



1、項目管理計劃英文SANY 標準化小組 #QS8QHH-HHGX8Q8-GNHHJ8-HHMHGN#Project Management PlanVersion Note: The following tempi a te is provided for use in Xavor projects. Text enclosed in square brackets and di splayedin blue italics (style=InfoBlue) is included to provide guidance to the author and should be deleted be

2、fore publishing the document.Revision HistoryFor every revision of this document, provide the revision history that should include the date of revision, version number, description of the changes in the document, and author of the document for that particular version. JDateVersionDescriptionAuthorDi

3、stribution ListState the persons/teams/groups to whom this document should be distributed whenever the documen t is revised. Also st a te the name of their parent organization. JDocument RecipientOrganizationTable of Contents TOC o 1-5 h z Introduction5Purpose5Scope5Definitions, Acronyms and Abbrevi

4、ations5References5Overview5Project Overview6Project Name, Code and Leader6Project Purpose, Scope and Objectives6Assumptions and Constraints6Critical Assumptions and Constraints6Non-Critical Assumptions and Constraints6Project MilestonesProject Deliverables6Effort11 TOC o 1-5 h z Tailoring Guidelines

5、6Software Development Life Cycle7Project Organization8Organizational Structure8External Interfaces10Roles and Responsibilities1010Management Process11Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)11Project Estimates11Estimation Technique11Size11Project Schedule11Pre-Development Schedule11Development Schedule11Proje

6、ct Phases, Iterations and Releases11Project Phases11Project Iterations11Releases11Project Resourcing11Staffing11Resource Acquisition11Training12Project Budget12Project Monitoring and Control1212Schedule ControlTools13 TOC o 1-5 h z Budget Control12Measurements12Risk Management Plan12Project Closure1

7、2Technical Process Plans13User Experience Design13Requirements Management13Analysis and Design13Development Plan13Peer Review Plan13Project Maintenance13Test Plan13Tools, Techniques and Standards1314Techniques and Standards TOC o 1-5 h z Infrastructure14Facilities14Security Plan14Supporting Process

8、Plans15Configuration Management Plan15Documentation15Software Quality Assurance Plan15Intergroup Coordination15Communication15Problem Resolution15Subcontractor Management15Additional plans1616Appendices1.4 ReferencesProject Management PlanIntroductionThe introduction of the Project Management Plan s

9、hould provide an overview of the entire document. It should include the purpose, scope, definitions, acronyms, abbreviations, references and overview of this Project Management Plan.1- 1 PurposeSpecify the purpose of this Project Management Plan.L 2 ScopeA brief description of the scope of this Proj

10、ect Management Plan; what Project (s) i t is associated with, and anything else that is affected or influenced by this document.3 Definitions, Acronyms and AbbreviationsThi s subsection should provide the def ini tions of all terms, acronyms, and abbreviations required to interpret properly the Proj

11、ect Management Plan. This information may be provided by reference to the project Glossary.This subsection should provide a complete list of all documents referenced elsewhere in the Project Management Plan. Each document should be identified by title, report number (if applicable), date, and publis

12、hing organization. Specify the sources from which the references can be obtained. This information may be provided by reference to an appendix or to another document. For the Project Management Plan, the list of referenced artifacts may include:Risk Management PlanUser Interfaces GuidelinesConfigura

13、tion Management PlanSoftware Quailty Assurance Plan, etc.Document TitlePublishing Organization1.5 OverviewLThis subsection should describe what the rest of the ProjectManagement Plan contains and explain how the document is organized. JProject Overview1 Project Name, Code and LeaderSpecify the proje

14、ct name, project code and project leader(project manager).Project Name: Project Code: Project Leader: 2 Project Purpose, Scope and ObjectivesA brief description of the purpose and objectives of this project, and a brief description of what deliverables the proJect is expected to deli ver.3 Assumptio

