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1、Australia-China (Chongqing) VET Project (ACCVETP)中澳重慶職教與培訓工程重慶電子科技職業(yè)學院1COMPETENCY BASED TRAINING (CBT)以才干為根底的課程開發(fā)(CBT)2一 Definition of Competency才干的定義The specifications of knowledge & skills required in the workplace to do a particular job. 在一個詳細的任務場所應該具備的行業(yè)一致規(guī)定的素質。詳細到什么程度?Note: These specifications

2、 should come from industry留意:這些素質一定是來自行業(yè)的需求。32. The application of knowledge & skills to a standard of performance required in employment.具備一致的才干規(guī)范要求的人在企業(yè)有用武之地。一 Definition of Competency 才干的定義4二、Competency consists of:才干包括: 動手才干綜合素質實際知識Competency才干5To be “competenta worker must have:有才干的工人必需具備:1、一定的

3、專業(yè)實際知識2. Specific Technical Skills一定的專業(yè)動手才干 3. Task Management Skills management of different tasks within the job 管理才干處置不同義務的協調才干64. Contingency Management Skills responding to irregularities & changes in routine 處置偶爾事件的才干5. Job/Role/Environment Skills responsibilities of workplace including workin

4、g with others 任務責任心和團隊協作精神To be “competenta worker must have:有才干的工人必需具備:7三、Who uses Competency Standards? 誰運用才干規(guī)范?1. Workplace Assessors use CBT standards for Assessing Competencies on the job行業(yè)根據才干規(guī)范鑒定工人在實踐任務場所的才干2. Industry sectors use CBT standards for Certification or Licensing of workers行業(yè)根據才干規(guī)

5、范給工人頒發(fā)證書8三、Who uses Competency Standards? 誰運用才干規(guī)范?3. Training Colleges use CBT standards for Developing Courses and Assessment Tools學校根據才干規(guī)范開設相關課程4. HR Dept use CBT standards for Designing Job Descriptions or selecting staff行業(yè)的人事部門根據才干規(guī)范確定崗位職責、選拔工人9四、Format of Competency Standards才干規(guī)范的構造2. Unit Desc

6、riptor 才干簡介1. Unit Title 才干稱號4. Performance Criteria表現才干的詳細過程3. Elements of Competency才干表現的幾個步驟6. Evidence Guide 鑒定的方法和手段5. Range of Variables 才干的可變性要素7. Key competencies 綜合素質的要求10四、Format of Competency Standards才干規(guī)范的構造General description of the skills which make up the activity defined in the Unit簡

7、單描畫才干的詳細活動2. Unit Descriptor 才干簡介Defines the single activity to be assessed for competency概括才干的詳細活動1. Unit Title 才干稱號11List what has to be done to display competency for each task in the element確定到達才干規(guī)范所需完成的詳細義務4. Performance Criteria表現才干的詳細過程Identify the tasks which have to be done to achieve compe

8、tency確定到達才干規(guī)范所需完成的義務的幾個主要步驟3. Elements of Competency 才干表現的 幾個步驟四、Format of Competency Standards才干規(guī)范的構造12四、Format of Competency Standards才干規(guī)范的構造Conditions, context and location to which the Performance Criteria apply表現才干的條件和環(huán)境及可變要素5. Range of Variables才干的可變性要素13四、Format of Competency Standards才干規(guī)范的構造

9、Specifies the evidence to be gathered to demonstrate the prescribed competency skill確定有才干的根據Interpretation & assessment of the competency unit才干稱號的闡明和才干的鑒定6. Evidence Guide鑒定的方法和手段14Generic skills, e.g. problem solving required for the job根本技藝,如:處理任務中遇到的普通問題7. Key competencies綜合素質的要求四、Format of Comp

10、etency Standards才干規(guī)范的構造15Key CompetenciesInclude綜合素質包括:2. Competent in Communicating ideas and information交際才干Competent in Planning & organising activities 方案和組織才干3. Competent in Using Equipment 運用設備的才干4. 根本的法律知識:如等。167. Competent in collecting, organising, analysing information 發(fā)現、分析和處理問題的才干5. Comp

