半e it 懊does 隘so ma耙ny th拜ings,半 the 凹Treas頒ury b埃ond c艾an se皚nd ou捌t con斑flict背ing s隘ignals. Co跋nsume骯rs ha笆ve be疤en gr哎umbli愛ng ab捌out t疤he in壩flati罷onary昂 impa愛ct of半 high俺er oi藹l and斑 food敖 pric按es fo巴r a w氨hile.骯 But 叭bond 班inves擺tors 瓣have 凹o(jì)nl

57、y 哀recen哎tly t瓣aken 把frigh盎t, pu捌shing the 埃yield俺 on t哎he 10把-year熬 Trea佰sury 叭bond 霸above扒 4% o癌n May巴 28, 罷for t岸he fi鞍rst t癌ime s氨ince 啊the s唉tart 癌of th芭e yea愛r. Ev阿en no扳w, ho熬wever矮, the瓣 brea班keven罷 infl藹ation阿 rate敗 (the氨 diff邦erenc懊e bet矮ween 凹yield昂s on 班conve奧ntion凹al an阿d inf翱latio昂n-li

58、n骯ked b礙onds)頒 on f般ive-y艾ear T敗reasu隘ry is半sues 凹is ju八st 2.澳4%, w懊ithin礙 the 拔range熬 it h襖as oc班cupie哀d for吧 the 阿past 搬four 奧years百; com叭pare 皚that 盎with 頒the 7翱.7% i辦nflat奧ion r壩ate t拌hat A靶meric隘an co翱nsume敗rs ex笆pect 百over 版the n愛ext 1矮2 mon般ths.骯One p癌ossib吧ility板 is t擺hat t罷he “b巴ond-m阿arket

59、絆 vigi斑lante拜s” ha啊ve be啊en as斑leep.邦 “We 矮somet矮imes 埃wonde敖r if 傲Treas版ury-b百ond i胺nvest佰ors e邦njoy 巴losin藹g mon疤ey,” 擺muses叭 Tim 癌Bond,般 a st凹rateg拌ist a靶t Bar熬clays柏 Capi笆tal, 拔as he按 pond埃ers t敖he lo阿gic o拌f own襖ing t扳en-ye皚ar Tr氨easur邦ies y柏ieldi扮ng cl捌ose t拔o 4% 埃when 昂headl伴ine i扒nflat氨ion i

60、翱s hea胺ding 伴(on h靶is vi熬ew) f邦or mo白re th礙an 5%般 by A皚ugust.柏Bill 耙Gross懊 of P岸imco,頒 a bo挨nd-ma爸rket 凹inves笆tor, 吧argue百s tha絆t inf芭latio隘n is 稗under半state笆d in 霸the o隘ffici癌al Am礙erica捌n fig百ures 疤becau礙se of敗 stat爸istic耙al ad擺justm芭ents 襖made 愛over 安the p藹ast 2頒5 yea芭rs. The re百sult 疤may b昂e tha


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