15、ns and ConstraintsLA list of assumptions that this plan is based on, and any constraints . budget, staff, equipment, schedule, etc.) that apply to the project. Make a distinction between critical and non- cri tical fac tors.2. 3. 1 Critical Assumptions and ConstraintsState the critical assumptions a

16、nd constraints affecting the project.3. 2 Non-Critical Assumptions and ConstraintsState the non-critical assumptions and constraints affecting the project.4 Project MilestonesTabular list of major milestones to be achieved during the project, with target dates.MilestoneTarget Achievement Date2. 5 Pr

17、oject DeliverablesTabular list of the artifacts to be created during the project, wi th target deli very da tes.DeliverablesTarget Delivery Date2. 6 Tailoring GuidelinesSpecify the tailoring guidelines for the project.7 Software Development Life CycleSpecify the Software Development Life Cycle that

18、is to be followed in the project.Project Organization1 Organizational StructureDescribe the organiza tional structure of the project team, including management and other review author!ties. This should include identification of all project organizational units and a description of their function and

19、 responsibility. A diagram of the organizational structure should also be attached for further illustration.Examples of project organizational uni ts are:ProJect Implementation CommitteeProject Steering CommitteeProject Management TeamArchitecture GroupUser Experience Design TeamRequirements TeamAna

20、lysis and Design TeamImplementation GroupDevelopment TeamDatabase Management TeamTesting TeamInfras true ture TeamConfiguration Management TeamSoftware Quality Assurance Team, etc.Or gan i z at i ona1 UnitDescription3. 2 External InterfacesDescribe how the project interfaces with external groups. Fo

21、r each external group, identify the internal/external contact names.ExternalExternalExternalResponsibility ofInternalOrganizationRoleRoleExternal RoleContactHolderHolderRole andPersonOrganizationRoleRoleResponsibilityNameHolderDetailsName,Name3. 3 Roles and ResponsibilitiesSpecify the roles, respons

22、ibili ties and role holders within each organiza tional uni t of the project.3. 3. 1 RoleResponsibilityRole Holder4. Management Process4. 1 Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)List the activities necessary for completing the project.4. 2 Project Estimates4. 2. 1 Es tima tion TechniqueSpecify the estimatio

23、n method and the reason for its choice.Provide the estimated cost as well as the basis for those estimates, and the points/circumstances in the project when re- estimation wi 11 occur. J4. 2. 2 SizeState the size of each activity as calculated according to the estimation technique. Units of size may

24、 be in LOC, FP, etc.4. 2. 3 EffortSpecify the amount of effort required to perforin each activity on the basis of the size estimation. Units may be man-hours, man-days,etc.4. 3 Project ScheduleDiagrams/tabies showing target dates for completion of iterations and phases, release points, demos, and ot

25、her milestones. Critical path must be specified. Usually enclosed by reference to MS Project file.4. 3. 1 Pre-Development ScheduleLThis schedule wi 11 cater for project planning, requirements, analysis and design activi ties.3. 2 Development ScheduleLThis schedule will cater coding, testing and depl

26、oyment activities.4.4 Project Phases, Iterations and Releases4. 4. 1 Pro jec t PhasesIdentify phases and major milestones with their achievementcri teria. J4. 4. 2 Project IterationsSpecify the number of i t erat ions and list the object! ves to be accomplished for each of the i t erat ions.4. 4. 3

27、ReleasesBrief descriptions of each software release, whether demo, beta, etc.4. 5 Project Resourcing4. 5. 1 Staffingidentify here the numbers and type of staff required (including and special skills or experience), scheduled by proJect phase or iteration. State what resources are critical.4. 5. 2 Re

28、source Acquisi tionDescribe how you wi 11 approach finding and acquiring the staff needed for the project.4. 5. 3 TrainingList any special training project team members will require, withtarget dates for when this training should be completed.4. 6 Project BudgetAllocation of costs against the WBS an