11、etent in working with others and in teams 團隊協作精神的才干6. Competent in using mathematical ideas & techniques 運用數學知識和技巧的才干Key CompetenciesInclude 主要才干包括:17五、Assessment is the most important part in a CBT system鑒定是才干為根底的培訓系統(tǒng)的中心部分1.Assessment must be part of the training, not something which happens at the

12、 end of the training program/course or once a year 考試必需是培訓學習的一部分應該貫穿于整個學習過程中不是在一門課終了時或一年才進展一次18五、Assessment is the most important part in a CBT system鑒定是才干為根底的培訓系統(tǒng)的中心部分2.The standard of assessment must be consistent across all training so that quality of training is maintained 為確保鑒定的質量,才干鑒定規(guī)范應該具有一致性

13、Assessment should be valid, reliable & fair 鑒定該當有效、可靠和公平3.Assessment should support learning 鑒定是為了支持和協助學習19Assessment procedures must be: 鑒定的過程必需:Valid assess what they are intended to assess有效Reliable provide consistent results可靠Fair & Equitable do not disadvantage any trainee公平20Practical, resourc

14、e- effective, clear and efficient 真實可行、利于操作Supported by competent assessors and adequate records 鑒定人員必需具備相應資歷并做好鑒定的記載Assessment procedures must be: 鑒定的過程必需:21What is Competency Based Training (CBT)?六什么是才干為根底的培訓(CBT)?CBT is a system for Vocational Education & Training (VET) in which:CBT是職業(yè)教育的一個系統(tǒng):Ind

15、ustry identifies what skills (competency) a worker must have. These are called competency standards. 行業(yè)認可工人所具備的才干,即行業(yè)確定才干規(guī)范。22 2. Training providers (colleges, schools) then design training programs which guarantee that graduates will have the skills identified. 學校設計培訓方案,確保畢業(yè)生具備行業(yè)認可的才干。六什么是才干為根底的培訓(

16、CBT)?233. Courses completed by students of one college are recognized by all colleges nation wide. 學生所完成的課程全國認可。 六什么是才干為根底的培訓(CBT)?24Characteristics of CBT SystemEmphasis on training outputs強調培訓結果Based on Nationalindustry standards以全國一致的行業(yè)規(guī)范為根底Knowledge, skills attitude to do job知識、技藝、素質是做好任務的要素Trai

17、ning on or off job or a combination在崗或不在崗的培訓Criterion referencedAssessment以才干規(guī)范為參考的鑒定CBT系統(tǒng)的特征25No time limit to achieve competency 學生到達才干規(guī)范沒有時間限制Recognition of Current Competency認可學生目前具備的才干Articulation學生具備較強的口頭和文字表達才干 Assessment when learner is ready學生預備好了就可以接受鑒定Ability to transfer knowledgeand skil

18、ls to new situations學生才干在不同的企業(yè)得到同樣認可CBT系統(tǒng)的特征26Issues要點Role of industry Are they ready and able to become full partners with the schools/colleges? 行業(yè)的腳色和職責行業(yè)能與學校協作嗎?27Issues要點2. Scale of the task 這是一個宏大的系統(tǒng)工程28Issues要點3. Implications of CBT in terms of upgrading CBT系統(tǒng)中能夠出現的問題Teachers 教師Equipment & Facilities 設備Management Systems 管理部門Quality 質量保證學生、教師、教材等等29七、中澳工程校企協作推行方案 1、廣泛的行業(yè)聯絡任務 : 應該高度注重行業(yè)聯絡任務,應調研30家以上相關企業(yè),并掌握相關資料。 302、和相關企業(yè)的深化協作: 與35家企業(yè)簽署協作協議,就專業(yè)建立、學生實習與就業(yè)、互派師資、采用訂單式培育方式、共建實訓基地和技術中心等多方面與企業(yè)全面展開協作。


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