29、d the project phases.4. 7 Project Monitoring and Control4. 7. 1 Schedule ControlDescribes the approach to be taken to monitor progress against the planned schedule and how to take corrective action when required. J4. 7. 2 Budget ControlDescribes the approach to be taken to monitor spending against t

30、he project budget and how to take correct! ve action when required.4. 7. 3 Measuremen tsDescribe the types of measurements to be taken, their frequency, and responsible workers/enti ties for this purpose. J8 Risk Management PlanEnclosed by reference9 Project ClosureLDescribe the activities for the o

31、rderly completion of the project, including staff reassignment, ar chi ving of project materials, post-mortem debriefings and reports etc.Technical Process Plans1 User Experience DesignDescribe the approachthat will be adopted with details ofprocesses, procedures,and guidelines to be followed. J5.2

32、RequirementsDescribe the approachthat will be adopted with details ofprocesses, procedures,and guidelines to be followed.5. 3 Analysis and DesignDescribe the approachprocesses, procedures,that will be adopted with details of and guidelines to be followed.4 Development PlanEnclosed by reference5 Peer

33、 Review PlanSpecify the work products to be peer reviewed, type of peer review, their frequency, etc. J5.6 MaintenanceDescribe details of any software maintenance for the warranty period of the project. J7 Test PlanEnclosed by reference5.8 Tools, Techniques and Standards5. S. 1 Tools5. 8. 1. 1 Proje

34、ct Management ToolsSpecify the project management tools that are to be used in the project and the reasons for their selection. Examples of areas to be covered are project planning, project scheduling, project moni tori ng, status repor ting, measuremen ts, e tc.Exampl es ofthese tools are MS Projec

35、t, etc.5. 8. 1. 2 Requirements Management ToolsSpecify the requirements management tools that are to be used in the project and the reasons for their selection. Examples of areas to be covered are requirements gathering, requirement issue resolution, requirement change management, measurements, etc.

36、Examples of these tools are Rational Requisite Pro, EINS, etc.5.8.1. 3 System Analysis & Design ToolsSpecify the system analysis and design tools that are to be used in the project and the reasons for their selection. Examples of tools in this area are Vis io, Rational Rose, Power Designer etc.5. 8.

37、 1. 4 LanguagesSpecify the languages that are to be used for software development in the project and the reasons for their selection.Examples of languages are HTML, Java, etc.5. 8. 1. 5 User-Interface Development ToolsSpecify the tools that are to be used for UI development in the project and the re

38、asons for their selection. Examples of these tools can be Dreamweaver, Flash, etc. 15. 8. 1. 6 Database Management System SoftwareSpecify the database management system software that is to be used in the project and the reasons for their selection. Examplesof these tools are Oracle, SQL Server, etc.

39、5. 8. 1. 7 Third Party SoftwareSpecify any third party software that is to be used in the project and the reasons for their selection. Examples are Inktomi, Infranet, etc. J Software Testing ToolsSpecify the software testing tools that are to be used in the project and the reasons for their s

40、election. Examples of these tools are WinRunner, LoadRunner, etc.5. 8. 1. 9 Defect and Change Management ToolsSpecify the defect and change managernent tools that are to be used in the project and the reasons for their selection. Examples of these tools are ClearQuest, etc.5. 8. 1. 10 Configuration

41、Management ToolsSpecify the configuration management tools that are to be used in the project and the reasons for their selection. Examples of these tools are ClearCase, etc.5. 8. 1. 11 Integrated Development EnvironmentSpecify the operating systems (platforms), web servers, application servers, dev

42、elopment servers that are to be used in the project and the reasons for their selection. Examples of these tools are Sun Solaris, iPlanet, JBuilder, WebSphere, etc.8. 2 Techniques and StandardsLists the documented project technical standards etc by reference.Examples may be:User-In ter face GuidelinesProgramming GuidelinesTest Guidelines, etc.5.9 InfrastructureSpecify hardware, network connect!vity, bandwidth, etc., required


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